What races/classes lend themselves most to promiscuity in your setting, fa/tg/uys and ca/tg/irls?
I'm most curious. Hardmode: No tieflings/evil races or bards.
What races/classes lend themselves most to promiscuity in your setting, fa/tg/uys and ca/tg/irls?
I'm most curious. Hardmode: No tieflings/evil races or bards.
Other urls found in this thread:
Adventuring classes in general since they tend to be people who decided to ignore the natural order of things for the idea of fame and fortune?
I mean in a society where your wife/husband is picked for you at a fairly young age, for you to bail out on custom and go do your own thing suggests you hold little care for the social mores of your town/village.
Would this apply to anyone but nobles? Peasants often did marry for love in almost all parts of the world.
Elf played by a fat neckbeard.
Was he playing a she-elf?
I guess some clerics and paladins because of their domain/oath could be required to be promiscuous.
I don't give a damn
Peasants were also voracious sex fiends whose raunchy habits were the punchlines in their respective Canterbury Tales.
Well, at least in medieval Japan, there were peasant orgies (they lasted well unto the Meiji era, when they were outlawed to appeal to westerners).
Also in mesoamerica there were some swinging and free love during some mayor festivals, even now in Mexico the Raramuri (who are mostly chatolic in the present day) have some sexual adventures during their annual mayor festival, where they drink corn beer and basically fuck anybody during the revelry (even homosexual relations happen during these days), so it would not be out of the ordinary for peasants in not christian inspired settings to be promiscous.
Everyone is a raunchy sex fiend in Carry On films too, people use this stuff for comic effect.
Here's an interesting bit;
>Scholars studying the theme of courtly love have observed that the narratives about adulterous queens die out shortly after the Tour de Nesle scandal, suggesting that they became less acceptable or entertaining after the executions and imprisonments in the French royal family.
It's easy to laugh about things aren't worried are happening to you.
>The people that learned about sex as soon as their parents started fucking in the bed next to theirs, or watched the family dog mount another dog
>The people that had nothing better to do with their free-time
>The people that were taught their lineage only mattered in the context of who's getting the family farm
>mfw people expected them to be virtuous
>not christian
Not Abrahamic, you mean. Anyone who's read Evliya can tell you that Muslims are and were even more prudish than Christians of the same era.
Jews, as well, were not keen on marrying women who weren't confirmed virgins, at least not in Constantinople/Istanbul.
Imma need a source on that, that made me extremely curious.
that sounds incredibly fake
Well the source on the Raramuri was my anthropoogy class, the raramuris are very well documented and the corn beer festival (the Tesguinada) is also very well documented, historically this was not uncommon in varios americna indigenous groups.
As for the japanese peasants think, well i read in an articule about the origins of japanese poetry, it was used in festivals were families from different villages organized like "dances" in order for their kids not to marry their cousins, the same articule explained that it was not uncommun for peasants to organize inter villages orgies during mayor festivals in order to escape boredom and bring variety. Some other japanese teachers (i mean both teachers of the japanese lenguage and teachers from japanese origin) have also talked to me about this situation, and how it ended by the tie of the meiji era.
And finally even in europe there was a lot of perviness and roudyness among the peasants, a lot of the satanic orgies, were aparently just simply orgies, a lot of the classic faery tales also talk about sexual themes openly (little red riding hood has nudity in it, sleeping beauty has necrophilia, etc), and as some have commented in this post, peasants grew with their parents fucking literally right next to them, and they also watched animals fuck in the farms, so it seems this was very common in medieval times all around the world.
God will smite thee!
it's like one of my hentai doujinshis
Aasimar. My setting isn't full of retards who think sex is evil, so there's nothing stopping a good and universally beautiful race from having a lot of it.
No one thinks that sex is evil, but if you think that random hook up culture is compatible with good then you're either blind or retarded.
Depends on what you classify as "random hook up culture"
If you mean "sleeping with people you don't even know" I might be able to agree with you.
If you mean "not marrying the first person you date", "staying in a failing relationship no matter what", or "everything that is not arranged marriage", then you are a retard
> sleeping with people you don't even know
> not marrying the first person you date
> implying women are capable of making that distinction
So, you wanna say that widespread prudishness is a relatively recent thing?
Peasantry because they have not much else to do.
Nobility because they're degenerates.
Middle class not as much because they're too busy being shat upon both from above and belo and getting mo'money (the exact reason they're being shat upon)
Humans like banging, so they bang. Basic stuff.
