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What was the most exotic conquest you ever managed to get?
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Paizo Games General /pgg/
What was the most exotic conquest you ever managed to get?
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We beat up a fairy queen once. Had to skip straight past Plan B and go with Plan C after she started kicking our asses, which involved one (1) scroll of Antimagic Field and two (2) angry martials.
Dragons, as mundane as that sounds.
>Can't make an orphaned vigilante without people immediately thinking of batman
A linnorm
What did you do with her afterwards? Was it a political thing or was she just pissed at you for personal reasons?
Anything special about the Dragons or was it a basic "raiding the hoard" kind of deal?
Then make a batman vigilante without being an orphan. They won't see it coming until it's too late.
I mean it's a linnorm. They're kind of hard to fuck
>Anything special about the Dragons or was it a basic "raiding the hoard" kind of deal?
Well the dragons needed to be rescued from things which would qualify as mythic trials for most people, but for our party it was Tuesday.
We are not mythic for the record.
So wait, you needed to rescue the DRAGONS from a trial? The dragons themselves were not the trials?
That's hilarious.
A little bit of both, but mostly the former. She started it though. As for what we did with her, nothing. We killed the shit out her and left her corpse where it lay as her castle collapsed behind us.
Is this for Student Council of Thieves?
>Is this for Student Council of Thieves?
Yup, hoping that my character is compelling enough to get in. Although I've never played a game in Golarion or even played a Persona game
Then again I'll probably lose to celebs and shitposters
>back to /pgg/
Nigga Starfinder is dead as fuck.
I'm joining a Pathfinder game next weekend and I need to roll a level 12 character. Dubs decides my class, core book only.
Reposting here since I hadn't realised the previous thread was dead.
How much would you price a Lesser Transformative weapon mod at? I'd need that to work that like the normal one, with the additional limitation that it'd only allow you to switch between weapons belonging to the same weapon group and of the same size. I basically just want my redeemer paladin of Shelyn to wield a glaive for RP but be able to switch to other polearms for actual battle (e.g. bardiche or lucerne hammer), but I won't be able to spare the 10k anytime soon.
It's a biweekly game so I'm not sure why you're rushing to get in.
The game's only got like two or three people I think could really be called celebs so you don't gotta worry much about that. I'm just apping for fun personally, if I get into the game that's cool but I don't mind much one way or the other. I never do.
Rogue/Monk if multiclassing is on the table, just Monk if not.
>why you're rushing to get in
Cause my main game in person keeps getting postponed for dumb reasons and I'm itching to play
>I never do.
That feel when
No, I mean I never mind much whether I get or not.
Make it so his parents were criminals instead of victims, and he's become a vigilante to try to make up for the horrible things they did.
Have them die of old age, nobody will call you Batman if your parents live three times as much as the Wayne couple.
Cleric of Sarenrae
Six levels each? I need to read back up on multiclassing.
Also I'm just a visitor to this board but are dubs disabled here?
no we're just unlucky
>YWF nobody who responds to this gets dubs
If I do play a Cleric with a 2 level dip into Warpriest.
You're screwing your spell progression that way.
You're one whole spell level behind.
I want my character to use javelins. Most likely while mounted. Am I relegating myself to uselessness by using thrown weapons?
Core only, user.
Warpriest isn't Core.
Maybe, but 90% of clerics have nothing to do for their Swift actions, which Fervor helps solve and lets you pump out more spells per turn, and taking the feat that allows you to grant allies one of your Blessings every time you channel can be incredibly useful, especially if it's the Luck blessing.
But you might as well go straight warpriest. You'll get the same spell level progression that way, more or less.
>getting 9th level spells at 19 instead of 17 = being hard-capped to 6th-level spells
Are you actually retarded?
>implying you'll hit level 19
Look at this chump.
Anyone who plans to get to level 20 doesn't actually play in any campaign
>warpriest 2/cleric 6 = level 3 spells
>warpriest 8 = level 3 spells
It's not like you'll get higher than level 8 before the game falls apart.
I mean yeah you could just go straight Warpriest, but not only are you basically doubling up all of your bonus level 1 spells every time you get bonus from extra Wis but a couple of levels lost from higher levels are balanced out by the aforementioned action economy as well as Domain spells (which I'll again point to Luck being absolutely baller as a choice since you can now cast True Strike as a swift then guarantee your next hit that very turn)
Synth Summoner
I did that in my first PF campaign.
I was a fool.
Okay, Veeky Forums. I'm going to be running a Pathfinder game set in an unexplored jungle full of hostile primitives and bizarre ruins. What are some unsettling spells for my party's arcanist to discover? I'm talking "detach your skin and send it scouting" or "beat a motherfucker with a whip made of termites" weird. Just generally unwholesome spells you'd expect to find carved into a wall in Ungabunganistan.
