Let's talk about Orcs in your setting. What are they like? What is their culture? Are they the stereotypical fantasy Orcs? Are people who have sex with them socially ostracized or punished?
Let's talk about Orcs in your setting. What are they like? What is their culture...
My orcs graduated from tribes to mercenary bands sharing their country with hobgoblins they tend to be hired all around because while they may not be considered smart enough to make the new technology that is showing up but they sure as hell love using it.
They got pushed out of their native lands by united Hobgoblin tribes and now live in the mountains. Human kingdoms have been funding, arming, and radicalizing Orc tribes and sending them off to commit terrorist attacks in Hobgoblin cities.
They're just some clowns waiting to get btfo'd by a party of Lvl 1s
They are tribal, warrior-class people. Some of them live together in civilization just fine, some are war-mongering raiders, some are just nomadic tribes similar to Native Americans. They have a sterotype of being large and prone to physical violence. I take away their evil alignment.
They’re like gorillas. Big and strong, but super tiny penises. Even gnomes are better hung than them.
They're human, strictly speaking. Commonly mutated, almost always inbred and with a bit of extraterrestrial blood in them if you go back far enough. They inhabit a fetid land of marsh and mangrove, where normally no organised society could exist.
They all stink of fermented piss, among other less palatable things, and their blood smells even worse. The smell is often the first indication of an incoming raid, or rather, hunting party.
There is a common assumption that they're all bestial and incapable of thought - the reality is that their disgusting diet, mainly each other and whatever they can rake out of the muck, fills them with parasites by the time they hit double digits.
Said parasites often causes them to crack, forcing the less deranged majority to expel the nutty men into the interior.
There are near-impassable wetlands between their permanent settlements and wider civilisation, so most people have more experience with the drooling, worm eaten schizos than with the ones that cane tie their shoelaces, which, contrary to what you'd expect, is for the best.
The wider world has no idea of how many there are or how sophisticated they can be.
'Orc' is a garbled mishearing of an ethnic pejorative term that their closest neighbours use for them, but that is what goes in the histories so that is what mainlanders call them.
So they're less 'Warcraft' and more 'Wrong Turn'.
please go away /pol/
How is that a /pol/ tier question? The 'persecuted for being a half-orc' line is pretty well worn by this point.
sure. no subtext there at all.
We've had a string of threads getting posted, deleted and re-posted recently which have basically boiled down to 'man, orcs are like niggers with their big dicks, low IQs and love of crime. Perhaps we should ban race mixing because the orcs are stealing our white women!'
It's utterly transparent.
Orcs/Humans/Kobolds(not reptile) are the three playable races are in a loose alliance.
Kobolds hate Dwarves, Humans hate Dragons and Orcs hate Elves.
Dwarves, Elves and Dragons are much more powerful than the alliance but would never work with each other.
The only reason orcs have not been wiped out by the elves they're at constant war with is that the elves military and society at large is nepotistic while the orcs society is a meritocracy.
All orcish generals are master tacticians and adapt rapidly to developments in technology and magic while elvish generals are there by birthright and have repeatedly refused to embrace new ideas.
This is despite elves being smarter than orcs on average.
Physically compared to humans orcs are bigger, stronger and faster while humans have better stamina (kinda a fast-twitch vs slow-twitch muscle trade-off).
Mentally orcs are on par with humans, except for creativity where humans and kobolds pretty much beat every other race.
Humans and Orcs can breed, but they produce Half-Orcs who are infertile.
Because of this interbreeding is looked down upon as both humans and orcs need all the population growth they can get.
I didn't even notice the filename, jej.
I'm so fucking sick of this autistic fixation on black people, its embarrassing. I just wanted to talk about Orcs.
I mean, yeah. I'm an osr player, and if you look at the books and do some analysis, orcs are very different to how they're presented in later games.
>hillfort style walled settlements
>siege engines
>baggage wagons
>domesticated or allied monsters
>chance to be led by high leveln fighter/MU equivalents
>detail on chain-of-command, nearby allies etc etc.
