I haven't paid attention to 40K lore in forever. Why is the Ultramarine Primarch not in charge of the Imperium now...

I haven't paid attention to 40K lore in forever. Why is the Ultramarine Primarch not in charge of the Imperium now? Why does he share power with incompetent assholes?

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He IS in charge of the Imperium, his formal rank is Imperial Regent, so tl;dr the voice of the Emperor.

He also dramatically purged and restructured the High Lords and other elements of Imperial power, so there's at least fewer incompetent assholes than before. We'll need to wait and see until the storyline continues how his governing codex works out.

He is the Imperium de facto ruler of the Imperium he and Valoris actually the other high lords are de fanged and function more like advisors as of late

>Why is the Ultramarine Primarch not in charge of the Imperium now?
He pretty much is in charge. He's not stupid enough to think he can do everything himself, hence why he's replaced half of the High Lords with people he believe are more suited to the job.

Semi-related, can someone explain to me why the high lords are often depicted as incompetent?

They're like the only people in the imperium that get nominated based on merit alone, and have to climb on top of some of the most byzantine organizations possible with only their wits and connexions, while surviving assassination attempts from their rivals and chaos cultists.
For someone to reach that position, you have to be unattackable in every aspect. A babbling fool would get sidelined way before attaining that rank.

Even the criminal/crazy ones, like Vandire or Vangorich there seems to be a trend with names here, managed to craft masterful coups involving millions of people and decades of careful planning, on top of their other tasks.

The problem with the high lords is not usually incompetence, but detachment and greed. The Beast series made a point of saying that the high lords themselves were still competent but they had turned their skills to suit their own agenda.

>Why is the Ultramarine Primarch not in charge of the Imperium now?
He is.

>Why does he share power with incompetent assholes?
He doesn't.

Go read Gathering Storm dood.

At such a level, is personal agenda really distinguishable from the good of the Imperium?
The high provost is gonna want more law, the master of the administratum more tithes, and so on. That's why they're a council in the first place, so they balance each other out.

Read pdf related. It's a good book, apart from the moment where the outline was obviously written by the Design team to shove in their new models.


sounds as boring as I expected

Pdf related, along with Dark Imperium posted just above, kinda explains high level bureaucracy. This time however, it is noted they aren't incompetent at all, the narrator, the chambellant of the Senatorial Imperialism, makes it clear that they are the best of the best, but it's just that the Imperiul is so damn vast and so damn fucked it's practically impossible to salvage situations very often.

Also features the cutest, purest "couple" of 40k.

It is very distinguishable. The needs of the imperium might mean that you have to send armies fleets somewhere to fight some enemy, that means losing men and materiel. To move those armies you need ships, those ships get sent to hot zones so they might be lost too. Those ships are no longer guarding commercial traffic so that means routes are more vulnerable. So on and so foth. From a single war all parties have a lot to lose that they would rather put somewhere else more safe in order to maintain or advance personal standing.

Hell, at the time of the beast series a whole chapter got sent away to prove how cool someone was.

Is he making tts cannon?

Like real life - the people who get to the top are usually there because they have minimal talent enough to stay there but their main talent is ambition to get to the top
Like that cunt at work who does the bare minimum but spends most of his time socialising with the management so gets promoted and then pushes all his increased workload down
Plus the position is so powerful / until robot came back / they spent most of their time fighting people lower down
No long term strategic thinking
Put it this way - they routinely decide against increasing astartes chapter strength and military numbers and building ships because they didn’t want military high lords to become more powerful

Is that a stormcast eternal?

So guilli is fixing all the flaws of the imperium and making the series uninteresting?

Like how eldar are now not a dying race (technically litteral they are)

What's next tyranid aren't much of a threat as they thought, they can't adapt to a new super weakness.

Chaos actually is starting to calm down and is helping the imperium?

Greater good is actually good?

>Like how eldar are now not a dying race (technically litteral they are)
They are, and always have been dying, aside from the drukhari. the ynnari are a tiny splinter faction and only a tiny portion of craftworlders and drukhari are allied with them.

it's their boss

>So guilli is fixing all the flaws of the imperium and making the series uninteresting?
Yeah. Ynnari are the only interesting thing coming out of nu-Gee Dubs. Even the art is soulless and shit on a technical level besides.

