You cannot post a monster more terrifying than the Pathfinder wendigo.
You cannot post a monster more terrifying than the Pathfinder wendigo
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Challenge accepted. Here's my candidate.
That just looks like an albino weredeer.
Are Wendigoes in 5th ed.? What are their stats?
Pathfinder Ogres bruh. Maybe not more terrifying, but defs more horrifying.
False hydra pretty spooky
You knew this was coming.
No bully!
Sure, Yuri might be iriritating, self-absorbed and without any understanding of how simplicity generates more meaning. She might even make fun of my manga, she might even cu-.... Anyway, I know her, she's my friend and I know she's not a monster!
You know who is a true monster? Amy she likes spiders!
Pathfinder Wendigo is just 3e Wendigo with more hitdice. Tell me when they make something other than plagiarized content because last I checked, Wendigo isn't OGL.
You're right, OP; the thought of playing Pathfinder is terrifying beyond measure.
only because I don't have a picture of your mom
A wizard with charm person and no sense of morality.
No. Stop playing video games. The Wendigo is a fucking metaphor for the things someone crazed, hungry, and cold will do out of desperation. It's not a big fluffy animal that's a little upset that morning.
>willing to kidnap a thousand children before he lets his company die
>willing to silence anyone who gets in his way
Shit that thing is vicious!
You do know that a wendigo is a mythological creature like a unicorn right?
I'd say closer to a werewolf or vampire considering it's a creature that was originally human.
I like horns, or at least wearing some animal parts to hide the near skeletal gauntness of their personage from afar.
Vicious AND magical realm.
Dragons are used as literary metaphors for greed and powerful individuals who use their power for selfish reasons all the time, but you don't see anyone else bitching, do you?
We spoop now?
A pathfinder wendigo with another wendigo on its shoulders.
>all monsters are built in myth and metaphor for things
>but i'll bitch about the artistic representation of one of them
>i totally won't look like a trilby wearing faggot
That isn't even the scariest wendigo.
Tell me, in what manner is a bipedal deer a metaphor for cannibalism?
Everyday we move further from God's light
Everyday we stray closer to normie memes
>plays until dawn once
Oh shit, I didn't know that the absolute authority who decides the very narrow definition of a long and storied mythical creature browsed Veeky Forums.
Please, tell us about how you're the one who started the myth, and how you have literally any idea what you're talking about outside that story you read that one time.
Not sure where exactly that came from, but some filmmaker named Larry Fessenden made a movie about wendigos attacking people working on tundra oul fields, and used the deer aesthetic for them. Pathfinder caputalized on that look, because it was in the popular imagery for wendigos and because there were already a million and one monsters that looked like scrawny dead people with X weird twist.
Allegedly, he got the imagery from a story his teacher scared the piss out of him with as a child.
I can. Marxism.
A pathfinder wendigo, but it's ON FIRE.
Pathfinder art is meh tier
Every single marxist leader always destroys the reputation of his predecessor
So why's it so scary?
>provides perfect example
Patronize me.
The entirety of CoC would have words with you. Even basic shit like a shoggoth is more terrifying than a wendigo. Fuckers are basically John Carpenter's The Thing. The beings in the tiers beyond that only become worse until eventually their stat blocks can be read as "You fucking lose your mind and die.". You ever been hunted by a Hound of Tindalos OP? Shits awful. What does a wendigo have to offer that could possibly best anything the lovecraft universe has to offer?
You're the example. You are so terrifyingly indoctrinated that you are doing damage control on the internet for a belief system that mass murdered hundreds of millions of people. The best part is that you know it too, so you can't come right out and just do the damage control, you've gotta pretend to be asking questions about it.
I'm not the one complimenting communism by calling it a threat. Communism is too incompetent to be a threat. You are the one giving it much more credit than I am. The discussion is what is scary, not what is unworkable.
Lovecraft sanity is retarded. There's nothing you can look at which would cause you to go crazy, you just wouldn't have any fucking clue what you were looking at. Repetitive, horrific fear could drive a person mad, but you could achieve that with even mundane means.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
CoC is fucking scary alright
Marxism is so much more than Communism. Communism is just one control mechanism that Marxism uses to enslave and control populations. Communism is to Economics what Feminism is to Sexuality, a Marxist control scheme.
