Can we have a thead about the edgy Space Elves?
Dark Eldar Thread
When is their book series getting on Audible?
Most people don't know them as anything but edgy rapey weirdos, when they're actually just the scumiest Game of Thrones royalty having space adventures.
>black elves
Disgusting. Tolkien is spinning in his grave.
Dark Eldar would have been way better as just a particularly weird variety of Craftworld Eldar, who were still protective of Exodites and all the rest of it but the other Craftworld Eldar found them a bit embarrassing.
You would've been better as an abortion.
Chaos Eldar/Ealfs when? I got this box of deamonettes and nothing for them to service.
You'll have to play AoS for that, chaos elves are coming out this/next year.
Posting best guy.
I've heard they're one of the hardest armies in the game to play. How true is that? I'm interested in starting a Dark Eldar army but I'd like to know what I'm getting into first.
>Do I even exist?
It's the best looking army GW makes, this is the only thing you should care about.
Well, I won't deny that. Besides, I might end up spending more time painting than playing.
No one cares that your a fucking sperg /pol/
Beckjann is responsible for 90% of the Dark Eldar artwork I've seen. These guys need more love.
Why yes, what a good idea for a thread!
They'd have to be marines for that.
They can be but only if you don't have an idea of what to do for them, if you want fast melee use wych cults in venoms, if you want to take a hit use Covens, Kabalites are good for taking out hard targets or hoards of infantry/monstrous creatures depending on what you equip them with. incubi are dedicated melee monsters but i'd wait to see if they get more options in the codex before buying any. I've never used mandrakes but apparently they're good for suicide runs on HQ's. Use whichever fits your play best.
Why the tranny face?
You mean standard eldar face?
Reminds me of the Kingdom Hearts cover
Don't respond to the /pol/tards, that is what they want
I get a more Shadowrun vibe from it.
I wish all 40K art had this art style.
It used to, then Kirby decided that the artist was asking too much for it and showed him out.
Black eldar make no sense. dark skin comes from prolonged and sustained exposure to the sun. In the case of Craftworld and Kabalite Eldar they haven't seen the sun in millions of years. It's like whose FR retards who think drow being black makes sense after 10,000 years of living in underground.
>No one cares that you're a fucking sperg
>cared enough to post
come on newfag, try harder.
>Don't respond to the /pol/tards, that is what they want
yeah buddy that's right. A guy giving his opinion about a picture that has no relevance to the fluff. Clearly a mastermind "/pol/tard".
Not just you being a retard newfag who needs to lurk more.
>implying Eldar have melanin
Why aren't we more popular?
Is it because we aren't supported, or are we not supported because we aren't popular?
Tell me about the Cult of Pleasure and Morathai.
I'm interested on how they view Slaanesh and their fate upon death.
Drow are black literally because a god did it. The elves who sided with Lolth when she fought the other elven gods were cursed with black skin to mark them apart from other elves.
Also because it's supposed to make them look like photo negatives of regular elves, because drow are supposed to be the evil opposite of regular elves.
How would a human in need of mercenaries go about contacting a Kabal?
Probably via corsairs, who'd probably make the contact just to see how hilariously badly it goes for the human.
Both. Want more support? Show up with your army at a game night and be seen having a blast with your preferably well painted army. Obviously this is more effective if your local isn't filled with WAAC players.
If you give DE a reputation for being a cool army then they'll get noticed.
Because S8 gun spam at a low points cost is awesome, but not awesome enough to compensate for having your tanks blow-up whenever you don’t get the first turn.
The pleasure cults were reformed into the kabals, cults, and covens post-fall. The only time old school-style pleasure cults existing in the modern era are mentioned were in that one CS Goto novel where he made Lelith a Slaaneshi cultist, and everyone considers it non-canon.
The Rogue Trader RPG has human space pirates hanging out in Commoragh’s “alien” ghettoes, so I would assume by walking.
I think Dark Eldar are more popular than you give them credit for.
They're not space marines or a flavor of the month OP army (which I'm very thankful for)
But we've got the most awesome looking models out there, and a solid dedicated player base.
>What are exodites?
Actually, holy shit, I'm going to make black Eldar pirates!
In a sense isn't every Dark Eldar a Slaaneshi cultist?
Who but the most devout cultists would devote their lives to sacrificing billions to their god?
See what you've done now? How he thinks somebody cares..
Reminder that dark eldar are PG druchii
edgy land elves are better
Adrian Smith has never stopped producing art for GW.
Wife goes away for 4 days and im bored of porn already.
Imagine how bored of porn you would get if you were nearly functionally immortal. No wonder dark elves end up ultimate space perverts.
>remove skin
>have sex in bath of acid
>not as good as the first skinless acid wank