What are you favorite systems nobody plays?

What are you favorite systems nobody plays?

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dropbox.com/s/a1i5mhmasq77iqm/Strike Books.zip?dl=0

Seventh Sea
Crimson skies
Twilight 2000 (I to III ed)
Gamma World 3rd/4th ed
Cyberpunk 2020

Fate Accelerate. Everyone wants to play the shitty, "core" version instead.

This along with Fantasy AGE

I GM them at a few local cons and fortunately the players willing to try them have enjoyed playing it, but its hard to pitch the system to folks when stores don't carry the books.

Empire of the Petal Throne OG

I second Fantasy AGE lack of support as a no-go for plenty of people.

Surprisingly, Mutant Year Zero and Tales from the Loop

Well hopefully Fantasy AGE and Dragon AGE get a boost, with the next books coming out later this year. (roughly summer if i recall correctly)

13th age t.t.

I really like the Mistborn RPG

I'd forgotten about 13th Age, it's crazy a game store as big as my FLGS never carried it.

I miss The Strange, all the people at my store left it for 5e and Invisible Sun playtesting.

I remember picking it up at a used book store on a whim and really liking it. I may as well rip off the whimsical renaissance setting and use it in another RPG. If only the English translation wasn't so rough.

13th Age is my shit. I haven't touched 5E since I first learned of it. It's a hard sell because everyone I know wants to play 5E since they have invested so much into that game when I know that 13th Age is so much better.

I just sold my group on 13th Age, it works great for my setting. We were using Savage Worlds before and while it was alright, it just didn't quite do it.

Seventh Sea is great, had a guy who wanted to be a filthy gaijin in my Five Rings game, we transfused mechanics from Seventh Sea for him.

Invisible Sun seems like it's way up its own ass, which is odd cause I liked Cypher, one of my players is using it to run a Planeswalkers game, it's pretty sweet.

I have a player who wanted to use Fifth for my game, because he's a D&D purist. I managed to sell him by showing him the Rogue and he was just like "it's perfect."


I've been wanting to run a 1 player 1 DM game and I know that 13th Age is favored by a lot of clinical autists (not starting a fight) so it probably has some solid crunch obsession.

Does anyone think it could work well that way? I can make any necessary scaling adjustments for one person, but the resolution and tactics need to be important.


More than enough people play it.

Thats funny, I love that nobody plays T2000

L5R. Roll and keep gives me a chubby

Tokyo Nova, Tenra Bansho Zero and Legend.

By the same guy I would say Stars Without Number. Everyone I ask to play with me says they want to play starfinder instead

That's a shame. SWN is a much better system / game.

>13th Age
I got the book when it first came out and then my group dissolved. Haven't played anything since.

As someone who runs a bitchn SWN campaign , stick to your guns. The system is kickass.

Barbarians of Lemuria
Unknown Armies


>makes a thread just like this
>then immediately notices that the same thread exists.

Infernum. Love the idea that all nine circles of hell have been fluffed out. Would love to run a game of it.

But id want to run a noble although evil characters, but i know players will think its an evil party set up.

Played this a ton in highschool.
The GM was a sperg that tried to copy a video game story verbatim, so we fucked off and went space mercenaries instead.

I really want to get into DCC RPG, but no one gives a fuck.

I like how they do magic items alright? Sue me

WEG d6 series- Fantasy, Space, Adventures.

You play Numenera. You would have nothing of value that anyone could possibly want.

>gamma world
>cyberpunk 2020
I know that feel user.
I know that feel.

Heh, planning a mongoose 2nd ed game soon.
Any advice?

Not really? I haven't played in years and we played Mongoose 1e. I have no idea what the differences are and only was a player.
We ended up kind of pulling the control of the game from the DM and making it about episodic adventures with our stalwart crew of bastards.
We were all fans of Firefly at the time, so that held a lot of influence

I guess don't try and turn it into a war game like my GM did?

13th Age is probably the least crunchy "D&D" besides 5e. And I'm not certain I wouldn't rate it lower than 5.

10 levels
A feat every level.
More basic damage every level
Class stuff when it says.

It's like if Rule of Cool's Legend was, you know, an actual fully developed RPG line.

Finding a group to play Continuum would be fun, but Narcissist would be even better, because seriously, fuck our future descendants and their bullshit about how we all have to die so they're born

My impression of Traveller is that it has very complex and time-consuming chargen and is also very lethal, and this doesn't sound like a good combination. Am I correct?

You aren't wrong. My character ended up fairly old compared to everyone else's because I couldn't get into the career path I wanted and another guy in our group had to start over after dying.
It's also fun though because it's almost like RPing chargen and backstory and you get thrown some curveballs that give you some skills you wouldn't have thought to get. Makes for an interesting start to a campaign.

Hot circle

Interface Zero
Legends of the Wulin

Fragged empire.

>Cyberpunk 2020
just picked up the core book at a used book shop on a whim. got any tips for learning/ gming it?

Is Burning Wheel as good as i hear it is? why is the fucking monster burner so much money?

Bretty good for dramatic character driven dirt farmer simulation

I wish it was more like Legend, the track system in it was great, but Legend itself was way complex in play.

