What is the best smol race?
Post examples
What is the best smol race?
Post examples
the t'au are fairly smol
Are Skaven considered smol?
Smol and feisty.
'the fuck is 'smol'?
/aco/ has shortstack threads you fucking mong. Stop wasting space on Veeky Forums
opposite of tol
Says user as we're on the 9998th completely undisguised MGE fetish thread and an endless stream of Amazon "worldbuilding".
Skaven don't exist.
no, they're at least as tall as humans, just hunched over
even then, they don't appear much shorter
except the OP is
a) not lewd
b) short, but not stacked
Recently felt in love with Ixalan Goblins
Gotta love those lil monkeys
>smol != shortstack
Meowt of the way, faggots
Kobolds are a close second, but they are nothing compared to the ratfolk master race
furshit OUT
>not liking monkeys
what the fuck is wrong with you?
they remind me too much of children
Get out of the way young ones, RPG smol master race coming through.
I love those fat, slimy little bulbous bastards.
google it
>upcoming DD expansion will be Orcs & Goblins
Give it up already, Goblin Slayer.
You were given your chance to be more than a flavor of the month and you fucked it up royally. Back to the old and busted bin with you.
>Not watching Hakumei to Mikochi
What's all this?
Squealer did nothing wrong!
This movie made me really goddamn sad
Anyone has the comic with the really tiny spiderfolk?
I like gnomes
Poor Maria.
That would be kind of creepy if she met the doll before dying.
Retard internet way of saying 'small'
Monkeys and primates are disgusting. They look too similar to us, but at the same time too different. And we already have no bones about loathing and killing each other for slight differences in facial composition or skin/hair/eye pigmentation, so what makes you think we should admire a bunch of animals or animal-people who look like a twisted version of us?
Yordles are pretty alright, at least in their fan art versions. Now that they've cleaned up the lore on them they're more interesting.
>animals or animal-people who look like a twisted version of us?
so EXACTLY what a goblin should be?
actual gnomes here to fuck shit up
You should want to smite the goblin, not fuck it.
>upwards of 30 40k related threads on Veeky Forums at any given time
>one small races thread on Veeky Forums is bad
I hope that mental illness isn't a sign of something terminal, user.
Is that a rocket in you pocket
That seems much more like a Halfling warmachine, what with all the food. Perhaps created with the aid of gnomish mechanists?
Best answer. Kobolds are great, especially when they have a dragon to serve.
>going to /aco/
Somewhat close second, but only if not done in that stupid "lol all fae are actively evil and sadistic just talking to one means you're blind in one ear for a week".
Didn't you know? Veeky Forums stands for Terra's Great.
Sexy fairies
it's an anime word, avoid anyone who uses it or any thread that uses it
Friend please go and look again at the Ixitlan goblin. It's a blue monkey with mismatched glowing red eyes. Just like the other three images the reactionary troll was screeching about, it is in no way sexualised. So perhaps pay a little more attention instead of reaching so far, you'll pull something doing that.
it's actually very much a cartoon word
it's the western equivalent of chibi
Best and most heretical smol for sure
Ottrekin, for being horrid little gypsy bastards instead of the "Just SO CUTE" little guys every other setting has*.
*Okay, yeah, minus Skaven.
Goblins, obviously.
Hey, I like gnomes too.
Humans. No, not particularly short humans. All humans.
I'm torn between making kobolds little "clever girl" velociraptor skinks, poisoned mining and forging kind of goblins, or skittery asshole horned ratlings like Skaven.
I hate cutebolds, I like em evil.
It might still be a good idea to include the cutebolds in a setting with evil fuckers. The natural servants of dragons could easily be domesticated by the races of man to create the hapless puppy headed wretches. Then of course the cute ones eventually become the victims of proper kobold violence and the only beings that they in turn can enslave.
Nah, also fuck being the natural servants of dragons. Anything not a dragon is considered to them a natural servant of the dragon.
skittery assholes, but with delusions of being the master warrior race, despite having an average adult height of 3 and a half feet
Are there any short races that are powerfully built or otherwise physically threatening?
other than dwarves
Anything from Warcraft will be absolutely shredded. Even the gnomes, though they have a bit of a potbelly.
The Yordles in League of Legends can get pretty strong. Or Poppy can, anyway.
What the fuck is from?
I remember it from my childhood and would dig checking it out again
The Woodland Folk book series by Tony Wolf
I'm Poppy. I'm Poppy. I'm Poppy. I'm Poppy. I'm Poppy. I'm Poppy. I'm Poppy. I'm Poppy. I'm Poppy. I'm Poppy. I'm Poppy. I'm Poppy. I'm Poppy.
that's me
Hell yes
I'm still bitter about it
elaborate more upon these martial smols and their fancy uniforms.
Kobolds, but Goblins are a serious runner up
>fairy enchants her vagina to (painlessly) squeeze large things inside
>she shudders and moans as your cock literally disappears, the nature of the spell making you fill her completely
>insists on riding you, possibly with a light, guiding grip
>secretly desires your hand firmly around her, pumping her roughly up and down
What are you so bitter about, user? It's just EA agreeing to publish under a business model they hate, then offering no advertisement or assistance whatsoever before announcing they're killing the game for failing to completely overtake League (on the day of the game's first official tournament), then maintaining a deathgrip on the IP and assets to keep the people who actually want to make the game from doing so.
So we agree. Gnomes are good
this show is awful
Feegles are fucking awesome.
One of the side dealios Dreamscarred is doing/did/whatever had Manul catfolk, small with a str bonus. They also get to knock off armor penalties to stealth.
Separately, these fuckers. Von Neumann bots have never been so cute. If only warforged scouts hadn't been utter shit statwise.
it is? manga was comfy
Whos the shopkeeper, the one being harassed by pix, and the one cut off in the foreground/bottom of image?
Gobbo Girls!
I haven't read the manga but I just find it to be a boring shitfest. characters seem to be the focus even though they aren't interesting or well written, the art and setting aren't used to their max potential either.
for smol anime, arietty really takes the cake.
You want to fuck monkeys?