Are Primaris Marines the new standard?
Assuming the Imperium survives another millennium, will Primaris Marines replace the older marines?
Are Primaris Marines the new standard?
Assuming the Imperium survives another millennium, will Primaris Marines replace the older marines?
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As soon as their kits get more weapon options, the bell has tolled for old style marines.
The only reason they currently coexist is GW trying to avoid the backlash of making older models obsolete, but it's clear that eventually they're going to be a full replacement. Probably if/when they soft reboot 40k, they'll scrap the smaller marines entirely had have the truescale Primaris be the only ones.
And, as much as that sucks for people with older armies, Primaris are basically as big as Space Marines were always meant to be, true to the intended scale rather than 40k's rather scattershot approach to such things.
How do you buy a primaris captain with gravis armor and power fist, without buying Dark Imperium?
Don't worry user, there'll be plenty of manlet Chaos Marines.
I also believe that they sell a multi-part kit.
no lol. primaris marines take a millennium to create, and aren't really much stronger than normal marines. the chapters will always replenish their ranks with regular guys.
we still use bayonets to this day, even though we have fully automatic rifles, because somethings are just always going to be useful.
Speaking of, what do CSM have to counter the Primaris? Looks like the Imperium is getting all the cool toys now.
Space Marines fall to Chaos every day.
Nothing in the Primaris makeup says they're less susceptible to falling
>we still use bayonets to this day
I have to say I really love the new armor design.
& Hellblasters are cool, though i dont know what I'm gonna pair mine with yet
The new armor design is honestly shit, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Cult marines. Marines with boons of chaos>regular ass marines with just "muh honor, muh duty."
Better than pauldrons with studs
Or sloped beaked helmet
Gravis armor looks great
It's called an opinion user.
People can have different opinions.
You're a child
You're honestly retarded if you think nuMaines look acceptable
This. I can't see them outright replacing stuff like the traditional terminators or assault marines with primaris crap but I can easily see them just making upsized assault marine or terminator kits and calling them primaris assault marines or terminators.
Primaris marines are better, can be made faster, and are more genetically stable than regular marines. There are zero downsides to them.
Even if you insist on being US-centric pretty sure their most recent bayonet charge was in 2004
Intercessors are good.
Actually I think they are supposed to be more resistant. Mighta been said in dark imperium novel.
>Gravis armor looks great
Probably not. Consider Forge World's stock of manlet marine models. Replacement would leave them redoing marines until the end of time.
GW just wanted an excuse to release a new line of marines for the new addition, while all the slots that make sense are already filled by manlets. They're there to appeal to 'truescale' fags and kids as well as provide room for expansion until the tall marine layer is filled with options as well.
Yes. Old marines will become the vagrants of the Imperium.
Vagrant marine: Nothing is over! Nothing! You just don't turn it off! It wasn't my crusade! You asked me, I didn't ask you! And I did what I had to do to win! But somebody wouldn't let us win! And I come back to Holy Terra and I see all those maggots at the spaceport, protesting me, spitting. Calling me marinelet and all kinds of vile crap! Who are they to protest me, huh? Who are they? Unless they've been me and been there and know what the hell they're yelling about!
Out there we had a codex. You watch my back, I watch yours. Back here there's nothing! Back there I could fly a Thunderhawk, I could drive a Land Raider, I was in charge of million throne equipment. Back here I can't even hold a job parking land speeders!
>Half-assed edge highlights
>Flattering photo to hide lack of shading and missed details
When will the airbrush meme die
Post your fucking minis, fuckboi?
I fucking hate cunts like you.
All the words in the WORLD to say about other minis, but never post your own minis, yeah?
Coppper BOATS, cunt
>If you can't do better you have no right to criticise
Fuck off. That mini is lazy and you don't have to be a golden winner to see it. These 'professional commission painters' are complete hacks.
Nope. It's implied that they're harder to make than old-style marines.
Professionals are only such because they're better than the rest.
Post your minis, bro?
What do you think DESERVES the award?
>There are zero downsides to them.
Yeah, just wait untill they met with their fathers
>Post your minis
I wasn't going to take your bait because my abilities are not the issue here. But because you insist, here. This is one of my minis.
The apothecary is nice.
> Being a bigger target on the battlefield when you're expected to face off against enemies capable of targeting individual bloodvessels.
> No downsides
eye sea
He is.
Did you know that being able to critique something is a totally different skillset to doing said thing? And that you don't actually need one to do the other?
