Anyone else looking forward to this? For me the minis are beyond awesome, good mix of mad max and Conan.
General discussion on minis or game mechanics, them etc
Anyone else looking forward to this? For me the minis are beyond awesome, good mix of mad max and Conan.
General discussion on minis or game mechanics, them etc
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For anyone unaware. Hate is a skirmish board game I’m which each player controls and 11 man tribe. Games are played out in a chronicle (campaign) and the tribes and villages can be upgraded as you win battles and conquer other tribes
The renders of the minis look cool , wiat until you unbox your cheap ass chinese PVC minis. I was interested when I heard about it , but after seeing the campaign I can't help but laugh.
Now go away Cmon shill
Not trying to shill the product at all. What are the minis like in general from cmon in terms of quality?
I don’t own any cmon products yet myself, but a friend of mine backed the others and this minis seems a decent quality to me for a board game.
There are a couple of shitty sculpts, that put me off. And it seems like the rad as fuck stuff ins't default. Umgorr is pretty rad. Looks like a chaos warrior. pic related.
Ah, so it's just fantasy Necromunda.
Is that a Kopinski illustration on the cover? Looks pretty neat; what are the figures made out of?
Christ alive more skulls than 40K
Nice advertisement
>Fantasy Necromunda
It's called Mordheim newfag
Nah, Mordheim was never this 1000% EDGE METAL RADICAL.
Havign said that, a few of the sculpts look pretty cool.
Nowhere near enough to actually back, but maybe I'll pick them up piecemeal if I see someone selling off a copy and I still give a shit in two years.
Why is this guy wearing a skirt made of anatomically ridiculously small skulls?
Is he the eternally feared child-beater?
I hate it when the decorative skulls on models are stupidly small.
You either shill dnd or 40k. I feel like shilling this game just to shit you.
I think judging by the picture he is a giant or ogre looking guy of some sort, he is twice the height of the humans next to him. Those skulls are probably regular sized human skulls
all the leaders are like 8ft tall and all the minions are manlets. The game is entirely highest.
The miniatures from Blood Rage and Rising Sun are on the same level of a traditional wargaming miniature game.
I'm happy with my "cheap ass chinese PVC minis".
The art and design is done by Adrian Smith
If I played Chaos i'd probably source some for a army as champion n' shit.
wrong scale bro, these are way too big for warhammer use.
I've a hard time seeing them as 40mm plus.
28mm or 32mm?
None of you have heard/ read chronicles of hate?
It's an Adrain Smith graphic novel. It's a story about the end of the world. Man has killed the goddess of nature and everything turned to shit as a result. Nothing grows, so humanity is forced to breed itself as a foodstock. It's super metal as fuck, alot of these minis are direct rips from the novel. I wish they would make the main character of the stroy, worm, this little three legged mutant boy.
32mm heroic scale
>blood rage
Is that game good?
Go back to the outer circle.
>3D "sculpted" models
Traditional hand sculpting are the only minis worth it.
So Path to Glory?
So, any recomendations for board games like this that have cool minis that can be used on wargaming and ttrpgs?
Actually, with the aesthetic, edge etc, it looks more like a rip off of Lost and the Damned/Slaves to Darkness and Path to Glory- All the WHF Chaos warband games.
Interesting. Link? Story time?
I unboxed my Rising Sun stuff yesterday. My jaw about hit the floor. The miniatures are fantastic and the monsters are HUGE.
Old grog dead soon, hasn't been relevant for years.
I'm not even interested in the game or the sculpts but they've got names like Jacques-Alexandre Gillois and Remy Tremblay working on this project. The only shame is that the miniatures will be casted in PVC which doesn't preserve all of the details as well. Even then, it won't make too much of a difference unless the model is intended to be a display piece.
Explain these 3D renders then
2 edgy 4 me
Computer renders do not always accurately represent a finished physical item.
No, I mean why are there renders in the first place if the models are hand sculpted.
They are computer renders of the hand sculpt. This is common practice.
Almost like it's the same artist. Spooky.
Everything GW does outside a few shit FW minis is digital.
And that's why you don't waste your money on GW models anymore.
I meant the over all concept, but yeah, they got the right artist for the subject matter.
More than just renders, bro. Look at the actual models, they're godly. Of course, anybody who says something remotely positive about a product must be a shill.
Why do their legs look so short in this pic?
>Actually, with the aesthetic, edge etc, it looks more like a rip off of Lost and the Damned/Slaves to Darkness and Path to Glory- All the WHF Chaos warband games.
Hey, for once a tripfag is actually correct and familiar with the subject matter.
Defend this shills
too much skulls
>gropey spreading his anus over a shitty edgelord game
lmao what a fag