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Alright, here I go.
Update when?
When you make it.
Never, because best waifu is already in it
Taking Isis.
Hestia is bestia as always
Personally I liked some of the custom-domain gods - Ysmir (Heroism), Puck (Plots), and the god of Nature+Wild. The Sea+Revelry one I liked, too, as well as Typhon (Death). A good assortment of personalities and philosophies without trying to minmax - with the exception of Puck, who was me, and if I had read ahead and not just blindly prepared to avoid getting murderhobo'd on a dead planet I would have gone for a more domain-oriented build. But regardless, they all had a personal philosophy that they focused on, instead of just trying to "win" the cyoa.
I don't think I counted you as anything, there were quite a few [???] on my list that I didn't bother charting because I didn't know how to usefully represent them.
I think a flaw in the setting is that rejecting godhood, and the shenanigans that come with it, is such a compelling option, even though it kind of flattens out the dynamic of the game. Instead of having [divine - mortal], [ally - rival], [domain - world at large], and [philosophy - opposing philosophy] axes, it gets flattened out to just [you - everyone else]. We end up lacking the conflicting dynamics and wheels within wheels that would make the setting interesting, and instead wind up in kind of a grim hopeless endeavor of trying to unseat a near-omnipotent pantheon on our own and how we can somehow contrive to grant ourselves all the powers and beat everyone. It goes from a superpowered soap opera to a "my sonic oc kills god" fanfic. If I could change something about it, it would probably be to make joining the Pantheon more of a palatable option, and maybe make a clearer divide between them/the player and humanity somehow.
When you start posting the latest version of this.
Last thread is still up. Go there.
One of the reasons I didn't go the Betrayer route is indeed the fact it's "You VS Everyone else". Especially since there seemed to be a few reasonables around too.
Greek Pantheons will do as they do I suppose. I'm guessing my choice as God of Death will eventually mean I'm demonized for no apparent reason if we happen to meet our end.
For the user who wanted it.
I was such a fucking newb I didn't realize the 10k length limit and had to chop page 2 in half.
Also, including a roll element for no good reason. This should have been a choice, rehandling the 5-6 results.
One of the finest CYOAs ever to grace this humble general
Shame I don't have my builds on me
Hey guys. Just wanted to drop this "wip" here and see what everyone thinks of my initial direction.
Any suggestions or requests are very much welcome. I love seeing some of the thing you guys come up with.
Presenting, albeit in hastily prepared notes, Comfy Trailer
Also, to that one guy that wants to fuck the living ship from SSEN.
No. Just, no.
>One day you sat in front of your computer, furiously shitposting as you normally do.
Just no. Be better than Time Stop.
seems like an easy update to eliminate rolling.
Did timestop do something similar?
I can't recall.
Also, what's wrong with me taking the piss?
It did.
It's dumb.
Put more thought into your work.
Does /cyoag/ like a lot of back story for their generic waifu cyoa's? Is something like pic related too much?
I can understand the sentiment, but I'm not going into this with a serious mindset.
I just like to shit around and have fun. Some people like it, others don't.
Can't appease everyone, so I do what I like.
You want to keep your backstory 20 words thereabouts. Pic is degradingly painful to my eyes to read due to font and background color.
>back story for their generic waifu cyoa's?
yes I need to know if she was touched by another man in her life at least once. If she was she is a disgusting whore and I'll screech about your cuck cyoa whenever you post it
Compared to a lot of shit we've seen here, that looks good. I can read everything clearly and with no strain.
Maybe it's just me tho
What resolution are you aiming for? Because with that much text I can see it being a problem if you want to scale down.
Yeah, I do. There should also be an equal amount of backstory for the setting.
No clue. I'm just throwing things on paper for now. I'll figure something out when I get there.
I can't into colors, sorry about that. I'll mess around with it once I get the rest on paper. Thanks.
Cool, thanks. I'll keep that in mind.
>I think a flaw in the setting is that rejecting godhood, and the shenanigans that come with it, is such a compelling option, even though it kind of flattens out the dynamic of the game
this x10. Doing what I want to do isn't fleshed out and thus not interesting. Doing what is fleshed out, isn't something I would want to do and thus not interesting. It's kind of similar to the whole "the most fun option is not playing at all" that some other cyoas face.
