So, who's down with this particular clown? I admit, I love the idea even if I'm not at full chub over the model itself.
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I'm interested. I've always felt that an Army of Knights was lacking something a bit more "reasonable" in size. Plus the fluff about them opens up possibilities, what's with it being used by lower nobles or even filthy commoners. Can be used as a stepping stone.
Me, I just wanted something with the Knight 'vibe' without having to cough up a quarter of my points for Lord Stompybutt
What's this?
Knight Armiger. Recent teaser pic. Basically think of it as a Knight Jr. We don't know a damn thing about it besides that it's a mini Knight for flanking and being a general nuisance.
First step in making Imperial Knights an actual army instead of supporting units.
What happens when a knight and a sentinel get drunk together.
If we get a boxy version for imperial guard Id be a happy man.
Im getting two to go with my knight.
You won't.
Is the pilot allowed to get out of it while it's still running and fight with a lasgun, or would the Imperium frown on that sort of thing?
You will get one model of sentinel while marines get 10+ dreadnought variant, and you'll like it.
I'm afriad you'll have to convert them yourself, or buy some ww2 mechs.
>no AI.
What do you think?
>>no AI.
>What do you think?
Big Imperial vehicles have limited AI that can operate on its own - that one story where a Land Raider fights its way clear to get the badly wounded Marines inside to safety, for example.
>no AI.
>What do you think?
I, uh... machine spirit?
>or buy some ww2 mechs
I think that's going to be the go-to, would not be hard to 40k pic related.
Why can IG players never be satisfied with having a diverse range with good models that have strong rules?
Just ally them in for fucks sake.
>Why can SM players never be satisfied with having a diverse range with good models that have strong rules?
I don't play guard, but can you remind me when was their last new unit? I believe it's the Wyvern, and that was 4 years ago.
For a force supposed to run everything from headhunters to elite psy-ops airborne regiments, the guard certainly is lacking in diversity.
Is that regular knight weaponry on a lighter chassis, or is it downgraded in every aspect?
Grooving that Starsiege reference.
Planning on making a Chaos Knight army. One Knight per God. These little fuckers will make great mobile support.
>Muh diversity
Sorry, not sorry.
The alternate head is better, but I'm a big fan.
The baby chainsword is the most darling thing.
So, choice of melta or heavy phosphor blaster carapace weapon, definitely a smaller thermal cannon and chainsword, and the facebook page said it would be plastic, so it's not Forgeworld either
I love it
>Imperial Guard infantry
There's a lotta conversion opportunities but Cadians and Catachans, the only ones regularly in stock, suck donkey dicks most of the time. Seriously those models are old enough to drive.
>Anti-Necron knight
>Doesn't have energy weapons
Justify this.
>mini thermal cannon
>not an energy weapon
looks like a hopped up melta.
heat is a transfer of energy, user
Could anyone link me to the rumours about the Crons vs AdMech box set?
>alternate head
>he doesnt want wheately to be his machine spirit
Alright, im going to try something. The techpirests said if i ever turned this on, it would kill me. it. GOES!
>chainsword whirring intensifies
Oh wow, im still alive! I wonder if theres anything else i can- BOOM
by that definition a bullet is a transfer of kinetic energy, and thus everything is an energy weapon
I plan on 3-6 to go with my Knight house not that I will ever get more than 4 Knights onto the table.
Its bullshit most likely. It surfaced on some italian site and they say the source is anonymous
I think you just think of energy weapons as firing 'energy!' Without thinking about the principle behind it, or what the actual 'projectile' is.
melta fires lava, which is superheated mineral. which makes it have more in common than a lascannon or an plasma gun.
which makes it have more in common with a standard projectile weapon*
Love the overall design, but I hope there'll be a more knightly head option, the two shown so far are too AdMech for my tastes. Also curious about alternate weapon options.
That doesn't change the fact that proper Knights are currently horrendously overcosted for very bland offensive capabilities, making knight households fucking awful on the field.
>melta fires lava
No, it doesn't? It fires a stream of microwave radiation.
I would love that if they made them in a more reasonable scale, like 15mm or even 10mm. They are too fucking big to play with at 28mm, triple so for the other knights, and specially titans.
Titanicus will be a thing, you know.
I will believe it when its released. If it's true, it would be the first time I buy from GW since the glory days of the LoTR game.
Reread the weapons section of your primer again. You'll be needing its info as you've been assigned to carry your squad's Plasma Gun.
It's already being worked on, but with FW being in the shitter currently, it's being delayed until they can get it together.
Interesting, do we have words about the scale?
8mm. A knight would be around the size of a space marine, I've read.
8mm is an odd scale, not many people does minis at that scale. GW, C'mon.
