In addition to its enormous defense fleet and impressive firepower...

>In addition to its enormous defense fleet and impressive firepower, it was also guarded by a rapid detection network of slipspace probes. Anything larger than a millimeter in diameter that drifted too close was engaged and obliterated, including ships that failed to transmit the proper clearance codes within a millisecond of being hailed.


Name literally one fleet from any franchise that could defeat, or even get close enough, to a full strength High Charity with accompanying defense Fleet of Particular Justice and Second Fleet of Homogeneous Clarity.

Pro tip: you literally can't.

Other urls found in this thread:

The Flood.


They only got through because they were engaged in civil war. Full strength High Charity means pre-civil war.

Starkiller Base, from half a galaxy away.

LotGH has pretty big fleets.

The Forerunner, since the Covies would have to deal with their own tech x10.

Frieza n' Friends

Vaughans, through bureaucracy

Reading comprehension, what is it?

Its saying that the fleets were engaged if they did not transmit proper clearance codes within a millisecond of being hailed.

it didn't say that the enemies were destroyed within a milisecond.

This, it just means you can't have some stupid star wars style "uh yeah give me a second to find the code oh wait that is an old code" bullshit.

I anticipate the defeat of your navy before the handshake time on your hail elapses.

>Starkiller Base, from half a galaxy away.
But they wouldn't know where High Charity was. And since HC could slipspace jump (along with its protection fleets) in your scenario where they somehow know where the other is, high chairty could just send a fleet to glass and BTFO starkiller base

starkiller base literally got destroyed by one girl, they wouldnt even need a fleet just some commando elites

Hi there.

This, pretty much. And the Mind(s) in charge of the GSV are bullshitting with a few hundred people on their Plate while doing so.

"Anyway, the craziest thing I've seen you humans do with genofixing is... moment...

...hey, you should step outside for a second. Gonna be some crazy fireworks in 13.14562 seconds as of my saying 'fireworks'."

Pic related is the Sleeper Service.
Full size GSV
One unified mind with full backup state elsewhere and furious purpose
(Almost) no passengers
Most bays repurposed and filled with engine, fastest ship in the Culture at time of test flight
Semi-slaved fleet consists of:
512 Abominator OU(prototype)
2,048 Torturer ROU
2,048 Inquisitor OU(upgraded)
12,288 Killer ROU(velocity-enhanced)
24,576 Thug ROU(upgraded)
49,152 Scree LCU(militarised)
A flotilla of fuck-you with four thousand cubic kilometers of water aboard it couldn't even be bothered to re-purpose into further fuck-you.

>Rest in Peace, Iain M Banks

Is this late stage Culture or something? I'm reading through them in order and as of Matter, the names are not yet so bloodthirsty.

>my made up thing can beat up your made up thing
>(in space)


Or Xeelee. The Culture could defeat the Forerunners but would have to put effort in; the Xeelee would probably never notice their existence.

The Xeelee noticed the human empire, I'd imagine the Forerunners would be larger threats.
No one but the Photino Birds can beat them tho time travel is too OP.

Now you've fallen into my trap! Don't you know that my made up thing has this particular bullshit quality? No way can your made up thing deal with that.

your observation is as old and cliche as these threads. You ain't special.

It's from Excession, which details a nasty Culture war.

> High Charity was so important to the Covenant Empire that it was endowed with its own personal defense fleet, which consists of hundreds of battleships, carriers and cruisers.

> hundreds

That is fucking ADORABLE. The Zentradi would roll over them like a wave. Space War One was against a Zentradi battlefleet numbering more than 4 Million capital ships, not counting smaller escort craft or battlepods. That number is not a typo. Hell, the faction that defected to Earth was only around 10,000 ships, that's probably enough to take High Charity. Its not like the Zentradi lack the firepower. The Covenant takes days to glass a planet, cutting that time down to hours if they deploy a large fleet to do so.

The only kind of fleet the Zentradi knows how to send is a large one, and it takes them less time to obliterate the surface of a world than it took me to type this sentence.

Covies ain't got shit on the original religiously xenophobic aliens

High Charity a shit. Elites gonna be lil doggies for a few eons.

> Qu
> the original anything

All Tomorrows was literally published SEVEN YEARS after Halo. Fuck off.

Hyperspace ramming

the combine from half life

You need a whole fleet? Adorable.


