
There are two types of armies...
1: Crude slovenly rabbles of armed schlubs clad in rags and ragged peasant clothes.
2: Ranks of disciplined soldiers clad in matching uniforms.

Post uniforms.

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Inb4 nazis.


I need that mid-18th century fix

"In a conflict between two armies with uniforms, all other things being equal, the guys with the more elaborate uniforms will lose."

>two types, schlums in mismatched rags or matching uniforms.
Explain this, nerd.

This is wrong, dumb, and also irrelevant because there's no point winning if you can't look good doing it.

The Nazis were plebs.

The Prussians had the best "black and skulls" uniform.

>ITT: overdesigned bullshit only faggy Europeans would possibly like.

Move over Hans, Nigel, Jacque et. al.

Every time I see shit like this, I think - like - were there actually some kind of lost leg guard used by the Romans, or were the armored kilts longer, or were their legs just shorter...

You know why they had to have the guy's front and center? Because optimized combat units all look the goddamn same

>"thats not true totenkopf"

When you need an underling to carry all your fightin' stuff because you're focused on looking fly.

Mercenaries gonna Merc?


Nazi uniforms were legitimately good and were designed by a famous professional, as were Prussian uniforms.






They seem worried about their comrade's lack of a face.


Why is he wearing his armor if his weapons are still in travel mode?


So this is why Napoleon's army was so fast


I'd hate to be one of the guys with the plain hat or the one with the little ball on it when there are other guys in the army who get fancy toilet-cleaner feathers on their hats.

Because he is focused on looking fly. Read the fucking caption ffs



They're not all in the same regiment. The large plumes were used by grenadiers, and if you're a grenadier you're already pretty much more important than all the regular rabble.


It also singles you out so the other soldiers know not to stand need the guy who might fucking expload

Hugo Boss didn't design them

Spanish Cuirassier.

>"Damn it feels good to be white"

Why are they laughing at him?

Sbane? I'm France.

Because the Spanish stole their cuirassier design from the French. Also, Spanish cavalry was shut at that time. Well, just about everything Spanish was shot at that time

>Spanish Queer Asser


Did you just spell shit wrong twice?

I sure did. Well, my phone did

>stole their cuirassier design from the French

How many variants of "horse guy with breastplate" could there possibly be?

Pretty sure everyone in that picture is Spanish

I mean, mostly because , but also because it takes a lot longer to put your armor on if you need it than it does to grab your shield from your servant.

Well, the Russians were very different from the French which were different from the Austrians which were different from the Saxons, etc. Yes, they all were guys on horses with a breastplate, but the helmets were very different along with the rest of the uniform

US marines


ugh zouave units were dumb as fuck

You're dumb as fuck

Why does it have to be one of those? Why can't we have a very well dressed and trained warrior type who disdains uniforms, but likes to show off through his well maintained and valuable gear?

Not saying the other two types are bad, though. Some uniforms were very snazzy (such as Napoleonic cuirassiers), and uncivilized warriors could look quite good as well

Kholin uniforms are GAY
Get with the times old man, blackthorn aka gaythorn is not my highprince and propably a voidbringer as well. Praise the almighty.

Well who did?

>Napoleonic grenaders
>Actually carrying grenades

>I am stained glass, your argument is invalid

The wide pants make sense when you eralized they were originally Algerian desert troops in the French army. Why the Americans copied them, I have no fucking idea.

Pants are 4 fags

Because zouaves were the top murder machines of the day, and militaries are huge fashionistas. Same reason why everyone now has berets, because chasseurs alpins.

Karl Diebitsch. Hugo Boss was one of the ~15000 companies that produced uniforms for them, but he didn't design them.

If you have your blade pointed at a man's leg, then it's not in a position to be used to defend yourself when they go for your neck. That's all the leg protection you need most of the time.

Getting stabbed in the thigh and getting stabbed in the neck are probably just as lethal

Armor is about priority. A thousand chain shirts and helmets are more useful than five hundreds shirts, helmets, manicae and greaves. The scutum helps too, if you use it properly it's pretty hard for an enemy to hit you without badly exposing himself.
Most "stock" armor, munition grade armor throughout history works pretty much on the same principles of roman armor: cover the chest and back > cover the head > cover the groin = cover the armpits and shoulders. If you're a particularly heavy unit, or rich, or lucky enough to scavange from the enemy, cover your arms and legs too. Hell, even nowadays the priority for armies are body armor and helmets, with arms and legs protection being an afterthought.

That is demonstable untrue. In fact, the supposedly methodical and highly organized nazis had one of the most convoluted logistic chain in WW2 long before the D-Day
Few people realize that Germany fought with an army that had to rely on a lot of borrowed, stolen, artesanal and badly made equipments. That is even before you take into account the Austrians, Bavarians and other regional armies, the foreign volunteers, the different theaters and the reassignment of divisions to other fronts and sometimes even other branches

>tfw your party will never have matching uniforms, forever a ragtag rabble of murderhobos

Best uniform coming through.

>his party doesn't have matching uniforms
-10 to all social skill checks for you

This is literally the gayest uniform out there. Even the Greek Guards don't look as supremely gay as these guys.