Gw doesnt do "scale". They just make minis that look good on a table. Making the average man stand 8mm tall as a figure means jack shit when space marines dont even fit in their transports.
That's what FW/GW wants though, so there is less competition from other miniature companies and at the same time people with Epic collections have to buy new stuff because the scale is different
Sounds like a tipical Gw move, I don't know why it still surprise me.
Even then having a lower scale titans is a very juicy target, one of the few parts of 40k than still interest me.
Has there ever been any art of pilots for Imperial Knights?
These two models is the only depiction I can think of.
>Basically think of it as a Knight Jr. We don't know a damn thing about it besides that it's a mini Knight for flanking and being a general nuisance.
Knights were already small as fuck.
Knight is 9 meters tall. Dreadnought is 5 and a half.
That doesn't really leave much room for being anything more than a fancier-looking Sentinel.
>I, uh... machine spirit?
Mechanicus in a nutshell
Melta are actually microwave/plasma* weapons.
I know plasma guns are a thing in 40k, but they shoot plasmoids, while meltaguns seems to work as mini casaba howitzers.
Technically plasma is a side effect of the melta super heating the target, it doesnt shoot plasma but creates plasma in the vicinity of the target.
I don't play guard, but god damn I do feel bad for them. Not ruleswise, they've been very powerful for a while now, but they're an imperial army that used to sit next to the space marines in terms of posterboy-ness, with all the best fiction being about them, from around 3rd/4th, but since 5th/6th they've been slowly losing ground, neither of their last two codices have had any new models, the vast majority of their sculpts are really dated by now, and they regularly get older kits discontinued.
They're still in a better position than any xenos faction, with 84 listings on the gw webstore compared to 53 for orks, who have been around longer, and unlimited ally options due to being imperium mean they can take however many inquisitors, assasins, sisters, marines, bananas, etc., but I can understand why they feel so shafted, because it's such a recent thing relatively speaking, and they went from one of the game's most prominent armies, getting a spot in DoW before tau, to being boring jobbers with great rules but 0 support otherwise (I still have no idea how the sly marbo release actually worked, and I wanted him).
I'm looking forward to them even though I'm pretty sure I'm only gonna buy one or two seeing as I already own 6 other knights.
Think I'm gonna do those two up in a pearly white though.
That's kinds disappointing. Does the one on the right actually fit inside a Knight? I know the hatch at the top has space inside, does it fit inside that?
I don't think meltas superheat the target. They supearheat the air directly in front of the gun/in the barrel, that then becomes plasma and hits the target.
The one on the right is supposed to go on the Throne Mechanicums already modeled on FW knights. Pic related.
That's not how the weapon is described.
Rough guess based on the shared design elements.
Do all the foregeworld knights have that fitting or just the stupid lanky £200 ones?
Only the Cerastus ones as far as I know.
Well shit. Doesn't work on the GW ones I suppose?
>6'0 vs 5'10.png
I've considered doing a titanfall style conversion with either the pilot jumping out of that hatch or in the power fist for the fastball special
You could build your own seat, since it's just the guy they sell.
That looks to big. I'd hazard to guess it's not much taller than a sentinel. So up to the chest of the knight or so.
Do you have actually seen a fucking sentinel, dude?
>I have no idea what I'm talking about.
I've just looked through my books, and I've found two different explanations.
The oldest one (2E Wargear, since the old RT book is very concise on the meltagun) says that it cooks the target from the inside due to molecular agitation.
The other one (DH rulebook) says that the weapon excites pressurized gases that are then released as a blast of heat (ergo, plasma).
I'd tend to favor the second one because modern melta are pictured with a gas canister on the side, but both explanations make for cool weapons, and can exist as different patterns similar in effect. Anyways I've learned something today.
I honestly doubt that. Sentinels are tiny next to a Knight, the shared CAD elements would look way too small subsequently, such as the melta or heavy phosphor blaster on top or the entry hatch.
I'd favor the one produced by the actual company.
I own three. I might be off in my guess since I haven't measured or compared, but depending on how you pose the legs a Sentinel is about waist high~ish on a Knight.
The legs on the Armiger look similar to the legs on the Ironstrider. Which might mean it might be pretty tall. But the model itself just doesn't strike me as big as that image guesses.
Alright. Pic from the 40k rulebook (4th edition).
Notice the part about pyrum-petrol gas.
fresh from the battletech thread.
And ignore the tiny arms, it wouldn't be battletech if everything looked good.
I reckon the Armiger will be about the size of a redemptor.
>yfw they release snapfit Armigers for 40 bucks a pop.
i wouldn't mind, you can always saw the snapfit limbs and rework their posistions
this makes my benis become the big benis