Point buy is retarded
These two would have the same amount of points to distribute, which is a clearly a bullshit
Point buy is retarded
Real life is poorly balanced, news at eleven
>what is recommended amount of points per campaign power level
Why would they necessarily have the same points to distribute? Put in game terms, they're two different characters in two different settings in two different systems at two different power levels.
>Professional gym nut could be a chess grandmaster at armwrestling
Wow dude great argument
Left is obviously smart and has Charisma through the roof.
Right is generic Chadjock McCampusrapist. STR, CON, and that's it.
Clearly Dolph has a lot of levels under his belt, and is working with a system where you can improve attributes.
Yeah, but PCs are not your average joe. But I prefer rolling stats anyway
I dunno if it's OPs point but Dolph Lundgren's got a Master's in chemical engineering
>20th level true namer.jpg
>20th level wizard.jpg
Levels are retarded
These two are of the same level, which is clearly a bullshit
Why do you say dolph has the same points as a Joaquin Phoenix impersonator
>washed up action movie star has same point total as talentless but popular shitcom star
Checks out
Allow players to buy stronger or more expensive gear with points they don't want to use.
>These two would have the same amount of points to distribute, which is a clearly a bullshit
What makes you think that?
But only the right one is a PC.
Also, what you wrote makes you an NPC, OP.
>Right is generic Chadjock McCampusrapist. STR, CON, and that's it.
My boy Lund has far higher educational qualifications than the soy elemental on the right. He has at a minimum 16 in every stat.
Lund has a masters in an actual field with rigor whereas left barely passed through film school.
I could see the one on the left being a PC whose player intentionally refused to use all his points because he thinks that gimping himself mechanically makes him a good roleplayer.
>Left is obviously smart and has Charisma through the roof.
He looks like someone who has a 12 INT but thinks it's 20, and there's no way someone who looks that punchable has a positive Charisma mod.
Who's even the guy on the left?
Glasses would be a lvl1 char, Dolph would be a mid lvl char. You simply nerf one or boost the other.
You can't be guy in the right at level 1 retard
Actually, let me build onto that. Give special traits to "underpowered" characters (with various prerequisites for stronger traits, ranging from total stat score being under 80 to total stat score being under 40). These characters, with no real skills, are rewarded for their bravery of facing challenges well beyond their calling by gaining aptitude in things they weren't before, leading to ability score increases, higher EXP gain rate, rerolls, and shit.
Pointbuy it low so that you can develop into something better with time, fill a niche that the party needs.
Also , Lund was Level 1 a LONG time before he had a name for himself.
Son, don't fuck with Dolph. He'd still snap you like a twig even though you're three hundred pounds of diabetes and McDonald's.
My sister worked on a film with him. Apparently he's something of a diva, but no one ever argues with him.
>Apparently he's something of a diva, but no one ever argues with him.
Same with JCVD. Nobody argues with him - they just choose not to work with him again. No wonder why they both ended up in direct-to-video flicks so often
He's The Left.
Nah, I'm just saying I can see that being equal in game terms. I assumed that Dolph had a lot less money to throw around due to his heyday being +20 years ago but he's apparently been consistently getting work (if not exactly good work) according to his IMDB. Galecki still has twice his net worth at this point, though. Lundgren also got his absurd IQ and his chem engineering degree but that's a bit less archetypal. Really I think Steven Seagal would be a bit more equal in terms of "value" to Bing Bong Terry guy. Maybe Wesley Snipes
Funny how your whore sister tells a completely different story than people who actually worked with him. He is about the work first, and he hates 'actors' who fuck around on set instead of acting.
If you listen to him, he takes work that is fun for him to do, hence the latest batch of DtV he's done and he'd rather not be stuck on set for months at a time.
They had the same number of points but Dolph was a lot smarter about how he spent them.
Good on him, I suppose. He should still probably be at least a little ashamed for participating in the meme abortion that is Sharknado 5
>washed up
Between "I must break you" and "ZIMBABWE", which do you think will be more remembered in 20 years?
No it's not. Guy on the right is just using 32 point buy, and guy on the left is not (or he might be, I don't actually know his mental stats).
Yeah, that was not his best move. But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for the simple reason that he survived fucking Grace Jones for two years.
>t. Dolph
She was a set designer you fag. As far as I know they got along fine. She was just vexed with how the guy always kept telling the director when and how they'd shoot.
So that's what they call fluffers now? Or will they get a new job title thanks to Weinstein?
