Tell me your superstitions about dice

Tell me your superstitions about dice

>friend's D20 rolls consistently higher numbers than mine regardless of who uses it (16 vs 7 or something)
>Put it in a box with my D20 for a couple days
>Mine now consistently rolls higher numbers

Confess your austism

I always line my dice up in ascending order with the 1 facing up, believing the bad luck will sort of...drain out, and they'll be less likely to roll that result.
Completely silly, I know.

I don't have any superstitions about them, but if you want me to confess my autism I'll tell you that I'll dump out my 36 pack and then put them back in so they are all oriented the same way.

If a die falls on the floor, it's bad luck to pick it up immediately. The cat has to play with it first, and if you find your die afterwards, good luck and good rolls will come to you. Sometimes, dice never come back: the cat banishes them to the netherworld for being BAD and EVIL dice.

If a die consistently rolls poorly, it gets sent to the Shame Bowl with the other bad and naughty dice where they sit and think about what they did. Sometimes they get to come back, others are at the very bottom of the Shame Bowl because they never learn their lesson.

Rolling identically styled dice makes my luck worse. Three white-dot-on-blue d6 will do worse than if I just blindly scooped up any other three.

I also do this

>If a die falls on the floor, it's bad luck to pick it up immediately. The cat has to play with it first, and if you find your die afterwards, good luck and good rolls will come to you. Sometimes, dice never come back: the cat banishes them to the netherworld for being BAD and EVIL dice.
Not sure if serious about that

I wish I were joking. It started when two of the players joked about my cat being a good luck charm after she played with some if their dice. Then they noticed the dice the cat played with were rolling considerably better than others and it just spiraled on from there.

My dice autism may not be huge but it does exist. I have particular dice I use for combat rolls and all other rolls I use my usual set (image related).

I use the force to tell mine or other peoples dice to roll over/under a certain number. It works almost all the time, if I concentrate hard enough. My last name is fortune so I might have some kind of luck manipulation or some shit.

Oh, I also use a particular d20 that I got from the star wars miniatures game 10+ years ago, it always rolls decently and hits 20s pretty frequently.

I got a new d20. I only use it in special circumstances, because the luck hasn't been used up yet.

My red set of dice are only to be used if I want that PC to die.

I'm the opposite, my dice have to be facing with the largest number on top because I feel like that increases the chance of rolling a high number. Also, whenever I'm a player I always have to use the first dice set I owned for good luck.

If there's another magic user at the table, they can probably tell.

We play roll under games whenever we go to my friend's house for game night. His table is cursed, and only grants him high rolls.

I'm not allowed to use anyone elses good dice, anytime someone has a die that regularly rolls high, as soon as it touches my hand, it begins rolling nothing but trash (so by extension, I rarely get a roll that isn't trash). It got to the point where if I picked up a d20 belonging to another player we would just stop using it for the session and they would blowtorch it when they got home. Thankfully it's not really an issue anymore since our group disbanded

I can't let anyone else roll my dice, it messes with their mojo.
...Is what I tell the fat neckbeards I game with so they don't touch my dice with their greasy hands. One of them has absolutely NO respect for personal property and this keeps him from touching/taking my things.

>not leaving your dice on the highest result so they can remember what face you want them to land on

I roll my d20 several times before playing until i rolled a sufficient amount of low numbers, that way i roll high numbers when it matters

I ice my dice

just take my dice and put em on ice

that sound pretty cool, user.

Your cat is adorable

I have had a few over the years, not just me but friends as well.

>No virgins touching or rolling the dice
>Using literal holy water on them before each game night
>Specific colours are better than others
>Using a velvet bag to carry them around in that's been used to hold high quality liqour
>Also hand stitching eldritch runes into the velvet bag to "empower" them.
>Playing sexy time music to encourage them to roll higher.
>Certain store has a better brand of dice than others, even if that store has the exact same brand as others
>having plastic dice submerged in essential oils and keeping them in there for 24 hours. 48 hours if they're new dice
>specific hand gestures when rolling the dice.
>Keeping them in a box that would normally be used to hold guns, complete with security locks.
>Soaked in the blood of a newly killed deer
>Rubbed with a lucky rabbit's foot while also wrapped in a four leaf clover
>Light up D6 dice.
>Glove on one hand to use only while rolling dice. Said it was "lucky"
>Using a dice rolling cup to roll the dice. Has to be from a specific place or have special meaning.
>Dice made from an actual gravestone.
>Casino dice.
>Taking out insurance on your dice made from different gemstones.

and finally
>Semen Dice
That one got that guy kicked out of the group. I don't care how they improve your rolls, no. Just no.