Kindly take your fallacies and choke on them.
>That mini sucks
>"Oh yeah, well your minis suck"
>Never contends with original point
Are you 12?
>as much as that sucks for people with older armies
I still don't get why this sucks. I still use 2nd edition miniatures and i like them. I don't see why having an older version of a miniature frightens people.
He is
He's the shining and the light without whom I cannot see
And he is
Insurrection, he is spite, he's the force that made me be
He is
Nostro dis pater, nostr' alma mater
He is
Seen that dude a bunch of times, but never knew what band is he from. I'm fairly certain it's not Powerwolf.
If your only place to game is at the local GW store with a bunch of richfag 12 year olds each fielding 3000p of unpainted plastic and an autistic redshirt, yes it's going to suck.
Papa Emeritus from Ghost
Ghost. They won a grammy a couple years ago.
Ah no sweetie. Primaris make money and are better models. I have been playing since 3rd edition and i am scraping all of my regular marines. Primaris are tge future. Deal with it.
>and are better models.
How are they not?
I like:
- amount of variation given with arm options
- less crouched posing
don't like:
- lack of variance in armor
- bland armor design at best (MKX armor), horrendously bad at worst (aggressors, gravis armor, inceptors)
- tactiCOOL bullshit in reivers
- reivers could've been a somewhat decent reworking of normal scout models (guess they didn't think of it) but oh well.
- Cawl is a heretek and needs to be eliminated. Tampering with the Emperor's labors is heresy, pure and simple.
>The apothecary is nice.
and unfortunately everybody is gonna have the exact same model. Every primaris player is going to have the same leaders, squads etc...
>How are they not?
They doesn't looks like Adeptus Astartes and their helmets are just slight modification of Stormtrooper helms
Intercessors look good imo, but that's it. The flying guys look a cross between Starcraft and olde-timey diving suits, and gravis armor makes you look pregnant.
FW's marine models are mostly meant for a 'historic' setting that's no longer rules-compatible with 40k.
>Replacement would leave them redoing marines until the end of time.
If your business is to sell marine models to veterans as well as n00bs, how is that a bad thing?
They look like space marines. I cannot understand why everyone says this. Look at the model. Its a diffrict mk of armour. Mk iii look different too. Are they not marines?
They resemble them
but they aren't space marine in essence
Space marines had practical and simple armor design, from Mk II to Mk VIII (Not particulary a fan of IX myself but i guess it works too)
All the new Primaris are overdesigned, look at the jump pack guys, they are overbloated and look retarded compared to what usual assault squads are, hell even compared to FW destryoer squads (which they look like a reference too due to the 2 pistol combo) they look overloaded and just not fitting into the 40k perspective
>They look like space marines.
Yeah, like generice sci-fi marines in space.
Holy shit, this one are literally Firebat from Starcraft 1
>looks like a fire bat
>gw steals from blizzard
Next on news at 11, grass is green and rain is wet
>Holy shit, this one are literally Firebat from Starcraft 1
I never realized this until now
we went full circle
>belisarius and the rest of the mechanicus suddenly giving out their newfound wealth of knowledge regarding primaris marine creation to all the chapters
even with guilliman, an actual primarch from 10000 years ago with the closest connection to the emperor anyone has in the entire imperium, the mechanicus is still going to be a selfish bitch about it
The only thing that tells us is that Cawl is keeping some seriously fucked up shit behind the curtain and that chad-Marines were the least interesting project he had going.
Everything you wrote makes no sence. Look at the models again. If anything they are undersigned and too clean for the 40k universe.
You litterally losted the new version of tge god awful centurion. The worst space marine model ever and they kinda made it passable. It is still one of my least favorite primaris model.
I honestly feel like i am looking at different models than other people. Its some Mandela effect stuff.
>You litterally losted the new version of tge god awful centurion.
Nice mini
>I took your bait because my abilities are not the issue here. But because you insist, here.
This is one of my minis
I bet u can't paint it like the pic your using
It's a variant of the Mark 4 helmet, dumb gisnep shill.
They're too big
you know I actually like the Aggressors for this reason, they look like Marauders and Firebats.
But I still prefer my old marines and old termies overall. I do really like the MK4 Vox Grill design over the Aquila, but that NuMarines don't do it for me. Intercessors are fine for truescale marines I suppose, but Reivers look like shit. There's a lack of options in the new kit I dislike as well.