Compared to most other humanoids, which just get 'some treasure, a leader, maybe a type of monster they ally with' for the most part, that's interesting.
A common interpretation is to make orcs much closer to tolkein's 'industrial, militarised ugliness' concept. Orcs are an expansive, colonizing power, with armies and tactics and stuff. You can see them mass-producing iron weapons, burning villages and enslaving the populace in their mines, choking the sky with black smoke from their forges and furnaces. Orcs-as-roman-empire or orcs-as-industrial-revolution, maybe, rather than orcs-as-savage-hordes. Other monsters (goblins, for example), fit the 'there's loads of them and they're kinda retards' niche much better.
not!Texan ranchers with a big focus on (exaggerated) southern hospitality and ork-style tinkering.
How hospitable? The only reason they'd capture a skimpily clad elven woman was so that Momma Grön could whip up some proper clothing for her.
It's to the point that orc women do all the farmwork since orc men are busy trying to reinvent the combine harvester because the dwarves who originally invented it left no space for the whiskey cooler.
And everyone carries a 20mm hand cannon revolver loaded with brittle salt crystals.
Overall, there's a level of ostracizing from any race marrying outside their own, except from humans.
Orcs are definitely on the accepted side of things, though.
>'man, orcs are like niggers with their big dicks, low IQs and love of crime. Perhaps we should ban race mixing because the orcs are stealing our white women!'
It's true though.
Holy shit, orcfag has learned to disguise his fetish-posts
They're basically the Dothraki without horses.
>Another anti-pol thread made to cause shit.
Seriously just sage and report off topic and troll threads.
>Orcfucker at it again
Sage. This guy makes these duplicate threads all the time
Give yourself the trip Pigfucker so I can filter you
They're kinda a joke desu. A very small amount of orcs took over a place with a large amount of elves and anyway, now the orcish horde is mostly high elves that speak orcish.
>What are they like?
Territorial and brutish.
>What is their culture?
Depends on tribe.
>Are they the stereotypical fantasy Orcs?
>Are people who have sex with them socially ostracized or punished?
Yes and yes (unless raped, in which case they are often just ostracized and treated like something defective).
In my setting Orcs are nomadic, tribal peoples with a complex religious system led by their shamans but rulers are determined by strength. The live in conjunction with ogres so usually ogres are in charge but it isn’t super uncommon for an orc to take his place. The coalition of tribes as it is now is because one man either killed or subjugated all of the clan leaders and now leads them as a quasi nomadic horde that fights viciously against any power that threatens the sovereignty of him and his people. I’d actually love to talk about my setting and get pointers if anyone is interested
Orc culture in my current campaign was largely shaped by one creed of the entire people: "Nothing truly worthwhile in life is easy"
They're a people who believe in hard work, effort, and grit. And so they often were are war with elves and humans for two reasons: conquest is not easy, and because they detest how elves, humans, and gnomes seemed to avoid hardwork and effort when possible.
Interestingly, this means orcs actually like dwarves and halflings for their hard work ethic and belief in humble lifestyles.
Interestingly, despite their fondness for war, they are strategically minded in battle, focusing on disrupting logistics primarily and skirmishing warbands leading to their reputation as raiders.
Furthermore, contrary to what people thing, orcs do NOT hate magic. At least not all forms. True to their creed they laud wizards who sacrifice much of their time and mental power scouring for knowledge and committing it to mind, or druids who must shun civilization and live off the land and maintain the careful balance of the people and nature for strength. They don't like sorcerers, clerics, and warlocks who orcs feel are just handed their power without any real effort or dedication, only whoring out their souls.
To this end, the greatest heroes of orc culture tend to be mage-knights and arcane warriors. Afterall, what's more difficult than mastering martial combat and magical arts? Doing both at the same time.
>What are they like?
Germanic barbarians. Celtic barbarians. Huns. Mongols. Spartans.
>What is their culture?
Might makes right, etc.
>Are they the stereotypical fantasy Orcs?