Dwarves like banging, but value honor and community so there exists a decently complex code of conduct and respect so you can bang without causing shit and a clan-schism. This leads to the casual observer thinking Dwarves are prudish.
Elves like to bang, especially wood-elves. But noble elven families tend to be stuffy about things like "Purity" so with the exception of them, things like nudity, casual sex, and public displays of affection are commonplace.
Orcs and Gobbos absolutely love banging, with gobbos breeding like rabbits, with all the issues that brings to the table in tow. Orcs live with wild passions so if you're down, then prepare your pelvix. More traditional Orc clans believe Orcs are the greatest race so sleeping or really loving anything that isn't an Orc is doing yourself a disservice and is beneath you.
Sheeple are competitive and community focused. But like to keep their business behind closed doors, whooping and hollering at each other and bragging about ones "Conquests" are absolutely fair game.
Rats are Rats. They bang. A lot. It's honestly scary.
Trolls because they're matriarchal and uninhibited.
As far as my setting goes, this sort of thing would really be dedicated on a person to person basis, rather than one's race or class.
It depends on the region, the religion, as well as one's social background.
Prudish, promiscuous, and everything between can be more or less found among all races.
Nah, that is more of a Lawful vs Chaotic thing
Good cs Evil would signify your concern for the other party's well-being
Elves are CUTE and PURE.
Alright going through the standard D&D PHB (4e/5e) races and classes. Rated 1-10 with a 1 being virtually none sexual and a 10 being nymphomanics.
Dwarf - 3 (More interested in Ale, and fighting than sex as a culture. Very little perversion virtually no sex industry within their nations. Dirty jokes almost never told.)
Elf - 7 (Free Love, marriages are purely political, most elves will put out if they find you attractive. Thriving Sex industry.)
Halfling - 4 (More interested in getting drunk, and finding the best food, and song. Occasional Raunchy ballads, or jokes are accepted by culture. As well as innuendo.)
Gnome - 6 (Some exploration and sexuality is publicly discussed. While they normally do not see sex outside their own race having sex once every month to 2 weeks is considered normal.)
Human - 9 (They'll fuck anything...only their nobility care about who their parent is. Are responsible for majority of half species out there single handedly.)
Dragonborn - 5 (Mate in season once per year...but when they do it's by massive orgy where the females mate with all the males of age in the community.)
Half Elf - 8 (All the qualities of Elves and humans, tempered slightly by the elves longer lived essence and a oddly greater physical attractiveness to all races that find human like standards of beauty attractive.)
Half Orc - 10 (When they aren't fighting, their fucking... most of the time they don't care who or what.)
Tiefling - 7 (They enjoy sex, but have a oddly high number of social mores about it. Tiefling belly dance is considered some of the most erotic dance in the world. To the extent of their ability to practice it, it has been picked up by humans, and elves who use it in their sex industries.)
Bonus Races!
Shifter - 9 (Their humans blended with animals, they will jump any humanoid they find mildly attractive with the slightest provocation.)
Changeling - 10 (Second only to orcs in their sexual desire, Their ability to change their sex at will, except when pregnant, means they often have little trouble finding a partner and often have no set preference on the sex of their partners as they can change their appearance to match that of their desire to obtain maximum enjoyment of the act.)
Warforged -1 (No sexual desire, little understanding of it, also no genitals to speak of.)
I'm thinking Paladins would be seen as the male equivalent of that cute traditional religious sheltered family-oriented girl that's saving herself for marriage, and thus would be the fetish of like half of the women in the setting.
Think Kate Marsh but with muscles and a big fuck-off mace.
>Ogres, sprites, deer-women, satyrs, rabbit-folk, kitsunes, and a tribe of dark elves who moved in recently
>We’re letting a half-crazed super attractive deer lady run one of our cities, and all the sex crazed fey have moved in. Most don’t care about marriage and there’s a designated district in the city that’s a nonstop orgy zone where if you step into it, you’ve consented to pretty much anything
You clearly don't know my Warforged, user
Classes are rated as either +, - or =. + means members of this class are more prone to sexual behaviors or deviancy, - means less likely than normal for their race, and = means no change.
Barbarian + When you don't know if you will live to see another day, you make sure to pass on your genes. Especially when you don't have much education.
