Why didn’t the Emperor make a single female Primarch?
Why did he decide to make them all male?
Why didn’t the Emperor make a single female Primarch?
Why did he decide to make them all male?
Ah, understandable
because 40k was equal parts parody in the beginning; half the lore was a joke, and the idea of token female characters was still a novel concept to the 1980s
>Robert, Alpharus, Fulgrim
Who says he didn't make female primarchs?
He was still mad over modern feminism 20,000 years later so he worked to create the patriarchy
Also OP is a faggot
>in the beginning
Many things have been retconned in 40k over the years.
Why not this?
Or why not make the two missing primarchs female?
Why would man ever need women in a world where cloning is available?
>implying alpharius has a gender that is knowable
>where cloning is available
Cloning in 40k is bad news and clones are unlucky soulless abominations, even Kriegers still need women to reproduce.
Because they have always been referre to as brothers. Hang yourself faggot.
That's because 10000 years after Emperor humanity had become beyond retarded.
>soulless abominations
Just less food for Chaos gods.
They're missing because they carry the emperor's seed. And giving birth to a god among men takes millennia. Also one is now chaos.
Son of the Emperor
Son of Chaos.
Because we need more OP characters in 40k
This, in a world where reproduction is no longer sexual and humanity is a warmongering empire, females are useless.
Where are they referred to as such?
Either way, that can be retconned as much as the Squats were
Girls have cooties, OP
Because the emperor is a fucking bigot
Which shouldn't be surprising given his actions on xenos
He's Turkish
>still that butt hurt
did he ever browse Veeky Forums?
Turkey is white, you Armenian scum!
>Implying Female Space Marines aren't a thing
I want lorelets to leave
Because they're instruments of war and men are objectively stronger and more violent than women. Without diversity quotas or the need for virtue signalling, why bothet making a less effective warrioe?
this is from an unlicensed magazine, you idiort
The Space Marines aren't superhuman because of their dicks, but because of their implants.
If their physiology has nothing to do with it, how do you know some arent female already? Seems a little bigoted to assume their gender desu.
Ah, the good ol "I'm just pretending to be retarded" argument
and the implants work because of their dicks.
No m8, im making fun of your idiotic response. If the "implants" turned them in burly muscular badasses, why didn't it turn them female-looking, since it obviously doesn't matter right? Surely they would be just as physically capable and effective as warriors, along with all their marine clones, if they were built on a female frame with a female brain, r-right?
He was born in 5000bc. A preference for having sons over daughters is understandable.
Of course not?
I already called out your "I'm just pretending to be retarded"
Try a different tactic.
Real men aren't stronger on average than real women because of their dicks either. What's your point?
No please, go back a bit. You're admitting that their physical traits help them as warriors... and it's not purely aesthetic. But previously you stated that their penis had nothing to do with it. So that meams either one of two things...
>Some could be female, with a vagina under their armor, made masculine for utilitarian purposes entirely through genetic modifications.
>You admit that female Primarchs / Astartes is a bad idea since the male traits are clearly important.
Wait, you're implying that muscles are a masculine feature?
Yeah. Most definitely.
You do realize all women have muscles, yeah? Or do you think they move through magic?
Because men are stronger
Because females can possibly get pregnant and the emperor doesn't want super humans take over and destabilize the human race.
>maybe being pedantic will deflect this away from my retarded contradictions
The child of a Space Marine doesn't spit venom just because their parent can.
That's not how human reproduction works.
I'm not sure how you don't understand that Space Marines aren't ripped because they're men, they're ripped because of their implants. If a woman was given the implants, why do you think she wouldn't be ripped as well?
It isn't? I thought a big base of biology was that certain traits get inherited.
>You're a grown ass man.
>THE single most competent man in your entire world. And you know for a fact that's not hollow boasting, you really are the shit.
>You are either the most beloved or the worst fear of literally everyone who has ever heard your name.
>Skies break open in golden light.
>Giant cathedral made of solid gold and covered in eagles plummets out of the sky, crushing the tree you planted over where your best friend died.
>A giant in gold armor and radiating pure power ambles out and squints around until he sees you.
>"Found it!" He screams back into the ship. "See if it's all Warpy, or if it can still kill a motherfucker without spazzing out like Numero Dos."
>He catches a reproachful look from a dude in a brown cloak.
>"Sure, sure. And give him a happy memory of our reunion or some shit. I've got shit to do."
You know this is how it went down for every last one of them. The rest is just propaganda or "forgotten".
Do you believe that if I have a pacemaker installed on my heart then I give birth to a child, that child will also have a pacemaker?
Would they be as ripped though?
Because men and women are very different in many ways you stupid double nigger.
It's far-future-science, of course they'd be as ripped.
>the emperor hails from /r9k/
>at age 30 his wizard powers activated
How so? If the strength baseline is lower it would make sense that they would be weaker. (Please don't come with the hurr durr it's fiction nothing has to make sense cop out)
They can pull a trigger, can't they? Just make sure to recover the weapon in good enough condition to put in the hands of the next sack of meat and bone. Your squad must be missing their Commissar, user.
It would also make sense that ships shouldn't be able to travel across the galaxy by traveling through hell, but I don't see you getting all pissy about that.
Besides, what's the difference between being able to lift 10,000 kgs and lifting 9,980 kgs?
>inb4 20 kilos
harr harr
so they couldn't breed. The primarchs (and space marines in general) were designed as living weapons, not as a viable species.
Eh if you can choose between 10.000 kg and 9.980 why pick 9.980?
