Tomb Kangz

Why did they squat Tomb Kings? They're a lot of fun to play in Total War which peaked my interest again in Warhammer Fantasy, and for my old, small army of models I had.

As a result I got back into the hobby and found the entire range has been removed for no real explanation given. They had such great models like the Warsphinx, Ushabti, Stalkers, Tomb Guard and Tomb Kings and so on - it seems bonkers they would remove all that stuff when it could have been simply combined into Age of Sigmar Death faction, isn't that what they did during the End Times?

Is there any chance they will come back? I really want to buy some of the models but on Ebay you can only find sprayed premade crap or boxes that cost triple their price (Tomb Guard for £120).

>Why did they squat Tomb Kings
Too spooky.

They were extremely unpopular.

Literally nobody bought them.

a Faction with actual tangible history in it‘s setting and certain geographical limitations didn‘t fit the age of skubmar thing they planned to do where nothing mathers and everything is eternally fucked also Archaon wins again spoiler.

Ironically, we do know about the Tomb Kings Analogies in Age of Sigmar.

Were they really? Is there any source on that?

>Literally nobody bought them.


They only briefly came back when End Times happened and Nagash's crazy op summons were a thing.

Nobody really wanted to paint that many poorly molded skeletons anyway.

I can't pull sales figures out of my ass but by basic analogy during events Tomb kings were dead last in representation despite being a 8th edition book with some very OP units.

They even lacked the VC problem of needing busses for their lords because Chariot Units were a thing and pretty good.

Maybe some day GW will bring them back. Daughters of Khaine shows GW's design is "Make shit you want, apply rules later"

>is there any chance they will come back?
They've been exceedingly well received in Total Warhammer, so it's not totally out there.

As for why they were squatted: their elites and monsters may have been cool, but their core (which you needed an absolute fuckton of, and who were still shit other than chariots and arrow spam) were ancient kits.

They also sucked as an army to be getting into, because they were quite finicky and they don't play well at small points levels - basically needing 2 HQs from the get-go.

They were also a lot more niche in terms of style and aesthetic compared to vampires

Bottom Line
They're based on Ancient Egypt in both looks and flavor, so GW cannot copyright them.

The End.


I mean, that applied to Lizardmen and Wood Elves too, but they managed to find ways to rejig them for AoS while keeping the aesthetic and basic tone of the army. Tomb Kings could easily have been, like "Death faction of undead priests and kings that wants nothing to do with Nagash, and establishes their own little principalities across the Mortal Realms"

Sylvaneth are based on trees, Chaos mortals are mostly based on vikings, Fyreslayers are based on celts, Seraphon are Aztec/Mayan, and it looks like the new Daughters of Khaine are going to have a strong Hellenic influence. They could keep the looks and change the flavour just enough to make it trademarkable.

what do they get out of copyrighting, anyway
Doesn't it cost money, other way 'round?

Dogshit rules and GW self fulfilling prophecy

>Give TK shit rules
>No one buys them
>No one buys TK! Don't bother supporting them!
>As a result there is no support so no one buys them

It's any wonder how the fuck SoB in 40k haven't been removed yet in all honesty.

Is there anywhere you can buy nice recasts of Tomb Kings. From Chinaman perhaps?

>and it looks like the new Daughters of Khaine are going to have a strong Hellenic influence.
>old Dark Elves and nagas
>Hellenic influence
Oh come on they even made them body-positive in shitton of clothes

>Gives them battle-sports bras and do Morathi in a literal dom outfit
>Body Positive.

Man Shitposters are always quick to look stupid.

>what do they get out of copyrighting, anyway
Protection from 3rd party models

Chaos Mortals have enough bits and effects to not be easily copied by other 28mm figures without copyright infringement,
Fyreslayers are half naked Celtic Dwarves.
Seraphon are Aztec Lizardmen.
Both are easily copyrightable.

Tomb Kangs are Egyptian skeletons and mummies and shit with Anubis statues, giant scorpions and other shit straight out of every Mummy movie ever.

They don't want companies like Mantic and Avatars of War to produce cheaper, (and in the case of Tomb Kangs, better) models while theirs sit on a shelf at $90 for what is essentially 10 skeletons with spears.

Sorry, besides the stupidly old kits, Mantic kits never competed with Warhammer kits.

Even the New Skeletons beat the shit out of the Mantic ones in everything but cartoonish hilarity.

>>Gives them battle-sports bras
You mean lack of boob-plates (and lack of boobs)?
>and do Morathi in a literal dom outfit
With ugly face and censored body.