I win, thread over.


>oh wait that is an old code
That's one thing that never made sense to me. "It's an older code, but it checks out"? What does that even fucking mean?

Isn't the entire point of updating clearance codes preventing codes stolen by spies and the like from being useful later? Isn't the concept intended to prevent, in a sense, this EXACT situation?

I would've accepted the premise (they stole an Imperial ship that had a valid clearance code in the computer) just fine, if NOT for that line. If he had just said

>Do they have a clearance code?
>Yes sir. It checks out.

That would've been fine. But I don't get why an "older" code, said with some hesitation, would check out. Why update your codes at all if the old codes still work? The entire fucking point of rotating encrypted codes is specifically so that older codes do not check out.

Ultimately it seems the point is, don't compare scifi settings that have extremely different ideas of sense of scale.

As we all know, scifi writers have no sense of scale, sometimes not even within the same franchise.

>your observation is as old and cliche as these threads. You ain't special.

does think he's, like, breaking some news to us?


Is that what he's expecting?

Because this is Veeky Forums. It's literally a board for glorified games of pretend. You are not the only one here who knows what fiction is, you fucking retard.

It means Vadert had a fucking clue and let them in so he could use their ship to track them to the rebel hideout.

Those stormtroopers were not missing. they were purposefully NOT HITTING. People who still fail to realize this after years should turn in their nerd badges.

Ramsay Bolton and twenty good men

GG prophets

Um, okay. Not really sure where stormtroopers come into it, but sure, alright.

As for Vader, yes, we know this. Luke explicitly says that Vader can sense him, and Vader immediately goes down to the planet and confronts Luke there. This isn't news, it's literally spelled out in dialogue.

But the officer clearing the shuttle doesn't know that. Vader asks him if Tyderian has a code clearance and his exact words are "It's an older code, sir, but it checks out."

None of what you just said changes anything about what that implies about Imperial security protocols, as "older codes" still "check out" regardless of Vader's intentions.

>Those stormtroopers were not missing. they were purposefully NOT HITTING.
That is literally only true in the Death Star escape sequence. All the other times stormtroopers are embarassingly unable to hit anything, like Hoth or Cloud City or Endor's moon, is just stormtroopers being embarassingly unable to hit anything.

Obviously the dude was just lax at his job. They were building a fucking deathstar, do you have any idea how many idiot contractors must have been coming and going? He probably had to constantly deal with people who forgot to update their codes and just grew apathetic in his job.

You'd think no matter how boring your day job is, you'd straighten out when the guy known for force choking subordinates left and right walks up behind you and starts watching you work.

The point is, movie dialogue states that it's an older code, but it checks out. There's no way around the obvious implication that older codes are still cleared, which seems to explicitly violate the idea behind bringing up newer codes in the first place.

>Those stormtroopers were not missing. they were purposefully NOT HITTING.


Culture warships have nasty names because the Culture thinks war is nasty, basically.

probably just some spores, which were smaller than a millimeter in diameter

In the Death Star escape sequence, they were let go so they could track them back to Yavin IV.

Let's be honest, Star Wars has a lot of sloppy "vaguely-military-sounding" and "vaguely-sci-fi" dialogue. It's like the parsecs line.

don't give me that bullshit about the kessel run being a measure of distance due to cutting it close to a black hole, that's a bullshit cover invented by an EU writer after the fact and we all know it

I always took it as a matter of travel times. You get clearance code A and head out with your shipment. While your travelling, they update to clearance code B. All future shipments will use B, but you were given A. When you arrive, they're still accepting clearance code A for a while because trying to update clearance codes mid-transit introduces way more logistic and security problems than it fixes.

Plus the whole thing was a trap anyway, so they might've been ordered to be lax on security.

Maybe the Kessel run is some sort of timed event to see how far you can get in a given time.

The EU defines it as a race through a set course through the Kessel System, in which several black holes exist in an orbit around each other. By cutting closer to the black holes, you can decrease your absolute distance traveled, but that requires more powerful thrust-weight ratio in order to avoid being sucked into the black hole entirely. Hence, to boast of doing it in less than twelve parsecs implies cutting much closer to the edge of the event horizon than other ships are capable of safely doing.