It would probably be one of my favourite cyoas, if it weren't for that because I really dig the basic idea.
Try to start less sentences with her name.
Of the last seven paragraphs, five of them begin with her name.
So after way-too-much time in development I am releasing the Reboot of MMO Deathgame CYOA. Quite frankly it is not as complete as I would like it to be, but RL stuff is about to keep me from working on it for quite some time.
Additionally, there is one finished section that I'm on the fench about including. I think I need to see some people playing the core to decide what I do with it.
The other missing sections do not have any mechanics for making choices, they are worldbuilding. Factions, MH-style events and potentially companions.
In addition to your normal images, there is a web version:
Downloadable, interactive html document. Keeps track of all the numbers for you. Source images are not included due to file size(~100MB probably)
Can be opened in your normal web browser and should be displayed correctly in all modern browsers. Requires internet connection to load two fonts from Google.
Currently only works on desktop, build export to image is planned for the complete version.
>I don't want to play with unfinished content
That's completely understandable and you can feel free to ingore it. The sections that I have included have been finished for months, aside from some debuggin I did today.
Another idea that might be more entertaining has you guys contribute to some extra content. You anons are gonna share this world, so if enough anons want me to do so I can take your characters from this version and make them available as companions in the extended one. It is already established that there are multiple waves of adventures in this world, you can decide wether your characters are new or have been around for some time.
I would only use builds that explicitly state that I can, in the same post the build is made.
>>I don't want to play with unfinished content
>That's completely understandable and you can feel free to ingore it.
I'm going to do that.
I think it'sa little too much even for waifu cyoa. Just my preference, but I like the backstories fairly short, while descriptions of them and their personality can be lengthy.
Having a solid backstory is good, but people aren't just their backstory, especially when their backstory mainly involves them being passive. It's very hard to gain any 'deeper' information about her personality. What does she like? What is she even like beyond vague things like "strong" and "compassionate"?
You can either develop her personality more by showing her active actions in her backstory, or just state them flat out (considering the limited amount of space, it's hard to avoid doing the latter), but you have to keep in mind that the actual personality is what people are going to be mainly interested in. Things happening to you, is generally not included in that.
And that's it for this version.
This. You should make it short enough and leave just enough to the imagination for players to connect the dots.
Don't give a shit about the "KEK" posting while doing so.
Adding to this, each section will have 5-6 choices.
Spare rooms and maybe closet will have 10 choices each.
To me, at least, that seems like a good variety.
I like then length it doesn't go on and on and stays on point while providing the necessary information. My only problem would be that yo go too in dept on the mothers past, you could have summarized in a shorter explanation. You just need to mention she was an unwanted pregnancy and the burden lead her mother to eventually despise her, no need for all of that lore, this is about Chloe after all not her mother.
What are the last 2 stats
I like where this is going.
Good point. Thanks.
Now that you mention it... yeah, my bad.
Short and sweet, got you.
You're right. Thanks.
I don't understand how this page works. What am I spending, and what am I spending it on?
Lots of backstory is great, but the world should also be fleshed out.
Transfer Student
Keziah Math, Theology
Bella History
Ganbaatar Game theory
Josef English
Susue Edison, Earl Earnest
Fencing Club, Paranormal Club, Polymath
Reality Walker
New Horizon
Yo, I'm back. I'll be back once a week with progress updates for the next eight weeks covering everything's that's happened with the 2.0. If you have any questions feel free to ask them.
Skill and Attunement respectively? Or if you mean the last section for each race, it's a bonus you can give to on of the two displayed stats.
You have 16 Essence to spend, one to unlock a Weapon Art and if you want another one to get the second effect. Did you read the intro text? Is the font maybe hard to read?
what are runes? Where does essence come from? What determines my Weapon Art tier? Do I just pick one weapon, or multiple? What's a weapon art? What's a channeled art? What's Auracite? What's Auracite degredation? etc, etc.
