I've played through it, and I am also currently running it.
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General:
i'm looking to join a fresh game.
You think idiot players are in low demand? That you can just spam your way into a game? Good luck.
Is rogue the only class that can use a whip without suffering too much?
Good luck, just use roll20 you might find a good game there.
>advantaged attack almost every turn
>They can have the "burst damage
Like when they hit with their Attack action, they do slightly less damage than fighter who uses Attack action? I mean, sure, Rogues hit harder and less often, but that is somewhat different from what "burst damage" usually refer to.
honestly, Mage Slayer is probably best on Monks. For fighters/barbarians, GWM is probably the better mage slayer, since you can't cast spells if you're a bloody heap on the floor.
no such luck.
Seriously? Advantage is super easy to get.
Well... they still need to get the proficiency with it, somehow. But it seems like it.