Bard + Lonely life on the road and a musicians high charisma leads it's self to a lot fo fornicating
Cleric - with some exceptions a clerics devotion is to their god and they spend a lot of time focused on that over their own biological urges, actively seeking to subdue them so they can focus on their gods work. Notable exceptions being elven gods (=) and fertility gods (++).
Druids = With their desire to follow nature, and sex being a part of the natural world Druids follow their instinctual desires.
Fighters + Eat, drink, and get laid for tomorrow you may die.
Monk -- Due to their nature most monks repress their sexual desires as much more more than clerics. Often to the point where they eschew all forms of sexual conduct to master their bodies.
Paladin = Most paladins will not engage the services of a harlot but will engage in sexual actives with a set partner (or partners); but will be very eager and active in sex with this partner.
Ranger ++ Rangers like Druids follow their instincts and they face a lot of stress and danger and sex is a great way to release that stress and tension.
Rogue = No job based element that per say leads it's self to increased sexual activity. It's up to the individual.
Sorcerer = No element of this class leads itself to increased sexual activity. When you naturally able to dominate reality, sex is neither more or less desirable.
Warlock +++ Having already sold their souls to the highest bidder Warlocks tend to be much more prone to sex, anonymous sex, masturbation, and seeking any kind of pleasure in this life at a rate that would make most pleasure cultists squeamish.
Wizard - All jokes aside Wizards tend to be less sexually active unless they have a set partner (mate/spouce) all that time spent on education means a lot of them are near the tail end of their sexual primes by the time they get their PhD's in metaphsyics.
>When you learn that christians where the chads among the abrahamic.
>Monk -- Due to their nature most monks repress their sexual desires as much more more than clerics. Often to the point where they eschew all forms of sexual conduct to master their bodies.
Unless they do tantric stuff.
Meaning not all, as in some exceptions may apply.
You have sheeple in your game?
are they like fluffy satyrs ?
Well, to start with, we have to establish that in my setting sexual orientation isn't a moral issue and never has been. People might still think that, say, gay sex is gross, but they do so with the same gravity as they might think that zucchini is gross. There's no judgment made. And likewise there's at least a little bit of a sense of "how do you know you don't like it if you haven't at least tried it?"
Biological imperative still means that most people are straight, but in general people are more willing to and comfortable with experimenting. To boil things down to extreme simplicity, almost no one in my setting is a 0 on the Kinsey scale. Or a 6, for that matter.
Having established that, for the standard races of my setting...
About as promiscuous as on Earth, with the caveats outlined above.
Elves are mostly adult by 25, but are incapable of getting pregnant or getting someone pregnant until they're 40-50, and most elves spend that period as basically free love hippies. From ages 50 to 110 they're expected to settle down and raise some kids, but after age 110 they're considered full adults and can do what they want and who they want, though since they can get pregnant now they tend to be a bit more circumspect.
Dwarves are not very promiscuous at all, and dwarven society frowns upon sex outside of monogamous marriages. Having said that, sex *within* those marriages is celebrated and wild.
Gnomes are free love hippies their entire lives. They don't have a concept of marriage, and children are raised by the entire community once they've been weaned.
About as promiscuous as humans, but halflings seem to have a kink for spouse-swapping that extends to a kink for sex with other races (lightfoot halflings are actually human-halfling hybrids that breed true; stouts are the original race). Also the gods were...generous...when creating halfling men.
Basically the only reason why an orc tribe is able to keep together is because every adult is fucking every other adult (and kids often get started early, too), and sex is often used as an alternative to fighting each other when that wouldn't be beneficial. They have that weird prison mentality where the orc chieftain will claim he or she isn't gay even as he's pounding his men's ass (if male) or forcing her gals to eat her out (if female). A promiscuous orc can get pretty far in the tribe, though if they can't back their demands up with the ability to hit hard too, then they're unlikely to become leaders.
Goblins actually have a very similar setup to gnomes - they're all about free love and don't have a concept of marriage. This is one of the reasons why some think that goblins and gnomes are actually related.
Monogomy is expected but sex with a concubine doesn't count as cheating as long as the concubine is someone the spouse approved of and is officially part of the harem. A concubine (female) becoming pregnant is shameful and grounds for dismissal. A concubine (male) getting his lady pregnant is also shameful and grounds for dismissal; the fetus is invariably terminated.