Skitarii are also really cool, but they're not really new lore so much as great models and genuinely interesting elaboration of old lore.

Their codex art is still utter shit though.

Fuck off Ynnari

Weeell... TTS is always going to be better frankly, because it's fan content and they have way less pressure. And with the next episode coming soon™...


Valerian/Aleya 4life

>Chaos actually is starting to calm down and is helping the imperium?

so which is going to be the next Primarch to come back

is it going to be

Leman Russ?

Yes, it is...

>This sector is under threat from Tyranid invasion
>But wait! I have personal interests in THAT sector that's erupted in civil war!
>Better save my assets and send the fleet there!

The civil war is a finite conflict, the worlds are still going to be there for liberation once the hive fleet is taken care of, but those worlds processed by the hive fleet are never ever coming back, they can't even be made habitable...

Lion or Russ for sure

Magnus -> Roboute
Mortarion -> Russ
Angron -> Lion
Fulgrim never

Definitely Russ. Dark Angels already got their Codex, Space Wolves haven't. He'll be in it when it comes out in May. Screencap this post.

It damn well better be. Guilliman is pompous enough that he'll probably fuck this up if someone doesn't remind him that badass space psychopaths still make up the majority of his best forces and that pound for pound most of them are better at what they do than the Ultramarines.

I'd also take Khan. Just so long as we get one of the badass primarchs back.

>Chaos actually is starting to calm down and is helping the imperium?
How do you know Chaos hasn't been helping the Imperium THIS ENTIRE TIME?!?!?

>What's next tyranid aren't much of a threat as they thought, they can't adapt to a new super weakness.
No, they become the ultimate threat though the power of Waifu!

I don't find any of the grimderp you're complaining about particularly interesting, so changes are fine by me.

guys, have you read the new Alphalegion lore?

I haven’t read up on this-

What are the odds he really did fake his own death or something like that?

Anyone have a link to pdfs of the Gathering Storm?

Too bad Vulkan was killed for cheap thrills in the Orruk fanfiction series.

That was strongly disappointing. He is a Perpetual, and a regenerative one at that, but given that he was incinerated and then was on a planet that imploded, it's probably not going to be something he comes back from. I would be interested in seeing the novels tie up the remaining Artefacts, though, they sound pretty sick.

Big Bobby has actually been remarkably frustrated with several aspects of the Imperium and how he has been unable to fix it. This includes the Ecclesiarchy and the incompetent Administratum. And that they don’t actually know what year it is.


I love the idea of Guilliman taking a few months off from kicking Mortation's ass to come back to Terra and systematically unfuck the Administratum. How many millions of Guardsman could he conscript from useless branches of the bureaucracy? He was the Emperor's best logistician, too, so how much of Terra's shit-ass design and upkeep could he improve? He could probably spend centuries unfucking Terra alone.

They're on the animation stage, which is usually last, so it should be out within the month

>Alpha legion are loyalist traitors
>Dark Angels are traitor loyalists

If Fulgrim comes back they better have one of his Ferrus clones escape and lead the Iron Hands


Dorn probably hitted his head and has been sleeping the whole time.

>that cunt at work who does the bare minimum but spends most of his time socialising with the management
Autist here. How do you do that? Please, I'm desperate to know.

Make friends. Especially with the higher-ups. Find out what they like, pretend to like it too. Bring them coffee, donuts, whatever. Actually bring the whole office donuts. Offer to stay after your shift and get extra work done (you probably don't actually have to do extra work). When not socializing, ALWAYS LOOK BUSY. if people think you are working hard, that is all that matters. If you seem to be getting along, and are of the same gender, invite your co-workers to the bar or something similar after work.

thanks for postin this

>They're like the only people in the imperium that get nominated based on merit alone
Says who? Politicking, lineage, and cool assassination seems as likely as anything merit-based.
>have to climb on top of some of the most byzantine organizations possible with only their wits and connexions
The only thing I can imagine compares to the place and function of a high lord vs. what he understands of what is beneath him, is probably the equivalent of an ant with human intelligence on top of an ant hill, and who has the authority to direct the entire Earth.

Politicking and cool assassination are valid meritocratic methods.

>So guilli is fixing all the flaws of the imperium and making the series uninteresting?

