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Sisters of Silence are Bullshit Edition
Doesn't matter because no one cares about them Subedition

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>/HHG/'s Legion demographics

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>Primarch Popularity Poll

>NEW Mega Folder

>HH rulebook

first for the IVth!

Second for the Mechanicum.

Third for the Fifth, or something.

Can anyone make sense of the WS' Swift Action special rule? It's clear when it triggers, but not when it's in effect.

>On any turn in which a unit with this special rule ends the Movement phase at least 6" (or 12" if the unit is a Vehicle or of the Bike or Jetbike type) from the point where it began the phase, in the Movement phase and/or Assault phase it gainst he following benefits until the beginning of its controlling player's next turn:
>- Re-roll failed To Wound rolls of a 1 with all attacks.
>- Gain a cover save of 6+ or improve an existing cover save by +1, to a maximum of 3+.

It's a big deal if you get those effects for all phases after the one in which they trigger, and a minor bonus if it only applies during Overwatch.

It also seems too easy to trigger with assault marines.

looking at it, it lasts for the rest of your turn (all phases after movement or assault), the entire enemy turn, and then resets at the start of your next turn.

This post makes me iron ;)

Heil Hydra.

Speaking of SoS, is there any reason to take Vigilators over Oblivion Knights. For 5pts. more you lose the Death Mark (woo, PE against a single unit/IC) but gain 6++/4++, +1 Attack, Precision Strike, and Ex Oblivio.

Vigilators are troops, so fulfil compulsory FOC slots and can score. Otherwise, probably not.

could someone drop a link for a copy of the 6th ed apoc pdf? I need to look up some datasheets and lost mine with a new pc.

/40kg/ OP has various Megas containing old rulebooks and codexes.

More like hail my sword

What is the symbol on this fist?

Is it ok for use in the Horus Heresy?

Isn't that the Fast Attack section badge?
Not sure if that is pre- or post-codex introduction.

It's post-codex.

Then why is it all over the Horus Heresy transfer sheets from Forgeworld?

Mhm I thought it was FA badge as well, but I'm not sure.

Crossed arrows for an assault unit was definitely used during the heresy, so I reckon it's fine.

Very nice, good to know.

What legion

on a mkvi body, go for it.

Why are dornfags so proud of big yellow having killed some random Alpha Legion marine?

Don't worry user, your denial will pass in time, the acceptance stage is soon.

>killing traitors
>ever not something to be proud of


>be alpharius
>kill thousands of iron hands, sallies and raven guard
>be the vanguard of horus' march to terra
>infiltrate the sol system and compromise the defenses there
>do nothing to indicate he isn't a traitor in any way
>people still drink the "he's really a loyalist coolaid"

IF achievements in heresy so far:
>lose battle of phall from winning position
>sit on terra doing nothing
>sit on terra doing nothing
>two captured legionaries burn down fabulous bill's funhouse, but fail to kill the man himself
>sit on terra doing nothing
>the whole pharos nonsense
>sit on terra doing nothing
>sit on terra doing nothing
>sit on terra doing nothing
>alpharius kill
>sit on terra doing nothing
Is it any wonder IF players fixate on their legion's one big positive moment so far?

>>lose battle of phall from winning position
You got that the wrong way round bucko.

Eh? They were winning, then got Dorn's voicemail message at just the wrong moment, decided to retreat and got smashed doing so.

How powerful a psyker would best boy have been had he been able to reach his full potential?

Probably Magnus level.

Are SoS going to get anything else? I think they are a lot cooler than Custodes but they really got the short end of the army list.

If only their kit wasn't silly huge and monopose as fuck...

Got a size comparison pic with a marine?

At least he killed someone.

I tried to make a fake profile for Alpharius to make a meme like this, but Facebook somehow knew the account wasn't real. It just kept saying "This account is a lie".

So I just started buying my fists army with calth. Im looking at the rulebook and I don't see anything about regular squads taking heavy bolters but the calth set comes with them. Should I just assume regular squads of bois use the same rules as 7th?

They’re the same height as plastic mkIII if you measure from the scalp. SoS are arguably taller since they’re posed in a super wide squat.

Marinelets on suicide watch.

No no no no no.

There are PDFs linked to at the top of this page with books you’ll eventually want to buy: the Legiones Astartes Age of Darkness Army List and Legiones Astartes Age of Darkness Legions. In it, you’ll see hat tactical squads don’t have many options - basically bolters and bolt pistols, with an option for chain swords (in Heresy we know pistol+ccw squads as Despoilers). The sergeant has some ccw options too.

It’s veterans that can be kitted out like a 40k squad.

Agreed, they are too fucking big. But the kit comes with a lot of spare heads and weapons, so if you got some DE bits you can easily kit bash some sisters.

Solar Auxilia are too big as well, but pretty nice looking.

I just want to know why SoS get fearless and Custodes don't.

Cause strong women don't need no moral.

>SoS are bullshit

Why? Did I miss something?

Fearless needs to be really, really rare. Nothing human or human-ish should have it.

Soulless abominations are neither human, nor humanish.

Army wide fearless + Army wide stealth + cheap and effective infantry + best transports in the game + Jentia Krole = Imo one of the strongest list 30k has, no Custodes needed

Is everything too big or are marines too small?

It’s the latter

Then why was I told they were shit whenever I asked about them? WHY DO YOU LIE TO ME?!

Entertainment? I mean, it was pretty funny...

