What are some good roleplay opportunities with demonic possession and demon pacts done casually?
What are some good roleplay opportunities with demonic possession and demon pacts done casually?
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typical warlocks have pacts with a devil or demon for power. its typical in the D&D universe now. as for full on Demonic Possession, that's more for someone who hasn't gone through with the deal with the entity
ay, that's my art!
: )
I like how well you did the expression on the demon.
thank you!
that's a benis
got a tumblr or art page?
cool thanks.
Holy crap, you browse Veeky Forums? I've been loving your art for years. It's fuckin' amazing.
Fetish poster on Veeky Forums are fags? Who knew!
Hey, your tumblr link don't work you git
Yeah, I thought it was apparent i'm MTG trash lol
Well this thread derailed perfectly well.
What's your favorite card
Nightveil Specter
>LF browses Veeky Forums
Neat. You've done things to me that cannot be suppressed. I want you to know this.
turns out I don't have it saved, so just imagine I posted that panel where faye is standing in front of the elevator buzzing audibly.
Normal or promo art?
oh shit, man. Thanks retroactively for all the nuts I've busted to Shapeshifter
Veeky Forums is /d/-lite confirmed for the thousandth time
oh shit you're the guy who did the changeling girl comics?
Thanks for all the smut, m8. I love your shit.
im confused by this scenario
is the demon a summoned sex demon, or did the guy apotheosis himself into a fetish demon
The latter. SOMEONE has to have the previous image saved/know where they saved it
moar succubus when
That's the one!
I can't decide if I like that card or not. It's certainly interesting, but I just can't fit it in anything. Kinda one of those cards you wish was a legend.
Also, porn when?
This is a blue board, boy.
Don't mean It can't be put somewhere more appropriate and linked too.
Also, we're already pushing it with the second image in the thread
That one is dead.
It's cause he misspelled his own goddamn name
>Player in my group won't make a goddamned decision for his character
>DM rifles through a folder, tosses him a character sheet that has a bio already attached and all that jazz
>Player tries to argue until he looks it over, then rolls with it
>Game gets underway
>Introductions made, etc
>Two sessions later, player has been a mildly weird human warlock
>A lot of the "I've *seen* things" shtick, dresses strangely, is super bad at not sticking out like a sore thumb
>DM asks him, offhand, why he's playing it like that during a break
>Apparently didn't realize he'd given an NPC to the player
>Specifically, a Great Old One who'd made a finger-puppet mortal shell and slipped it into the Prime Material Plane for fun
>A Great Old One who was trying to keep his shenanigans under wraps, like a troll on a private game server, for fear of getting thrown out by the gods/admins but also wanted to drag a bunch of mortals into the Far Realms so it could eat them
>We eventually find out about the warlock's true nature, laughter ensues
>One player thinks back, then asks what the fuck
>Warlock already had a few fade-to-black moments with an NPC of middling importance
>Mfw that NPC is still remembered, to this day, as the wad of gum that a Great Old One kept on its bed post
he gave you the website too which has a link tto it lemonfont tumblr com/
We spook _them_
It's not like i wasn't expecting but i had hopes for a vagoo.
Jesus christ, its good to see you here.
Wait is this a new story one or just a one shot?
Define "casually". Like the person who made the deal did not think it through or anyone could make a deal with infernal forces easily or something else entirely?
Some kind of marked physical change (perhaps something less readily apparent than your image OP) may have to be covered-up or otherwise explained away and could cause those closest to the character to become suspicious of them.
LF's futas usually have both
I'm thinking they tried out summoning rituals they found on the internet on a lark, not thinking it would really work.
Demons in my setting reproduce by laying "eggs" in the souls of humans, but due to divine law they can only due so with permission from the would be host (which cannot be garnered under duress or magical influence), which is normally secured with an unbreakable pact. Lesser demons offer wealth or favors (and yes, that can include sexual favors), while greater demons can offer artifacts or supernatural powers. The "gestation" period of the egg is agreed upon in advance, and the deal making human can even use a genuinely willing third party as a surrogate. After the trade is complete and the gestation period elapsed, the egg hatches and devours the soul of the human (the process takes about a day, and is quite painful), killing them, and releasing a newborn demon into the world. A dormant or still growing demon can be destroyed by magic (principally, but not exclusively, divine), but this obviously has consequences: if a deal is ongoing, it is suspended, the demon may try to get revenge if it thinks it can, and you will not be able to make a deal again, or orchestrate one on the behalf of someone else. However, a person of very strong spirit and will can sometimes resist and destroy the demon growing inside of them without magic. The spiritual remains fester and merge with the host soul, twisting them into a fiend, which are in many ways like demons, but without the various restrictions woven into the divine law of the world.
gimme more
post more of that semen demon please :)
the author of the shapeshifter browses this board?