No. He's making it more interesting. We need Guilliman to build up the galaxy before the bad guys tear it down. Nobody cares if Detroit gets blown up. Baal was a shithole. Imagine if Dante spent one thousand years making Baal a desert oasis, only to have the Tyranids ruin everything. Now that's pathos.


Example: wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Sennaca

>Sennaca was a High Lord of Terra, sometime between M40 and M41. During his time as a High Lord, he struck a deal with a conclave of radical Thorian Inquisitors that were stealing psykers destined for the Golden Throne, in order to slowly starve the Emperor. In return for being allowed to sell the stolen psykers to wealthy nobles for exorbitant fees, Sennaca agreed to use his position to hide the Inquisitors' activities. However, their insidious scheme was discovered years later by the Adeptus Custodes Captain-General Tybanus Lencilius, who then assembled a combined force of Custodians, Sisters of Silence and Imperial Assassins, to pull the corrupt operation up by its roots. Neither the Thorians nor Sennaca, nor any of the High Lord's inner circle, survived the vengeful purge that followed.

Isn't Ferrus Manus' Spooky Ghost leading the Legion of the Damned.

doujins when

>Make friends
Welp, I can't do this.

>Find out what they like, pretend to like it too
My problem (at least I believe is) is that I am very transparent. They could see my bullshit.

>Offer to stay after your shift and get extra work done
This will get you seen as a rube, and the more savvy will start to take advantage of you.

I literally know all of what you said, it's just that there is something more to all this, something I can't figure out.

If you can't make friends then you will never succeed in office politics

Oh, addendum: you do not have to "pretend" to like what they like. Simply find common interests, and attempt to build a relationship around that.

Thank. Any more tips though?

Fuck off, ND (or the retard that's pretending to be him).

Nice quads.

Get better at interpersonal relationships? It's a rectifiable issue, user. No need to suffer.

Just general tips? Count calories, diet, hit the gym, etc. I have no idea what you look like but being in good physical shape
A: is a great confidence booster
B: makes others treat you more seriously
C: makes you more attractive to whatever your preferred gender is
D: gives you more energy to get shit done throughout the day
E: is well-correllated with life satisfaction
F: is well-correllated with increased longevity
G: gyms are a great place to meet friends, if you want to.

It hasn't gone full AoS quite yet (where the main human faction went from being a giant monolithic empire rotting from the inside, with the barabaric forces of chaos bringing it down, to the forces of chaos somehow ruling over the setting and the good guys are the LIBERATORS saving everyone), but the Indominus crusade definitely feels like it. I'm no chaosfag, but I really feel like the imperium should never be a step above the competition, and I think new lore that reinforces the imperium's stagnancy and slow inevitable loss of territory is needed, and fast, before the setting is ruined by making it:

>featuring "Xenos"! From some other setting!

The entire appeal of the older lore was the "good guys" being a totalitarian regime constantly forced to be more and more brutal and unforgiving in order to try and slow down the collapse of their empire from both external and internal forces, mostly death by a billion cuts from the various xenos factions, but chaos as the embodiment of that entropy the imperium suffers.
And newer lore is slowly starting to de-emphasize that more and more, in favour of one huge epic battle between the good guys and the bad guys, with some aliens as window dressing.

When everyone has to politick and assassinate their way to the top, you get a country ruled by guys who are great at politicking and assassination and not much else. A lot of IRL dictatorships had this problem.

>I think new lore that reinforces the imperium's stagnancy and slow inevitable loss of territory is needed

Yo, dumbass. Despite the intro of the P-Marines and junk, the lore has the Imperium losing ground before the combined assaults of its enemies. The Imperium victories are just specs in front of the tidal waves of losses.

>The entire appeal of the older lore was the "good guys" being a totalitarian regime constantly forced to be more and more brutal and unforgiving in order to try and slow down the collapse of their empire from both external and internal forces, mostly death by a billion cuts from the various xenos factions, but chaos as the embodiment of that entropy the imperium suffers.

It doesn't. Girlyman is forced to coincide the brutality of the Imperium. His reforms he is planning will fall on their place.

Now please. Give citations about the lore you read. I wanna know how you got things so wrong.

on their face*

In dark imperiumwas he almost wonders if he has died and gone to his own personal hell.

Guilliman actually states in "devasation of baal" that he plans to put a stop to the practice of recruiting Marines from death world psychopaths.

