Your ally falls in combat. What prayers do you offer them? How do you honor their death...

Your ally falls in combat. What prayers do you offer them? How do you honor their death? Assume resurrection is not an option.

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>Fuck man, I dunno. Maybe if we mix demon ash into the fleshwound on his head and neck and try reattaching his head that would work?

He got better later, because he had actually made a deal, eternal vassalage to a middle management imp demon in exchange for resurrection, but god damn, people. Have more respect for the dead.

>What prayers do you offer them?
Rubba dub dub thanks for the grub.

I loot the corpse

>your ally falls in combat
I help them back up, duh.

Stake the body so he doesn't reanimate as worse than a ghost.


I ritually consume choice parts of the corpse like the heart, liver, and brain. In this way a portion of my friend's spirit will live on in me, and will be able to join me in avenging their untimely death.

It is only an empty shell now.
Please treat it as such.


t. barbarian

This, but when I'm done, I shall cremate whatever remains once the coast is clear to be partly used as fertilizer as the rest is stored in a decorative vase


I would venerate the honored dead, for they died fighting in the name of the Chapter and the Emperor. No greater death awaits us than that of one from slaying His enemies.

If I held my battle brother as he died, I'd tell him of those he slew and those that he honored. His gene lineage would carry on, his armor used by another, and his blade/bolter put into the hands of a worthy brother, who would do honor unto him and the Chapter.

My comrades are diverse, to say the least. As a priest, I've taken it upon myself to ask each of them what their culture finds appropriate.

Absolutely wipe whatever killed them off the face of the earth and take a trophy from it.
Bury friend.
Name a kid after them if it was a good friend.

Take the body back to the family. They will remove the heart and consume it ritualistically to preserve their spirit, passing on their power to the living. The body will be cremated in a funeral ceremony for the tribe.

Dip dip potato chip

Roast 'em up, and eat 'em with mustard and Worcestershire sauce.
Go shopping
In the enemy formation
For entrails

It's what they would have wanted.

>t. Party consisting of Barbarian (Myself), War Cleric, Valor Bard and Conquest Paladin affectionately dubbed the Man Squad.

Funeral pyre normally after taking their valuable magical stuff because waste not want not.
Then if applicable revenge on whoever killed them.

Depends on which one, the pali and cleric can go fuck themselves, the wizard will be cremated, the ranger is going to be brought to the woods and buried under her tree, the warlock is probs going to make me sign a pact to bring him back, to return the favour.

Something long winded about his lineage and how dear he was to me, then I kill the guy that killed him and, I dunno, vaunt I guess.

Behead them swiftly: can't risk them getting up as a zombie.

Pray to Emma-O that they may be permitted entry in the Realm of Blessed Ancestors.

Then join the fray once more and kill as many of the damned Shadowspawn that manage to make it to the top of the wall.

>Assume resurrection is not an option. we're not in my campaign?

Well I don't pray IRL so none.

>Well, fuck you guys, I'm going in the shadow realm to bring her back and you can't stop me, I don't give a fuck about the consequences.

Proceed to open a portal to the shadow realm, create a mythological level of mess and bring her back or die trying.

> "As a priest, I've taken it upon myself to ask each of them what their culture finds appropriate"

Then tell them why their heretics and are going to hell when they die, right?

If you are strong in faith you should administer the rites of the only righteous religion. It's only merciful to your savage comrades. Ask them what they want, give them what you know is best for their souls.

Are anyone here implying players would do otherwise, if the player of the dead character isn't a pretty single girl?

Looks like meat is back on the menu boys.

Dibs on his sword, it looks neat.

"See you on the other side you glorious bastard," then promise to share a drink with them every year.

>Your ally falls in combat
Take his stuff (dibs on the rifle!) and sell his cybernetic-implant-filled body to my black market contact. Spend the proceeds on more advanced weapons and implants for ourselves.

It's what he would have wanted.

The last time an ally fell in combat, my rogue stole his stuff DURING the combat, when he was out of sight, then reappeared and finished the fight.
We met the barbarian just two weeks ago and he died stupidly tho

Usually, the players of the dead PCs are asking the group to loot the body, so their new character can "inherit" it.
The only difference with a cute single girl is that the looter is less likely to keep the gear for himself afterwards.

I'm now reminded that the cute single girls in my last SW group played a heartless bounty hunter that harvested baby wookie pelts for coin, and a pazaak droid aiming for galactic domination and the total annihilation of organics. Certainly not the kind of people to object to corpse robbing.


I mean, he probably didn't have a copy of his will on his person, and likely never told any of you about his next of kin. So it's not like you really had any other options but to take his stuff, bury it, or leave it to the monsters.

Pazuzu Pazuzu Pazuzu.

>Assume resurrection isn't an option.

Of course it's not, so I take his cortical stack back home for resleeving.

On a more serious note for fantasy games;
Honor their death by killing their slayer, sing a hymn for the dead to quicken their passing.

It depends.

>if dear friend
Honor him, bury him, and mourn him.

>if random nobody I was travelling with
Loot the corpse.

>if hot girl
Time for some farewell sex.

My con woman rogue killed the guard that offed our bard. She built the bard a funeral pyre after the battle and placed a gold coin on each eye so the ferryman would give him the best seat. She then assumed his identity and continued wooing the ladies and playing for money to pay for our inn stays.