>We spook _them_
True, they are rather vanilla...
Can't find it myself.
Lemon? Give hints, pls?
1) Do you take Commissions?
2) Do you fap to any other Porn comics besides your own?
He posts a bunch of commission stuff on his Tumblr.
In that case it could be great fun during a game that has been otherwise mundane to try and subtly guide a PC to, for a lark, attempt such a ritual as a joke and then watch in delight as they realize it actually worked. At first they will delight in their new powers which is great! Their character will likely start to flex their newfound demonic muscle to achieve both petty and great goals. After a while though the PC starts to get strange compulsions and voices telling them to do bad things. Easy enough to resist but people within a meter of the PC also hear the voices...
>that whole post
The demon and the host always make two-sided agreements. You ask the demon for something and it asks for something back. Probably something magically guaranteed for both sides, that kind of thing.
Thing is, the demons' price is always something seemingly random and nonsensical. Wear black on thursdays. Learn to dance. Learn a second language not latin, too obvious. Ask a potential love interest out on a date. Shit like that.
Thing is, you can never tell which ones are just random bullshit and which ones are part of some long-term ritual of ultimate doom or whatever the fuck demons do in your setting.
>Lemonfont on Veeky Forums
I woke up this morning expecting a few things but this was not one of them.
This was a good thread derail.
I like your shit, being the degenerate that I am.
This seems to be related, but Lemon's tumblr doesn't have those exact images
Hey hey mister lemonfont, your comic was great, but why so many dicks on the cute girls?
Little known secret: Lemonfont has been basically farming the fa/tg/uy ur-mind for fetish fuel material for half a decade. You've probably argued with him/her/whatever twice, statistically speaking, about how shit 4e is and not realized that there's a lot of dicks being drawn on chicks by the same hands that called you a retard for your retarded opinion, whatever it is.
so is lf pro or anti 4e? It's important
Fuck, I dunno, bro. I can't even venture a guess about whether Lemonfont has a cock or not.
The world affords the common man few opportunities for an untainted, unmolested fap, though. Whatever your flavor is, just let the idyllic Lemonfont be that for you. The truth is out there, and it might as well be spooky and indistinct for now.
Head of the orphanage gives away kids to demons in exchange for wealth/fortune/getting rid of kids that no person would adopt.
Minor summonings and contracts are really cool.
Like a bunch of frat wizards summon a succubus, not to have sex with, but to play beer pong with or something.
>Demon... do you.... Catacan?
>also later on we're going to lift.
>Necromancer and a warlock both summon a force of creatures from their respective power type to play a giant game of chess
>Warlock summons demon waitress' at his party
>Warlock lets a demon possess him as a means of getting away from his bitching wife
>Guy gets cursed to have an actual tiny demon appear on his shoulder and tell him to do bad stuff
One of my top "what if you could make your own anime" ideas has always been a bunch of high school kids find a book of summoning, and summon demons / gods / figures of myth to help them fold laundry, get boy advice, and fill the missing spot on the dodgeball team, etc. Casual relationships with magical beings is just so comfy.
That's just fate without the murderparty
too thicc. this is just stupid. dumb ass nigga needs to learn loomis + learn proportions
Holy shit this is like meeting a celebrity.
You're probably the reason i started browsing /d/.
And I mean it in a good way
I need more Slayed in my life.
>"Hey can you help me out with my Math homework? its advanced Trigonometry"
It's funny, all the Slayed stuff is just pictures of Howie, so anyone who only looks at the tumblr won't know who that character is. It's not like Lemon draws her a lot, though.
Awesome. Your stuff is great.
Ive always wished you would ha e dine more with the Curse of the Succubus avengers comic. That's the best corruption right there.
>would have done more
Jesus fuck my phone
Do you still need TI calculators in high school nowadays? Are they still fucking $300 or some other disgusting ripoff price for $5 of software on a raspberri pi?
You'd think that in current year people would have figured out they're getting screwed and found another solution.
>young man
oh shit i think i was in the first thread on /d/ when you started posting
great to see ya dude
Yes, because a lot of standardized tests and state-mandated tests specify what calculators are allowed, by brand name sometimes.