Healing spiders.
Fine Vermin
HP 1
AC 22(+8 size, +4 Dex)
STR 1 DEX 18 CON 2 INT - WIS 3 CHA 2
They're small, innocent looking spiders, quite like the normal vermin you encounter in any dungeon or heck, normal floor. Roughly the size of a dime, smaller without the legs.
However, if given a chance, they'll fall on/climb on to a player, use their venom to numb an area, and then burrow inside a humanoid/monsterous humanoids skin(they often do this to those asleep). From that point forward, they absorb any positive energy cast on the person, growing under his skin. At first, it's only a small amount, one point off a spell. However, when exposed to negative energy, the spiders instead multiply. They reduce the negative energy damage by one, and the single spider becomes a colony of two.
From that point on, things double. Two spiders absorb two points of healing, and subtract two points of negative energy to multiply into four. From four, they become eight, and so on and so forth. When the spiders reach a certain population(eight in a tiny creature, 16 in a small creature, 32 in a medium creature, and so on and so forth) they will wait until night to burrow out of the body, each spider dealing a single point of damage as they carve their way out of the flesh, dispersing to find fresh prey. If the unfornature prey survives the ordeal, he's now quite capable of being healed.
It's a DC20 check to spot a spider as it burrows in, a DC10 to spot one when they're hit with positive energy, and automatic when hit with negative.
Other players can make a DC25 search check to locate the spider, and a DC20 Heal check to identify them. They are, however, extremely difficult to remove, requiring a DC25 Heal check. A failure of 10 or more indicates that the spiders have begun to dig deeper in order to avoid being removed, increase the Heal DC to remove them by 5 for every failed check.
Then explain how I'm wrong.
>There's nothing you can look at which would cause you to go crazy, you just wouldn't have any fucking clue what you were looking at.
Millions and millions of soldiers throughout human history would beg to differ.
Because they don't go off their rocker insane off of just looking at anything. They take a san hit for looking at freaky shit but they go insane for trying to wrap their head around the terrible shit such as Gods that are more than just uncaring and unfeeling but simply don't recognize you're existence. That there are great beings that could sweep away out entire civilization in a blink and not even have done it purposefully.
A combination of long term fear and/or guilt. Simple imagery does nothing.
Existential crisis does not cause people to become babbling retards.
In the stories, the madness tends to stem from the characters becoming obsessed with the implications of what they saw. Example: see fossil evidence of complex life before life formed on earth, now you start digging deeper for further evidence to show to your peers. Problem is, you can't find any, even tho you glimpsed it clearly before. Now you're spending every dime you can come accross on funding an expedition to the center of the amazon in search for ukele bembe or some shit.
"Roll san!" Isn't a good representation of proper lovecraftian madness.
Confirmed for not having any idea what the fuck you are talking about.
Ah I see, you're just talking about the steady march of liberalism, and calling it Marxism even though it doesn't have anything to do with Marx's writings. Yes, later generations of conservatives eventually become desensitized to things that were once liberal. That's pretty inevitable. I suppose if you find that scary then fair enough, enjoy the fear.
Have you never watched a youtube video where someone is presenting what they believe to be information that has caused them an existential crisis? Babbling retard is the perfect description for how they behave.
what the fuck did I just read
No, I'm talking about Marxism, some forms of which have been rebranded as "liberalism", which have everything to do with Marx's writings.
Thanks for keeping the perfect examples coming though.
You mean like this?
They do this because they were ALREADY retarded.
Okay, so which chapters of Marx's writings in particular are you talking about?
You accidentally backed into how it functions in CoC.
>sprinting away with the goal posts
Why do marxists always do this?
>fog horns in the distance
No, I'm just asking you to clarify. If there's a difference between Marxism and the general liberalization of the First World, I'm asking which Marxist writings in particular you're talking about.
I also really hate communism but could we maybe not talk about that in a thread about discussing spooky monsters please.