>Chaos Mortals have enough bits and effects to not be easily copied by other 28mm figures without copyright infringement,
Such as (except Gods marks)?
>and in the case of Tomb Kangs, better
>Mantic kits never competed with Warhammer kits.
Except Mantic skeletons (if you compare them with core TK and VC skellies, not with Tomb Guards), zombies and revenant cavalry

>Ugly face

It's as "Ugly" as the Total War Warhammer face she just looks a bitch.

>Lack of boobs.

Witch Elves always had small tits, your picture even proves an increase in bust.

The only models Mantic outdid were literal 20 year old kits that are some of the first plastic kits GW ever made.

The New skeletons and Black Knights utterly outshine everything Mantic even tries to do.

this right here, can actually be applied to warhammer as a whole too

Sorry, but it looks like the Furies and the Medusae are more elite Warriors with heavier armor ( and also designed with shields/Whips and masks of the Sisters of slaughter too )

And despite that, they still wear utterly skimpy armor that shows off their curves.

>It's as "Ugly" as the Total War Warhammer face she just looks a bitch.
Nope, she looks like a mix of nigger C-class pop-singer and pekingese.
>Witch Elves always had small tits,
Yeah, but they were athletic as fuck, not fat, not testosterone transgender. And they weren't ashamed of their bodies.
>, your picture even proves an increase in bust.
Not boobs, armor.

>sum up WHFB with 4 words or less

I like the armor on aos more

>very op units

Dude the main reason nobody used TK was that they sucked balls

They were the worst army bar NONE. Even bretonnia was better.

I'd rather spend $60 for 60 of the guys on the left than for 10 of the guys on the right.
But keep on shilling.

>I'd settle for Quantity over Quality.

They don't have snakes hairs, it's naga.
>heavier armor
Yeah sure....
> that shows off their curves.
Shit, you get it, that's why they hiding chests and showing fat ballies

>Black Knights
Very borring edgy-shit.

Constructs were actually very competitive and extremely strong.

But nobody fucking played TK. I mean let me point this out. GW didn't do anything to TK but give them tons of new shit.

Nobody fucking played them.

Since it's greek Lamia would be more accurate.

>Edgy shit
>Skeleton horsemen

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>Constructs were actually very competitive and extremely strong.
>8th edition

>GW didn't do anything to TK but give them tons of new shit.
They actually give them a very sweet models release, but the rules were bad and 89th edition forced you to buy and paint shitton of old skellies.
>Since it's greek Lamia would be more accurate.

>New units have a little more armor than older ones
>Or the same if you count Sisters of Slaughter

>Autistic person gets mad.

Nothing I just prefer dead knights ridding rotting horse.
And I actually perefer the skeleton warriors looked like they were reanimated by necromancer after battle.

Because Lamia comes from a closer region than India when we're talking about snek wimmins And shows up in greek texts.

Also I can tell you never actually played against TK's because if you maxed out your Constructs and Necrotects you could rape all the top armies.

That was TK's issue, the weakness was Empire and Dwarves, not Elves, Chaos and VC.

>>New units have a little more armor than older ones
>literally makes chest unattractive
>the faces are also ruined
>a little more

>Because Lamia comes from a closer region
Closer to what?
>the weakness was Empire and Dwarves
So you mean gunline?
Also, elves were pretty okay in dealing with monsters

>Faces are ruined
>Literally the same

You're confusing good paintjob for bad sculpts now.

>Armor makes their chests unattractive.

So let me get this straight, you are complaining about the Two new units, Who are not designed to be attractive and in fact are warped bestial reflections of the Cult of Khaine. Are not wearing the exact same shit as the ONE unit in the new list.

Man, the Necrosphinx was so good and devouring High Elves it was almost laughable.

>Heroic killing Blow
>On a fucking Monster that can be buffed by a cheap throwaway hero and the Lord to be almost unkillable.

TK's were so rarely played they hardly ever factored into the Meta at all, but people forget Regular Sphinxes were fucking Special Choices.

>>Literally the same
At least now I knew why GW made Stormcasts are so big.
>So let me get this straight, you are complaining about the Two new units,
Nope, about the whole release.
>Who are not designed to be attractive and in fact are warped bestial reflections of the Cult of Khaine.
>g-g-guys, they shouldn;t be attractive, stop being a sexist


Idiot or troll, take your pick.

>The Whole release
>3 fucking units

They follow the Aesthetics of Witch Elves and Sisters of Slaughter perfectly.

