It's saturday night, elegan/t g/entlemen! Why isn't anyone streaming anything fantastical/sciencefictional?
>post your favorite scifi/fantasy movie or show without naming it and see if we can guess it
It's saturday night, elegan/t g/entlemen! Why isn't anyone streaming anything fantastical/sciencefictional?
>post your favorite scifi/fantasy movie or show without naming it and see if we can guess it
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I'd give her so many mutant babies
Not quite my favorite but the rest are all too easy to guess. Not that this obe is hard either but better than anything completely obvious.
Well I don't know this one.
Thief and the Cobbler.
Thief and the Cobbler.
Jeez, talk about obscure.
>Dúlamán na binne buí, dúlamán Gaelach
Dúlamán na farraige, ‘s é b’fhearr a bhí in Éirinn
Song of the Sea.
whats that?
Starchaser, the Legend of Orin. An animated "totally not Star Wars" with an extra dash of sex, violence, and forced personality reprogramming.
Sweet Nelly, what are they doing to that poor robot girl?!?
Harry Potter and the Rebellious Goblin
Space 1999. Devil's Planet.
The "heroes" kidnapped her during an escape and the knock-off Han Solo decided he'd rather have a sex slave than let her go, so he starts rewiring her. Note that robots are fully sapient individuals with rights and everything but hey, not like she can complain once he finishes with her.
And now I know what I'll be watching tonight.
I mean, it's so offensive I just had to see it for myself.
>real robot butt-job
Yeah, most of it's space leeches and warp drives melting people, but that scene stands out for some unknowable reason.
I would say quite a few scenes stand out in various ways that would make for a great MST3K episode.
True, forgot about all that. Need to rewatch it sometime myself.
Motherfucking Cobra
I have no idea but it looks brilliant.
SPACE GIANTS. I watched this as a child and had forgotten about it till right now.
>SPACE GIANTS. I watched this as a child
Me too. They used to play it on TBS right after I got out of school. I'd usually miss a bit of the beginning, but I watched it religiously. One of the interesting things about the show is that, apparently due to budget constraints, they couldn't have a new monster each week, like whatever version of Ultraman it was that they used to play around the same time. This lead to more developed plot lines as the monster would commonly have some kind of indirect impact on the world (a spreading sickness, for instance), and the heroes would have to learn the monster's secret to figure out how to defeat it. Ultraman, meanwhile, would face a new monster every episode, start to get weak, fly up into space to recharge, fly back down, and kill the monster every single time, making it a dreadfully boring show, even to a kid like me, who loved the premise.
He already said: it's Motherfucking Space Adventure Motherfucking Cobra.
Speaking of shit I used to watch as a kid...
Who /obscure western animation/ here?
Please, Ultra Satan, may I know the source?
Flight of Dragons isn't that obscure to most of Veeky Forums, but it certainly belongs among favorites.
the thief and the cobbler
song of the sea
flight of the dragons
Is this obscure enough?
That looks terrible in great ways, thank you
>Christopher Plummer
>That looks terrible in great ways, thank you
It really is.
They had to find somebody who could approach David Hasselhoff's level of acting talent.
Thought he was referring to only.
The best of the B fantasy flicks right here.
Beast Master. Been a long fucking time.
Pretty sure everyone knows this one but why the hell not?
Legend. I never saw more than a few snippets when it was on television. Is it good?
>Is this obscure enough?
It's obscure enough for me. No idea.
Who >>/necron99/ up in this bitch?
Bzzzt... Law Enforcement Protocols reinstated, pardner. Initializing use of force authorization... authorization found. Yee-haw!
So that's what it's called. I almost forgot about that one.
Please tell me the sauce.
This thing looks somehow familiar yet i cant remember this shows name or what happened in most of it.
All i remember are small fragments of it.
This one real obscure.
Robot Jox. I recognize those VGA cables anywhere.
Fantastic motherfucking Planet. Too bad you need shrooms to really watch it right.
It inspired the first Legend of Zelda game
well i'm retarded
>tfw you will never find anyone to play a game set in this universe
Chungo lungo!
Noy jitat!
The Railway Dragon
Thank you user, you have allowed me to visit a childhood memory i had almost forgotten.
This... this was real?
I remember this. I thought it was some weird nightmare I had. I only saw it once when I was younger late at night.
Remember to make some smoked meat sandwiches to go with it.
>nobody's mentioned the greatest, awesomest, rockiest movie of all time
Thank's a lot.
Never seen this one but it's close to one I've seen and can't find anymore
You got me, can I please know? Reverse image returned nothing and I used like 6 different reverse image engines.
Idk, just a wild guess, but is it the main villain darkness thing in Little Nemo?
The one you can't find anymore, I mean.
Ask and ye shall receive. Source starts at 25:08.
Maybe? I hardly remember the villain, but it was Pinocchio being turned back into a puppet and having to cross some burning hellscape, looked like a Don Bluth film but wasn't from what I can tell.
Ah, and that's from Little Nemo, so similar style but not quite the one I'm looking for.
Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night
Ah. I thought it looked like a batty vampire or something in the image, top left looked like a bat eat, not a piece of the head. RIP. Thank you for the reply, though. My curiosity has been satisfied.
Really? Thanks, I found images of it before but didn't think the animation matched. Damned nostalgia goggles.
Godspeed. I hope you enjoy it.
Since this turned into a thread about discovering old cartoons, here's one i am certain i saw when i was little, but cant find anywhere even the name of.
I cant remember the whole plot, but here are some highlights i remember.
>A beetle has lost two of its arms and needs help from couple of kids
>They travel to the moon where they find that beatles arms, well those arms belonged to that same beetles grandfather or something, but due to some shenanigans, missing two arms became a family trait for that beetles family
>The beetle and the kids are on a time limit and they need to get back to earth before the sun rises or something, they manage to find some sorta giantcannon on the moon which they use to get back to earth
>As they get home the kids wake up and realize it was a dream
>Which they both had
>And a familiar looking beetle is walking ontheir window sill
I think my favourite fantasy movie is howl's moving castle
What's this?
Rock and rule.
Rock and Rule
This was will be one of my favorites
This is one of the two main sources for a big project I've been working on since November 2016
>Thank's a lot.
His name is Mok
Thanks anons
wat is?
What happens when you click the little triangle next to the post number and then click "Google Search"
But for real it's Pirates of Dark Water
Which version do you like better- the visually remastered one with a different VA for Omar and slight edits or the damaged CBC version with the original dialogue but rougher image quality?
>Which version do you like better- the visually remastered one with a different VA for Omar and slight edits or the damaged CBC version with the original dialogue but rougher image quality?
Not that user, but I had assumed I watched the original because it was called Rock & Rule, not Ring of Power, but I just skipped to the credits and Paul Le Mat is credited as Omar, not Greg Salata.
You got a link to the original version, user?
Not other user, but you know there's a literal Pirates of Dark Water Roleplaying game standalone right?
The designers of the show were huge RPG fans.
That's fanmade, isn't it
As far as I know there are several shitty fanmade PoDW rgps, but there is also a very shitty OFFICIAL one, that may or may not have ever actually reached the market.
>Too bad you need shrooms to really watch it right.
I managed well enough.