Yeah not even in a mean way but it is impressive how much they look like strippers.

This is what everyone seems to forget when picturing the "stylish" Nazis. This was an army relying on captured gear from the Czechs and the French because they couldn't produce enough of their own. The military that fielded the first jet fighter was also one whose logistical system was built primarily on horses. They did not have their shit together.

Higher-ranking officers might look like Christoph Waltz, but the rank and file guys might well be stuck with a ratty off-color uniform and a rifle with sights that are deliberately off because they were built by slave labor.

>light infantry tactics
>firing from prone
>actually booking it in combat instead of marching in a line
>big floofy MC Hammer pants for range of motion

I dunno, they make sense to me.

To be fair, was there a single WW2 army that didn't use horses in one form or another?

Maybe that's part of the Spanish military doctrine: they take the most handsome men from all over the world to fuck the enemy's women.

>To be fair, was there a single WW2 army that didn't use horses in one form or another?
No but Germany is notable for it's heavy reliance on horses well into the war while the British and Americans were primary using trucks, my memory is a bit spotty on the Soviets but I do know they got a lot of trucks in lead-lease.

I know. That's what's so good about them.

France relied a lot on requisitioned civilian trucks and cars, too. At the same time, unlike the germans, they weren't hard pressed for fuel since al their vehicles ran on a 50/50 mix of ethanol (locally produced) and gasoline (locally produced in Algeria). Meanwhile as soon as 1940 the BEF was fully mechanized. Afaik the US only used horses in Italy, due to mountainous terrain.
I think the soviets used absolutely everything in their logistics.

It should be noted that America and to a significantly lesser extent Britain were standout for their level of automobile use and car culture.

Gee Bill, how come your mom lets you wear two surcoats?

>50/50 mix of ethanol (locally produced) and gasoline (locally produced in Algeria)
>MFW France would've been in an excellent position to win the war if it wasn't for Gamelin messing up the Northern Front
I cri evertim

>The French went mad and built a huge fort between themselves and Germany
>It would have actually worked
>Belgium didn't consent to the expansion of the line into their backgarden
I will eat their chocolate but my forgiveness will not be forthcoming.

Did they not? When did that practice stop? And what then differentiated a regular line infantryman and a grenadier in that period?

It became a title for elite regiments.

>When did that practice stop?
A little bit prior to the Napoleonic wars, I think. Don't quote me on that.

>And what then differentiated a regular line infantryman and a grenadier in that period?
Being the biggest, thoughest, meanest motherfuckers in the army. Except for the Old Guard. But the Old Guard itself had Guard Grenadiers, who were the elite among the elite of the elite. This is also one of the reasons everyone believed Napoleon was short: he was at all times surrounded by the tallest men in Europe. From a distance it didn't look like an average guy surrounded by giants, but a manlet surrounded by normal people.

Ah ok, how come grenades stop being used? Thought that theyd would be a useful tool in storming defences and weakened sections of line

I think because the enemy could just throw them back

They were just a bit shit really.


Top right is cute. I also like her body armor and adrian helmet.

To be honest the IJA uniforms from the late 1920s and early 1930s with the stiff, cylindrical collars and shoulder boards are some of my favorite uniforms of all time. They don't get much love though because they're not that ornate and are antiquated for the time period they were used.

>The French went mad and built a huge fort between themselves and Germany
Not so mad when you know that the most industrialized region of France, that refined most of their ore, was sitting just in front of the german border.
"Enemy advances 10km, production goes down 80% at the national level" has a way of shaping your strategical effort.

>Women in the military
Utterly disgusting creatures.

That said, that also explains why the French wanted all of the Rhineland after WW1: it would give them an easy way to defend their country and with it most of their industry (and some German industry they would conveniently gain from this annexation as well). And they would've gotten away with it too if the Americans hadn't Jewed them into accepting "victory" conditions worse than the conditions imposed on the Germans. The French won the war but lost the peace.

>Utterly disgusting creatures
that's pretty gay talk, user.

If I want to see useless whores wear revealing camo I'd watch porn instead.

>my memory is a bit spotty on the Soviets but I do know they got a lot of trucks in lead-lease.
The Soviets got a shit ton of trucks because it helped free up space for more tank production. It must have worked well for them, if memory serves the t-34 managed to be the most produced tank in the world.

Please go do that, then.

The problem is that I don't have a choice. Watching porn does not invalidate that my tax money is being thrown at useless pretend-soldiers who don't even suck dick on camera (off camera on the other hand I imagine they choke on dicks all day erryday). It's not a matter of consent, the state is forcing my hand.

Someone has anger issues, I see... Probably due to a lack of feminine presence in his life.

Let's fill that hole with more girls in uniform!

Not everyone felates the Nazis like some /pol/tard.

Yes ma'am!

>If you don't like wasting tax money and arbitrarily lowered standards for vagina-owners imposed by politicians who whore themselves out to interest groups more concerned with their ideological masturbation than state security and the nation's ability to act according to its interests, you must have anger issues
This shit almost makes me support PMCs as a viable atlernative to the military.

This is now a military ladies thread.