There's a number of Veeky Forums-tier reasons this is bullshit, but it passes the sniff test for soft-scifi. Problem is, it was blatantly made up after the fact by EU writers, and was not clearly intended to be implied in the movie's dialogue, which mentions precisely none of that. It's just a scifi-sounding space travel term, about on the level of thinking "lightyear" is a unit of time measurement.

I always like the theory that Han knew it was bullshit but he was just seeing if Luke and Obi-Wan would catch it or not. They didn't, and marked themselves as rubes, so Han charged them out the ass.

Yeah, that's my preferred version of it too. I mean...he's supposed to be a smuggler and a rogue. Him lying is not exactly going to tarnish his character.

While it's a nice theory that fits the dialogue and character, it's merely fanon with no official backing.

Couldn't anyone just shoot it? It won't be able to dodge all the high velocity projectile fire. And it's not like you can't be outside of system to do that.

I would say Falling Outside The Normal Moral Constraints is way more hardcore. Not bigger, but way more advanced and into this job.

Or maybe Mistake Not...

Maybe, but HC would have to not be moving since the Combine cant really move to diffrent points through space, only the same point through dimensions.

This thing is fantastic. It's so cute and nonthreatening and then BAM supernova.

Well, everything's fanon at this point, since the creator is no longer involved and the series has been cannibalized by the biggest cancer in the entertainment industry.

>Culture just shows up with one ship
>Blows it away like blowing away a speck of dust

Wow so hard.

Q just shows up with his mariachi band.

>Giorgi Lucasso - stage III cancer
>Mickey mouswitz - stage IV cancer

Does High Charity work well as a capital for the covenant? Why did they even make it rather then put it on a planet?

Any realistic space warfare fleet that actually has a sense of how big space is and how powerfull is a projectile of almost any mass at 3x10^3km/s

Fire an asteroid sized ball of plasma in the midst of fusion at them, to which their lasers wouldn't do anything. Or, if you want to go higher scale, teleport a star just going supernova amongst them- it will have exploded before their automatic weapons can fire.

Another concept is to continually send probes or decoys millions of times within their defense zone at all moments; overloarding the system and you can gamble on sending in your real ships; or try to reduce all their ammunition to nothing before they have time to turn off their automated defenses and you can move in for a real attack.

Also a Psychic attack could work. Or mass dimensional attack; takes a ton of work but simply write them out of this dimension within the same instant. You could have the same assassin slit the throat of every single member of their crew and have all the timelines snap into place in the exact single instant.

Or- you could just send in a ship big and strong enough to withstand whatever is sent against it and retaliate. Or send in enough warships. Send in one of your best warships for each atom that the High Charity has.


"No more Androsynth now. Only Orz."

Never seen a thread end so fast

>Palpatine is planning everything for the trap
>Issues a command through Imperial High Command
>"This Code is still valid. Anyone who does not clear this code will have to answer to me."
>Every Imperial promptly accepts the code, no questions asked.

Boom. Too easy.


Gunbuster 3 from Gunbuster. Literally a giant black hole bomb, destroys 90% of the galaxy when activated.

Go watch that scene again and pay attention to Ben's face. He knows he's hearing bullshit.


The earth should have built two "Big Guns", one on each side of the planet. Building just one was really dumb since the other half of the Zentradi fleet survived to destroy the planet.

Political purposes. Putting the capital on any single race's homeworld would great an impression of favor. Putting it in space creates an impression of neutrality. Sure, the actual government is still biased as all hell, but the gesture makes the grunts feel better.

Also, it lets them move their indestructible forerunner ship around to wherever they need some gunboat diplomacy, without having to unplug it from all the stuff they run off its reactor.

You really don't have to go that far. Even Buster Machines 1 and 2 are more than a match for Covenant tech. The amount of damage a single Homing Beam salvo would do to their defense fleet is staggering.

And I very much doubt that a covenant plasma torpedo is stronger than a Space Monster plasma attack, given that we see the latter shoot an enemy fleet through a moon in the way. So Gunbuster has about as much to fear from the defense fleet as your car does from the rain.

I guess that makes sense politically. Though I wonder how expensive it is to keep that thing and the huge defense system for it up and running.

They were building more, the Zentradi just attacked before they were all ready.

Even the Grand Cannon we saw only barely survived firing because it was barely operational. But if you remember,t here is a throwaway line that there were people who survived the Zentradi bombardment because they were inside the Grand Cannon Installations, plural. Even the incomplete, unable to fire sites were still deep under the ground and fortified enough that they provided a better place to survive that the surface.