Kobolds lack sex drives...except during the height of summer for about a month, when they tend to go into heat and become almost literal sex machines. They still try and do normal work around the warren, but during this period it isn't uncommon to see kobolds just going at it on the street or in the mines or in the temples or really anywhere. Kobold who try and get the fucking kobolds to get back to work often find themselves succumbing, and warren-wide orgies aren't uncommon. Kobold heat is at least partially triggered by the ambient temperature of the warren, so a kobold tribe that needs to focus can lower the warren't temperature to prevent the heat cycle, while a tribe that needs to replenish its numbers can raise the temperature to trigger it out of season.
Merfolk are actually entirely mammal; despite thier lower half looking like fish and possessing gills - they're still warm-blooded milk producers with hair. Young merfolk tend to be pretty promiscuous with each other and with other races when possible, while older merfolk settle into monogomous relationships.
In my setting dragonborn are the descendants of half-dragons interbreeding with humanoids, the dragon blood leaves a mark that lasts for many generations afterwards. Despite appearances, they are mammals - hence the boobs, although they are egg-layers. Like dragons, dragonborn actually tend to be pretty randy.
In my setting the most common halfbreed races (aside from lightfoot halflings, already mentioned above) are half-elves, half-orcs, goliaths (half-giants), and tritons (half-merfolk). They tend to follow the sexual patterns of the race they were raised by.
Depends on the area of the world. It's all Christianity's fault really. Sexuality used to be pretty open and free everywhere in the world until missionaries started showing up.
Humans are the sluttiest race going. Half-elves, half-orcs, tieflings, genasi... What won't they fuck?
Nah, humans just produce offspring. The most fertile race. Elves and Tieflings are the lewdest.
>People might still think that, say, gay sex is gross, but they do so with the same gravity as they might think that zucchini is gross. There's no judgment made. And likewise there's at least a little bit of a sense of "how do you know you don't like it if you haven't at least tried it?"
This is what leftists actually believe.
It's called projection. Look up the dictionary definition of bigot, and you'll see the leftist nature.
I did begin by specifying "in my setting", I'm not saying this applies to the real world, nor even that it necessarily should.
Amusingly even as I hold this to be true in my setting, I *am* a 0 (exclusively heterosexual behavior) on the Kinsey scale in real life. There is no male that I've ever found attractive, except the occasional trap, and even then only when I didn't know they were a trap (that is, when I still think that they're female). Once the trap is sprung I invariably lose all interest.
You are completely wrong about everything. Prudishness became a thing after Victorian era. English puritans are behind the anti-sex world. Heck, the first command given to man is to screw his wife and multiply. Celibacy was expected of monks and priests/bishops - many of whom used the celibacy to escape their wives.
In addition to that, local cultures have always hated sexual deviance. The definition has varied - Germanics throwing homosexuals to bogs, Romans accepting catamites among slaves but open homosexuality was considered weakness. Plato wrote against homosexuality.
Being a taboo and being banned are not the same thing.
Jorogumo. (Japanese spider demons.) They seduce everything. Then they eat it. Men, women, animals, other Jorogumo. Fuck and kill is their modus operandi.
inb4 someone starts an argument in this thread about degeneracy/slut-shaming/some other political boogeyman.
>Amusingly even as I hold this to be true in my setting, I *am* a 0 (exclusively heterosexual behavior) on the Kinsey scale in real life. There is no male that I've ever found attractive, except the occasional trap
Ah, so it's just typical leftist virtue-signalling.
I hope a black Muslim dyke woman gives you a banana sticker for your progressive views.
In my most recent settings?
Non-noble elves. Elven women go into heat and are thus only fertile for a fairly short and uncommon window, but both sexes of elf are quite capable of enjoying themselves outside the designated time-frame. With one of the main concequences removed, inhibitions drop. Most half-elves are the result of a male elf forgetting that human women are ALWAYS "in season" when making an assignation. Nobles are, of course, expected to keep on good behavior; having a lover on the side is about as common as for human nobles, with a higher stigma on any bastards from such liaisons.
For classes, Necromancers can afford to be fairly free since life-manipulating magic handles both pregnancy and disease, but the average "Profile" of a necromancer is a little mad scientist AND their magic is outlawed in most major nations (though concealable as legal wizardry) so they don't necessarily take advantage as much as they could. Plus, the skilled ones can make Takwin capable of exactly as much of human nature as their creator desires, so those that are both lewd and skilled will often create one or more partners to keep to themselves with rather than getting around.
Are you trolling or just retarded? What's wrong with homosexuality on a moral level? Explain. If you have no reasoning, we'll just assume you're just an edgy teenager.