Harvey did literally nothing wrong. Nobody was forced to stay against her will and they could all leave at any given moment. The potential for child abuse in Hollywood is far more interesting but by the end of the day pussyhat wearing cunts care more about being self-aggrandizing and playing the victim than actual child abuse. No wonder the perpetually yoyoing whore who once recommended her viewers facial cream made from foreskins (look it up) used this event to between the lines make a bid for presidency rather than drawing attention to a real problem.
Oh yeah no Dolph definitely has more cultural clout and has played more iconic roles. He's just not doing quite as well financially today. He's got a net worth of $15mil vs Johnny Galecki's $40ish Though Zimbabwe himself is sitting at above fucking $70 from basically just the one role. , and Galecki probably has more normie recognition. You'd be surprised at the number of young adults who've never seen any of the Rocky movies.
I think your meds need adjusting.
Point out the part where I was wrong. The only part with any questionability about it is Oprah's bid for presidency, as she never explicitly said it.
He was already pretty close to peak when he started acting.
>buff as fuck
>Master's degree
>doing advanced math for fun
>published writer
Point buy is great for tabletop games so the PCs are on even footing, if that's what the group wants. But real life is 3d6 down the line, and you can improve stats with repetitive use (Skill and Powers).
In your reality you may well be right. But in my reality you need some Haldol and therapy.
oh look /pol/ is here
They were always here. Why can't people just ignore them? I wonder errey time.
Hi /pol/.
Thank God someone understands.
>your reality
Because the sound of running water always makes me want to piss in the pool, even when the pool is already full of piss.
In real life people don't have a 1/36 shot of having a 3 in a stat.
It's assumed you're all playing exceptional heroic people in an RPG, not necessarily strong or smart, but gifted at something.
left has like 3 cha, and his soy studies degree didn't require over 6 int/wis to get.
Dolph is cha incarnate, panties drop and fives soar high in his presençce. Also, he's got at least +4 in int/wis.
I'm not even sure who guy on left is, but I doubt he has 3 cha. I would think someone with 3cha would be medium to low functioning autistic.
Also, not sure what "soy studies" because I'm not autistic enough to keep up with everything /pol/ hates, but for a liberal education (as in you have pre-requisites, not muh marxist boogeyman) you need to pass mathematics courses.
I'll reiterate that this seems a lot more fair comparison
>"Im out of arguments so Im going to question his sanity"
Dolph is smarter than the bugman.
>implying a masters degree means fucking anything
>(as in you have pre-requisites, not muh marxist boogeyman) you need to pass mathematics courses.
Those pre-reqs are usually at a joke level, the math required isn't above a 6th grader.
>3cha would be medium to low functioning autistic.
Due to the shitty nature of d20 it could easily be an obnoxious/repulsive normal dude...
>Also, not sure what "soy studies" because I'm not autistic enough to keep up with everything /pol/ hates
The fact you atributted it to /pol/ is enough proof you have the basic knowledge necessary to reach it's meaning, not being able to put it together seems like the result of the liberal education you're so eager to shield. Forget about sixth grade math, even putting the proverbial "2 & 2" together seems above you.
>Implying Travis Bickle made an actual argument.
A MS in chemical engineering requires actual brainpower, unlike your AA in gender studies
I've got a doctorate in EE, pal. I've taught enough masters weenies to know how worthless they are
OK, tell me the conversion rate for a steam turbine.
Uni math isn't hard by any means, I just see someone with 6 int (Which I'd consider a fairly severe learning disability) to get through it.
Not really. If a most animals have around 2 intelligence, I can safely say that someone with 3 Cha is more than peevish librarian levels of Cha.
I know the soy boy thing is from /pol/, but I don't actually know the dude's degree. I'm assuming it's gender studies or something, but at this point it's so meaningless that I could see people wanting preachers castrated because Theology is liberal arts degree, and anything with the word in it makes them absolutely livid, even if it has nothing to do with politics. Hell, they probably get angry it their ointment say "apply liberally" on the side.
>Forget about sixth grade math, even putting the proverbial "2 & 2" together seems above you.
I think you dropped this. I sincerely hope you don't ramble and get this upset in real life, otherwise I'm starting to suspect this charisma talk is a lot of projection.