Vomit Swarm comes to mind
Convert some shit from Lords of Madness, Unapproachable East, Serpent Kingdoms or BoVD.
Spiderbarf is such a great spell, really. Especially in the form of an alchemist extract loaded into a hookah. Getting high on arachnids never felt better.
>Splintersoul Vigilante
>At 7th level, when a splintersoul uses the immediate change talent to reveal his vigilante identity and then attacks a foe in the same round, he can use the startling appearance ability against that foe as though the foe were unaware of his presence.
Is Sheev actually a Vigilante?
>Getting high on arachnids never felt better
Blood Transcription, Create Treasure Map, Unnatural Lust, the entire line of Contact Entity spells (they even have a note recommending GMs have PCs find these spells instead of learn them on their own), the entire Curse Terrain line of spells, Lesser/Greater False Life, Boneshatter, Fleshworm Infestation, Spider Climb (it becomes a much freakier spell when you think about its material component being a LIVE SPIDER), Blood Tentacles, Black Tentacles, spells that summon specific evil outsiders (special mention goes to Summon Cacodaemon because you can use it to create a soul gem from a recently slain foe with no save), Anthropomorphic Animal, Countless Eyes, Excruciating Deformation, Mad Sultan's Melody, Dreadscape, Phantasmal Killer, Bloatbomb, Earsend, Wall of Bone, Claim Identity, and Hellmouth Lash.
Golarion has the printing press right
Why isn't everyone a wizard if spell could be mass printed? There's literally no excuse for a soldier to run into battle without Infernal healing or true strike.
>she started kicking our asses
Was she thelegend27?
Why didn't the Aztecs just use guns?
Having access to magic books doesn't mean you can use them or have magical abilities.
You're applying logic to magic.
Just because the words on a scroll are written down on the page doesn't mean it's actually filled with the spell, bruh, you still need a properly levelled Caster to infuse the page with the spell in question.
Unless your printing press can cast the spell into the scroll that ain't gonna work.
Spellbooks require special magic ink and are always written in shorthand unique to the particular mage.
Not that that would mechanically stop anything, but there's a flavor reason for it if you want one.
Now this would be an interesting idea though, you could rig your printing press up with a magic resetting trap. The catch is that you'll still need a funnel attached to the ink reservoir to pour gold pieces down.
You don't need to make a scroll of something to print it into a spellbook though.
>Spellbooks require special magic ink and are always written in shorthand unique to the particular mage.
This isn't a thing in Pathfinder
Because Wizards as presented in D&D are terrible on several conceptual levels. They actually make me mad.
Also, it's the same reason why every city doesn't have a couple of create food and water traps throughout it.
>Having access to magic books doesn't mean you can use them or have magical abilities.
Except, it does. Wizards have no inherent magical properties. Anyone can learn Arcane magic if they have an Int of at least 10.
Here's the reason right here:
Because the DM says that it doesn't work
>This isn't a thing in Pathfinder
"To record an arcane spell in written form, a character uses complex notation that describes the magical forces involved in the spell. The writer uses the same system no matter what her native language or culture. However, each character uses the system in his own way. Another person’s magical writing remains incomprehensible to even the most powerful wizard until he takes time to study and decipher it."
Materials and Costs: The cost for writing a new spell into a spellbook depends on the level of the spell, as noted on Table: Spell Level and Writing Costs. Note that a wizard does not have to pay these costs in time or gold for spells he gains for free at each new level.
If you're going to complain that printing presses should make spellbooks commonplace, would you also accept that people should be able to use a "trap" created by a high level caster that casts Secret Page and then resets itself in order to turn a blank book into a new spellbook? Because you'd have more solid ground to stand on if you argue from there.
I hope Pathfinder never leaves your hearts.
Yours or your five sons.
What did it originally say?
Probably some Mobile game.
It was about League
>Except, it does. Wizards have no inherent magical properties. Anyone can learn Arcane magic if they have an Int of at least 10.
Pretty sure you have to have engaged in the lengthy education process to know how to do it at all, though, as it's considered a "Trained" class on the starting age table.
Fighter again
>22 responses later and the only dubs are posts not responding directly to this one
OP must be suffering, RIP him.
It's what he deserves for playing Core only
Vow of Poverty Monk
Rogue but multiclassed into Fighter
Barbarian/Bard multiclass
4th Edition Tiefling Warlord
8 Wis Druid
Cleric with the Animal Domain
You mean a Skald?
7 Wisdom 7 Int Gnome Bard
Silly user, he's playing Core only, of course not.
Fallen Paladin.
absolute gold
All of that buildup for possibly the worst option presented, and Monk got suggested like 3-4 times.
op right now