So like... Track system from Legend but simplicity and 4e style presentation from 13th Age

>Barbarians of Lemuria
I like BoL quite a bit, just not sure what to do with it. It seems great for one-shots or short runs, but since I like ongoing stuff it doesn't seem to fit, maybe this is an issue of all "rules light" systems, as granularity gives you more advancement options?

I just wanna Strike!

L5R (Although this is really more setting than system)
Uh...Song of Swords? Mostly because the dev team is retarded.

I would be turned off because it looks like a very generic fantasy setting at best, and a lecture about cissexual transfaggots at worst.

Is it? Didn't it come out longer before that was popularized or is this a new Dragon Age game?

This is on my wishlist of games I'd like to try.

Tell me theres a pdf floating around

>What are you're favorite systems nobody plays?
Pic Related
I wouldn't even use the setting - not because it's bad, mind you, I just prefer to use my own - but I just love everything about it; it's just a good system.

I am unfamiliar with this, tell me more!

(also the system looks rather bronze/iron age-ish in parts, so extra interest)

Next time the thread should have people post up their favorite thing about their favourite system. It adds some quality to the posts.

Inverse death spiral and every defense is an attack leads to the most aggressive murder you can find.

lol what

Burners cost a shitload because they're out of print so you're getting scalpers.

There's a PDF floating around.

Use a character generator. There's a good one at www.munsondev.com/chargen/

>You failed to survive this term!
>You rolled a 3 plus a modifier of 1 for a total of 4 and must roll on the mishaps table.
>Disaster! Roll on the mishap table, your career has come to an end.
wow, It's just like in my internet memes

That's the system. Roll a new one. It takes 5 minutes.

How the hell do you play when there's only v0.7 of Narcissist available?

Alpha Omega. Some sort of bizarre two-book wonder, filled with aliens who are also angels and demons, a broken post-cyberpunk world 200 years in the future.

We have an exercise book full of houserules, actually, because it never even got errata and character creation is so broken there's no reason not to choose anything but three of any of the 12 possible races.

Oh, shit. Didn't expect a reply!

The rpg (which I didn't actually put the name of in the field for some reason) is called 'Artesia: Adventures in The Known World'; it's set in the world of a comic of the same name (Artesia), both of which are written and drawn by the same guy, and which has been on hiatus for fucking ages now, but that's neither here-nor-there, yada-yada-yada, here are the first two volumes of the comic, and the rpg itself, enjoy:


As for the setting itself, its actually (if you want to compare it to real-world history) 'Late Medieval' (if you can excuse how vague that is) in most aspects, though it also has a heavy heaping of 'pagan' religion as well - come to think of it, the setting really is a cross between, again, Late-Medieval and bronze/iron age Mediterranean ... region. So if you want blocks of pikemen and cavalry in plate armour sacrificing lambs to multi-aspect gods before a battle, sacred prostitutes, and a decent chance that your character might be related to a god (or a fucking bull, lets be real here) in a very tangible way, then you may enjoy this.

Overall, though, the game is fairly simulationist in how it handles things; lots of attributes, skills and abilities, high mortality-rate if you don't know what you're doing when the shit hits the fan, and some good, meaty crunch to sink you're teeth into, without being to complicated. Of note, going back to religion, the game pays heavy attention to it; how you interact with the gods, dealing with stuff like pollution (as in, from a religious point-of-view), and stuff like that.

Again, it's good - or at least, I think it is - and the same goes for the comic itself which would only be better if the creator fucking finished the thing, so if you read one, then you should enjoy the other.

I will add, though, that, if you do end up enjoying the rpg, it suffers from the same hiatus problem the comic has; that book's really all you're gonna get (aside from some free, few-page-long suppliments, here-and-there - and even then, it's not much

>Of note, going back to religion, the game pays heavy attention to it; how you interact with the gods, dealing with stuff like pollution (as in, from a religious point-of-view), and stuff like that.
This will sell me on giving it a read at least! Will take a peek!

seems buggy
>be citizen
>suddenly prompted to roll army officer commission

>Corrects obvious typo
>Uses you're instead of your
At least fucking get your corrections right faggot.

>fate accelerated
>better than fate core
you are a fucking pleb and a being without culture
Now if you had said "dresden files fate accelerated" I would have agreed with you, but FA is lacking on many, many levels compared to Core or DFFA.
>t. guy who wishes he could any game going, even Fate accelerated.

You got drafted boi

Ugh fantasy age is such garbage. Played it for ten levels, would not recommend beyond one shots.

Muh niggas

I'll add some: Shadow of the Demon Lord

Riddle of Steel / Song of Swords / Call of the Void
Classic Traveller

Sounds pretty much like what happened to the group of my GM and me.

Damn, seems cool. I'll give it a read too, I guess.

Adding to the Godbound pile. Other Dust, as well. Basically everything the dude's ever done.

I love the Dragon Age setting but if I had to make a campaign in it I'd use a different system.

>NªRCISSIST is the long-awaited sequel roleplaying game to CºNTINUUM.

How the fuck did I not know about this? I was under the impression CºNTINUUM was a one and done deal.

