I checked on google and I couldn't find any image for them except for the ones from MtG, I need images of Nephilims, Veeky Forums
Use any type of humanoid giants, it's that simple
so basically greek titans with a biblical twist
There you go OP.
The original Nephilim were 2 species, the eponymous blue giants found in various cultures and the giant batlike humanoid vampires feeding on life energy.
These two naturally went to war and they needed armies, so they mixed their dna with various animals producing the rest of the species, pic related.
Alas poor Goliath. An innocent man, cursed with gigantism, recognized in the modern day as a physical disability, rightfully so. Even in the story Goliath had double vision, mistaking david's shepherd crook for sticks. He had to be lead to the battlefield by aids because of his weakening body and poor vision. But this brave soul still said, "Let us use my prodigious size to frighten away would be soldiers, so that we may try to end this conflict without bloodshed"
Then douchebag teenager David comes in with the era equivalent of a fucking gun and murders him.
Goliath was not one of the nephilim, the entire point of the flood was to kill every last one of those cross-breed bastards.
Monk is best.
Where are the other three members of the Ennead?
>Goliath was not one of the nephilim, the entire point of the flood was to kill every last one of those cross-breed bastards.
I should point out as with the pre-flood thread that there is an implication that the knowledge of the Elioud was preserved by Qayinan by finding a tablet left behind and putting the knowledge to use. This implies a taint in his bloodline, as he's the father of Canaanites, according to the lore, meaning that Goliath was descended from Qayinan and the "giant" bloodline seems to have been a Canaanite phenomenon in the rest of the normative canon.
They're the catfolk to the right
When I ran my Exile game I actually had to spend quite a lot of time that no, the Nephlim weren't half angel abominations, they were barbarian catfolk, drawing from the base word 'nephid'.
I grew up completely non-religious, so for me it was the other way around once I started getting interested in religion/mythology.
>wait, there's thief-archer-mage catpeople in the Bible? Weird...
Also good fuck I miss this game, gotta get around to setting up an emulator and digging up my copy with that original tileset...
Same. Neat little piece of mythology, but it's definitely Exile that comes to mind first when I think Nephilim.
I think remake of the Exile 3 remake is due to be released soon, if you have the stomach for the changes they make. They aren't so bad, so long as you avoid avernum 4-6 like the fucking plague.
The remakes weren't bad, but they fixed a lot of things that weren't broken. Still, I don't think I could go back to the UI, in particular only seeing 9x9 squares at a time.