Did anyone tell him about the Inceptors?

Does anyone have the Gathering Storm novels in pdf? Fuck paying for that shit.

>black library
>good book
Oh Veeky Forums, never change.

I love the contrast of "remotely sane person" in the 40k general setting. Too bad 30k was just the same shit, different year instead of being a dramatically different place.

Fucking Guilliman and Yvraine are hogging all the fanart.

Let us have something goddammit!

Where's that quote that basically says Bobby G wants to kill himself?

Yeah I read the travesty that was the Chaos Space Marine Codex.

>Muh Alpha Legion can literally infilitrate the Imperial Palace whenever they want but they only do it to prove a point to the High Lords.

Fucking hell. Is there not a single person out there that can write Alpha Legion without them being Mary Sue *pss nuthin personal* fags who always win even when they lose?

I thought they could come back from literally anything unless warp shenanigans were involved.

Very out of character for Dorn.

Freudian slip?

The Dawn of War guys, maybe

I dont know much about the dark angels lore, whats up with this "are they really loyal?" Thing? Didnt part of them, lead by Luther became heretics and thats It?

What if Im a filthy 5'5" manlet?

The issue isn't really the Fallen (which is the dudes who turned to chaos). The issue is that the rest of the DA are just so fucking obsessed with keeping the existence of the Fallen secret that they're happy to assassinate Inquisitors, ditch critical war zones, and inflict any degree of collateral damage in the process of covering it up, the next result of which is that oftentimes they do more damage to the Imperium than the Fallen ever did.

but tts is complete and utter shit

Oh, thanks!

>monolithic empire
you mean the opposite of monolithic right?

It's a monolithic government ruling a divided empire. The intent of its leaders is very much to present the Imperium as a unified front. The reality differs, of course.

>Be guilliman
>See space Marines battle barge docking at Terra.
>Recognize it as one of the heresy era barges you personally gifted to one of your second founding chapters.
>Except you don't remember having a succecor chapter with the symbol of a bull and gold and red paint scheme

I mean they're not fantastic literature by any means, but a lot of them are pretty entertaining

Their incompetence is less damaging to humanity's future that a civil war to root them out would be.


Nah. He did what needed doing.

Even for a Primarch, unfucking the Administratum would be centuries and centuries of work, especially if he has to run the war machine at the same time. It's why we need another couple of Primarchs back in play, to free him up so he can devote his time to bureaucracy and balance sheets.

There was a time a Primarch got mad that bureaucrats are running the Imperium and decided to do something about it you know...

>why can't those stupid bureaucrats run this imperium of a quadrilion people correctly? They got the best slave labour, unreliable tech and shitty interstellar communication to help them.
>I know, I will simply remove them and run things myself.
>after all, I've commanded armies of loyal supersoldiers, this can't be really different.
I admit, this would make for a great apocalypse.

Yes, but it's our Shit.

Some people call that being in a coma.

They hijacked their food-transport, not infiltrated their palace.

I want to get the good lore stuff people talk about from 3rd edition.
Where do I look for it? What should I read?

Difference is that Guilliman is canonically really fucking good at being a bureaucrat-come-accountant. There are better generals, tacticians, combat specialists, psykers, and shit, but he excels at bureaucracy and management.

Vulkan Lives.

>good lore
It's not, that's the thing.
It's good in the manner that nostalgia makes it good, because most people got into the game here in 4e where 3e lore was relevant, and even then, it only really applied to Chaos and D/Eldar.
All Imperium factions were made outrageously (hilariously) incompetent because to sell the GRIMDARK EXXXTREME content, the Imperium had to be as shit as possible at everything.
Necrons had no lore.
Orks actually had a lot of their lore rolled back, as much of the "Ork Kultur" sets clearly referenced 2e lore that didn't apply come mid-late3e/4e.
Tau jumped right out of the game as the idealistic "good" guys that couldn't be stopped.
Nids codified the hive fleet idea, leading to a number of pages talking about how unstoppable they were until they were inevitably stopped by someone.

That's so damn silly. Why would it take the Custodes years to notice this? No way they leave anyone unattended in the Throne room, and no way they don't notice there only being 999 psykers being hooked up, not 1000.

I just realised that I'm asking why someone dumb happened in 40K, don't mind me, carry on.