POSW - Big Gainer


Features being delivered in a months time are:

>TPOS - Trustless Proof Of Stake
>CCPOS - Cross Chain Proof Of Stake
>Atomic Swaps
>Rebrand To Stakenet (STAKE)
>Listed on new exchanges to allow swapping to a new chain that is capable of running TPOS
>Pooled Masternodes on Poswallet.com
>Treasury Fund
>Private Transactions

You have been WARNED. Up 40% today, will keep on rising, just wait and see

good old boi from last april holding tight my 22k .. enough for a masternode?

Maybe if you add 3k to that

Around 20-25k needed for a MN. I'm holding 67k atm.

Masternodes will cost 20-25k per. Final amount not decided yet, but I think you're good



Literally all coins mooned hard. POSW, ELIX, REQ. Soon ODN too.

Posw is going straight to 20k sats next month.

Master holder here. I'm holding since april.This is the time user.

So that's a 4x basically. Could go higher. I want to buy more, just not sure which coins in my portfolio to liquidate


pump + dump just like before, check the charts

What the fuck are you talking about? Join our discord and see how big our community actually is. Do you actually believe that it's just 1 guy posting here?
Just because you missed out, isn't a reason to cry here. There is still time, it's extremely undervalued.
You know it, I know it. Now shut up and buy some!


If you check the charts you'll see a massive cup and handle you pajeet cuck


oh nice were on world of warcraft 7 years ago

kys and lose your entire portfolio fag boy

Have never played World of Warcraft. Waste of time playing games honestly.

Why do you waste your precious time posting in this thread if you hate this coin so much anyway?

Grow some balls kid, honestly

The coin has some impressive new tech behind it tho. Cross chain and trustless staking will be big regardless of pajeets shilling or not.

why cant I log into my account on their website, made it last summer?

Not sure, did you enable 2fa back then?

I made my account last April. Still works

It doesn't exist, show me the Github, you can't.
also, poswallet.com is a centralized pool and they can steal your funds at any time
I'm here if you want to debate the invisible 'tech'

>poswallet.com is a centralized pool and they can steal your funds at any time
No need for further discussion.Stay poor.

You can do their term deposits right now (9% max), and then when they activate Masternodes + TPoS in the next 1-2 months, the term will be cancelled without a cancellation fee, and you'll get the interest. Just a tip.

Join the testnet and you'll be proven wrong, but you won't, you just want to scream scamcoin. I have a MN setup and running along with hosting tpos for a client.

Jesus Christ...
The GitHub is private at this point, but will be open to the public when we move to the other chain, you'd know that if you did some actual fucking research.

Stealing from their own site makes no fucking sense, no reason to kill their own project, besides you can use their QT client if you want to, that's what I'm doing.
Not that I don't trust Poswallet, but because I'll setup 5 masternodes in a months time anyway.

The tech is not "invisible" the public can test all the new features on their testnet already, such as TPOS and masternodes..

So stay poor yourself, faggot

7k bought 2d ago, 65% up, feels good.

Why do you shill to him lmao? Let him miss it

'invisible' tech.

Pic is TPOS and masternode rewards from the testnet.

Fair point. I don't know.

Because lurkers read what he says and think he might be right when he's absolutely wrong and must be set straight. That's why.

You dont know what is going on in any of the shit you see on your testnet.
Until you can see the code and how nodes are interacting with the coins the devs can literally be lying to your faces and you will believe them.

Its entirely possible when you send a 'TPoS' its just sending a request to a central server that sends coins to the other address to give the illusion of staking.

I dont get why you'd buy anything without being able to see how it works / isnt a scam.

>inb4 why would they lie
i've looked the devs just now and there's only 2 of them. Neither have any github history or previous projects, one did a little freelance work for a web design.. thats literally it
The project leader is some South American high school dropout, jesus.

good luck guys but the potential fomo gains aren't worth the risk of a vaporwave scam for me.

Agreed. So many people are gonna miss out because they are missinformed of this coin. Sad

It's very clear that you know NOTHING about the testnet, or how it works. Go to the discord and find out on your own before you talk like a fucking faggot about something you don't know shit about.

I honestly feel a little sorry for you, but whatever, there is plenty of gains to the rest of us.




Sorry, what? no actual rebuttal of my points and just blind rage?
Didnt expect more desu.

>hurrr testnet muh buzzwords, must be legit
literally no evidence it works

Seriously, what's under the hood of this project?
You have no fucking idea.
Regardless, I hope your gains continue and it turns out to be legit, its just risky af and new investors seeing this thread need to be aware of that

Thanks for posting that

You came in here like an angry kid talking shit. Instead of doing that you could of asked nicely, I would have replied nicely if you did that.

End of story

I can understand your point of view. The private repo will be made public upon the swap, then you welcome to join in at $3.

give me a link I can't find this on Bwang22's github
i'll come back in 30 minutes and tell you if the code is good

Spending this much energy spreading bullshit and disinfo


Yeah.. Unbelievable actually. He will most likely FOMO buy at $3 after the swap

$1 later this week guaranteed for anyone lurking here.
Just saying

literally 2 posts that took 2 minutes to write
im retired bro what do you want me to do jerk of more?
what part is 'disinfo' anyway, just trying to be prudent and rational.

You know what, if I can see the code and the project fulfills a need then I will buy in at a higher price than you.
Its just risk-reward and we're on opposite sides, im just highlighting the risk element

This coin smells like an actual scam

I looked at their Twitter and it reminds me of some shell corp where they have an office etc but its all a front

Join the discord and be proven wrong. They are working real fucking hard to finish this new wallet with all these features, not spending time on marketing yet, such as Twitter.

Wait and see, they will deliver

>just trying to be prudent and rational.
Shoo shoo gains goblin

And he's still going

To everyone here you can join the discord and speak with the devs and investor whales if you have doubts instead of listening to misinformed Fudders like this asshole

Link to PoSW Discord: