>the BBEG was just bored and engaged in somewhat sociopathic entertainment
Is this a lame motivation?
>“I just wondered what would happen?”
>the BBEG was just bored and engaged in somewhat sociopathic entertainment
Is this a lame motivation?
>“I just wondered what would happen?”
Other urls found in this thread:
Bland but better than 'WAHAHAHA POWAH'
Ruin has come to our family.
You remember our venerable house, opulent and imperial, gazing proudly from its stoic perch above the moor.
I lived all my years in that ancient rumor shadowed manor, fattened by decadence and luxury, and yet I began to tire of... conventional extravagance. Singular unsettling tales suggested the mansion itself was a gateway to some fabulous and unnameable power. With relic and ritual, I bent every effort towards the excavation and recovery of those long buried secrets, exhausting what remained of our family fortune on... swarthy workmen and... sturdy shovels. At last, in the salt soaked crags beneath the lowest foundations, we unearthed that damnable portal of antediluvian evil. Our every step unsettled the ancient earth, but we were in a realm of death and madness. In the end, I alone fled, laughing and wailing through those blackened arcades of antiquity. Until consciousness failed me.
You remember our venerable house, opulent and imperial. It is a festering abomination! I beg you, return home, claim your birthright and deliver our family from the ravenous clutching shadows of...
The Darkest Dungeon.
Ancestor did absolutely nothing wrong. Go ahead, prove me wrong.
I think it's a fine motivation but really relies on the villain's personality to sell it. works because he's so over the top that his depravity is impressive on a technical level, though you could go for enough reaction like disgust.
I have a villain from the backstory of my Jojo campaign I run that basically had this as his motivation. He ended up with a death toll of thousands and the near collapse of a major metropolitan city because he thought it was fun. He ended up getting beaten to death by the now-retired chief of police inside a water treatment plant.
Most of the reasoning for this came from his stand, [Mindless Self Indulgence] which caused anyone (himself included) within a certain radius of it to completely lose the ability to filter their actions. Whatever you wanted to do, you would do, whatever you wanted to say, you would say. Because of this and its constant effect on him, he was a remorseless sociopath who enjoyed seeing what would happen. His crowning moment was when he shattered a Stand Arrow into the municipal water supply of the city, causing thousands of tiny shards of the arrow to inflict themselves upon random civilians, killing thousands and awakening an absurd number of stands. Then the police chief and his stand [Of Monsters & Men] beat him to death.
>for t3h lolz
Definitely. If a villain has no motivation beyond "because I could and I wanted to" they NEED the personality to carry that kind of nonchalance without seeming like too "nothing personnel kid". If done poorly, a villain with no ulterior motives comes off as underdeveloped at best or Fishmalk at worst.
Absolute lolrandumb trash.
>the BBEG just wants to commit petty theft
I read that as "panty theft".
I need to lay off the /u/.
For someone who achieved power by windfall without having a goal for it, or ran out of goals and just doesn't want to give the power up, it's just natural. But bored people are still boring.
now that's a cool stand
Depends on how charismatic the BBEG is. And I'm not talking about stats, I'm talking about your roleplaying skills as a GM.
Shion >>> Joon
It works best if they're a bored noble or a misanthropic scientist. The former can actually be amazing, just because you have this fop who was bored to tears of everything, but still had the ambition and skill to reach beyond what most men ever could in order to become the BBEG. It's almost a twisted mirror of the PCs in a way, a mockery of all the people who wanted to do great things but just couldn't manage it, whereas he wanted nothing at all and made a show of it.
>“I just wondered what would happen?”
If you have them be one of the most atrocious villains ever this is perfect. If only for the whole: "You did all these unspeakable things.... because you just wanted to see what would happen? You caused all of this because you were BORED?!"
At which point the BBEG shrugs and the party goes apeshit on them.
>M-m-muh deep4u "motivation"!!!
It could, but as mentioned in the thread you really have to sell it and make it seem like more than the villain was "just board," he needs to be real fucking scum who basically does everything in his life purely out of curiosity of how far he can descend
That motivation works best if your villain's something like a lich, where they've spent so long insulated from consequence that they just don't care anymore.