Is DFFA actually good?
Haven't gotten around reading the Dresten books, but all I know seems interesting and potentially good for some rpg goodness.

The new codex combines the old Monster, Magic and Adventure Burners and probably has updates the rules for the few changes Gold made.

I just bought this as well and im trying to get my 5e group to try it out.

They are interested in the mutant crawl classic setting though. I have it on pre-order so hopefully ill be able to run a game of that for them soon.


Cyberpunk 2020 worth getting into? I wanna try it out before the video comes out and all the spergs from /v/ start ruining it.

dropbox.com/s/a1i5mhmasq77iqm/Strike Books.zip?dl=0

Dear god why? Continuum was already an unplayable shitfest, why do we need a sequel?

Frankly, it's unsalveagable. Just use The Sprawl.

Veeky Forums,...

We know how to host files. We know how to run a discord server. We know the online dice rollers. Why don't we combine our knowledge creating online spaces to play odd games? We could do it once a week.

Australian Saturday starts ~24hrs before Hawai'i'n, so only onbe game a week for each system people want to play... but could it work?

I am in two 13th age groups (DM one). I love it but it's hard to pull people from 5e for numerous reasons.

Only thing I really am not a fan of is I find it really difficult to play it as anything but high fantasy.

What madness would drive you to think that people on Veeky Forums would provide any sort of good game?

Alpha Omega.

I enjoy the autistic level of detail in character creation, between the stats, substats, derived stats, and so forth. Plus there's actually a really involved magic system which is simultaneously almost totally free-form and crunch-heavy. It's very much a "create your own effect on the fly" system.


How is 13th age game play compared to 5e?

No. It's not very good.

It's so poorly written and laid out that to actually understand it well enough to play it you have to be obsessed with it. Thus, the only things people have to say about it are good.

I have a friend who says it's pretty neat. Tragically, my pdf copy came right about the time I moved, and lost the ability to play RPGs with my groups, so I haven't looked much at my copy.

I rather like SenZar. Nobody plays it because the creators torpedoed their own game by being shitters on Usenet for advertising, but it's actually a well-put-together game (especially for a mid-90s homebrew fantasy game).
SLA Industries, HKAT!, Anima, and Corporation too. Haven't looked closely enough at my Secret of Zir'An books to see if they're shit or not, and Synnibarr isn't be anybody's favourite system but it's on my shelf anyway.

It's pretty good, but very 90s in terms of fluff.

Have you played it yourself? How does it run?

Blades in the Dark.

Is SenZar the one where you get extra XP for noticing the DM fudging the rules?

That's Synnibarr. It's part of the General Rules (specifically numbers 8 & 9). However, General Rule 1 says that the GM may use any reference material within the book, but the players can only use that which the GM allows, so obviously you don't allow the players to use the General Rules, and don't use them yourself.

Glad I could be of use.
I've played it a bit - which is about all I can say for any rpg, really only really just got into actually playing, no real group to play with on the regular, just spats here and there.

It works, if that's what you're wondering; there's no glaring problems with the systems, and the math doesn't go beyond some basic addition and subtraction. It's simulationist in how it handles things, so most of the same trends that appear in stuff like BRP/RQ would probably apply here; slower, more methodical games, players getting fucking smoked if they're not careful, even at the higher ends of gameplay, that sort of thing.

I will say, character generation is by default a life-path system (unless they just pick and choose what they want, instead of rolling), and the way character progression is handled is done a bit differently then the norm, so either might turn you off, if you aren't into that. Again, the book's here so feel free to check it out if you're interested. The art's nice, at the very least.

Do you have any specific questions you want answered, though?

>character generation is by default a life-path system (unless they just pick and choose what they want, instead of rolling)
How long does it take to make a new character then?

Oh, it isn't too bad.

Just to go over it quick, you first roll for your family; where your Ma and Pa are from, your family's circumstances, stuff like that. Then you roll for what sign you were born under, and if anything auspicious happened at your birth*. Then you roll for your childhood; if anything happened, any friends or enemies, or anything like that. Then, after that, you make a couple of rolls for previous experience and events from the last few years; the starting age is assumed to be 21, so it works out that you roll about 5 years of previous experience (which really just comes down to make about 5 rolls, and checking some tables (and then hashing out the finer details with the gm/other players).

*for your lineage, sign and birth-omens, there are actually two separate probabilities I don't know what the word would be for it, each of the mention charts have two separate sets of numbers, one that has it weighed heavily towards normal, non-miraculous events and omens, and one fairly even in its spread. It's to give the gm some options in terms of how they want their game to go; one where the PCs (baring a few incredible outliers) are regular Joe's and Jane's, and one where your characters have a pretty good chance of being descended from the gods themselves, various supernatural creatures, legendary heroes, that bush, that animal eating that bush, and a lot of stuff in-between.

I will say, if you're looking for a quick sit down and play, the life-path does render that a bit difficult especially since it handles near all of your statsThere isn't really anything in the way of a roll & keep kinda thing.

It can take a bit. But, I do enjoy that sort of thing, so I might not be the best judge.

I just played a game yesterday evening with complete strangers (only the GM and one of the characters knew each other) and I had a blast.