And yes, everyone in the room realizes that their smartphone could do it, and not only do it but do it 100x better, with an app that's probably free and if not only costs a few dollars.
It's a massive scam. There is no other market for TI-83 type graphic calculators anymore other than students in state schools. And there is zero reason they need to be $140 (the price of the Ti-84+ SE) other than they know damn well a captive audience of teenage students is forced to buy them when they have a vastly more powerful computer already they use to send sexts to one another.
Oh yes, and before some scam apologist points out that cell phones are obviously unsuitable for exams, I might also note that Texas Instruments makes a version of the Ti-84+ that's yellow and has "School Property" engraved on it, explicitly designed to deter theft as a school-loaned calculator for exams. They proceeded to do absolutely nothing to market this simply because making every student buy a calculator themselves moves way more product than each school only buying enough of them for math classes.
>and demon pacts done casually?
Don't know if this is what you mean but this is my current character.
>Is a con artist/snake oil salesman
>Unknowingly entered pact with demon when he thought he was scamming the disguised demon
>Now hears the demon's voice in his head all the time telling him to fulfill his end of the bargain
>First just assumes the voice is his imagination and ignores it.
>Then once ackowledging it he refuses
>Finally gives in but completely misunderstands what the demon wants him to do and acts completely against it's wishes without intending to.
user, it's Veeky Forums. The only difference between us and /d/ is that we have higher artistic standards and more perverted fetishes.
>The only difference between us and /d/ is that we will build worlds around our disgusting fetishes.
no, /d/ will do that too.
Some of the best /d/ is the stuff with solid plot and worldbuilding.
Thanks for the great art, bruh.
Well, depending on how in-character you want it to be you could have you or your significant other use some sort of makeup, maybe lingerie, and have them either act extra slutty or act like they don’t know you, only wanting the sex. Could come up with other ideas too, I suppose, but this is just off the top of my head.
>demonic pact
I'm a fan of your work, glorious sir
The demon is actually your childhood BFF who became a demon in the afterlife bureaucracy after her brutal murder. The two of you end up pacting and occasionally body-sharing as you adventure, exploring the new opportunities this gives rise to and also planning to find the killer and send him to processing. The direct way.
The main reason for calculator control is so that the test givers can limit the higher math functions available to the test takers.
It's why the 89 was never as successful as the 86, the 89 would solve quadratic equations and test givers didn't like that.
The day they cancelled the 86 was a terrible day, it was so much better than the 83+
holy shit lemonfont is that really you?
>All these people not knowing Lemonfont hangs out at Veeky Forums
Y'all are all new
>Me and three friends played a game where you summon demons to help you with shit.
>"Hey GM, since I'm a shitty summoner, can I summon a low-level phone-demon that can help me to summon the bigger ones?"
>I fail the roll but somehow summon the phone anyways.
>It's an old flip phone, I pick it up and dial 666.
>A succubus picks up on the other end and tell me her name is "Carine" or something.
>Apperently she's a "tech support" from Hell.
>"So uh, Carine, I failed to summon but got a demon anyways, was there a problem on your end or my end?"
>"Gee I don't know human, maybe if you did your homework in school you'd be able to figure out that you're supposed to do the circle before you summon the demon you dingus."
>"Wow Carine, you sound a bit like a bitch can I talk to your boss?"
>"You didn't even sign a contract or signed up for a subscription. If you want to talk to the boss you'll need a contract."
>"I ain't signing shit, demon. I'll hang up and enjoy a free phone, sucker."
>"Hahaha! Simon, right? Look, Simon... If you don't sign a contract I'll send a guy to pick up the phone."
>Suddenly it knocks on the door.
>"...And you don't want that..."
I kept the phone and had to deal with Carine during the rest of that campaign, the contract was onesided as fuck and I had no say in matters from that point and forward.
In case you missed it, he got banned for a post near the start of the thread.
Fucking mods. Honestly I was hoping that Hiro bending us over and putting his micro-dick into us with the spyware thing would be enough to get a mass immigration to 8/tg/, but no luck. Although I'm also afraid for what would happen to moderation over there if, especially since Chrow's a nice guy, tries to make it feel like Veeky Forums back in the day, and gets how moderation should work.
He did post uncensored futa, so he was a bit of an idiot.
How long ban? Can we keep the thread up?
Based mods protect /the/ from dickgirls.