How would you react if you spotted one of the players in your group concealed carrying, assuming the game isn't at their house?
How would you react if you spotted one of the players in your group concealed carrying...
Talk to the DM/host. If need be I'd stop going to the games. Most firearms are illegal here.
"Get that shit out of my apartment you retard. Carrying that shit in jersey, are you trying to commit suicide by cop?"
Just leave it in the glove box, user, nobody's going to attack you while you're gaming.
I'd make fun of them. Ask if they'd seen a bear in my backyard. Challenge them to a sword fight.
Well I live in the UK so probably call the police because that's very illegal.
Wouldn't care, where I am (United States) 'bout 1/3 of people conceal carry. That's just from my own experience though, don't know the real stats
Laugh at him for carrying M&P.
Why? It doesn't do shit in the glovebox. Do you think robberies and home invasions never happen? Do you think this player is going to use it? Why would you invite someone you genuinely suspect might fucking shoot you into your house to begin with?
I'd tell them they're printing and mock their choice of firearms, before inviting them to check out my SIG after the game.
>One of your friends got a firearm
>Well, of course I call the cops like a good law abiding citizen!
Shit friend
Depends on the concealed carry laws in the jurisdiction I'm currently located in and whether the DM expressed any preference or policy on this issue. It's the DM's house so up to them. If it's in public then whatever the facility's rules state.
Go "woah, cool", because guns are cool and make the person holding them cool.
>assuming the game isn't at their house?
They had to get to the gaming place somehow, it's a reasonable precaution against urban wildlife.
Literally why would I possibly care about this? If I thought they were particularly dangerous to me I presumably wouldn't be hanging out with them to begin with.
I don't get it, why would I do anything at all?
If he brought it into my house without my knowing I would be furious, almost furious enough to get my won gun.
You don't sneak guns into friends houses
I would tell the OP to stop sucking cocks and take this 2nd amendmant shit to /pol/
That's UK. A country where you can get jailed for scaring (not even stabbing) home intruder away with a kitchen knife.
I wouldn't react at all, because if I thought he was going to fucking shoot me he wouldn't have been invited in the first place.
Guns are a tool, it's the owner that matters. Don't game with people you think might kill you and it won't matter if everyone is packing or not.
Retard burger doesn't realize laws work differently abroad. You do realize there's countries where it's illegal to carry a pistol on your person, right?
In canada? Gtfo of my house.This aint the US and their gun shit show.
Sorry, retarded european here, who thinks that calling the cops on your FRIEND because you see him with a firearm is fucking shitty.
You do realize you're supposed to trust and support your friends, right?
Oh wait, no, you don't, you're a britbong, of course you're going to betray them.
I also conceal carry, so it really wouldn't bother me.
>the absolute state of England
>assuming the game isn't at their house?
I'd have more questions if it *was* at their house.
Give a weird look. Continue on with the game.
True, if I lived in your country I'd carry a piece of paper with unkind words about islam on it.
Such bait. Most wow. It's just a gun. I'm 10 seconds away from maybe 6 guns? 'Murica
>You do realize you're supposed to trust and support your friends, right?
You do realize that they're making the choice to fuck you over by putting you in a situation to either report them or be an accessory, right?
I would ask if they had a CC permit and if they didn't tell them to put it in a unconcealed holster because I'm not getting in trouble with the police just because they think they're the quickest cowboy in the west. Also inform them to stay off the trains past 8 pm, because that's just about the only time people get robbed.
>You do realize there's countries where it's illegal to carry a pistol on your person, right?
However, it is not illegal to not report crime unless you live in places that make 1984 look like libertarian utopia.
How about you don't be a faggot and let him concealed carry in peace if it's legal where you are. Seriously, what do you think will happen? The trained person (who likely went through the hassle of getting a permit) who wants to save your life if a dangerous situation arises, is suddenly going to snap and kill everyone just because he has a concealed gun?
If you want to be a bro, quietly pull him aside and tell him he's printing so he can canceal it better.
Question to the "omg call the police that's illegal" types.
Would you do the same thing if they had some marijuana lying out? Substitute for some other generally harmless but illegal substance if marijuana isn't actually illegal in your country.
If so, then yeah, you're a shitty friend and a narc.
If not, then it has nothing to do with it being illegal. State the real reason.
I'd let him do it. Because I conceal carry to my friends houses. They conceal carry in my house.
>mfw when one of us gets a new pistol, we take a moment to compare it and talk about it before moving on with our game
>never once has any of them brandished it during any of our game sessions, even when arguments and discussions get really heated
>Why? It doesn't do shit in the glovebox. Do you think robberies and home invasions never happen? Do you think this player is going to use it? Why would you invite someone you genuinely suspect might fucking shoot you into your house to begin with?