Why has that elf painted eyes on her hair?
Presumably to ward off predators, as with most eyespots in nature.
Nope, since that would imply that I'm trying to suggest that I'm a man of good character (whether or not I am), when in fact it's just me saying "I don't want to have to deal with sexual orientation issues in my games, so I'm just going to say that no culture in-universe has a problem with it. Can we please focus on stopping the lich instead?"
Essentially the same as reality, except there's been no world-sweeping religions that view sex as icky.
Outside of their "brief, seasonal estrus" they're basically asexual. The specificity of "brief, seasonal estrus" has never been delved into.
Not specified, but given they seem to take pleasure in practicality and their numbers are dwindling I don't think they fuck for fun very option.
After a joke at the table, it's assumed they reproduce almost exclusively by accident when they get drunk and set off to find out who they'll be surprised to wake up next to.
See dwarves, but taller.
>"I don't want to have to deal with sexual orientation issues in my games, so I'm just going to say that no culture in-universe has a problem with it. Can we please focus on stopping the lich instead?"
The only correct answer, not because it's right or good but because it seems likely to actually end a table argument.
it's okay, I totally didn't need this boner or anything
>very often
At least it's less obnoxious than the Republican virtue signaling that you're doing right the hell now. Mostly because he's actually running a game, and you're sitting there whining about politics on a tabletop games board.
Drow, for now, since I’m still working on making their culture not a copy paste mash of normal drow and deldar
Classwise, with no bards then usually either rogues or clerics of fertility/pleasure goddesses. If they don’t have celibacy as part of their oaths, then paladins usually find that they get some p easily
>Republican virtue signaling
Probably bards and rogues, if only because they're the ones most likely to be around large concentrations with the free time to take some extra rolls in the hay.
>What's wrong with homosexuality on a moral level?
Homosexuality is a mental illness and literally detrimental to the success of humanity as a species.
>implying Republicans have virtues
>He actually thinks he's any different from SJWs
I'm not even gonna pretend that's funny. I miss the old Veeky Forums.
funny how you wrote a 3-comment post on the sexual practices of your setting
but you "don't want to deal with" sex in your games
typical hypocritical leftist
Funny how the DIRTY and EVIL and BAD Republicans are fixing the country and soyboy faggots can only throw tantrums and get run over by cars...
>He's literally not supposed to respond to discussion, on the discussion board, that is relevant to the OP.
>The sexual practices of the setting = Dealing with sex in-game
This is just some tiresome shit.
Exactly. As a DM, my sole concern is to keep the game moving rather than having it stall because the players (not the characters, the players) are arguing about this or that, so I always try and cut those kinds of problems off at the pass. For a similar reason the first time I ever DM'd the very first thing I did was lay down some simple rules for how fast something falls in a round, because I'd once as a player watched a game stop for TWO SOLID HOURS because D&D 3rd edition never published falling speed rules (damage rules, but not speed) and thus there was arguments and debates and attempts at actual real-world math, coupled with trying to back-hack the flying rules, between players and DMs when trying to save a princess who was falling 1000 feet.
(Conversely if two player CHARACTERS are arguing about something in-universe, I love it and let it happen, since it means player investment in the setting)
Detrimental if it wasn't a rare genetic anomaly.
Also it's been proven to not be an illness. It's a disorder if anything, but disorder is classified as something that's unhealthy or creates discomfort. It's simply a physiological anomaly and it can't spread. It has the evolutionary purpose of culling overpopulation and genetic dead-ends as well as provide foster parents for orphaned youth. Homosexuality has a purpose to our species.
>/pol/fags and tumblr cucks shitting up the thread
Report and ignore, folks
I didn't say that I don't want to deal with sex. I said I don't want to deal with issues of whether or not one sexual orientation or the other is right or wrong. There's a difference between the two: the former is worldbuilding (albeit kinky, magical realm worldbuilding) that can actually enhance the players' enjoyment of the setting (if they're into that) since it gives context for what kind of relationships their characters might be looking into, while the latter is just endless arguments that stall the game between players arguing about whether or not man-on-pumpkin sex is an inalienable right that should be taught in schools.
This has literally never worked, though. Two to five people coordinated can easily shit up over half the board.
He willingly chose to make that post, retard.
He made a choice to type up three comments' worth of sexual practices,
and then turns right around and says, "Ugh, all this sex talk is irrelevant, let's just go fight the lich."