Some are slightly more armored than others.

In short, you are a fucking inbred.

>They follow the Aesthetics of Witch Elves and Sisters of Slaughter perfectly.
Yes, but uglier and censored.

>Have different armor

I am betting they will have a 4+ save, which is why they have more armor, which makes fucking sense.


They look exactly the fucking same.

Tomb kings biggest weakness was Special Bloat.

Almost all the good tools for a TK army were special and you couldn't take them all.

>>Have different armor
Yes if this armor making them less attractive.
>They look exactly the fucking same.
Except they didn't their faces are literally different >squished eyes
>huge bulging foreheads

You sound like someone who's used to hotglue his models that's upset the new one doesn't satysfy his fap standard.

>Almost all the good tools for a TK army were special and you couldn't take them all.
+ 8th edition (buy more boxes to complete a single unit!)

>that's upset the new one doesn't satysfy his fap standard.
Yes, any problems, soyboy?

Nigga, I collect Daughters of Khaine.

Squished eyes and bulging foreheads are a thing already you fucking chode

And you don't even know what the word censored means yo-

Hold on, you're fucking Slavposter, No wonder you reply in autistic greentext waves.

Shut up you Autistic Pollack.

All of this right here, OP. Geedubs being geedubs is why they got squatted.

Do your part and go to the nearest GW store, ask them for Tomb Kings and make the conversation as awkward as possible while you force them to try and explain why they aren't available despite the popular TW2 game's release.

>It's GW's fault nobody bought TKs

Wat. That's the exact opposite of what I said you fucking inbred.

Go back to Veeky Forums you useless turd.

>Nigga, I collect Daughters of Khaine.
And I've collected Cult of Pleasure since 5th edition.
>Squished eyes and bulging foreheads are a thing already you fucking chode
Except it didn't and posted above picture shows it perfectly.

>ever surviving against the Ballista Spam of Doom
>or the Warp Lightning Extravaganza
>or the Poisoned Piercing Hail of Get Out of my Forest
>or the Hellcannon Festival

It's like you never played WHFB tourneys

... You do know your picture shows that perfectly right?

There is little to no Aesthetic difference between either side of your picture

Hell, the most armored one there is the fucking Death Hag you stupid fuck.

>>It's GW's fault nobody bought TKs
>it isn't GW who designed 8th edition ruleset
>it isn't GW who let Tyranidlover design TK armybook
>it isn't GW who set the prices

When they give them shite models and never updated rules, yes, its GW's fault they weren't bought. And because they weren't bought GW would never update them.

>There is little to no Aesthetic difference between either side of your picture
>Hell, the most armored one there is the fucking Death Hag you stupid fuck.
Wow, so someone knew how to make armored chick, but still attractive without censoring her tits, really Dark Age of Technology.

>heoric killing blow
>on a single attack
>on a 3 attack monster
>with unstable

the necrosphinx was so laughably bad it often died simply by combat resolution.

So they made them like athenean women? Because athenean women wore a pretty hefty amount of clothing, unlike spartan harlots.

Where can I find these new sculpts?
I need to buff up my roster.

Wait, so your standard are so low you already fap to plastic miniatures but you need chainmail bikini to fap to those plastic figurines.

You realize that's basically like fapping to shadman shit but getting angry that you need a futa in there to fap?

You are already lowest than the low, there is no need to pretend to have standards.

It had heroic killing blow on one attack at strength 10.

It's regular attacks had killing blow. Buff with a Necrotect and a Liche Priest and for 225 points of a rare monster you had a pretty durable fucker who could scythe down anything.

And all this is still just a good distraction for the 10 chariot bus flying up the enemies ass.

"flying" with a 7'' moving troop that could not march is a big euphemism

And if you need an entire magic phase to make something that can be oneshotted by half of the armies out there decent, here is a hint: don't.

Google yoyhammer.

>Oneshotted by half the armies
The only thing that can Oneshot a Necrosphinx is a fully dedicated battery of cannons, which means the Necrosphinx is already drawing the fire of more than it's points.

I mean you're forgetting the rule of Monsters is bring more than one.

And if they fire at the Necrosphinx, they die turn 2 to the Stalkers/Knights.

>So they made them like athenean women?
Yeah, while they were suppose to made fictional creatures.
>Wait, so your standard are so low you already fap to plastic miniatures
Yep, but in the past.
>but you need chainmail bikini to fap to those plastic figurines.
I was needed a cool art or cool sculpts.
>You are already lowest than the low,
>says the numale

>Calls people a numale
>Fapped to fucking Witch Elves.