Why would I invite into my home someone who's either so genuinely afraid of their own shadow that they can't be without their gun in a private setting among friends for a few hours, or is such a colossal asshat that jerking himself off over the fact that the CCW permit he paid for makes him a big strong tactical operator is such a core part of his identity that he can't do the same?
I completely support people's right to carry for the safety of themselves and others and live in a state where doing so is not uncommon, but the kind of power fantasy douchebags who for whatever reason are unwilling to be without their gun for any length of time regardless of context are not the kind of people I want to hang around anyway.
I was surprised to see such a stupid pussy post among the 40K community, but then I realised OP is probably talking about D&D... which makes a lot more sense.
Found the redditor
Stop being such cucks. I open carry to each game I go too. It's my right!
being a little bitch
Holy shit what a faggot.
>baaaw this person has the means to defend himself, better throw a tantrum to the DM.
Why would I give a shit? I have a CHL myself.
>I would tell the OP to stop sucking cocks and take this 2nd amendmant shit to /pol/
Seconded (pun intended).
You Amerimutts are worse than vegans when it comes to guns.
Tell them to get out, like I'm telling you. Get out.
I'm sorry, user, that's a reasonable concern in that gestapo hellhole.
What if Tyrone bursts in and demands your waifu pillows?
LMAO look at these bitches
Glockfags pls go.
Wouldn't the person who willingly gave up his capacity for self-defense be the retard here, not the one who's prepared for Mahmoud's Sexual Emergencies?
He probably carries it everywhere dipshit... just like a wallet. He doesnt intend for estrogen-enriched faggots to see it and get assblasted. He doesnt want to leave it in his car because it could get stolen, and again, he doesn't expect you to notice it.
Your post just screams "I've never been subjected to danger." The funny thing is the day after you get mugged, stalked, or assaulted you'll be on /k/ the next day asking about concealed carry options.
>I would tell the OP to stop sucking cocks and take this 2nd amendmant shit to /pol/
I live in Northern Ireland. If the friend's with the police or another prison officer I have a friendly chat with them. If they're anyone else they're out of the house.
I would, yeah. And then I’d narc on you for all the pedoshit you have saved on your computer, weeb.
Hey Muhammad, if someone brought a dog to a game would you be ok with that?
That can literally also get you sent to jail, a guy forgot a sandwich with bacon on it on a street corner in front of a mosque, was sent to prison for a year+ because London courts deemed it a hate crime. He was killed by Pakis in jail.
I'd shoot them.
>I completely support people's right to carry, JUST NOT THIS TIME
Could it be that they just carry everywhere, and that the game is simply a subset of "everywhere," and they're not in fact doing it to "jerk himself off" about being a "big strong tactical operator"?
You seem to think people who concealed carry live in fear everywhere they go. But by that logic, I have a fire extinguisher in my kitchen because I'm so genuinely afraid of my own shadow that I don't think I can put bread in the toaster without my house burning down. That's ludicrous. I have a fire extinguisher in my kitchen for the one time, which has never happened yet and hopefully never will, that something DOES go wrong, something unpredictable and maybe not even my fault, frayed wires and shit also happen and cause fires too.
Why do you think the "context" of a "private setting" invalidates "people's right to carry for the safety of themselves and others" which you claim to support but don't actually seem to support in practice? Do you think crimes never happen in "private settings"? What about the public settings this player presumably traveled through on the way to reach this magical, crime-free utopia the game apparently is played in?
>sorry bro the cops caught me carrying an illegal firearm coming from your house so the cops are gunna be taking you in for questioning which may turn your life upside down.
>we are still friends though, right bro?
You don't get it because you're not an easily frightened statist cuck who hates the idea of someone not being dependent on the police for their safety.
>He probably carries it everywhere dipshit... just like a wallet.
>he doesn't expect you to notice it.
That is why it's called "concealed" carry. Open carry is for faggots, private security, and cops.
If someone just CC's everywhere, disarming and leaving it in the glovebox actually takes more effort than keeping it where it is. You're expecting them to actually go through extra effort just to keep their gun out of the holy sanctuary of the game room. Why? Why wouldn't someone who was, clearly, carrying beforehand, not just leave their gun where it is?
>someone who's either so genuinely afraid of their own shadow
He's not the one having a panic attack here.
you can conceal carry knives
Tell them to leave the illegal guns at home next time.
Literally everyone at my table CC's. We'd pick on someone who didn't CC.
Who said it was illegal? Stop projecting. And a gun, legal or not, not used in a crime is not going to launch an investigation you fucking bell end.
No, it wouldn't be okay but then none of my mates are dumb enough to own a dog. Try again burger.
How many school shootings have there been in the US this year?