>Can't even fit in Rhinos or Land Raiders
>replacing anything
gr8 b8 m8
I like them, good and armoured. Can't understand the complaints, this is about as visually impressive as space marine armour has ever been in sculpt form.
>Everything you wrote makes no sence.
>You litterally losted the new version of tge god awful centurion.
This is a typical primaris hater
Confirmed twelve year old
>this is about as visually impressive as space marine armour has ever been in sculpt form.
Nah, original is still better
Disagreed, I like the classic armour style of GW's marines over the power-armour more pulpy sci fi look blizzard used
I'm not a huge fan of blizzards designs for anything. Sure, tyrannies are just zerg but they're a hell of a lot more threatening than Zerg look.
Careful, hoss.
Shit son Id take those nowadays
Bravo, sir, this is brilliantly constructed bait
The constant misspellings, the outdated sweetie meme, the obviously underage persona claiming to have played since 3rd
You almost had me, you almost seemed like a real human being for a moment
>Disagreed, I like the classic armour style of GW's marines over the power-armour more pulpy sci fi look blizzard used
>I like them
Hey now, pretty much everything was goofy back then. 1993 meant you did everything by hand, were limited to spin molding so every part is relatively flat, and there wasn't they much of a market yet, so you didn't have the financial incentive to get master sculptors making toys or anything.
user, Starcraft 1 Era Terran CMC armor was pretty much a Half Assed Terminator Armor, Even the Fucking helmet delivers it, and Even Blizzard paid a "little Homage" with HOTS with Tychus and Raynor Master skins having Blood Angels and 3rd Ed ultramarines(orange details)
They all look fucking stupid apart from the new tacticals, whatever they're called.
I mean look at these monstrosities They couldn't just make true scale space marines could they >:-|.
To be fair, the firebat had like the best unit quotes of all the terran units. It's understandable why you'd steal the design.
In the new fluff, yes.
But that's a consequence of their being brought in as a new toyline.
Whether or not they actually take over depends on sales; if they don't sell as well as their forbears, they'll be quietly dropped.
Meanwhile the Horus Heresy line will still be producing dinky marines.
I dislike how monopose a lot of the primaris models are, I found the reivers a total pain in the ass because it's much more work to mix and match the poses. Although they look significantly better with Blood Claw heads rather then their silly skull face things.
>user, Starcraft 1 Era Terran CMC armor was pretty much a Half Assed Terminator Armor,
>source: my ass
>, Even the Fucking helmet delivers it,
>t. blizzcuck who doesnt know that Blizzard made Starcraft as Homage to 40k since Metzen is Geedubs Closest Friend
>>t. blizzcuck who doesnt know that Blizzard made Starcraft as Homage to 40k since Metzen is Geedubs Closest Friend
[citation needed]
Also, since when 40k became western in space?
Primaris Marines were the natural conclusion to GW's IP Consolidation Train.
It wasn't about making sure the grogs don't grumble, because GW demonstrably does not give a shit if their actions upset the fans. It's simply about the fact that they discovered that they didn't, in fact, own the words "Space Marine". Slapping "Primaris" on it makes sure it's copyrightable and theirs to defend.
not him but he meant starcraft wich is basically cowboy criminal space mereens
I don't get this myself? I'm proud of my old metal models, it makes me feel more "experienced" with the hobby than these fucks, and try to flaunt them as much as possible.
If I didn't hate what the game's become, I'd get around to painting my old sisters and grey knights for a proper old school inquisitorial force. Maybe if I can get my hands on some old guard too.
Bigger = better in 40k though, that's not really a good argument. Why else would the primarchs be so ridiculously sized?
But I'm bummed about the fact that new models are less convertible than the ancient ones.
Primaris don't take a Millenium to create though. They just need to add 3 organs, once you get the technology it's not that much longer than the normal process.
Because they're catering to simpletons who only understand big things = important. Nevermind the fact that larger models make the game objectively worse. Your arm is only so long, so there's a hard limit to table sizes, and yet they keep making figs bigger and bigger, reducing the game to smashing two lines of plastic together in the middle.
>suddenly giving out their newfound wealth of knowledge regarding primaris marine creation to all the chapters
Do you just not read the fluff, you dumb faggot? The entire purpose of the Indomitus Crusade was bringing the tech and knowledge to make Primaris Marines to all the Chapter Worlds.
¨Well Blizzard stole a fuck ton from GW and steal does that so the stuff just kinda circulates these days.
They are less susceptible to mutation, not corruption, I think.
rain and water cant be wet