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How do you justify the huge number of different types of evil humanoids?
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How do you justify the huge number of different types of evil humanoids?
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>How do you justify the huge number of different types of evil humanoids?
Depends on the setting.
How do you justify the huge number of different things ogres can fuck to produce fertile, viable offspring?
>How do you justify the huge number of different types of evil humanoids?
Humans, traditionally, haven't had any problems demonizing their enemies.
Gonna be honest, I detest the power curve in OSR games. Not talking hit points here, but the way attack bonuses and AC scale. I'd like to see characters start out marginally more competent and have their power capped slightly.
What a provocative and insightful comment!
In my setting ogres are debauched men, those who have fallen victim to the mortal sins of appetite (gluttony, lust, sloth) and become warped by it. That's the reason. (Dragons are those who have fallen victim to greed and envy in the same way, like Fafnir in the story; pride and wrath produce balrogs.)
Convert that last video game you played into the setting of your next OSR game
I had the same issues. But there's a way to fix that...
Your AC doesn't scale up ((rare) magic-items aside) and your THAC0 scales slow (AD&D and LotFP aside).
It's a nice setting, but it doesn't fit.
Daily reminder if you're working out the biology of humanoids in excruciating detail you're playing RuneQuest.
But seriously, Ataturk must be spinning in his grave.
>huge number
I mean canon only has half-humans and half-orcs.
It's D&D but with more guns, crystal tech, and politics.
Ah. I'm too late.
Canonically, they and their offspring can fuck literally anything. That's how mongrelmen happen.
>Ah. I'm too late.
For what?
>Stardew Valley
Doesn't sound far off, honestly. Just kind of a flip-around of when domain and dungeon play are introduced.
>Invisible Inc
I feel like I’d be better off using GURPS.
>Nier Automata
Well, hexcrawls get a new tile for Urban terrain overgrown by the local landscape.
The basic machine breeds work for the goblin->Orc->Bugbear progression.
Races could e Resistance Androids as the basic human, YoRHa as Elves.
Could rip Crawford's fray dice mechanic for Pod weapons
I'd kinda want to throw together a proper social combat system to handle hacking during gameplay, but I'm not sure if I'd be breaking OSR guidelines there.
Differentiate YoRHa subtypes with GLOG-style classes
I have rules for trick weapons sitting around here SOMEwhere
On the non player character is actually good for that.
>Canonically, they and their offspring can fuck literally anything. That's how mongrelmen happen.
AKSHUALLY according to The Ecology of the Mongrelman it's more like proto-Mongrelmen can fuck literally anything:
I wrote up a little creature.
Some are from here, others are from elsewhere. Keeps every area from just being "goblins".
Long Live The Queen
...Yeah, I'm not sure about this one. I guess you could use the Lumen system as how magic works? Like only nobles can use magic or something, and you need a crystal for it? I don't know.
I think Dragon adapted some monsters from it during the 2e era.
I'm the kind of guy who thinks MC entries are the best bestiary style but this is too tl;dr even for me.
Interesting. I like it.
I think this is just a model railway hobby mislabeled as an RPG setting.
I'm going to pretend I played Hyper Light Drifter instead, just because that seems like it might be a pretty cool setting/framework for OSR games.
Really? Gotta find those Dragon issues then.
Good stuff.
>How do you justify the huge number of different types of evil humanoids?
in most of my settings there's generally at least one major Evil Overlord and/or Evil Empire in the setting's past who created most of the Monstrous Humanoid races
although I generally avoid having "Evil" races, although most Monstrous Humanoids do live in cultures that are often very vicious and brutal compared to most Human or Demi-Human cultures
Monstrous Humanoids in general are both very fertile and are able to breed with many different kinds of creatures
Any Spaniards here? I want to know more about Aventuras en la Marca del Este.
Eh, not a fan of OTNPC. It tries to codify too much from my view. I was thinking something more along the lines of formalizing debate tactics or speechifying (though with far more drastic results than against meatbags in this scenario).
Because it's a horror trope.
And, unless you're running a very specific sort of game, it's probably not relevant.
on the topic of monster races I like the concept my friend has done for his fantasy setting Midgaheim, of what he calls Boogeymen;
from left to right in this picture; Hobgoblin, Grindylow, Goblin, Troll, Boggart, Bugaboo, Aitvaras, Bugbear, Orc
Has anyone actually run a game with the Chthonic Codex?
There's a lot of good ideas in there. But I can't help but feel it would fall apart in play.
Maybe that's because my players are sticklers for detail and habitually tear my adventures apart at the seams, so playing fast and loose with the specifics has always been a recipe for disaster.
The esoteric theme is great though. Certainly blows Ars Magica out of the water, which succeeds at the truly remarkable feat of making magic incredibly boring.
My bad, it was Heretic II monsters.
Oh. I also played that but I remember very little of it.
>Spaniards die in a boat, Englishmen die in the water
Eh, not him, but I feel like that book is almost too granular, especially compared to the basic combat rules for stick hitting each other.
I vaguely recalled a DM that ran some pretty fun Social combat in DND, that basically boiled down to beating each other with facts (Which were treated as weapons)and rolling to disprove or blatantly ignore facts that were inconvenient.