What's the stereotypical fantasy orc anymore?
Pic related: an orc gentleman.
My orcs are fragmented angels from the setting's war god. After their leaders (the giants) were betrayed by their God when they tried to go to battle against the rest of the pantheon and were sent to hell, the Orcs decided that they have no God to beg to, and instead run on zealous hate.
They recently allied with humans (most religious of cultures) against elves, so there's a good bit of tension there while humans expect orcs to acclimate to their ways.
Orcs in my setting are based off of Africans and Australian aborgines. They're violent, mean, stupid, superstitious, and haven't created anything more lasting than a temple made of literal shit and mud in 2000 years. My players absolutely hate them.
It's not /pol/, but an actual interracial cuckold fetishist.
But very well. Since you asked, orcs are a united species with goblins and ogres, with the terms merely denoting different sizes. They live underground though they can see and operate on the surface just fine. They are unisex, and their means of reproduction has not been observed, but is apparently asexual, as even a single orc can proliferate by itself, though it will not do so in captivity, and only underground. Social hierarchy is almost always determined by size and strength, and social stability is inversely proportional to the population of a group. This is usually attributed to their constantly shifting language, which leads to communication breakdown. They can make crude crafts, but usually these are crude copies of stolen or scavanged human tools, often duplicated without comprehension of their use. For example, goblin "books" have been found, made from primitive paper bound by hide and filled with meaningless scribbles. Typically they avoid humans but in larger groups are confident enough to attack, usually to steal supplies, tools, and anything shiney or interesting looking. They sometimes take human captives but apparently don't know what to do with them, leading to eventual death by dehydration underground.
>implying interracial cuckold fetishists and /pol/ are not one and the same
The amount of BLACKED threads on there are truly staggering.
What fantasy race is most like Indians?
>BLACKED threads
>on /pol/
>They can make crude crafts, but usually these are crude copies of stolen or scavanged human tools, often duplicated without comprehension of their use. For example, goblin "books" have been found, made from primitive paper bound by hide and filled with meaningless scribbles.
>They sometimes take human captives but apparently don't know what to do with them, leading to eventual death by dehydration underground.
These are pretty good
IMC there's broadly speaking two groups of orcs. The Orcs of the North were conquered by humans long ago, forced to accept man's Cult of Saints, and live on impoverished reservations in wasteland. If they're employed at all it's to do the nastiest jobs like cleaning sewers, or the most dangerous on the battlefield. In the East, the Orcs are still "wild" and live in forests and mountaintops at a neolithic level of existence except for what metal they've been able to steal/scavenge/trade from more advanced underground cultures. When humans encroach in serious numbers these orcs usually try to avoid contact at all costs, but if they have the numbers and terrain is favorable they might try a quick ambush or night raid. Most human nobles on the border want them exterminated and have a standing bounty on orc ears.
However, to some people a buff green dude (or girl) with tusks and bat-ears is just too much to resist so there's a ton of half-orcs running around even if most people don't want to admit it
Oh, for orc history/culture and stuff I tried to do sort of a mishmash of D&D canon, LotR and actual mythology--so the Elves IMC are (as in some versions of Norse myth) the children of the Vanir and their god-king was the fertility god Freyr. Freyr had a brother named Gruumsh who was deformed, hunchbacked and had the features of a boar. Gruumsh (according to Elf mythology) asked Freyr for a night with his wife the giantess Gird; when Freyr refused, Gruumsh ambushed and murdered Freyr, staining his holy forest with blood. The first orcs emerged from Freyr's blood, a twisted degenerate mix of his seed with Gruumsh's sin. So Orcs are a kind of malformed or twisted elf, as in LotR. However they have free will and can make moral decisions like anyone else. But their "religion" such as it is, states that their creator Gruumsh hates them and will torture them in the afterlife until the last elf is hunted down and exterminated. They've essentially been at war with the elves for 15,000+ years. The Elves actually are nearly extinct now but tutored/raised up Man's civilization so that emnity was inherited.