Are there any actually good actual play podcasts?
Are there any actually good actual play podcasts?
What system?
Roll to Hit. D&D 5E Actual Play that really is just a bunch of friends playing D&D 5e. Some of the players are complete dorks, so you will have to deal with characters like Sherlock Gnomes, but it's more genuine than most other podcasts.
Also, I've heard good things about people playing with Genesys. The Fallout Actual Play has gotten quite the buzz lately, though I think that's a video recording.
Why don't you want to play yourself?
>Hey guys, what channel is ESPN on?
>Why don't you go out and play football yourself instead?
For what reason do you feel the need to act this way?
Unironically this. Stop watching sports and go play it yourself, you'll lose some weight.
>Why don't you go out and play football yourself instead?
That's a good question actually. Football is fun.
You're an asshat.
You're almost as bad.
Watching a sport on TV and playing it are two different forms of entertainment. I have a group I play in, and I have a group I run, but I still listen to Actual Plays because I like to keep up with the stories. That, and I listen to Actual Plays whenever I start a new system in order to get a feel for it.
>but I still listen to Actual Plays because I like to keep up with the stories
You sound like one of many shills here advertising their cookie cutter 5e channels
Anyone remotely positive about anything sounds like a shill on Veeky Forums.
Only if they have financial incentive to sound positive
RPPR delta green games are good.
Anything by RPPR, audio quality is shit, but the adventures and players they have are awesome except for that one guy who has a vocal tick where he keeps clearing his throat / making weird noises, fuck that guy
And if you want to subject yourself to torture, The Adventure Zone
Thirding RPPR
Also the Lets Play Better Podcast, Knights of the Night Actual play, and The Reckless Dice Podcast.
The latter are doing Mouse Guard right now :3
Any Ars Magica actual play podcasts?
RPPR are the only ones who do something other than D&D in a way that isn't incredibly boring or inundated with J O K E S S O F U N N E H bullcrap.
The latter especially is an instant drop for me.
Well, I guess that watching porn is better than never having sex. Especially it you are afraid to leave the basement to get the pizza delivery.
Short answer, no. A lot of people (including several in this thread) will recommend the meme spouting faggots at RPPR. Ignore them. It's essentially Critical Role in podcast form.
I like Critical Hit (not to be confused with Critical Role), their main game is in D&D 4E, but their doing between-seasons games right now.
They did a short call of Cthulhu game, a weird western style game in Pathfinder and currently doing a game in a system called Urban Shadows.
A lot of it depends on what system you want to hear OP. Also do you want professional comedians in your Actual play or not.
I like the One Shot podcast.
Numenera, Exalted and L5R were good One Shot podcast episodes.
Was it as horrible as I imagine? I couldn't read the book without cringing. It just screamed 'woo mystery we didn't outline it totally because mystery so there are almost no concrete facts I swear we aren't a reskinned gurps'.
I would argue Numenera is sort of reskined Gamma World.
The actors on One Shot made the Numenera game fun though despite the shit mechanics.
It plays like shit too.
I'm sorry you can't handle people criticizing your favorite e celebs, but that doesn't change the fact that "actual plays", without exception, are cancer
>Some of the players are complete dorks, so you will have to deal with characters like Sherlock Gnomes
How the fuck is that in any way good.
Complex Action has a finished Shadowrun campaign. Arcology Podcast is pretty good too.
Drunk and the Ugly is pretty good, they have a diverse number of games they play from Delta Green to 5e
Because it's done in genuine earnest, not just "lolrandumb funnyman." As bad as Sherlock Gnomes sounds, He's less meme-tarded than any of the characters on Critical Role.
The Arcology Podcast is good. Reminds me of SHadowrun Storytime.
>Knights of the Night
I haven't listened to the KotN in a while but I really enjoyed their Dresden Files podcasts. I listened to some of the Numenera podcasts as well and it was enough to intrigue me. Especially as they went on, their production got better and the players seemed like decent guys. Good story too.
Yeah. Dresden Files and the WOD game Shit Luck are the best of KotN. Stay away from the rest of the WOD games because they get incredibly tedious.
Right now KOTN is doing another Dresden Files story titled Strangers and it is excellent.
What I listened to, which wasn't much, of The Adventure Zone was okay. Critical Role is also sort of okay.
Not a podcast, but URealms Live is very good.
The Film Reroll is a series of short games where they play through movie plots as the characters. System is GURPS. They have some great chemistry, though they don't go deep into the mechanics at all. Their Frozen playthrough was great, and their Homeward Bound game ended with them killing a bear. Shit is just comfy fun
I'm pretty picky about APs podcasts, but I like How We Roll. They mainly do Cthulhu, but have been doing a lot of 5e, Curse of Strahd, in the last year. They've had some Chaosium guys in on a few games too.
No actually Numenera, especially the first Numenera game, was one of the funniest games One Shot ever ran chiefly because the players themselves basically ignored the system and frankly ran kind of roughshod over the game in general. It's _hilarious_.
Numenera 2 wasn't quite as good but followed the same performance ethos as the first. What's weird is that the GM works for Monte Cook's game company, yet I can't imagine the way that the One Shot players conducted themselves was the intended way to play Numenera. It was sheer nonsense.
Also: Sponsored By Nobody is a very good, little known actual play podcast. They do a *ton* of Godbound but also just started a Stars Without Number campaign. Sound quality isn't on the level of One Shot but it's a bit better I'd say than RPPR.