This design looks like garbage
But in CoC you can take san damage for something you know about and expect, and not lose san damage to something shocking or frightening just because it's mundane. Looking at a monster can trigger having to roll even if you knew it was there, getting waken up by someone firing a gun next to your head wouldn't.
>seeing a terrifying monster you had time to dread popping out at you is scarier than a loud noise waking you up, shit game bad mechanics
You are such a fucking moron
>people don't like my statues of traitorous slavers
>traitorous slavers who lost the only war they ever fought
yeah dude wtf no one likes my hitler statue either?
More like you're a gigantic pussy.
I agree, we should definitely remove all statues of democrats
You know they wouldn't be here if retards didn't take the bait.
yes, and republicans too, and anyone else who identifies with an organization aiming to control our government
political parties are the poison of democracy, shame to anyone who supports them
Um sweetie, I think you're forgetting that without republicans and democrats nobody would build the roads?
Of course they'd be here, cross-board posting is common.
>tries to police someone else on their particular interpretation of a mythical being
>ends up exposing his ignorance by espousing an equally baseless interpretation
>muh democracy
Democracy is a failure.
Yes, because looking at something completely horrifying is only scary if you dont prepare for it for 20 seconds. But a small dog barking in your face at 6 in the morning, THAT is fucking terrifying and makes you lose sanity points.
I think he's got severe autism and is insanely enraged by normal things, combined with never having left his house so he's never experienced anything legitimately damaging in his life.
So you have become a little more insane for every jumpscare you have experienced? lel
So considering this thread is in a feedback loop of baiters replying to other baiters, I'm just going to post a monster and talk about it.
These devourers eat souls and process them into a tortured undead spirit. That's pretty spooky. Other people should post spooky monsters as well.
That's literally how PTSD works you fucking retard. People don't go mad from looking at gross shit, they get fucked from thinking they are going to die over and over again.
>Yes, because looking at something completely horrifying is only scary if you dont prepare for it for 20 seconds
Yes. You see gifs on this website of people playing with horrifying looking insects and spiders that make your skin crawl, but to the people in the video, it doesn't phase them at all. Why? Because it's shocking to you an instant departure from the normal and expected, but they are acclimated to it.
So you mean like in an instance where you know a monster is there and then see it anyway?
Kek what a fucking moron
No, better, he beats you to within an inch of your life, lifts you to his squelching open ribcage, then it creaks shut around you and he screams at you with his brain until you die and become his corpse slave. Like gritty Inhumanoids.
Sorry, I wanted to post this earlier, but I forget the dude’s name. Keith Thompson is baller.
>While the pillis hail the coming of the deity Quetzelcoatl in the form of the white bearded man who calls himself Cortés, others in the higher echelons of the Aztec Empire believe the visitation to be that of mere men from foreign lands. Cadres of elite panther warriors are sent out into the wild to hunt the pale imposters. Driven by apocalyptic visions, these warriors degenerate into frenzied murderers, eating the flesh of their victims to gain their strength, forgoing the confines of humanity. Depraved and twisted with flesh stoked potency, the wendigos decimate the conquistadors in a bloody harvest.
Simply knowing it was there would suffice, but even then only if you were not accustomed to it or knew how to deal with it, or even simply THOUGHT you knew. My key gripe is that the sanity loss mechanic is so set upon specific senses, especially vision, rather than fear. Simply looking at the wrong piece of paper can cause san damage. How does that make any sense?
Then why are Republicans protesting so hard to keep them, to the point of murdering a protester?
>Antifa block roads and attack cars
>A morbidly obese woman has a heart attack near a car wreck that she wasn't even involved in
>CNN: Right wing death squads mow down peaceful protestors in order to relegalize slavery!
>Simply looking at the wrong piece of paper can cause san damage.
The koran drives people insane every single day, try again idiot
>muh muh muh Antifa
Why were neo-Nazis at a rally called "Unite the Right" protesting in favor of the Confederacy, if both of those things are left-wing?
>sprints away with the goal posts
Why do marxists always do this?
If Democrats, Nazis, and the KKK are all ostensibly left-wing, then why were there neo-Nazis protesting in favor of the Confederacy at a rally called "Unite the Right?" Was the guy who ran over Heather Heyer a leftist?