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where do necrons stand in this edition?

in the dumps

In the trash, good news is even the trash can win games if you're playing with friends.

if the leaks are true, their codex will be strong as fuck

There have been no leaks dumbass.

Sixth for waac games can be fun, narrative games can be fun

>Be excellent to each other and party on Garth

Let’s keep on this thread and talk about fixing units. I wanna talk Marines, specifically the actual ones. The specialist units like bezerkers, sanguinary Guard, and even havocs/devestators are pretty good, but these guys get stuck unable to kill shit, cap shit, and generally do shit. They even die pretty quick. If I was to suggest a fix, maybe this:

>raptors/Assault marines get maybe +1A on the charge, or just the ability to take special weapons like they could in some art
>warp talons get +1A when charging and reroll charges on same turn as warpflame strike
>vanguard aren’t terrible as is, just get maybe +1A or a special rule that helps get to melee
>sternguard get an additional AP on guns, or S5 special issue (please this) or fuck just old school special issue rules
>chosen/veterans get some sort +1A on the charge rule
>possessed get T5 and 1+d3 attacks, or roll individually
>or just 2A and mutations do something cooler like spawn get
>honor guard get native 5++ and slightly better melee weapon
>CSM get chainswords back
>tacticals get an improved version of obsec that works even when outnumbered
Anything else to fix power armored boys?

>he doesn't know

Why is that? I have a small necron force but haven't read the new edition

at LVO it was confirmed that one of the dynasty traits is armywide -1 rend on ranged weapons

So I suspect I know what the answer is gonna be but I really want to build an army with a bunch of retro looking robots. I suspect I will get the recommendation of either necrons or mechanicus, but I still wanted to ask incase someone has an interesting suggestion.

Eldar is not OP, good players just bought anti-meta lists to the LVO.

still feelsbadman

Probably bullshit. Rend is for melee weapons only.

How many dreads is too many?

>Retro looking robots
Good news you can do it and it's not a bad list.

What you want to get is Cawls Moving Castle
>Have we had a drawfag make that picture yet?


postan' 500 pts of dkok, for an entry game into the hobby, c&c

++ Battalion (CP +3) (Astra Militarum) [499 Pts] ++

+ HQ +

Death Korps Field Officer [27 Pts]: Laspistol, Power Sword

Death Korps Marshal Karis Venner [60 Pts]: Hot-Shot Laspistol, Power Sword

+ Heavy Support +

Death Korps Heavy Weapons Squad [60 Pts]: 3x Autocannon

Sabre Weapons Battery [20 Pts]: Defence searchlight, Sabre Weapons Battery

+ Troops +

Death Korps Grenadier Storm Squad [66 Pts]: 2x Hot-Shot Lasgun, 2x Plasma Gun, Plasma Pistol, Power Axe

Death Korps Infantry Squad [67 Pts]: Plasma Gun, Plasma Pistol, Power Axe

Death Korps Infantry Squad [67 Pts]: Plasma Gun, Plasma Pistol, Power Axe

+ 'Faction +

Forge World Entries

Regiment Selection: Death Korps of Krieg

+ Elites +

Death Korps Combat Engineer Squad [80 Pts]: 5x Additional Engineer, Chainsword, 9x Krieg Combat Shotgun, Krieg shotgun

Death Korps of Krieg Command Squad [52 Pts]: Meltagun, Plasma Gun, Regimental Standard

++ Total: [499 Pts] ++

Not three, drop the Laspred and take more, also drop the primaris for more dreads
Boxnaughts only though

Probably true

You first my dude

What the FUCK is that greenish boxy thing very remotely resembling a children's toy airplane?!


What about if taking a couple of units of them gave you some extra CPs?

>that low quality Valkyrie
god i hope thats terrain

>official announcement

A level of retardation expected of the bols audience

Worst Wolves fans who believe in an idealized version of Russ are delusional. He was never noble or honourable he was just a savage barbarian dressed in the skin of his failed sons.

>Beep boop
You want AdMech and you want to run Mars with these guys and Cawl

Its store terrain. I didn't set it up.

How is that a leak you fucking tard?

