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Like, what IS 'evil', dude.
Also, fuck bridges.
It's all just chemicals, man.
Evil is selfishness at the deliberate expense of others, and inflicting harm for no reason.
Half-complete Harry Potter writeup is done! It's actually a bit too long for spam so I opted to put what I have in a bin. I got sick of writing Harry Potter so the rest will probably either come later or when the fancy strikes me. I wanna move onto the next jump for now.
>selfishness at the deliberate expense of others
So if I don't sacrifice myself to save others, I'm evil?
I'm going to colony drop this orbital orphanage on the world's largest blind kitten petting farm. It will be good since it will help people with allergies.
Perhaps I should clarify, destructive selfishness. You do not necessarily have an obligation to help others at your own expense, but it is not moral and just to help yourself at others' expense, if you understand?
You don't have to stop a guy from robbing a bank, but you can't go robbing banks.
Oh man, orphan allergies are the worst. My orphan died of them, sad business.
Whatever it is, it's an excellent fuel and beverage.
That is correct. Proceed to the Soylent Green facility, citizen.
Does anyone know if the Special Skills for Nechronica classes are discounted for main and sub clases or not?
thanks honey
Was enjoyable regardless. What's the next Jump?
Since Valeria just posted on then previous thread, I might as well ask her some of my questions.
1) Can Al Azif change her appearance into sometime more adult like? Like the picture for example.
2) I know that in one of the previous thread you said that with the power of Nyarlathotep and Yog-Sothoth, you can create a better version of the Infinity Gauntlet, but is it possible to create a dimension where every single weapon, and object that exist in the universe I am in, and doesn’t exceed my powers, be created and used similar to Gate of Babylon like making it appear through a ripple and used as an projectile?
3) Would be people go insane if they tried to read my mind, or look at my timeline once I’m an Outer God, or was that something the Outer Gods did just to be dicks?
4) What was your hardest Jump you ever made? What was your easiest?
5) Is it possible for a beings like Amazo to copy my Outer God powers without it being enforced by a drawback and without my knowledge or would they just go insane and/or kill itself if they did that?
No clue. Trying to avoid any huge leaps in power early on, and the chain has a one-story-per-jump requirement (the benefactor is mostly an impartial GM, but still wants the Jumper to at least TRY to keep them entertained - and this was a demonstration that gliding by slice-of-life isn't a universal opt-out). Also trying to stick to things I know fairly well or are easy to pick up or OC.
Amazo ain't copying shit like an Outer God.
Do you have an idea of what your jumper’s MCU magic can and can’t do?
1. She can probably figure out how to do so.
2. Probably.
3. Yes.
4. Came up a few threads ago but Fate Stay Night was the hardest, while the easiest would probably be Kickboxer or Blade Runner 2.
5. Probably not unless it was through a drawback, since I can't think of anytime Amazo has copied something stronger than Superman.
Mostly stuff seen in the movie - that little 'energy bow' trick was mostly just getting creative with the weapon thing. Not something they were used to doing and was kind of a 'square peg, round hole' improv, hence the burns. Most of his specialty is in the weapons and messing with the Mirror Dimension via the boosted Can't Do It.
He's been more interested in the MCU magic, so it's mostly playing with energy from other dimensions. The refilling beer mug tells me it's possible to make more of something using it (assuming the mug isn't somehow a Relic or something), so he mostly plays with that for energy.
>5) Is it possible for a beings like Amazo to copy my Outer God powers without it being enforced by a drawback and without my knowledge or would they just go insane and/or kill itself if they did that?
Is it possible for a chameleon to become a the sun by gazing at it?
Reminder that after adapting to the whole Justice League, a guy with chaos magic freaked out Amazo so badly he ran away and never came back even when the show ended.
That was a pretty cheap way of getting rid of him. Just having him stick around Dr. Fate would have been better, it's not like the doctor was around much
Hey Val, since you are here, could you answer this ? Thanks
Wait, what happened with the Engine? The one with Ford and Okita.
Just on pause for a bit. Still need to do the rest of Worm. I just wanted to do a chain that had less of a gimmick or outside stakes, since it's getting progressively harder to write. My chains have reached the point where a Jump-chan who actually has some chill is a new development.
I'll be getting back to it later.
>Just having him stick around Dr. Fate would have been better, it's not like the doctor was around much
He was hanging around Dr. Fate. He ends up playing chess with Aquaman and Hawkgirl.
That was before he decided to disappear
Are you capable of thinking for yourself/doing minimal research, or do you really need every little fucking thing spelled out for you?
Oh, must have forgotten to post in response to that one. You won't be able to use the canon companion option on crossover characters.
Also she's really, really not cute. Unless you find people like Esdeath or other sadistic, psychotic yandere monsters to be cute. Then she's super duper adorable
>in one of the previous thread you said that with the power of Nyarlathotep and Yog-Sothoth, you can create a better version of the Infinity Gauntlet,
When did she say that?