The Shield is actually a pretty decent CC piece, it's very slim, fits nicely in a pocket, and holds 8+1 9mm bullets (unless you get .45ACP for some reason). It's good at what it does, which is be a nice little compact pistol with a three-inch barrel. No way is it going to out-shoot a Big Sig for Big Boys, but it's not supposed to. What've you got? My P250 is one of my favorite guns.
You dont smoke in a friends house without asking permission first, be it normal cigarettes or weed.
Considering game is at MY house, I'd be pissed that the player was so brainless and disrespectful as to bring a firearm to my home without informing me first.
I don't give a fuck about the herp derp this thread is probably already engaged in, you will respect my house and your host, all else is second, faggots.
I don't live in the US so it would not be concealed carrying, just illegal carrying. I would probably be very suprised and ask why the fuck he would ever want to carry a gun.
>which may turn your life upside down.
Ask if you're under arrest. Ask if you're free to leave. Do not invite any search that does not have a warrant or probable cause. Do not resist or argue. Declare your intention not to state anything without a lawyer present.
Unless they can actually prove you knew or reasonably should have known the gun was there, which if it was carried concealed they can't, they won't do shit to you other than try to scare you into flipping on them. Stay calm and don't give them anything and they'll just move on because, believe it or not, the cops actually have better things to do than harass you for no reason.
I would say to this person, nice gun. I would assume this person knows the host and got the okay for bringing it in.
for my house, no worries. i have seven guns.
well if I spotted it it's not very well concealed, is it now?
realistically, though, this was good bait. 4/10, I replied.
It's 100% a reasonable Veeky Forums concern if you live anywhere in America that isn't Commiefornia, NYC, or NJ.
Why do faggots like this assume everything happens in Americuckland?
Ask me how I know OP is talking about DnD
>lying out
Two different things, user.
Why do you take it as a disrespect? Most CCers don't think twice about it. Why do you treat guns different from literally anything else they might have on their person? I presume you don't expect any guest to empty their pockets and inform you about every item on their person.
>caring about tabletop games
They'd just ask him why he hasn't killed any jewish lizardmen with it or something.
>Why do faggots assume a topic of gun carry takes place in a country with over 90% of the world's legal civilian gun carry?
How dare Americans presume to talk about America on an American forum made by an American.
>he doesnt like dogs
Muslim soyboy detected
Just one, but it was in Kentucky so nothing of value was lost.
Everyone present should be honored that they have a friend willing to defend them and become a target if sudden violence breaks out.
>Wow, I didn't know he had a gun, officer!
How are they going to prove you knew about the gun? You think police is telepathic?
As a Canuck you shame our people. When did Veeky Forums get infested with all of these limp-wristed pussies?
I carry a 229 in winter and a 938 in summer. Ever since I started losing weight I can't conceal the 229 in summer clothes anymore, which is kind of annoying. I guess being a fatass had advantages.
Reminder that the vast majority of guns that are fired are because of crime (robberies and mass shootings), accidents (like kids getting a hold of them), or unscrewed mental cases trying to play the hero and instead cause even more collateral damage.
The number of individuals who carry and legitimately use their gun to protect themselves is astronomically low. You don’t need that shit to roll some dice.
Because they got banned from /pol/
Some dipshit who brings an illegal gun to a nerd gathering and starts flashing it to wave his dick around is probably not mature enough to follow proper trigger discipline. I'd talk to the host the first time and if he did it again I'd leave the game and call the cops.
I carry a gun at my house all the time so I don't have to put it on when I go out. You've never surprised a 200lb feral hog rooting through your trash before, have you? That leaves an impression.
Also illegal
Dirty, dumb animals. I can see why burgers love them.
Are you seriously asking why would people treat a weapon differently than other items?
>be at D&D session
>friend asks "Hey user can you get my character sheet from my bag?" as he goes to the bathroom
>go to get it but then see there's a pipe bomb in there
>shrug it off, sure it's not legal in this part of the world and I've never seen one in person but the fact he could
>gee it's not even armed, doesn't matter that he could arm it at any time and kill all of us or go to a public place immediately after and kill a bunch of innocents
>he's my friend so I'm not going to tell authorities because I'm cool
>caring about the second amendment
Go to /k/ if you care about that. /pol/ would probably support third reich tier gun control.
>If in a jurisdiction where the carrying is most likely legal:
Why the fuck should I care what they carry on their person? It doesn't hurt me one bit. What, am I supposed to pat down everyone who comes through my door?
>If it's most likely illegal:
I'd calmly ask them not to do so again, because I don't want to be implicated in a crime.Unless I just really hated them, or something.
>You don’t need that shit to roll some dice.
Its the bill of rights not bill of needs soy boy.
>the laws in my country are universal and every other corner of the earth uses them
I'm sure he has the pipe bomb for lawful reasons.
man, this is not even slightly on topic, is it?
a thread died for this.
Is your friend prone to sudden, unprovoked violent outbursts? Why are you friends with him?