I do something like this. Blue d6s are for general use, red d6s are for killing.

I also have a two-tailed coin I use for flips with players

When a roll is really important and I need to roll well I flip my hand up in such a way that my pinkie sticks out and points up and the die drops out the bottom of my fist.

>>Using literal holy water on them before each game night
Don't you have to pay for holy water, that could get expensive? And doesn't the priest get curious if you show up asking for refills?

>>Dice made from an actual gravestone.
Can we get the story behind that one?

i keep them highest-number up at all times so all the juju goes to the bottom and makes them heavier on that side.

i also color-group them, obviously, and while i abhor making dice towers (because if i lose a single dice from a set i have to get rid of the whole set), i spin all of them like tops when bored. mostly d20s.

>Don't you have to pay for holy water, that could get expensive?
>And doesn't the priest get curious if you show up asking for refills?
IIRC, the guy was a catholic. Funny enough, he actually took his dice with him when he went to church to dip them in it. The priest never found out as far as I know. Surprisingly, the guy actually had a few decent rolls every once in a while.

>Dice made from an actual gravestone.
>Can we get the story behind that one?
The fella we used to roll with back in the day was the son of a grave digger. Like, full on, lives next to graveyard and would dig graves for people. He'd sometimes have to help his dad with his work and was quite a cheerful guy. It's quite freaky however to be walking to your car through the middle of a graveyard at 11'clock at night after playing a horror-themed RPG.
In any case, sometimes they'd have to replace headstones because they'd go missing, people wouldn't pay for them, etc. etc. You get the general idea. One time however, they found this gravestone that had been broken by a couple of hooligans. They got the guys eventually, but it meant getting in contact with the family and asking them what they wanted to do. Real pain in the arse. Anyways, they eventually replaced it but now they had to dispose of the old headstone. Guy asks his dad if he can keep a couple pieces that had broken off and his dad was cool with it.
Anyways, he goes off to his tool shed and starts shaping each piece into dice for him to play with. He gets a full set and when he showed up next time, he showed them off to us. That night though... I'll be damned if the dead weren't helping with his rolls. Normally, he'd barely make natural 20s for his character. That night though, he made so many good rolls, we had to check the dice out to make sure they weren't screwy. When he told us he made them himself and they were from a gravestone, we banned the dice. No way are we playing with the dead.

>tfw no dicecat to bless my rolls

>i keep them highest-number up at all times so all the juju goes to the bottom and makes them heavier on that side.
If you leave your dice in the sun, this is not superstition.

No because Im too cynical for that stuff.

And i play online

I never roll my dice unless Im rolling for something. No mindless fiddling, no rolls "just to test,".

I feel like being fidgety and annoying curses the dice because I have weird projection issues

I just use a D20 that has an extra 17 & 18 where the 4 & 3 would be. It's been 5 years and my current group is none the wiser. Hell, I don't even have a reputation as rolling particularly well.

Any time I roll a nat 20 against a player I switch dice to try and convince the party I'm sympathetic towards them and not gunning for a TPK

>Dice that hit the floor are dead dice and need to be rerolled
>Don't roll your dice if you're not declaring an action, it makes them consistently roll worse
>Borrowed dice always roll worse the longer they're borrowed
>Dice given as gifts should only be rolled independently, and not in tandem with purchased sets
>Rolling double 0's on a D100 permanently curses those dice

Can you believe that I've never been diagnosed with a spectrum disorder? neither.

I only use pink dice.
I have for years.
>roll shit consistenly for a long while
>friend buys me pink dice as joke
>roll consistently well when using them
Years later, I have a good pound and a half of only pink dice.


I have a differently colored or designed set to match the personality of the character they're rolling for. One color?