Hey Val, I remember hearing that the pilots of Demonbane becoming Elder Gods was just Yog Sathoth alone. If we obtained the full power of Yog, would we be able to Elder God-ify people like that too?
I've just done the Fusion Dance with Taylor Hebert. Tamper/Jumplor is an amazing abomination. Is there any fusions you've done that make you question your sanity?
I can't really remember what exactly it was and whether it was just Yog or not or him and some other weird time shit going on. You could always empower other people if you wanted through brute force at least.
That isn't accurate, the pilots of Demonbane didn't become Elder Gods. They were THE Elder Gods all along, Yog just basically opened a window of time so they could witness themselves and realise it.
Ok... but... why... and how, also what? What even are Elder Gods in this context? Is it like a weird reincarnation deal where they sealed away their power and memories or some shit? Hence the "Elder" part of the name.
>You could always empower other people if you wanted through brute force at least.
That's fair, I guess that's kinda the whole deal behind fragments in the first place.
Well, that's disappointing, but thanks for the answer anyway. I have probably companioned worse
Elders Gods are like Outer Gods but are actually good and want to kick the Outer Gods asses for being cosmic cancers. They are not more powerful nor weaker than them, just a different pantheon in Azathoth's dream.
>What even are Elder Gods
In Pokemon, does Savant mix with and Golden Mind in Overlord? Thoughts?
It's one of those damn recursive time paradoxes from what I understand. They were going to use Demonbane to fight Nyarlathotep, to do that Demonbane needed to achieve it's form as an Elder God and seal Azathoth's court into the Shining Trapezehedron to create a weapon powerful enough and once it was done because the battle took place outside of time and space it had always happened.
It doesn't make sense, but as far as I can tell Yog manifesting and descending upon a non-EGD Demonbane is the lynchpin of the whole paradox because Yog's portal literally leads the pilots to their destiny. Kind of like Solomon's Time Temple in F/GO.
Ok, well, I get them not being stronger or not, but i just don't get why two main characters would jut happen to have been Elder gods the whole time somehow without weird retroactive bullshit from an external party.
Also, the wording was kind of akward so this may be incorrect, I remember hearing Elder gods being calle "gods born from man" or some similarly awkward wording. I assumed that meant that they really were just humans that had to "ascend" somehow.
Just a random Mass Effect fact while I check this.
Did you know that turians have unironic rightwing death squads? It's due to nearly every turian on Palaven being trained in anti-vehicle warfare. I thought that was interesting.
Well, that's probably about as much sense as this scenario could hope to make. Thanks for explaining.
I always thought it was their future selves showing their past ones.
I did not know that. Got any more random ME facts?
>rightwing death squads
>due to nearly every turian on Palaven being trained in anti-vehicle warfare
user, I think you're confused.
>weird retroactive bullshit
Yog-Sothoth at work. Please check your speed in work zones. Thank you, and please come again yesterday.
Truly a more civilized race.
useless race
See, stuff like this just reminds of me of how, in most other settings, the Turians would be antagonists. Then again, the same could be said for a lot of different races in Mass Effect (the Geth would be killer robots that rebelled, Krogans would be warmongers and a threat to everyone, and the Rachni would be a threat to everyone). It's kind of interesting.
When coming up with your Jumper's characterization, mannerism, etc... are there specific characters you look up to for inspiration?
I think of a man, and remove all reason and accountability.
A Mass Effect RTS could be so much fun. It could be C&C 3 or something.
I dont see how that makes them antagonists.
I knew there was a reason I went Turian
Those actions alone don't, but, those archetypes are very often used as antagonists in sci-fi.
>C&C style
>different factions
>after playing and beating all faction campaigns unlock secret cutscene
>the illusive man isn't the head of cerberus: kane is
Best part is the Turians *were* typical antagonists at some point. They were humanity's first contact race and waged an extremely bloody war for reasons humans couldn't understand. Then by the time of the game both sides are still trying to get over it.
ME1 had some tight worldbuilding, it's really a shame how the next installments dumbed things down.
>waged an extremely bloody war for reasons humans couldn't understand
They're cunts, user. It's not hard to understand a cunt.
Yessssssss. The entire Reaper Invasion was just a ploy by Kane to distract people so he could collect more Tiberium.
All so he could destroy the true threat the Scrin
More Lawful Stupid, but that's to be expected from an entire civilization of military grunts.
Yeah following laws is for fascists!
The Illusive Man's name is Jack Harper. He glows because of the Monolith on Palaven's Reaper tech. For whatever reason, he was the only one who didn't get the lobotomy. Oh, and Saren's brother was behind that, and Saren was there himself. It also makes him able to understand basically all languages instantly somehow, which is why Cerberus so quickly can integrate Reaper tech. Eva Coré (the name of the body EDI used) is name of a meracany who helped Jack. The correlation is only in name. Eva was blonde haired with blue eyes. There are two autistic characters in Mass Effect. The first is from Project Overlord. The other is a one of the strongest biotics and is from one of the books. Salarians have an offshoot called "lystheni". We know next to literally nothing except that they live primarily on Omega and are friends to a degree with quarians. Miranda, Jack, Tali, and Thane are all cut content bisexuals. To the point that the lines exist they just never made it into the game. Run with that however you like. I feel like I'm forgetting a character there. Oh well.