There was NEVER

NEVER a Sexy sculpt of Witch Elves.

It's hilarious to me that your standards are so warped that you believe that fapping to actual real women is somehow lower than hotgluing plastic figurines.

>>Fapped to fucking Witch Elves.
>There was NEVER
>NEVER a Sexy sculpt of Witch Elves.
But there were Witch from WHO and shitton of old art (including Morathi) and 8th ed. release at least tried to reach the perfection, while DoK is just said "no, we must be more family-friendly, so let's give them ugly faces, smaller and covered boobs"

You know fundamentally the part I find about you that is so hilarious is they are literally the same bar a tiny amount more armor

And you are that whiny and pathetic to complain about that.

In a Model Wargame.

Consider suicide my Slavic inbred friend.

>they are literally the same
Only aesthetically (but I still think bows came straight from Judicators).
>a tiny amount more armor
Ragging Heroes models have even more armoured models, yet still they looks more attractive than DoK chestplates.
>In a Model Wargame.
>models for premium-price shouldn't look good

>I'm angry because GW don't cater to my fetishes!

If that's the case where are my pregnant cult broodmothers for Genestealer cults GW?

>>I'm angry because GW don't cater to my fetishes!
>liking attractive woman more than unattractive

>If that's the case where are my pregnant cult broodmothers for Genestealer cults GW?
That's a nice question, I really wish they release some citizens models and other sutff (like genestealer limousine)

Dogshit miniatures. Why they didn't upgrade the skeletons the next release after the Vampire Counts got their long needed upgrade is beyond me.

I personally did stuff like this, pic related.

People used to sell lots of Tomb King bitz on Ebay, like shields, banners and accessories.

The thing I don't get is that the Tomb Kings would have fit easily into AoS since they mashed all the undead together anyway, except for the Strigoi. At least with Bretonnia I can understand there being some difficulty including them in.

They look to be playing up the whole medusa and harpy aspects, the snake thing I'm assuming is Morathi is wrapped around a bunch of marble columns, and the teaser trailer was full of greek black-figure pottery art and greek key borders.

What does body positivity have to do with any of that?

I actually prefer the look of the one on the left. You should either do no armour, or full armour. And with skeleton hordes, then yeah, I can absolutely settle for quantity over quality.

GW wouldn't squat them if they weren't bleeding money. Bottom line is all they care about. It's why they still neglect Sisters Of Battl

Wow do you fags really think the new dark elves are SJW? Because they're almost not butt naked? You fucking neckbeards are reverse SJWs

>gw says on facebook they will censor female models
>new female models released are censored in a radical departure from previous models of the same factions
it's not exactly rocket science

I know it's the feathering on the arrow, but it looks like Lamia-san has one ludicrously long finger.
Like his cheek on the GoldenEye N64 box.

Chads don't jerk it to plastic models.

By my appraisal there's more of a difference in style than strictly quality, and even if I was wealthy I'd certainly still think that the exorbitant price difference was too much.

And nobody bought them because they were one of the most underpowered armies in the game with a model line who's infantry and cav hadn't been updated in over a decade besides Tomb Guard and Necropolis Knights.

>Tomb Kings could easily have been, like "Death faction of undead priests and kings that wants nothing to do with Nagash, and establishes their own little principalities across the Mortal Realms"

But that would have required some intelligent thought on behalf the stuff of GW

Those are some big choppas right there

>It's as "Ugly" as the Total War Warhammer face she just looks a bitch.
fuck off. She is smug as hell.

I might just do that.

>nobody bought kangz
>fantasy WUZ

To be fair, tomb kings suffered from 2 boring releases and not a lot of updating.

Fantasy itself had spiralled into a weird place. 40k escalated to a scale formerly reserved for "Apocalypse" (big) games, while fantasy had no such room for growth. SO what the designers did was favor larger formations. Moving around blocks of 30-50 doods, who came in boxes of 10 for 40-50$, became a pretty tough sell.

Also, a whole edition had essentially been blasted by power creep from a certain codex writer. It was really out of hand.

Honestly, GW had only themselves to blame for it, but unfortunately their fans were the ones who ended up being punished. Instead of trying to salvage the game the CEO at the time, who had injected quite a bit of cancer into their other properties, decided it was a good idea to just jump ship instead of actually improve.

well he did give SEGA the rights to WHFB. I would love to see CA/Relic make more WHFB games with Amplitude providing the Aesthetic.