It varies with the year.
>When no one can bear to tell the king of France about the defeat of his navy at Sluys in 1340, it is his jester who breaks the news to him, exclaiming, "How brave the Frenchmen are, throwing themselves into the sea, unlike those cowardly English, who cling to their ships."
>produces works incessantly and on time
>makes solid RPGs that while not necessarily innovative, work when you play them
>writes RPG material only if he knows he can make money on it
>his fucking hobby is gemstones
Today I learned Kevin Crawford is literally a dwarf.
Has anyone played and enjoyed the Rad-Hack?
How tall is he? Plenty of people like gems.
I find The Black Hack and all its derivatives to be shitty.
Do you have a preferred Gamma World-esque game?
Ruinations is pretty neat, but may not be gonzo enough for you.
>the Dragon
>based on LotFP
can't be that bad
It was Dragon 256 btw
When on downtime and back at town or while traveling, how fast do characters heal? one hit point per day? How fast do they recover lost attribute damage, if at all?
Either from a published system or your homebrew, either way. What are your thoughts?
Depends on how they're living it up. If they're living in the gutter, they only heal hp equal to their level modified by con, none if they're at 0. Sleeping in an inn or someone's house takes you to full in two days. If they're living it up, part of my carousing rules means that you get bonus HP if you're already at full. Ability scores heal at the rate of one point a day.
Lunch (1hr + 1 ration) heals 1d6+level HP
A good night's sleep (8hrs + 1 ration + warmth) heals fully.
HP is capped at 20.
Injuries have a fixed duration in days. Attribute damage heals 1 point per day.
Any amount of downtime is a full-heal if there's no time pressure.
If there if time pressure, you're better off saying 'you need to do this within X runs' than 'within X days'
>hit point
1/day bed rest
1/three days otherwise
>attribute damage
1/three days bed rest
1/week otherwise
All I know is that it's got some cool art.
Reading about how Arneson's Blackmoor had everyone play as themselves transported to a fantasy land, it occurred to me that Veeky Forums's old Harem Knights thing was essentially a shitty freeform Blackmoor with monstergirls.
It further occurred to me that as I've always wanted to try to run a Blackmoor-style campaign but feared I'd never be able to reliably draw the number of players you need to run the various factions, I could probably attract plenty if I added monstergirl bullshit as bait -- but then it seems like a Pyhrric victory. I mean sure, then I might have a dedicated player base that shows up regularly and I'd be all set to run, but would I even want to?
I can't make my fucking PCs leave this fucking bed alone. They've spent 130k gold on it so far and they keep trying to turn Dungeons and Dragons into Bedknobs and Broomsticks and won't even play Bedknobs and Broomsticks. I actually put the entire thing in the laundry with a massive bedbug attack and they were like "Oh man this must have some really valuable back support if a bedbug army wanted it." And rebuilt it. Dragons blow up pillows and they have them restuffed. They've been doing this so long they're on their third set of PCs, with around 19 level 10 pcs that just sort of lounge the fuck around being recumbent demigods. I have this entire world built and all they want to do is hang out in this bed and "nap all afternoon." I made the fucking mistake of having one of them, after 10 sessions of sleeping in the goddamn bed, actually find a hidden pocket with a couple of quarters and now they've got tons of concubines in there, writhing, whoring out and making a small undercover harem. Had them bump into a dream-eater or whatever and get invaded, ruining all of their sleep. Fuck it, we got lots of time let's go to bed again but this time with silk sheets. I can't fucking handle this anymore. My players. Will not. Leave. This bed.
ERPbait doesn't work for Pathfinder games, it won't work for OSR games either.
Souls are immortal. They're just not invulnerable. They can be changed and converted.
That's the one! I've been looking for that for years!
I don't see why this wouldn't be 1 or 2 human cultures and 8 or 9 orc cultures.
Italians and Frenchman don't need different stats, let alone Italians and Spaniards.
How does that compare to Nosgoth?
Who said anything about stats? Stats are the last thing you need to worry about. People are what you need to worry about.
The entire argument from last thread about how humanoids were too redundant.
Oh shit y'all used my image!
Bah, if you listen to everything /osr/ says you'll go mad.
How's your damage type system going?
If they're starving in a ditch somewhere, they don't heal and might even take damage.
If they're in poor but acceptable conditions, they'll heal 1 HP per day.
If they're spending ludicrous amounts of money, they might heal 2 or 3 points, but they might also need a doctor or other medical help there.
Attribute damage can only be healed with medical attention and bed rest at a rate of 1 per week.
Never played Nosgoth but Hi-rez has a habit of killing their games. It's still "fun" but it used to real fun in older patches. A battlegrounds mode is coming soon too.
The setting (which was only really created like a month ago) is a medieval world that has re-discovered/weaponized ancient technology. The Magistrate (government headed by a M-U) and Paladins (headed by an Elf Fighter) are fighting a war over who gets to use the crystals.
Pic related reflects the older implied setting which was more science fantasy: Ruckus (the goblin) found a magic sword with the soul of an elf king inside, melted it down, and made a robot out of it/him.