It's outright hypocrisy, in classic leftist tradition.
How many boxes have we ticked?
[X] virtue signalling
[X] homosexuals are accepted universally
[X] "no judgement"
[X] "I'm not gay but..."
[X] >Kinsey scale
[X] "Sex doesn't cause any drama in my setting."
Et cetera.
>I didn't say that I don't want to deal with sex. I said I don't want to deal with issues of whether or not one sexual orientation or the other is right or wrong.
"Sex doesn't cause problems in my game even though religion, race, age, geographical origin and literally everything else causes problems in my game."
virtue signalling
>D&D 3rd edition never published falling speed rules
Off topic, I know, but they actually exist! The problem is that they're in a corner case block of text in an obscure sourcebook (Manual of the Planes if I recall) so most GMs are gonna have to decide for themselves.
IIRC it was something like 120' on the first round and 200' every subsequent -- something stupid and simple enough to be mid-paragraph but not plain enough to be a single, cited statistic.
I've been getting a lot of use out of this image lately, here's a (You)
Nigga try rereading the posts you're whining about because you are fucking incapable of comprehending English.
You are so goddamn intent on pattern-matching to a stereotype in your head that you're not even seeing the shit that is in front of you.
Fuck's sake, the algorithmic sorting of the information individuals are allowed to interact with is gonna be the end of us.
Read The lich was just an example (and an obvious reference to a well-known Veeky Forums greentext at that, you fucking newfag), my point is that I don't want the game to stall for out-of-character reasons.
Instead of presenting an argument, you just threw your hands up and went, "Ugh, can't you READ???"
It's not much of an argument, but as long as you tried your best.
You're right, he should have just called you a cunt. Then you couldn't pretend to be otherwise.
The lich was just an example
like your many examples of sexual practices
y'know, those examples that don't matter, right?
what a typical hypocritical leftist
I may be a cunt but I'm still right and you're unable to present an argument.
Hope the name-calling makes you feel better, but you're still wrong.
You're not arguing, though. You're stating shit that isn't true about shit that doesn't exist so that you can feel superior to a boogeyman. Yes, it's frustrating and tiresome and basically has turned Veeky Forums into YouTube comments. No, it's not worth having the conversation YOU AND YOU ALONE want to have.
It's not just slightly right leaning views though. It's "MUH DEGENERACY! GAYS ARE DISGUSTING! FUCKING JEWS!"
In what way does that not align with /pol/ and neo-nazis. Are you trying to do some Overton window bullshit and pretend your views aren't fringe? Shill harder, faggot
>What races/classes lend themselves most to promiscuity
Well, elfs are lewd, of course.
What argument have you presented? What are you right about? What am I wrong about? I only see culture war chatter and insults on your end, not an argument. Why should I not respond in kind?
>You're stating shit that isn't true about shit that doesn't exist so that you can feel superior to a boogeyman.
Uh... huh. Not much of an argument, and there's no proof. But if that's your argument, that's your argument.
You're wrong, but at least you stuck to your guns, right?
I just used the following:
1) You fall 500 feet per round.
2) You may fall this distance at any point in your turn. Thus, you can take some actions and then fall; or fall and then take some actions; or fall a little, take some actions, then fall the rest of the way.
3) The distance assumes that you are trying to slow your fall (spreading out, etc.) You can as a free action choose to fall up to 1000 feet instead.
4) You can use your normal movement to move up to your speed horizontally in addition to your vertical fall.
Okay. Whatever.
So what races/classes lend themselves most to promiscuity in your setting, user?
>Another thinly veiled smut thread
It depends on the person playing said character
no one said a thing about Jews
try harder, leftie
>Hey here's some bullshit that defies all proven research and societal dogma and I'm not going to uphold the burden of proof
>Wow you're calling me a retard for just stating that universal knowledge is wrong and not providing any evidence well I don't see you countering my baseless blanket statement therefore I win
Okay well the moon is made of cheese. Show me proof that it's NOT. Any and all proof you provide will probably come from disgusting anti-moon-cheese propagandists anyway.
Nice arguing semantics to try to deflect the point. You'd make a great SJW If you ever get tired of browsing /pol/.
The summary of so many elf threads and discussions.
>>Hey here's some bullshit that defies all proven research
>and societal dogma
>and I'm not going to uphold the burden of proof
nice statistics and citations and scientific evidence
God forbid you actually think for yourself, right?