what makes your character happy?
What makes your character happy?
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Good food, good drinks, doing cool shit, accomplishing new magical feats, adding to his "list of gods that want me dead", the usual.
Loot. Even if the loot is just bag of ordinary rocks it is obviously a gift from the goddess, which means that they are obviously not just rocks but blank runestones that just need to be carved and fed mana or halfling sacrifices.
My character is pretty much me in fantasy world
He doesnt feel happiness, the concept is completely alien
My grave cleric: accruing wealth to look higher class than he is. Also chronicling the party's actions in sarcastic detail.
My paladin: the little things in life. Getting people to smile, cool breezes on sunny days, art. If he can redeem a wrong doer, that'll make his week.
Recognition for a contract well performed
Me in a ditch with someone with their hands on their hips telling me all about how awful I am and how they'll never fall for bullshit like mine again. Then they exit to mundane, fulfilling lives and I go breathe ether again until somebody else asks if I want to go punch a Satan.
A whiskey sour and a good book, in a warm, cozy room.
That or punching the everloving SHIT out of someone or something.
Man, I love that art style. Did you make that, or is it commission?
Gold, tarts, and games. Games is mostly blackjack and darts, with the darts being knives.
coldsteel, is that you
The party's praise makes her very happy.
But she also is very happy when she sees cute puppies and kitten playing together.
And she is happy when she can hold hands with the paladin.
To crush the NPCs, to see their loot driven before him, and to hear the lamentations of the DM
It's not enough to succeed
Others must fail
A good fight followed by a good fucking and then a big haunch of boar and wine to recover afterwards.
Slaying the demon that wronged his people
A good drinking session with her friends, being around her fiance and playing with her wolf spirit.
Also drunken brawls.
>And she is happy when she can hold hands with the paladin.
fucking degenerate
It is very probably not by the poster because that's not his character, that's a character from the game enter the gungeon
Food. Of any kind really. Even just a crust of bread will make her day. Being trapped in a cursed mask for a few centuries makes you appreciate the little things.
Loot, mostly. Her greed is a bit of a running joke amongst the party, but from her perspective, they're fucking pirates, why aren't the rest of them motivated by a nice score?
Sometimes I feel like the Actual healer. But my character is a much more patient and kind person than I am and consistently behaves like the healer in the Anime.
>tfw you can't answer this question IC because you yourself have no idea what happiness is
why are healers always passive-aggressive shitters
I'm hurt. I'm not passive aggressive!
I'm going to tell you straight up if you messed up, fampai.
>why are healers always passive-aggressive shitters
Because they are burned out at dealing with stupid bullshit, since they need to work proportionally harder the stupider their allies are since it's their job to look after everyone in the group.
What part of
>You are Idiots.
>I hate all of you.
is passive aggressive to you?
At some level, they want to be the animu healer. But like says, when someone gets hurt it's on them. Everyone expects the healer to be able to bail them out when shit hits the fan, but the reality is that healers are human like everyone else. They're not miracle workers, they're just doing their job as fast as they can.
When someone in the group gets fucked up, it's on the healer. When someone dies, it's on the healer. When someone does something incredibly stupid and gets hurt far worse than they should have, it's on the healer. And for some reason, whenever there's a healer around people start thinking they can start pulling dumb stunts now, as if getting shanked or clawed hurts less when someone can cast a spell afterward. Sure, everyone wants to be the animu healer, but you've got to put your foot down and tell the group idiot that no, it's not a good idea to stick your dick in a giant wolf, you're not going to fucking waste your time healing that dumbass just because he couldn't just pay for a whore or even sneak off to fap like a normal person.
Coming home to spend his downtime in his home together with his wife and daughter
>12ft tall combat golem
glorious combat, comraderie with friends, and seeing cool new sights he can sculpt later
>Dug star fighter pilot
Good booze and a warm bath, secondarily, showing people up by outflying them in a worse ship than they have
To seduce your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their women.
Being able to lead the peacfull live he so admires away from the state and the mega corps, together with his wife.
But NOOOO, he had to waste the savings on new cyberware and go back to the shadows, where he spend the vory blood money he sweared to never use on an aquatic spider tank.
Fuck you Bunny, you slavic idiot.
Getting high on random shit he finds in the forest and hanging out with animals.
>Having his daughters help with his enchanting
>Watching his daughters play with the daughters of another PC.