>Men can't breed
I'm pretty sure they're need for the process to occur.
Sooo, confirmed for bigot?
Because he used his own DNA to make Primarchs?
No, I guess you are right.
\All men have different baseline strength, but the Space Marines don't test for that. They don't have the kids lift weights and who ever lifts the most gets to be the Space Marine
More like 19kg
>4 main lifts in powerlifting
>breaks 4 records in your path on 1st try
Double the Y
And how do they select who gets to be a space marine? It doesn't involve strength at all? I thought they selected warriors mostly.(men with a high strength)
YY genotype? Would it even work? Besides, like half Primarchs already have additional X.
I think you need one X atleast
>fan scenario released by a company without any input or permission from GW
>relevant when talking about the canon of a setting
I want people who don't remember what RPG magazines were like in the 80's to stop talking about them.
>They don't have the kids lift weights and who ever lifts the most gets to be the Space Marine
Feats of strength in the trials is common, actually. The salamanders in particular have anvil lifting as one of the things a potential initiate has to do before getting any implants.
Like, it's all brutal death games and spartan training to weed out the weak. Before any of the geneseed stuff happens.
Because Women are happy in combat roles anons.
>The Little Sisters of Purification
W-will they call me "onii-chan"...?
Their onii-chan is Emperor.
Implying that strength is the sole desirable trait in a warrior with mechanized resources. Women have a lower center of gravity and a proclivity towards multitasking, as well as presenting individuals with exceptional agility and precision. Female Space Marines would make outstanding pilots, artillery personnel, mechanized cavalry, and naval officers. That's completely ignoring the existence of butch women, who are a thing. You can laugh about butter face and thickness all you like, but I've seen farmgirls buck 100 lb. haybales all day and body slam cattle to brand.
It's almost like the Emperor wasn't doing things the most efficient and logical way. Almost like he had completely overlooked the necessity for a balanced, human approach to the growth of the species. But, everything worked out for the best, so I'm sure that's not true.
seeing shit like pic related gets my dick hard.
I can't wait for trannies and feminists to each their own after trannies win literally every women's sport ever
>the growth of the species
The primarches and space marines were not there for the growth of the species, user, they are tools of conquest and he knew it.
It's why space marines can't breed true.
>Implying that strength is the sole desirable trait in a warrior with mechanized resources.
Exactly. This is why we recruit soldiers in stringent 50/50 male/female ratios.
My country is nearing a 50/50 ratio, yeah, but we only lifted the ban about a decade ago
Women have hindered depth perception, spatial awareness, kinesthetics, and motion tracking compared to men. You'd get more bang for your buck if all the triggers being pulled were being pulled by men.
>Female Space Marines would make outstanding pilots, artillery personnel, mechanized cavalry, and naval officers
None of these are done by marines.
It's almost like the Emperor wasn't doing things the most efficient and logical way. Almost like he had completely overlooked the necessity for a balanced, human approach to the growth of the species.
That's the point. He made marines incapable of reproduction so they won't replace humanity.
theres a male mma fighters beating the shit out of real women too. fallon fox
Emperor was mad because no girl wanted him so he decided to show Stacey who's the boss
>None of these are done by marines.
Actually, the Marines have quite a lot of pilots. Thunderhawks are iconic for them and they've only gotten more fliers over the years. Fleet-based marines likely doubly so.
Ancient anatolians were more closely related to Greeks, Georgians and Armenians than t*rks, you dumbass
You know, I don't really understand the desire for female Primarchs or Rule 63 Space Marines like a lot of people do, but you gotta admit the Emperor doesn't seem very interested in women at all. I don't mean sexually, he just doesn't seem to care that they exist as part of the human species at all. He's supposed to be a guy who's all about the "perfection of the human form" and all that but he really only seems to be into the *male* form.
The Sisters and all that came later, so did Big E ever make *any* decisions or hold any views concerning women in particular? Like, he never made any lady Primarchs but he also never said "stay in your place and make babies for mankind, bitches."
>asking why the most powerful wizard ever shunned females
you're not too bright, are you OP?
Who says that the two unknown Primarchs weren't female?
>Why didn’t the Emperor make a single female Primarch?
Because women are bad at conquest and genocide
Warhammer was made in the 80's by a group of white men, of which very few were married.
This should tell you why the Emperor acted the way he did.
see you stupid cunt
>phallic fox
Because Games Workshop is boring.
Not sexist, just boring.
Unintended sexism is still sexism
Do you say females can't be brothers? That's awfully transphobic of you.
shit troll
>make the perfect warriors
>hey maybe I should make them genetically inferior just cause
If there was a female primarch it would be a gene flaw.
But that's the thing, the Emperor wasn't including women in all his fun army lists but he wasn't a misogynist either. He just forgot about them entirely.
I don't always get the desire to have full representation in the Imperium like it's Star Trek, if there's any setting where the oppression of women makes sense it's the ultra-puritanical 40k. But if anyone was gonna hold strong opinions on the matter one way or the other it'd be the Emperor, ladies make up a full half of his most favorite species.
>Women are genetically inferior
Back to kitchen, I need a sandwich.
He doesn't know what genes are.
They are simply weaker than men by design.
Like if you had a template that had -1 strength and you had another that didn't which would you take if you're a minmaxer like the emperor is trying to be?
If the Emperor is still tens of thousand of years old, he is born in tribalistic, patriarchal societies. His only friend is a dude. He just created what he was more comfortable with, what he had witnessed most of his life. That's a plausible explanation I found on r/40klore