>5 kits I can think of in the entire HH line are out of scale (4 SA one Sisters), for a whopping 2 army lists
>better burn the molds for the other 23 armies and make new ones

>women are neither human nor humanish


Because no one actually played them so we were guessing.
Then last thread someone posted about how they played against a SoS army, and they're actually pretty good.

But that's what he said.

I just wish you didn't need to take a mandatory HQ for them. You don't need one for Custodes, so why SoS?

Also, please FW, give SoS access to Rhinos. Transporting 10 bolter bitches in a dildo that costs more than the unit is stupid.

To be fair, that's one dude playing one specific build of Sisters. Should that prove the only effective way to play the army I'd still call them shit.
Sisters are in scale, Emps just has a giantess dom fetish.

Side issues aside, I'd just like SoS to have more hair and fur coat options.

The submarine dildos are the best part of the army. They have impressive fire power, high durability, extreme speed, and a high cap assault transport on top.

Yes, and I do intend to get at least one for sword bitches. But I'm not gonna waste 250+ pts. on transports for bolter and flamer bitches. I want Rhinos for cost effectiveness and OG visual reasons.

Good things are best in moderation.

They don't cover all the bases, which is why they're usually better as allies. But the Acquisitors are undercosted so armies that spam them are indeed good.

I'm thinking of plumbing my DE/Escher bits for hair pieces. Also the Chaos Marauders cloak might look good on them.

Should I ever get around to putting my half-dozen Sisters together, I'll get back to you.

Marines are the same size they used to be. The problem started with the 3rd ed. plastic Catachans and Cadians. They were at least as big as marines at the time, and human models since then have generally been bigger than 28mm.

Marines didn't catch up until GW made the Deatwatch guys in late 7th ed. bigger, and then of course grew the Primaris marines even more. Except they seem to be making humans larger again (see Necromunda), so within 5 years they'll probably need to make Primaris bigger again.

FW doesn't seem willing to screw its players over, which means a lot of its stuff will be incompatible with 40k before long.

Going from 8th back to 7th makes me remember how much I hated the arbitrary distinction between walkers and monsters

Fur can easily be sculpted. Hair can be transplanted.

>Fur can easily be sculpted
What’s FW’s excuse for the varagyr models?

Yeah, I wish they'd cleaned up the rules more. It'd take effort (list re-writes), but they had time. imo, there was plenty to mess around with:

>revise/merge walkers and monstrous creatures, especially flying ones
>get rid of stomp
>revise haywire
>do we really need challenges?
>how about fixed charge distances?

Wet fur looks like that, I guess.

Well, I love the Acquisitor and plan on getting at least one, but ultimately, I wanted to make one of each unit move from there. I'm particularly interested in the fucking grenade launcher option and wish I could bring the fury in 40k.

FW propaganda trying to brainwash us to eat more bananas.

>wet leopard growl

Which will happen first, castellan axes in 30k or melta spears in 40k?

Melta spears ofc.

If I'm converting some Custodes Allarus for 30k, should I put them on 40mm or 50mm?

Put them on the base size of the thing you are converting them into.

I dunno, man. People can argue that putting a HW team on a 25mm base is perfectly legal, so who knows at this point.

GW doesn't seem to give a fuck about base since at this point.

I'm not familiar with HW teams, do they come with two different base sizes? Convert your guys to use whatever bases the intended counts as model comes with. I'm not familiar with any models that come with two different base sizes in their box.

Sucks that none of the scenic base kits come with 50mm bases. I'm using Shattered Dominion bases and painting them as ruins of Prospero.

Old metal heavy weapons teams came on two 25mm bases for the crew and the gun was on its own with no base. 3e onward the kits have come with 60mm bases and 5e onward it has been a single model with 2 wounds rules wise.

People argue that since GW still sells old IG models and their HW teams come with 25mm bases, it's legal to mount a single model on two 25mm bases independent of one another. Like having an Attack Bike with the bike and sidecar separate from one another.

Hail brother, I believe you have the wrong forge-fane. The Iron Cage is two clusters down.

>impressive fire power, high durability, extreme speed

user don't post that. My anus is still raw.

>Like having an Attack Bike with the bike and sidecar separate from one another.
Or just not basing your attack bikes, because GW still hasn't seen fit to stick a base into the box.

Then again, I played back when Bikes didn't have bases at all and we managed.


>My anus is still raw.

I see these in my nightmares now.

Just wait for Angelus and the Lion's Thorny Blade.

The Sisters of Silence in terms of head size are Krieger scale.


pile of shit conversion of a pile of shit model

You're not fooling anyone Roboute.

I’m seriously curious how big FW will make the Emperor when he gets a model at the end.

gw will make a bigger one

not looking forward to the day the Emperor gets a shiny new model and Alpharius remains un-modeled.

is there a megalink for horus heresy novels

Alpharius already has a model. Everyone is Alpharius.

See where it says New Mega Folder in the top post? Go in there.

As soon as you end the movement phase, the rule immediately applies to the listed units (which seems to exclude any that ran in the shooting phase). This continues to the assault phase (giving them a cover save for any Overwatch from charging), over the course of your enemy's next turn which includes their shooting and assault phase. Then it goes away at the start of your next turn.

At least your bikes were a single unit. Surely you didn't have the sidecar driving around on its own.

Trick question. FW would need to get off their asses for either option, since they'd need to write rules for the axes and make minis for the spears, neither of which is going to happen.

I wonder how they're gonna handle spear variants, fists, talons, etc. in 40k. Rewritten unit entries, alternative unit entries or just fuck over anyone who wants to use them?