Why does the osr have such a hard-on for agonizingly slow healing rates? Things shouldn't speed up to match 5e or anything, but jeez, how do you make that downtime interesting and how do people survive when they're low on hit points in the wilderness? And if you're restocking dungeons, there's no way you're going to be able to rest up before the whole thing's repopulated. I know clerics exist, but, sheesh.
This is the the new and "improved" direction of the art, as seen in current Ruckus. A bit too WoW.
>there's no way you're going to be able to rest up before the whole thing's repopulated
That's why not getting stabbed is important.
>Wario Land 1
So, basically your average wacky "hex crawl with no regard with actual ecology and geography" and tons of dungeon delving for treasures?
People have different ideas about what HP represents, how "realistic" healing rates should be, and how harshly to discourage damage. Personally, I'm all for rapid healing provided HP is kept low and sensible. It keeps the game moving. Plus, HP loss seems to be a relatively rare cause of death in my games, compared to bad plans and experimental sandwiches.
But people can do what they want; it's not like there's one right way to balance healing.
Die roll * healing factor per day, where a person's healing factor equals 1 + 1/10 their maximum hit points (rounded down).
The die roll depends on the conditions:
1d4 for ideal conditions
1d4-1 for middling conditions
1d4-2 for bad conditions (yes, you can actually lose hit points)
>How do you justify the huge number of different types of evil humanoids?
Each race has a demon-crafted counterpart (humans - orcs, dwarves - ogres, halflings - trolls; elves went extinct along with dragons) and witches took forever to figure out the polymorph spells to create goblins out of the children of the other races.
honestly I just give full heals on any amount of rest assuming they haven't been poisoned or lost a limb or something, cause I work on the assumption that HP is not meat points at all
but then I do a lot of odd things, most of my settings have Death for PC's operate on Dark Souls/Bloodborne rules for one thing, so permanent death is a rarity, although dying can still be inconvenient(for one thing if the whole party died while they'd come back to life, said revival mechanics would mean at least part of the dungeon would be completely reset)
see I'm of the opinion that Souls should be both immortal and invulnerable*
*not that this means Ghosts and other Incorporeal Undead are invincible, they are made up of Ectoplasm that can be destroyed/dispelled
That last bit's some creepy shit.
see I'm of the opinion that you've ten Souls and that three Souls fuck of to the moon when you die and the other seven rot into the ground with your corpse
>see I'm of the opinion that Souls should be both immortal and invulnerable*
It's your setting man. Do what thou wilt.
What do the witches and demons get out of it?
*fuck off to
>What do the witches and demons get out of it?
Fear, probably.
Could you bitch about setting details in instead?
>Convert that last video game you played into the setting of your next OSR game
Dark Souls 3.
I've been toying with the idea of doubling Charisma as Humanity. Any time a PC dies, they can be resurrected at a Sacred Bonfire, but lose points of humanity. Once you hit -3 modifier, you are a Hollow and your soul is lost to the abyss (and your character sheet goes to the DM).
I want a setting where civilization is trying to push back the encroaching Mythic Wilderness. The party is tasked with discovering and lighting Sacred Bonfires in various ruins and locations, which slowly tames the Wild.
>But what else can I use besides Bonfires?
I was thinking about rejuvenating Sacred Trees but idk if I like that either.
"You don’t have a soul, Doctor. You are a soul. You have a body, temporarily.”
fuck you
>It's your setting man. Do what thou wilt.
I will, but I'm free to bitch about how other people handle it
That's just as meaningful as telling us to play 5e or GURPS. The only thing that the GLoG has going for it is the neato magic system.
You're free to cut your nose off, wear a tutu, and call yourself "Becky McTavian Junior"... but I'm not entirely sure why you think that's a good idea. Same with bitching about other settings that aren't your setting.
Well, the healing rate (and capped HP in one version) do rather neatly solve the slow and laborious healing rate issues posted upthread. But so it goes. Hack off bits and use them as needed.
If you're not playing hags as terrifying unhuman things that have utter disregard for anything that doesn't benefit them, you shouldn't have them in your setting period.
>fuck you
i don't actually believe that but
crappy summarizing aside that's a thing large numbers of actual people believe
I think I'm missing something here. Is there a reference I didn't get?
>what do the witches and demons get out of it
Demons make their races as part of their game of eternal "fuck you" to the gods. They basically made a counterpart to each race to directly harm/ruin them.
The witches play by rules from a time that the gods don't like talking about. They don't reproduce on their own, so they like twisting the flesh of other things for their own amusement so they can have "children of their own" (read; minions mindlessly devoted to them).
>Dominions 5
The party is made up of halfmen who have to defile a temple belonging to an opposing pretender god, only to get found out when they try to seduce a commander and lure them into another province.
Here we see the False OSR Enthusiast, trying to "solve" non-existent "problems" because he actually hates D&D.
user, what did we say about that phrase?
No u.
>Mordheim: City of the Damned
So basically anything OSR but with a raging hard on for dismemberment tables.
What is the Great War in the background being fought over in your setting?
The usual. Land, prestige, ancient grudges, the throne of the largest and richest kingdom in the known world.