Linebreaker. Same shit, vindicators.
Great sorc: select psyker, can attempt additional power. 1 CP.
Fire Frenzy. Same shit. Helbrute shit.
Daemonforge. Same shit. Daemon Vehicle shit.
Coruscrating beam. 3cp. Shooting phase, warlord doesn't move. Instead of shooting pick 2 points on battlefield within 9" visibile to him. Draw line. 4+ d3 MW, 5+ on characters.
Cabalistic Focus: 1cp, before starting psychic test. If at least within 6" of 2 other psykers, add 2 to the result.
Relics. 1cp for 1, 3cp for 2.
Killshot. Same shit. Predator shit.
Blasthemous Machines. Same shit. Ignore heavy on vehicle.
Warpflame Gargoyles. Seen it in preview.
Familiar. Swap power for 1cp. Any discipline.
Sorcerous Pact. 1cp. Roll 4 dice when summoning, no perils from it.
VotlW. Same shit.
Boon of Tzeentch. Same shit, characters kills something big... roll on buff table.
Webway infiltration. Previewed. CP to deep strike. 3cp for 2 units.
Soul Flare. 1cp. Aspiring sorcerer or scarab sorc is slain. Roll d6 for every enemy unit within 6". -2 for chars or vehicles. 4+ does a single MW.
Fated mutation. Previewed. Choose spawn table, reroll attacks.
Vengeance for Prospero. 1cp, fight phase. DTTFE trigger on 4+ against space wolves.
Flesh Change. Previewed. Swap character for a spawn.
Inferno Bolts. 1cp. Before battle. Select vehicle before battle, give a vehicle's combi bolter profile to be -2.
Baleful Vortex. 1cp. Use after vortex beasts resolves power. Roll d6, and it uses another power, this can be duplicate and always succeeds.
Cycle of Slaughter. Previewed. Fight twice with Tzaangor for 2cp.