I don't know man, Adachi was pretty cool.
>Discount Mokou better than Swag Queen
get out
Is the motivation of Vampires past age 500.
>”I wondered what would happen. I also wrote down everything for future experiments, here’s a copy if you want.”
>TFW the BBEG was just a scientist trying to make progress
Boredom is the worst poison user, it's a good reason, but only if the villain is strong enough to justify his boredom.
>“I just wondered what would happen?”
This one is bad though.
Worked well enough for Adachi.
He didn't nurture the spiral power of his descendants.
>BBEG is literally just an outdoors cat that is currently being kept inside because he just had surgery.
dr. Mengele as main villain or as a lieutenant could be, hm...
Thats pretty boring because its not really a motivation. If they know what would happen and think it would be more interesting than the way things are, thats a step in the right direction.
Damn it, I didn't name my protagonist Tohru Adachi. Time to restart P5 again.
it's fine i guess, but it makes it hard to explain why your player's murderhoboes are 'the good guys' but that murderhobo over there is 'the bbeg'
i mean, not that the players will actually care anyway as long as they get to keep his stuff
Works if BBEG is insanely powerful. Maybe immortal, lived a couple millenia and has regressed into full on edgelord.
>BBEG has grown so powerful that no one can stop them so now they commit horrible crimes and leave powerful artifacts around in the hopes someone will grow powerful enough to kill them.
>eventually a Hero will rise up and kill the BBEG but over the millennia the boredom of ultimate power drives them insane and the cycle continues
Bah, you're boring. Nothing it better than WAHAHAHAHA POWAH!
Sauron wants to bring Order to the world, his ultimate goal is a clockwork society where every cog does it's job without thinking. Morgoth was the one who just wanted to destroy everything because he was evil.
Could be kind of fun if it was some guy who's totally over his head. Who maybe went one day, hey, lets not be dicks to monster races, and somehow ended up causing a revolution of monstrous races and humans who supported his ideals.
He might even be the one who was stringing the party along because his goal was for them to save his ass from this mess he's created.
Yeah, well, we don't have high-quality instantly recognizable images of Morgoth. And besides, that's not just Sauron at any point, that's Sauron at the end of the Third Age, where whatever his original goals were, he has by now devolved into Evil and Power for its own sake.
The BBEG is an internet troll then?
Internet trolls don't cause any real harm.
Low tier ones, maybe.
No internet troll has caused any tangible harm
Very true
Past a certain age a vampire is basically playing a video game with mortal lives
Chernobog literally did nothing wrong.
Well Adachi had more to him than just boredom, there were a number of things that contributed to his evil tendencies.
He doesn't count, on account of being an objectively shit person.
This. If you can give them the right personality through how you portray them it could work.
If not you have set yourself up for complete disappointment.
An old enough vampire played a good video game to 100% completion, then the repetitive sequels, then a lot of derivative knockoffs that made him conscious of problems that first game had, and everybody he can talk to got into it in the middle of the series and are excited over coming features he's already seen before.
>“I just wondered what would happen?”
Can be a very good motivation if the BBEG doesn't hate the PCs, just wishes they weren't in the way all the time.
Friendly Evil best Evil
CWC would have degenerated into madness anyways.
If you play it well, I think it's among the most evil motivations.
The Ancestor started off like a lot of Lovecraft's protagonists did. He got curious about these strange writings one day and from there, his curiosity became obsession. He knows that he's getting into something really fucked up, but he can't stop that insatiable thirst for knowledge. He has to know. Even if it drives him insane, he has to know.
>Kid Buu
>Sapient enough to understand the concept of Evil
>Nicol Bolas
>Not "Evil for the sake of Keikaku"
>Not "Evil for the sake of Profit"
Although they definitely didn't help, CWC was fucked from the start. He had redneck parents in the middle of nowhere, both of which who were way too old to raise a son. Barb having him at a late age was risky and it was a risk that didn't pay off. They also came from an era where shock therapy was used to treat mental illness and were too stupid to realise that medicine had long since evolved beyond that point.
If he had competent parents who were willing to send him through special education, took the time to understand his condition and kept him the fuck away from the internet, he could have turned out a lot differently.