why do most female chaos characters fall to Slaanesh Veeky Forums?
Why do most female chaos characters fall to Slaanesh Veeky Forums?
>most female chaos characters fall to Slaanesh
According to who? I'm pretty sure GW has never released a document detailing the gender demographics of Chaos worshipers.
Because most women are too weak to win the favor of Khorne and too comfy in their normal lives to seek out Nurgle's embrace.
There are probably a bunch who fall to Tzeentch, but nobody cares about those nerds.
>be imperium virgin
>desperate for gf
>worship slaanesh
>end up paying to be raped by a trap demon.
do they actually though?
>why do most female chaos characters fall to Slaanesh Veeky Forums?
I was under the impression that some of those characters were originally male.
Chaos is an equal-opportunity corrupter, user. Nowhere in the lore does it say that Slaanesh is mostly female. If anything, its corruption causes people to become androgynous rather than male or female, with male and female traits present no matter what the base gender was.
From a DESIGN standpoint, however, it's way easier to emphasize the seduction and corruption if the models are at least somewhat female, and in an ideal world would trigger both male and female cues in those looking at them.
They werent "female" before they pledged their life to slaanesh
I mean the only fallen sister of battle fell to slaanesh
slaanesh is the sexy god
most of the 40k creative staff and fanbase is straight guys
so, they make slaanesh sexy, which means girls
it's an out-of-universe phenomenon, not an in-universe one.
>Because most women are too weak to win the favor of Khorne
IT BLEEDS FOR THREE DAYS A MONTH AND DOESN'T DIE! pretty khornate to me, user.
IE. If 40k was mostly written by girls (or gays dudes, I guess) then slaanesh would be full of super-hunks with gorgeous pouting lips and sculpted abs.
>one girl fell to slaanesh, therefore most girls do
You called?
be still, my beating heart/ladygarden
>I was under the impression that some of those characters were originally male.
>They werent "female" before they pledged their life to slaanesh
well valkia the bloody was the fantasy khornate champion.
Wrong. It would be full of homo. Lots, lots of homo.
I got some news for you OP.
why not both?
can we?
The Void Dragon would like to remind you that Robotic Ladies are still female!
They don't. Most female Chaos worshippers are Khornate.
>Lotara Sarrin
>Valkia the Bloody
>The only canonical female Chaos Space Marine from Storm of Iron was Khornate.
>Miriael Sabathiel
wait, are you saying you don't like yaoi? what are you, some sort of faggot?
I don't think this is true, but if you feel that way then change it. Make fanart of Nurgle nurses. Strap bras to a custom-army of Thousand Sons.... or would they be Thousand Daughters?
Just work to balance it. Or not. There's always Daemonettes.
Pretty sure there was a Khornate female admiral who wasn't even a fighter yet respected by World Eaters
One of ADBs stronk women. Not sure if she was khornate but she did run a World Eaters ship.
Slaanesh cultists are just more likely to get noticeable feminine features and show them on battlefield. Regardless of initial sex.
>Females aren't strong enough for Khorne
>Females aren't smart enough for Tzeentch
>Females don't like boogers so they aren't teaming with Nurgle
Females join Slaanesh because being seductive groupies with magical slut powers is really all they have going for them. Not to mention all the guys have dexterous tentacles rigged for "her pleasure". Also, Slaanesh has studly on his team.
Because Slaanesh is the Chaos God of gender and only women have gender. Everyone else is normal.
I have hemorrhoids, I've been bleeding for the past week and except for sitting in the car being a bit painful I'm fine.
It's heavily implied she fell to Khorne, like most of the crews did.
At any rate, she served with them during the Heresy, so the corruption is almost inevitable.
I remember that screen cap.
Dummy fell for the trap meme and got sodomized for his idiocy.
>magical slut powers
try reading the fluff some time, it's surprisingly interesting!
truly, khorne has smiled upon you with this blessing.
special k truly is the god of butthurt
>try reading the fluff some time
I tried but I was mesmerized by the purple boobs flying everywhere.
I guess you don't have it?
Because female (male) Slaaneshi are the best.
Well I am always angry and I do hate all forms of magic users and casters.
This one?
Actually females in both gw settings fall equally in khorne tzeentch and slaanesh.
No booty for nurgle though
That's fucking priceless and I'm this guy .
Thanks for sharing man.
except isha, his waifu
The Lady of Cankerwell disagrees.
Valkia the bloody disagrees with you
Lots of sisters have fallen to chaos, it's just covered up.
The Sisters of Battle omnibus has a sister that fell to khorne.
>Sisters of Battle omnibus
you got a pdf/epub? I've been looking for it.
What the hell you talking about? Male, Female... it doesn't matter as everyone gets turned into a tri-gender melted pool of orgies and music that has most of their blood replaced by such hard-core drugs that every brain cell was fried out.
In the end, after all the modifications and drugs. I don't think any follower of Slaanesh knows or even gives a shit about their gender.
There are worse fates with worse gods of Chaos to fall into.
Handsome AND deadly.
Why do most autists fall to Tzeentch?
Feel free to get triggered.
But women have better senses of color, taste, sexual pleasure (up to 40x more intense), and other sensory experiences. The majority are of them are bisexuals. Any sort of sexual activity (even male animal on male animal) can begin the arousal process in the brain. And they can retain or even enhance arousal when afraid.
I’d say they’d lean towards Slaanesh.
Horny dipshits in Nottingham.
What fucking kind of whore doesn't use a rubber?
HIV is really hard to diagnose formultiple months, that second post is fake
Because a red flag for autism is not being able to recognise motives, which means they're less likely to spot the sudden yet inevitable betrayal that's waiting for them