My father is an asshole he has more than $100.000,00 free ready to invest in bitcoin and he said that it’s a bullshit

My father is an asshole he has more than $100.000,00 free ready to invest in bitcoin and he said that it’s a bullshit.

He works on a Hindi restaurant as a dishwasher.

I ask him for a loan of $10.000 and I am going to pay $1000 per month and he doesn’t want to do it.

What can I do?

steal money from him without him noticing

fuck him in his ass

You might have to get your own money, or be a better salesman

>hindi dishwasher

wow I gotta get my shit together!

Get a job retard

Your father is from a culture which is risk averse. Hence why he stupidly does not invest his savings. You have to convince him it is not a risk.

I was going to request a 10k loan as well but then i realized i have a chase freedom utlimate card with 0% interest for 1 and a half year and 10k in credit.

Get a credit card with 0% interest

It’s 100k not 100,000k

u seems lack of convincing skills.. improve it. or u r pathetic looser all life, did not listened him, so he is doing middle finger. looks like these days with better credit history u easily get cc or loan from bank. but u look like pathetic dem supporter always bankrupt on loans, so he makesense .

is that in rupees or USD?

fuck your mother if you want fuck


>buying bubblecoin at these prices
You missed that boat. At best, you'd double your money. Look for cheaper alts instead.

get a job and get some money yourself maybe? no free handouts in life pal

send him a Request with the great superior technology of Request Network... see how much he will care then. He will have no choice to pay you. As you have send him a request.

I turned a 15k loan in June into over 200k

Your dad is a jerk

Cool kids love to hate the banks these days but they're making ordinary wagecucks like us rich with this shit. My whole stack came from 0% interest credit cards and I've already cashed out enough profits to pay it all back.

get a job

Pajeet washing dishes has 100k?
Where did i go wrong

>he said that it’s a bullshit

>He works on a Hindi restaurant as a dishwasher.

ok pajeet