What would a magic system based on political affiliations look like?
Biased heavily by the writers.
I'm sure this thread won't devolve into shitposting
shitposting, not unlike this thread a few posts in the future.
Well you’d certainly need the lowest possible INT, WIS, & CHA to cast spells in .
>Modern Conservative
Standard RPG/Fantasy system. A few major schools of power whose leaders disseminate knowledge and power to pupils. There are hierarchies within each school, but members of each school do not feel obligated to intervene in the affairs of others.
>Modern Liberal
A Mages' Guild or Magus Association. An overriding guild determines curriculum and dictates rules that all schools adhere to. Power is held largely by the guild's leadership rather than the heads of individual schools. The guild itself has a significant bureaucracy.
Theoretically a system where everyone connects their casting ability/mp/mana/prana/whatever, and everyone will be able to draw and cast from this pool, regardless of casting ability. A bunch of skilled mages will act as stewards over the system until weaker mages are trained not to abuse this system. Several decades on, this has not yet happened and said steward mages still control the system in the name of everyone else.
A mageocracy in which all schools of magic and society is devoted to the advancement of magic theory and the interest of mages. Strong emphasis on emphasizing a common identity as mages over divisions within mages between schools, though arbitrarily lines may be drawn against those deemed non-magus. Probably some pretense of some past great magical world power or lineage from which its members can dubiously derive descent.
Almost invariably ends up being one of the above within a few generations.
Fuck off with your b8 threads, you are the cancer killing Veeky Forums.
So badass looking politicians thread?
>Monarchists - as they believe in a patriarchal order reflecting the divine government of heaven, they have divine magic centered around the concept of order. Very hierarchical system with laymen wizards at the bottom and a godlike archmage at the top. Magic is endowed via ordination much like priesthood in churches.
>Enlightenment/Liberal - Their belief in the sanctity of the individual and egalitarianism of God's children grants them "wild" (not chaos) magic, which is independent of hierarchy but makes the average user more susceptible to folly and corruption.
>Distributism/Agrarian - Magical power is tied closely to the wizard's personal connection to the land and their family.
>Fascism - Somewhat similar to monarchical power, but more intrinsically related to a nation/people as well as spectacle/propaganda.
>Communism - Collectivized magic, the more who wield it, the more collective power there is, but the magic will reduce individual differences/desires in the collective in order to create the most efficient system possible. Reacts violent with hierarchy based magics.
Just some random thoughts.
Right - Would be know-nothing hermeticists with no actual magical power
Left - Techno-mages pioneering new forms of magic and magic/tech fusions, but constantly trying to show each other up with hipster bullshit
The Rich - Would just go around knee-capping the Left so it seems like the Right is just as powerful and intelligent
In the end it evolves into a nightmare Time Machine scenario where the dumb useful idiot Right becomes morlocks, the rich become eloi and the Left has been eradicated as a threat to both for having functional brain cells left. Then the rich and the Right kill each other, leaving Earth a ruined, but relieved savage paradise with no more fucking human vermin.
>conservatives want less government intervention
>liberals want more
It's not that simple. Conservatives generally push for tighter drug laws and they opposed gay marriage.
Sounds pretty boring, tbqh senpai.
Welcome to the present/future.
A bait thread
>thinking that politics aren't ethnic tribalism with a verneer of ideology
>It's not that simple.
I agree. Conservatives don't want less government intervention; they want less CENTRAL intervention. They are perfectly fine with state governments dictating things. In both of your examples, Conservatives pushed for greater state action. In their opposition for gay marriage, their legal argument (though certainly not their moral argument) is that this should be an issue left to the states, and the federal government should not impose any blanket rule to which all states much adhere.
Is that Monica Lewinsky!?
While as a lefty i would love for this to be true, it's not. Really everyone is shitflinging at everyone, while a few people try to do some good and the world is going to hell because the people think they cant be trusted due to not shitslinging enough. The left has more seans but at the same time has a tendency to get into nonsensical philisophical debates and start jumping to each other throats over idiotic things like are gay men sexist for not wanting to suck trans dick. This makes it imposible for sensible people to do their work without getting botched downe. The right has a tendency to fall into a cult of personality, pick a incompetent leader and ignore anyone who has a diferent opinion than said leader
Let's make this real simple. Rightists are okay with cronyism. That's all that needs said. This "muh small gubmint" talking point is literally nothing but cronyist propaganda. It serves a very specific purpose - to untie the hands of the rich so they can make more money at the cost of everyone else and the environment.
Which part are you disagreeing with? I'm not literally saying left and right are magicians here.
>The left has more seans but at the same time has a tendency to get into nonsensical philisophical debates and start jumping to each other throats over idiotic things like are gay men sexist for not wanting to suck trans dick
That's true. The problem here is that while the left has issues, the right shouldn't exist AT ALL. It has no redeeming philosophies or policies whatsoever. The two wings aren't even remotely equal.
>ITT: amerifats think their retarded political system is the default one.
> It has no redeeming philosophies or policies whatsoever. The two wings aren't even remotely equal.
Not that simple user, we arnt all the same. I agree with you that the right is stupid and imho. they really need to do some catching up so they arnt pushing for 1920 style reforms half the time, but the right often brings up some good points and is in fact needed for the left to grow. You need a outside perspective so you can reflect upon what you are doing, and moreover while it may not concern you, shit like religion and traditions still seem important for a lot of people
To everybody else in this thread, reminder: Politics has AT LEAST two dimensions.
>not knowing the truth that the true politics are a point right in the middle and everything outside of that is worthless ideolog bullshit
>Not that simple user, we arnt all the same
Yes it absolutely is.
>we arnt all the same
FALSE. A blatant lie from Satan's own lips. The right is intensely monolithic, whereas the left is incredibly diverse. All rightists are capitalists, usually christian zealots (though edgier nushits tend to be "atheist but culturally christian", as if that matters worth a shit) and racist. On the left you have all sorts of views. There are radical environmentalists, people who are pro-gun, anti-gun, anti-abortion, pro-abortion. On the right you pick between ancaps and cronyists and they're all fucking brainlets. That's your "rightwing diversity" - whether they want to destroy the government entirely or just make the Koch brothers the government.
>right often brings up some good points
Never once has this happened. Even when it SEEMS the right is bringing up a valid point, they're always raging hypocrites about it. "Muh family values!", then they disown their own children or rape kids.
>shit like religion and traditions still seem important for a lot of people
"Seem" is the operative word here. Those traditions are rancid dogshit. If they had traditions worth maintaining, that would be one thing. Christian theocracy and the gilded age are not traditions worthy of holding onto. The right can fuck right off.
Why do you think his fly is down?
There is an ENTIRE FUCKING BOARD to discuss politic on.
Here's a hint, it isn't Veeky Forums
OP knew what he was doing when he started the thread.
Report and move on.
Veeky Forums is the only board you need, user.
If we can't have a thread about Veeky Forums recipes and pies, we sure as hell are not going to have one about /pol/.
Because he's Bubby, he's fly isn't getting up...ever.
Ah, I see you're ANPRIM GANG as well.