>Leman russ as the glorious all father
who wants that like ill take actual vikings over furries dont get me wrong but that basically heresy right there hes more of a thor or Tyr at best

it gave me flashbacks to oblivion my friend im sure game was fun yes?

It's funny: Since Eldar can get innate -1 to be hit on all their stuff including Wave Serpents, a Stratagem that ensures a Ranger unit is only hit on 6s, hitmod auras, etc. yet they are also able to bring the one long-range unit in the game that doesn't care about hit mods, the best way to beat Eldar is...Eldar.

here comes the autist to argue the semantics of the word leak

not a huge fan of Ad mech and Crons honestly, but I wants mah retro bots.

Tacticals special rule

>Codex Adepts
>At your turn start, pick one of the following to apply
>Devastation Adept: For every 5 models in the squad, one model may ignore hit penalties from heavy weapons and may also reroll 1s to hit in the shooting phase
>Assault Adept: If you charge this turn, every model may add one to their Attacks characteristic this turn
>Command Adept: Ignore negative modifiers to Ld in the morale test this turn

Fun to think of, fluffy, and unique

So what would you call it then?

>Still reading bols in 2018

>what is the fight phase

>Gets proven wrong
>Instantly gets defensive and starts yelling insults
Poor form.

It was a learning game. If I remember correctly it was his first game since 5th.

best music to listen too for sisters of battle go




>what is overwatch
>what is random charge range
>what is risk-free falling back


So why are necrons trash?


>any word for something offical which that was
not him but its to easy to think of words for anyone who doesnt use anime for a reaction image
Trash bin sounds because by 9th i cant imagine you guys will be around so get used to it while you can
>what is something thats increasing hard to get into



They don't gel well with how 8e plays. Reanimation is either OP or useless, tesla doesn't work against hit mods, AT is expensive and on fragile platforms.

Because they best writer stopped working for gw

They're not.

Rate my list /40k/


Wait till the codex cause with how codex have been going it seems nothing with a codex is bad IMO


Fuck this guy

Spank my ass and call me Sally /10



>blurry as shit image
>no text to go with it
what does it mean user

More credence for that December Ork release with new models
Hastings also backed it

I wonder what his rules will be. In the book he's actually a pretty bad psyker/fighter.

Inquisition really needs a ton of new stuff. Their codex is down to what, 10 units including the Assassins now?

>Little book that just happens to cover up the section that would tell what's on the next page.

Why isn't anyone pointing fingers at ITC? It's Reecius' fault the Eldar lists that won did as well as they did. Hard to remove Rangers from objectives, cheap Kabalitest take more objectives, unit model count are min-maxed for ITC.

Jacket on ATT is totally Gamgee
Their posts are equally insufferable

Rend? Isn't that some other way of saying AP in AoS?

Honestly, I would focus on the core game rules instead of units.
-Cover is weak
-IGOUGO instead of alt-activation (or alt-phase ala Lord of the Rings), with too strong first-turn advantage.
-Snowflake rules for everything, and GW FAQs that contradict themselves (units can use stratagems if they have valid keywords, except Genestealer Cults cannot use tyranid stratagems. Keywords and faction keywords are "functionally identical" unless you're Daemons).
-Scoping keywords only at unit-level rather than wargear-level. Example: Fuel Relays boost the range of "Infantry burnas, skorchas, and weapons that have 'flame' in their name." That Guy can attempt to argue raw that Kombi-skorchas cannot use fuel relays, and neither can Grey Knight Incinerators, but a unit of Pink Horrors can literally fuel ther magic and throw Flickering Flames 36" away...

Because everyone knows that without the changes ITC made, 8th edition is an unplayable mess at a competitive level.

What are the ITC changes?

The ITC missions in general favor certain archetypes. If you play BRB/CA missions the results will be totally different.

That's not true. CA missions are good.

Yeah, I am sure we will see an orc release and a SOB release even.

They need time to build up stock and plan out the new models.

Hell I honestly think that every heading in the index will get it's own codex of some kind.

>sisters go plastic and have new unit that shreds through mass infantry like super heavy flamers or something

>I wonder what his rules will be.

Daemon-host +1, perhaps daemon buffs as auras instead of just for him.

