>5 gods and 3 goddesses create a empire.
>After about 800 years the gods die of old age.
How many children & descendants can you have in 800 years? They were fertile until the end of their lives.
>5 gods and 3 goddesses create a empire.
>After about 800 years the gods die of old age.
How many children & descendants can you have in 800 years? They were fertile until the end of their lives.
No fucking of mortals?
Yes, they fuck mortals.
What are the gestation periods of the various couplings?
How many times can a god cum in a day?
What's the standard litter size for a goddess?
Are they fucking animals as well as humans? If so what kinds?
Fucking ,thousands, maybe tens/hundreds of thousands, then, depending on how prolific the men are. The males could travel the world screwing a wench a day, and you'd have something like 24 generations of children coming out of the first wave
>Gods dying of old age
What's the gestational period, what's the chance of miscarriage and still birth, how long after giving birth will it be safe to become pregnant again, what's the childhood mortality rate, and at what age to people become fertile?
Slightly over 800 for the goddesses (assuming few twins) and tens of thousands for the gods if they reproduce like humans and are determined to go at it.
5 male gods * 800 years * 365.25 days in a year = 1 461 000 kids.
3 goddesses * 800 years * 12 months in a year / 9 months per pregnancy = 3200 kids
Then again, being divine beings the length of pregnancy might be shorter, and one kid at a time may not be the standard either.
The Norse gods weren't naturally un-aging, they relied on the golden apples form a magical tree to stave off old age and death. One decidedly impressive feat that Tor pulled off was going up against old age herself in a wrestling match, and only being forced down on one knee.
Also forgetting all the descendants of those children
Of course they do. That explains why everything was better back when you were young.
Yeah, that's just the first gen, things get pretty insane really fucking fast if we start counting further down the line. Let's see her,e for some extremely simple math we assume each "godblood" (both first gen and further down the line) lives to 100 and has four kids (that live) through his or her lifespan, so 0.04 kids per year. And the Gods themselves are, as we saw, producing 1830.25 kids every year. So our total population of divine descendants grow each year with 4%+1830.25. We ignore that this implies some very odd things for the first decade and a bit. After 800 years that gives us...
1 936 965 401 038 380 000 people, or about 250 million times Earth's current population. So yeah, at some point here odds are these descendants will have started to fuck each other, drastically reducing this number. So the real amount of people with any kind of divine blood in them will, without any ironclad caste system or so in place keeping people from breeding with each other, simply be "everyone" in whatever geographic area these people can reach.
That gives me an idea. Almost everyone at the time proposed by OP is a descendant of Gods. They are probably superior to normal people in every way possible. They are smarter, stronger, faster BUT incest is catching up to them and because of this more and more of them become victims of strange incest related aflictions, preferable of the strange/god kind. It might even be that most of the game monsters and horrors are just very unlucky victims of increasingly incestious relationships.
For this reason pure, ungodly people that are weaker, not as smart because they do not have gods blood and which are extremely rare at this point are sought after to father/mother children that will be spared incestious diseases.
Even if they didn't constantly have kids there's enough for this to be the foundation of the caste/social system of the empire.
I would maybe do like:
Direct child of a god or goddess. Might not count as an actual, full-blooded god for whatever reason (conceived in the mortal world?) but as close as you can get. Few of these but they live long enough to still be alive, now. One is probably emperor or empress.
Direct child of a god/goddess and a mortal. Not quite the above but might be equal at the sharp end (e.g. a direct child of gods might have all sorts of powers, but say he's the child of war and there's also a half-god child of war: maybe they're not that different when it comes to war). Maybe these guys have a long lifespan or maybe they don't: if the latter there aren't likely that many of them. One of these could also be the ruler.
Not a direct child but the child of divines, half-divines or just other generations of divine-descended. Powers and appearance proportionate to where they are on the big old family tree. Unlikely to be in a ruling position, but likely to be social privileged at least in certain sections of society or industries.
You got it wrong
It was old age that was forced down on one knee, then everyone lost their shit.
> Straightway there came into the hall
>an old woman, stricken in years. Then Ctgarda-Loki said
>that she should grapple with Asa-Thor. There is no need
>to make a long matter of it: that struggle went in such
>wise that the harder Thor strove in gripping, the faster
>she stood; then the old woman essayed a hold, and then
>Thor became totty on his feet, and their tuggings were
>very hard. Yet it was not long before Thor fell to his
>knee, on one foot. Then tJtgarda-Loki went up and bade
>them cease the wrestling, saying that Thor should not
>need to challenge more men of his body-guard to wrest-
>ling. By then it had passed toward night; tJtgarda-Loki
>showed Thor and his companions to a seat, and they tar-
>ried there the night long in good cheer.
Damn, I confused it with something else.
When Thor tried to lift Jormungandr disguised as a cat, and he was able to lift one of its legs off the ground.
Why yes, up and down are easy to get confused. Almost a third of the time I drop something I end up hitting my chin instead of my foot.
No being can escape the hands of time.
Goodness, what a foolish man you are then, yo should write reminders for yourself.
Utgarda-Loki (Loki of the Outland)
It's fun to see what I assume is text recognition software struggle with that name.
>the gods die of old age
Explain this
Basically this