The real question is: Has the NUNS ever built more Grand Cannons after the war?

I could easily see there being a 'nuclear option' around Earth where if Earth is ever under attack and the orbital line of defense fails, they press a button and tell everything close to the planet to FUCK OFF in no uncertain terms.


It's a theocracy. Balancing the books is easy when you can just say "This is holy, all expenses are waived. You should be honored to donate your labors."

Its called PHYSICS. Time moves faster and slower literally dependent on where you are because of the galaxy's gravity as a whole. A ship operating in one part of the galaxy could be months or YEARS behind another. There would be no way to transmit codes in time.

This is of course pre-prequels tech that completely ruined that explanation with FTL communications.



>6 and a half hours later
I always just figured it was due to the fact they were running a galaxy spanning empire and didn't seem to have some sort of wholly interconnected FTL data system because news of things often times seemed to take forever to get to places.
Being stationed in some far off bum fuck area or on a long patrol might mean that the runners or sub-light signals carrying new code data might take a week to get to you and you left via hyperdrive 6 days ago.
Allowances would have to be made due to the sheer travel time required for things like code's and commands to make the rounds basically so an older code being ok'd made sense.
Knowing what i know now backs this up as well.

The empire does have an interconnected FTL data systems for communications but it does take a while for people to travel from one part of the galaxy to the next.
Also sending out new codes too frequently runs the risk rebel intelligence might get their hands on it.

As the other user put up the prequels ruined it with FTL comms but prior to those it made perfect sense to me as a kid that at the scales they were running it just made sense you might be behind the main lodes and nexus' of travel.
Left on tuesday and it took you a week of conventional travel ontop of 6 days of hyperdrive time? You probably have an old but acceptable code go see your supervisor for clearance to update your IFF system.

wouldn't getting closer to the black holes make you take longer since time dilation and all that?

>Name literally one fleet from any franchise that could defeat, or even get close enough, to a full strength High Charity with accompanying defense Fleet of Particular Justice and Second Fleet of Homogeneous Clarity.

SG1 with a pound of C4 and a 5 minute monologue about the human spirit > whatever your sci fi setting might come up with.

>relativity in star wars

SW is a science-denying Newtonian fantasy setting like most space operas, including the Culture.

Fucking this. I'm 75% through Excession and a Culture warship just blew through four waves of other battleships in eleven microseconds.

Anything that doesn't use slip-space could just warp/teleport/whatever right up to it and board without giving High Charity time to shoot everything down. When you say "any franchise" you automatically lose unless you're speaking of a meta character.

should i read this series?


No, it's about a dystopian future where human civilization has been taken over by superintelligent AIs created entirely from accumulated Reddit posts who proceed to spread the glories of weed and VR porn throughout the galaxy, by force if necessary


My guess is simply that older ships or ones farther away from the Core systems don’t get their codes updated as regularly, because that kind of “closer to authority means better gear” bullshit was how the Empire operates.
Basically he’s saying;
>”It’s old but we’re out here in the boonies so old might be all they’ve got, especially if they don’t serve on a HoloNet capable ship.”

You seem a bit flustered over a simple shitpost friend


Its always Culture

My favorite thing about Buster Machine 3 is that in most other settings it'd be something the protagonists would be trying to stop; it's a bomb that destroys the galaxy. Humanity doesn't try to win a conventional war against the space monsters that conquered the galaxy, it uses Scorched Earth tactics on the entire galaxy instead.

Several versions of the script have the stage direction 'Kenobi reacts with exasperation/disbelief' immediately after Han's line.


The Time Lords
The Xerg
The Tyranids
The Q
The Borg, once they adapt to it
The Daleks
End-game University of Planet (when they start altering probability)
The Flash

Your novel is shit, your series is shit, your example is shit, and you're a shit person. I hate you and your stupid fanwank.

There is no fucking reason for the Executor to be that big.

>Name literally one fleet from any franchise that could defeat, or even get close enough, to a full strength High Charity with accompanying defense Fleet of Particular Justice and Second Fleet of Homogeneous Clarity.
Anybody really...
I mean they got their shit kicked in by humans

>the parsecs line
Wasn't that there to let anyone who knew what a parsec is see that Solo's a bullshitter?