We have been all day, he’s a shit and a shill just like the rest.

I personally want a hero-grade super-Repentia. Dual-wielded Eviscerators with built-in flamers, and a Frenzon injector.

Heh, That's the dream.... I think they will get plastic models and be stuck at strength 6 Immolators till the end of 8th :P

but new plastic models....

Might be part of the Forgeworld Character series. Also GW might be trying to protect its IP from Artel, since he's been stepping into their territory for a while.

But, yeah, Inq has been one faction that's only be having units trimmed barring any kind of substantive release. Or at least they've been broken up into small factions meant for splashing into other armies, rather than being a substantive base.

I'm guessing the next codex will be imperium inquisition.

It sounds like a gw thing to do. 80 pages like the custodes codex with some 2 or 3 new models.

Then more xeno after.

One unexplored Baneblade variant would be one with that Warhound-mounted flamer for a turret.

Build it like the MEGABOLTER version with the turret mounted up front, and season with some small arms along the sides.

"Year of the Xenos" hasn't even started yet, and you chad players are already trying to take it back from us...

Tell me about your Archons, anons.

I think they are referring to one of a few changes, LoS blocking terrain is much easier to come by in ITC, and reaper was 1 point for a 10 man squad, and 2 for a 20 man squad, which punished people for brining big squads. So people just ran at 9 and 19, so they kind of screwed the pooch on that one. They also didn't start with time limits on turns, so one player literally took an hour on a turn when he was ahead so his opponent couldn't catch up.

So this is why GW started using outside playtesters now. People start insulting and blaming the playtesters who ultimately can only give feedback to the GW rule team, who makes the real decisions meaning GW 'dindu nottin'

How do wardens stack up to the Terminator bananas


GW has nothing to do with how ITC is played.

My dream is GW do the final war of Armageddon.

Orks with codex
> ghaz, plastic warboss, grotsnik trio box
> new boys with extra armour plates to male dual kit 'ard boys
> warbuggy/wartrakk

Steel Legion
> Yarrick
> Steel Legion Command, Infantry squad, Heavy Weapons squad

Black Templars
> High Templar
> Emperors Champion and Sword Brethren box

World Eaters codex
> Angron
> Berzerkers
> some kind of Khorne Assault tank
> berzerker Terminators

Itd make chaos, imp, and xenos happy.

>GW might be trying to protect its IP from Artel, since he's been stepping into their territory for a while.
Now if only GW would make some Arbites models. :c

For 500pts special characters, power weps or plasmapistols arent worth it. Put those autocannons in infantry squads or they'll get blown away.

Regimental standard isnt really worth it either though it looks nice.

No news on FW's Custodes models getting rules any time soon? Can't really make a list without knowing what is and what isn't getting rules. I assume everything bar jetbikes and maybe Telemon (though I'd cry if that was so). 2000 point list barely has models as it is, adding in the kick-ass Dreads would crush it further.

Have a picture Lewd user did for me.

There is an Armageddon campaign coming. So my guess is Ghazgkull will get a new model, a proper big Ork model, close to Girlyman size.

I remember him being an average psyker and pretty good in CQC. At the very least his sword and staff are both A+ pieces of kit and should get some good rules.

For reference, he used the staff to KILL a daemon. Not bannish, outright destroy.

The whole year of the xeno was all just rumor bullshit anyway.

Still the next 3 codexs are xeno. After that is the question.

They should be. Necromunda has Enforcers which are Arbites, so GW will be doing it anyway. Whether they get 40k rules is another matter.

the rumor is we are going to see a necromunda release of them.

Well, people also assumed that the Fall of Cadia campaign mean Abbadon was getting a plastic model, because there's no more ideal opportunity.

Rumour? Arbites were an old Necromunda faction. If they didn't do them, it'd be fucking stupid. The next models are Van Saar, Delaque and Cawdor. Plus the Bounty Hunter gang. No news or sign of Arbites/Enforcers. Also Orlocks, but we know about them.

Well the point is the White Scars player didnt deploy in the first place you faggot. He just couldnt get his reserves on the table though. I dont remember the rules from 5th too well but IF he had Korsarro Khan he could've outflanked with his bikers from the short table edges and not his own.