Well no. Every corpse has the loot taken. But that doesn't mean you just toss a friend's body in a ditch without ceremony after.

For example, when I played a CE psycho who was strangely fond of the rest of the party, almost more like a demented and rabid puppy or the like, when they could not save a friend, they took a piece of the corpse, normally a small bone, and carved it into an idealized statue of their fallen friend. In that way, they tried to keep a part of them alive and with them despite the soul moving on.


feels man.

best reply, tomodachi-kun!

Well yes, but some of the funerary rites are a bit more negotiable. I mean, the prayers can be yours but they might have a preference in how their flesh is taken care of. For example, some may prefer cremation, others burial back home, some might have a culture that mummifies the dead and honors them at their homeland.

Thats why you keep away womans from danger.

No, you let womans do whatever they want including going out to fight and get slaughtered, because they are strong independent womans. I'll be cheering from the sidelines.

That's some nice armor. Must have cost him an arm and a leg.

He eats the corpse and spends some time in silent reflection, because the spirit has already departed from its body to possess a new being and strengthen itself and others, and to just leave it rotting on the floor would be wasteful.


Been considering getting into eclipse phase. Is it really complex?

1. Get Soul Token
2. Inscribe Thrall Runes.
It's like he never left, AND he's more useful!

Lol this happened to me. My IRL closest friend said that... during combat (nearest enemy was a bit away). Was pretty salty about that one for a while.

Also I'm a Lawful good cleric of Illmater, just found out that the dickhead beast people tribe who just tricked and captured us, likely killed the guy who cured my terrible wound, saving my life and setting me on the path to become a cleric in the first place.
Spent the whole campaign straight laced, preserver of life, the only one who didn't go to brothels, negotiated with bandits to not kill them.
The one time I kick loose I end up drugged by the people who killed my savior.
DESU if they do anything but let us loose right away I'm pretty sure I'm going to go a combination of Anakin Skywalker on the sand people / Mel Gibson from Payback / Denzel in Man on fire.
Too out of character?

I offer them the screams of agony of their killers as I rip and tear them apart while singing an ancient dwarven hymn for the dead. Then I douse their bodies in my premium spirits and light it ablaze while solemnly sharpening my axe.

Their spirit has either already returned to the Wheel, or has transcended the cycle of reincarnation-- but probably the first one. Whichever, the body is only meat now, and should not be wasted. Time to eat some.

Not out of character if they know the tribe did it.
Any goody two shoe can snap if you push the right buttons on them.

Not certain they did it for sure but they mentioned the guy by name and said he met with them... then they drugged us. While we were all packing up from the game I came up with a pretty silly plan that I sort of want to stick to, it involves incapacitating / reviving the leader who drugged us, then using a solo good cop bad cop to force the fate of my savior out of him.

Rip the killer to shreds, thus exacting vengeance.
Bury them with their treasured items, or burn them in a pyre and save the items.
Pray to the gods so their soul is saved.

Sing a dirge while I continue cleaving every last son of a fuck still standing.


>Depriving a comrade of the weapons they'll use to fight death

There are no prayers, only tears. Something precious is gone from this world, never to return. No trace remains of this treasure. Destroying the enemy that shattered this treasure will not bring it back.

resurrection is always an option, no matter how hard you have to kick a god's ass

I cringed at this entire post

Mortal weapons don't let you fight death, they just direct his blade toward other mortals.

My boy wizard just learned a great old faith religion funeral rite he performed for a dryad. If left out in the wild he may consider doing this. Except perhaps for the Templar as he would probably "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" in the afterlife... or maybe that is more reason to do it, I'm not sure.

>Dips in his armour!
>I want his shotgun!

I gather his horse and weapons, I tell his family how he died

Depends on the situation. If we fell in an ambush, they’ll just lay there while we retreat. If we won a battle and there are other allies present, the fallen will have a decent funeral. If no one is around, we just leave them there.

>For example, when I played a CE psycho who was strangely fond of the rest of the party,

Oh fuck off.

He's still dead mate.

Guy wants to be the douche playing the lolsorandum CE, but he doesn't want to fuck over his own party. It's a fair compromise, and a good sign he'll make better characters in the future.

Get over yourself, fag.

Lets see...

Shadowrun - When Our Sammy died we had a Viking Funeral for him. We may or may not have had to use some Thermite to get him to burn properly (fucking 'Ware)

DnD Barbarian we made a proper burial mound, left him with (most of) his treasure, and the sharpest, nastiest axe we could get with the rest.

Couple of Cthulhu investigators got Proper Christian Burials. Hallowed ground and everything. Just be be safe.

Our WFRP party had a Priest of Morr, so we used that spell that makes sure the remains can't be Necromancer'd, then buried them at the next proper graveyard we came across. Except for the Dwarf Engineer, we just sorta gathered whatever bits we could find and handed him over in a small box to someone at the Dwarf Enclave in Altdorf.

Only War - Medic, Demo-man, Driver, Plasma gunner, Melta Gunner, all got void-funerals. Replacement Medic, Sharpshooter, Sergeant, Replacement Demo-man, Replacement Driver, all got recovered and buried together with a Priest blessing them.
Commissar #1 was thrown into a ditch with a couple of Frags to hide the evidence, #2 was ran over with a Chimera, and #3 was eventually shit out by whatever that big scaly thing with all the teeth was.