Off the top of my head.
The joke is that they are all stick-up-their-asses conservatives and that if libs unironically get hard labor if they don't want to work, and that the will literally be killed if they try to be rowdy. They have twenty-seven tiers of citizenship.
I wonder how many crayon factories are on Palaven.
>Lawful Stupid
Starting a war for no reason doesn't make you Lawful, user. It makes you a cunt. If you're sitting at a bar and a new guy walks in, and some other twat just ups and punches him for just being new. That twat is a cunt.
There is following laws and then there is enforcing laws through bloody war on a race that had literally no ability to know about the law before hand. You know instead of doing the reasonable thing and fucking talking.
Isnt that exactly what happens in star wars when obi wan cuts off that aliens arm for no reason?
Where were the fucking Asari and the rest of the Council during this? Why did they tolerate the Turians apeing out on a new species for no reason?
>Where were the fucking Asari
Being spacethots
No clue. I think there was some prequel material about the First Contact War but if every fanfic I've ever read is even remotely correct then the Turians kept it under wraps till they couldn't anymore.
>when obi wan cuts off that aliens arm for no reason
>for no reason
He was starting shit and made a death threat against someone Obi Wan was protecting. Obi Wan even tried to deescalate the situation.
The asari were in on it. The counsel races regularly take over races they see as less advanced and use them as client races. Humans just were able to beat the fuck out of turians at first contact.
Suuuure user and greedo shot first.
>[citation needed]
Not him but they did it with ths krogans then unleashed the genophage when they didnt need them anymore
You can hardly blame Obi Wan for jumping immediately to disarming people, he has a lot of experience with the craft and how it can end a heated argument.
Also, the Volus are client races to the Turians
Well, the Turians do. Not much evidence on the other races doing that; honestly, the Asari strike me as the diplomatic transformation into a puppet state type rather than forceful vassalage.
They had a reason, the problem was their reason was stupid. See, a while back, the Council was opening Mass Relays left and right, because they wanted to explore the galaxy. The problem is, they stumbled upon a group of Rachni who were either indoctrinated by the Reapers or mindjacked by the Leviathan, who promptly kidnapped the explorers, reverse engineered their tech, and waged war on the galaxy. They nearly won, until the Salarians uplifted the Krogans. When the Krogans turned on the Council after beating the Rachni, they got the Turians, who beat the Krogans. After that, it became illegal to activate any Mass Relays, though I think there were a few exceptions made as long as it was strictly controlled? It's been a while, so I might be remembering wrong.
Anyway, so humanity, not knowing this, tried to activate a relay so they could explore, and a Turian patrol that noticed this decided 'hey, this new species that probably doesn't know the law is breaking the law! LET'S SHOOT THEM'. Like I said, stupid.
The salarians are also doing it with those fuck ugly ape things. I forget their name.
Elcor. I don't remember that but it has been a while so you could be right.
No nit the elcor, I meant that other super angry species they were uplifting
The krogan?
Also, since the guy threatened Luke, who was under Obi-Wan's protection, that gave Obi-Wan the high ground.
The Yahg, think a salarian got ripped apart on a peace mission.
Started with a Y
Something like that
If being high is so important to Obi-Wan, why didn't he want to buy some deathsticks?
They’re called deathsticks for a reason.
Otherwise, they would be called “highsticks”
Thats them the yahg
Because it's only a temporary high, after which you crash. Plus, he'd lose the moral high ground if he used deathsticks.
Side note, what idiot decided to name their product 'deathsticks'? That's a terrible marketing name.
>They’re called deathsticks for a reason.
Because the jedi and council are hypocritical fucks
Their marketing was trying to appeal to the lower wards of Coruscant I imagine.
It was mostly covered up by the turians as Saren's (IIRC) brother got indoctrinated initially and was up to something shady with reapertech. There was a fairly stupid prequel comic about the Illusive Man's previous mercenary work.
Its a translation problem. In the creators native tongue deathstick means "The Key to long life and happiness" however because of cultural differences the word has a terribly different meaning to most other races.
They take years off your life with each use. Literally.
Someone said in Dies Irae that Universe and Multiverse can be user interchangeably, so a Hadou God could be considered a walking multiverse instead of just a universe. Is that true?
Isnz't Yog good? Since he literally helped the Elder Gods be a thing.
It is, yes. The structure of the multiverse changes depending on the God currently on the Throne. Sometimes the setting is just a single universe. Other times, such as the current situation in Dies Irae with Mercurius, it is an infinite multiverse. Since Gods are meant to embody all creation, they can be called walking universes or multiverses depending on what they feel like.