>pale as a ghost
>real picture is in a fucking onesy or however they spell it
>holding a cup with two hands
>"Charisma through the roof"
I think the issue is that no one here actually knows that that's Pajama Boy and not dude from BBT
I'm not sure what asking me about steam turbines is supposed to prove when I clearly stated I'm an ELECTRICAL engineer. If you want to know about lasers though, I'm your guy
>but I don't actually know the dude's degree
>Being this obtuse
Also, funny how the projection meme evolved so people who actually do it accuse other people of it.
OK, tell us about the Lamb dip since your doctorate doesn't seem to cover the basic principles of power generation plants.
I'm assuming the guy's a meme, and famous for something.
What am I projecting?
Mental retardation. Thankfully you can't project it over the Internet.
Your autism, people can be CHA-less without autism.
The guy is Xzibit, famous for an old car mod tv show where he usually installes "playstations in the car so you can play while you drive". Became synonymous with recursion.
Also, is not me, he's new to the conversation.
I don't think I ever accused anyone of it.
Nah, I mean that having 3 in a stat is enough to where you have a disability, not necessarily autism. If you had 3 Str, it could be because you have a condition where your muscle only form scar tissue instead of rebuilding, but that doesn't mean that's what 3 Str always means.
No, I know who the Pimp your Ride guy is, that's been a meme for a long time. I mean the guy on the left that I'm seeing everywhere now.
Oh, I don't know who that dude is either, hence my puzzled reaction to you assuming I actually knew his degree (is he even supposed to be someone, I think OP just picked geek stereotype and Dolph Lundgren).
Extreme ugliness and obnoxiousness could factor for 3 charisma without autism in d20.... that's mostly due to d20 being a crappy system to represent charisma at all. Not autist ugly kender can't have more than 5 charisma can it?
He's from an Obama campaign ad, and has kind of picked up popularity lately as a prime example of the whole soyboy/bugman/numale boogeyman
As a DM, I personally would rule it that way. I think I remember the PHB for 2nd Ed. making an example character with a low stat of 6 or so as having had an accident in his youth.
I've never played Kender, so I can't speak on the matter.
>As a DM, I personally would
No one cares. Go back to rebbit if you think your opinion matters
Someone's butthurt. Daddy didn't lube up after you burned the ribs again, I presume?
I've been DMing for 9 years, and you're the only person I've spoken with who would equate 3 Int as being equal to a cat but not clinically retarded.
You also keep saying d20 is bad at representing charisma over and over without saying why, how, or what would be a better substitution in a game.
Thats Dolph Lundgren you blithering idiot. If any one has charisma its him. Only the most closeted of faggots wouldn't let Dolph fuck 'em. Because lets face it, you don't say no to Dolph.
Lamb dip? I make a mean CRAB dip. Lamb's better suited to stew, unless you're dipping the lamb in something. Like a sort of lamb au jus sandwich? I don't know about that.
Give this man a degree. In gender studies.
only one of these is a PC
You’re comparing an NPC to a PC
1 in 216, you twat.
Most of Veeky Forums probably looks more like the left than the right. Why do you hate yourself, Veeky Forums?
I already have my MRS.
Veeky Forums hates everything
This is my preferred way of doing things:
Everyone starts with base ability scores of 10. You then get a pool of 3d6 points to work with to represent genetics. No ability score can go over 16 with these points though to spread out your points. Theb put in your racial ability acore modifiers. Lastly, you come up with a half page backstory with the circumstances of your birth, youth and early adulthood, which awards you with three points in any three different ability scores of your choice. Nature and nurture together.
Are we talking about faggy stat point buy in a class system, or real point buy?
Because it's /pol/. They are mentally ill enough to think they are the guy on the right.
realism is retarded. you're playing a fucking game, games have rules and people playing should start with equal shit. fucking hell.
>everyone is soyboy like me
Remember, /tumblr/, Veeky Forums is pro-white, pro-christian, pro-milk national socialitic site.
Wait how?
Why would you want a party with these two in it anyway? Clearly they're on totally different levels. You could just as easily have made the same thread with images of a kitten and a washing machine and your argument would be no less idiotic.
If being white is so great why do you pretend to be an elf every weekend?
>national socialitic site
Veeky Forums is Ancap. You're sad devotion to a roads and a marxist boys club from the 30's is what makes you weak.
you seem to be mixing up national socialism with communism.
DEX 15
INT 14
WIS 15
STR 14
DEX 10
CON 13
INT 14
CHA 13
I don't see the actual problem here.
Oh I am laffin'.
Well they don't have the same point buy because they shouldn't be in the same party.