>No virgins touching or rolling the dice
Since you're using a diceless system, why have dice at all?

You can bring a bottle of water to the Sunday mass and it will be holly water when you leave.

I had a player like this, I just laughed at him and bullied him for thinking he influences rolls somehow. He was a fucking retard and I kicked him later for different reasons

>bought the ToA dice set
>consistently rolls 15 and up
>infact every dice in the set rolls high
>autismo intensifies
>put an older set I have in the case
>same result

dark magiks are at work

I cheat horrendously. I have a d20 that's printed with 2 20s instead of the 1.

But then again, my DM likes the "nat1s mean something really bad happens" shit.

Not sure if it's superstition, but just recently my d4 was acting weird in a fight against goblins. Don't have enough dice for some rolls, so they're shared. The d4 was consistently rolling 1 and 2 for goblins but 3 and 4 for party

That's not true at all, holy water has to be blessed specifically. Have you ever been to a christening?

I bathe my dice in red wine with a few drops of my blood.

>some identical dice (of the same set) consistently roll high, some roll low
>this luck is transferable and not consistent with specific physical dice
>they can swap their luck even during a roll

Dice towers for the dice gods.

How stupid are you mate?
It's obviously a rigged die.

I mumble the average for the die when I roll it - 3.5 for a d6, for example - and ask for something higher. And abuse them if its lower.

Under my breath, though.



>single die
Please tell me you're not actually this stupid.

Expected result, average, whatever.
"you're all 3.5 or so, so higher please."
"you're all useless little shits."

But all results are equally likely on a single die, the average is irrelevant. I can kind of understand the autism of rolling 2 or more

Doesn't matter. Do it that way wether it's one or 40 because we're playing SR. Feels like I'm getting a bad result otherwise. This is a thread for superstitions masquerading as autism.

>curse the dog: cat edition
Holy shit that's brilliant in its simplicity

No matter how many times it falls to the floor when I throw them, I never use a cup and shake them like Yahtzee, that bitch kills all the luck of my dices.

Also for catholics? My grandmother explained that to me. Maybe depends?

Placing a die with the 20 side facing up when not in use will cause it to roll higher. I don't know why, but then again, that's why its a superstition.

I do basically the same, but I always have them with 2 facing up, just so the dice gods won't catch on

I doubt even half of these are real but I had a good laugh regardless.

I tend to favor this exact set as well

How'd you end up with one of those, user?

confirmation bias: the thread

I have a set of Casino grade d6 that i use for stat rolling, when they stop rolling good i get another fresh pack.

You think someone would lie on the internet? In Veeky Forums of all places? user please don't be so rude

OP said to confess our autism. This thread was never going to be very logical...

There is a tasteless green-dots-on-red d10 in my group's possession that's known as the Were-d10.
It's said that under the right moon, it changes shape, but this moon probably doesn't exist in this mortal realm. No one even speculates what it might turn into, either.
Any roll on which this die comes up a success is unimportant in the greater scope of things, or will fail (dicepool system).
The more important the roll is, the closer it will get to 5, resulting in long strings of near-failures on combat rolls.

If a die rolls 6/10/20/the highest number possible, it will only do so again after every other die has been rolled first, also continuously rolling it will result in worse and worse rolls. Also if the roll is really important make sure you roll a blue dice.

My results get better, independant of the system or dice used, the worse my life is going and vice versa
Either my dice-rolling is fuelled by my misfortune or my luck is limited in where it will allocate itself

tfw group is -10HP.

RIP, sweet prince.

No one is allowed to touch my DM dice.

Your dice are cursed to roll poorly unless you can stack them like this at least once.

Whenever I buy a new pack of dice of the same size, I roll all of them together once.
I set aside whichever one rolls the lowest, or if there's a tie, reroll those until I get a singular lowest.
This die then gets put in a box with other dice infused with bad juju, as an example to all other dice, never to be rolled again.

I usually store my dice in my dirty sweaty asshole[\spoiler] for a solid 24 hours before game night. I only do this with an odd number of dice or else the effect reverses.

Different types of pink dice, but still pink dice.
I won't buy it unless it's pink.