You say you need to see how people make their build, but this is unplayable. Any build someone makes would be random, and wouldn't follow the rules anyway because there are no stated rules.
>Or if you mean the last section for each race, it's a bonus you can give to on of the two displayed stats.
Should probably add a + in front of the number in that case, 'cos as-is it looks more like "set one of these two stats to this number" (which in most cases is a minus).
Also actually mention it somewhere.
I'm assuming as a waifu cyoa, your main objective is to establish interesting characters and endear them to the reader.
Ask yourself, what are reasons as to why someone would like to date/waifu this character.
A tragic past can certainly be endearing, but is that really a "main draw"?
For me the answer is certainly no, so a character that focuses almost entirely on that doesn't really have any pull either (though some people may be different in that regard).
In the end, I think most backstory focused characters are going to suffer a similar fate, because a backstory normally describes who a character was and not who they are.
You don't interact/date/waifu a past version, but the present one.
The interesting parts of a backstory aren't what happened, but how they shaped a person.
At least that's what I personally would want to read. In a waifu cyoa the feats of an ex-knight would be a lot less interesting to me than quirks they picked up during their travels and the like.
Are you a furry? I want it confirmed or denied.
Her discord avatar is Judy Hops
Of course she's a furry.
What are your plans for the endgame quests?
We can safely ignore your opinion.
The phrasing "you can have up to 16 essence" implied to me that you were supposed to earn essence somehow, not that you were being given 16 essence.
I don't get what the 3/5/7/10 represents, either. Are those essence costs?
I guess auracite is a status effect? And degradation refers to it's duration? If there's auracite, why is there also DOTs and poison?
>here's a thing to prove something
>no I don't like thing so I'll disregard you
Fucking retard. You're worse than a hipster faggot for hating something just because other people use and enjoy it.
Oh boy the thread is getting ruined again.
I thought only russians were still using livejournal
Thanks for not even trying to contribute anything to the thread with your shitpost. Real pillar of the community, we need more people like you and less people who enjoy and talk about OC.
the feats of an ex-knight would be a lot less interesting to me than quirks they picked up during their travels
Well said. That's one hell of a good point. Appreciate it, user.
I have never been nor will I ever be a part of the furry fandom.
Having Judy as an icon does not make one a furry. Masturbation to art of Judy does.
They're currently being revamped to a greater extent and retooled. It's not just the endgame those quests represent but the paths that lead down to them. And now that multiple people couldn't resist themselves and took red detriments we have to account for that.
Ecть eщe хyдшиe мecтa для yкpытия.
I contributed by warning people the rest of the thread will be devoured by autists. By hiding one post you can avoid all that.
Far better than you.
You sound a little too full of yourself.
>I have never been nor will I ever be a part of the furry fandom.
Trying again: Do you masturbate to
or are sexually aroused at furry artwork or pornography?
Seems I need to heavily restructure the introduction and make things more clear. Most of the things being asked are explained, just pretty vaguely in the section/weapon intro.
Still gonna answer those questions in case someone wants to use the cyoa.
>What are runes?
Abstract magical item you place on the ground or on enemies. Is activated via whatever flashy animation you like.
>Where does essence come from?
You are given 16 by the angels.
>What determines my Weapon Art tier?
You don't have one, each of the Arts has one. It's the row it's displayed in. Going 0-1-2-3-4
>Do I just pick one weapon, or multiple?
As many as you like, but obiously you only have two hands. Aside
>What's a weapon art?
Those active skills that you spend Essence on.
>What's a channeled art?
One you keep doing for however long you like. Punching a guy is a normal art, keeping him in a chokehold would be channeled.
>What's Auracite?
A type of magic crystal that grows on living things and has various effects.
>What's Auracite degredation?
The process of Auracite fading over time.
Thanks for the feedback, seems I'm a bit too far up my own arse because I never considered that the stat thing is from the last cyoa.
>I don't get what the 3/5/7/10 represents, either. Are those essence costs?
It's passive effects you gain for having that many Essence in that weapon type.
>If there's auracite, why is there also DOTs and poison?
Because there's a bunch of mechanics for Auracite/Runes and I didn't want every effect to interact with those.
I think I was harsh here, partly because I was skimming to see if this was something I'd be interested in. I still don't know what channeled arts are.
>Elf (+6 attunement)
I'm guessing here that weapon art tiers refers to the depth of a row?
>Staff tier 3 (4)
Swamp strike (5)
zephir kiss, upgraded (7)
Red moon, upgraded (9)
starfall, upgraded (11)
gattling thunder, upgraded (13)
field study (16)
I think it's a little of column a and column b. You don't want to just describe character traits either, because then It's kind of just a menu. If you're describing this ex-knight waifu, maybe you include specific feats and events as a description and have that imply things about her character. So, for example, that she negotiated a peace at the battle of Fantasyname despite earlier losses but a clear position of power admight imply that she's coolheaded/compassionate etc.
>You don't want to just describe character traits either, because then It's kind of just a menu
While I generally would agree with that, the biggest issue is length. cyoas tend to be very menu-like, simply because the size is highly constrained and menus offer a very high information density.
Describing events and their reactions definitely includes information, but generally of relatively low density. Do you really want to spend >20% of your time just to state that she's compassionate in a way that people may not even pick up on? I just feel that it's very hard to establish interesting and non-generic characters that way.
do the passive effects count the essence you spent on weapon art tiers?
The length is fine as long as it is interesting in some way
It wasn't my intention to insinuate that backstory doesn't matter or something like that.
I would count such things like showing that they are compassionate through things like that under "information about the present version".
I don't even want to say "backstory for the sake of backstory is bad", just that it should be more of a side dish.
"The ex-knight was a really badass knight" is perfectly fine, if it doesn't make up the main portion.
It's just that if you mainly present this kind of information, it gets kind of hard to get a grasp of who they really are now.
You don't spend points to unlock tiers, you directly start buying arts. You get one of the tier 0 one, then put another point into tier 1 or 0, then another two somewhere in 0,1 or two and another two somewhere in 0,1,2 or 3 to unlock the last Art.
Did anyone take a look at the web version? It automates all that stuff for you.
Highlander, I consistently think your work is too long including that diary thing. Have you maybe considered just writing a web novel or something. I bet royalroad would like it.
More questions
What do Nisetics look like?
I would pick Morgan but I'd rather she'd be a virgin.
Anyone else in the same boat?
The web browser needs to have a way to undo things; it's annoying to have to start all over just to swap race.
My first build:
>Elf (+Att)
>The General
Bladed Arms:
>Cat's Claw
>>Crusader's Blessed Strike
Blade Dancer(+2 SKL, +ATN, +AGI)
>Crystal Lance
>Shards of Fate
>>Hand of Prophecy
>>Berserk Savage Strikes
>>Black Claw
>>>>Golden Seraph
>>>>>Prismatic Light
All passives (+5 ATN, +4 END, +4 AGI)
>Wanderer's Lantern
>>Swamp Guardian
Field Study (+2 SKL, +STR, +ATN)
STR 13
AGI 13
END 15
SKL 22
ATT 23
Assuming that the General brand's "passives" means the bonuses for essence spending, then at the very start, it boosts my allies' stats by (up to) +1 Strength, +5 Agility, +4 Endurance, +4 Skill, and +7 Attunement in addition to making every single one of their rank 2 weapon arts apply a random Auracite.
I am by no means a slouch myself, with my ability to chain ludicrous Savage Strikes combos together, enhanced by Black Claw's auracite, chains of Golden Seraph boosting my speed and debuffing enemies further, and applying both Blessed Strike and Hand of Prophecy to my (two-handed!) staff strikes.
Failing that, I can take a more support role, either spamming Prismatic Light to apply shittons of Auracites before murdering them with a Crystal Lance, or Golden Seraph to fly out of reach followed by vomiting out an army of Swamp Guardian paratroopers on my way down.
I'm planning to add that more undo-functions for later, it just requires reworking a lot of the backend tecnical stuff. You can already undo bought Arts, but it doesn't rework the tier unlocks then.
The entire project really suffers from scope creep.