>Reading to his daughters every night until they fall asleep leaning against him and their mom.
>The look of amazement on his daughters' faces when they see something new for the first time.
it's okay, user, we're all broken here
#1. Getting to watch his children grow up really. Dying 4 times and somehow still managing to retire from adventuring left him with a greater appreciation for the simple things in life.
#2. Power: acquiring it, and holding onto it.
#3. Really not sure for this one. Probably *not* getting shit on by his boss' son (a fellow PC)?
#4. Up until recently, she'd have been pretty happy watching a minority get arrested for a crime.
Gay, but I like it.
Spending time with his wife and children. He's a warrior-priest at heart and the call to protect the good people and slaughter the innocent is strong. But no matter how much glory, treasure, or fame he earns, he's more than happy to return to the town they live and go back to being a priest.
>TFW I'm the forever DM
>No character I've ever roleplayed gets to be happy because they always suffer at the hands of the party
>TFW I tried to take revenge once and it ended the campaign on the worst downer note in history
Stitching, causterising, bandaging, and various other medical and surgical procedures.
Convincing people they're being controlled by gods playing a game that is shit because it's popular.
Not a whole lot. He's a pretty dour guy and he's part of a religion that basically says fun=sin. He does have a soft spot for birds, though. Secretly keeps pigeons in the bell tower of the semi-abandoned church he lives in, and likes to imagine little dramas and personal goings on between them. He knows it's foolishness and foolishness is next to perdition, but he keeps coming back to it.
Passive aggressive healers are self-important bitches that think the party's whims all wait on them. They think that they're the smartest and most valuable members of the party without realizing that the entire party works in tandem and doesn't function without every member. They think that it's fair if they withhold healing from people they dislike, but they'd cry foul if the rest of the party ignored something chomping on their nonexistent testicles.
They're as bad as aggressive wannabe-alpha frontliners and all of the shitty varieties of damage dealers.
Good drink, spending time with the family, achieving a new personal best and over coming the odds.
Enjoying a nice blowjob.
If one isn't available, funding construction projects in his shitty hometown to make it less shitty.
Loot and evil monsters so he can just get on with murder hobo'ing without the bleeding hearts whining about mercy.
We all know your pain.
Shooting things and song.
>Happiest time of life was sitting with family for dinner
>Around the campfire, one drums, one sings, and one dances
>Now, attempts are being made to recreate the moment with the party
Sitting in his ultra paranoid hide out sharpening his ammo.
Reading and learning new things and getting new knowledge. My character is a collossal nerd at heart, him being able to bisect people if he puts in some effort non-withstanding.
Arguing with random punks over why changing your name to "Yukkuri Kuso" when you own a primarily Japan-oriented business is a bad idea.
>Having somewhere to sleep and food that isn't rations
>Being useful to the only person who has been kind to her and being experimented on by her Master and lover
>Spreading JUSTICE and a good brawl with his buddies
>Actually being accepted somewhere
Falconry is the grandest of times to be had.
I have been a GM for so long I frogot there was a time I played only one character at the same time.
Anyway, she is the medic and leader of a group of mercenaries in the late nineties. She doesn't really like her job, but no job pays better (and she has a huge debt to pay).
So happiness for her would be paying off the debt as fast as possible, killing/hurting as few people as possible, and then getting a job in a hospital where the patients aren't mostly there for gunshots, explosions or knife fights.
landing the perfect shot.
Forgot one.
>Treating sick and injured people, regardless of social status, because it's the right thing to do.
You should see the other "proud parent" PC in the group. 500% more lovey-dovey than mine. Might come from being married to the draconic incarnation of the God of Love, Positive Vibes, Music and Love.
Helping villagers, & saving lives. He may live in the grimdarkness but the fire he conjures can protect them & bring light to the darkness
Story time?
Finding places that sell his rare chinese cigarettes, being a good cop, sleeping on the rooftop.
Finding a new and interesting thing to disect, having her study of anatomy acknowledged as a worthwhile pursuit with useful discoveries behind it and not just a creepy hobby, not having to walk up stairs on her peg leg.
Novacoke after a run
The altogether all too rare moments he could actually contribute to the world around him in ways that didn't end with more death and pain. But sometimes life decides you are meant to only be a source of suffering for others despite what you want.
That he has friends.
It's weird for him, cause he's a weirdo who has trouble talking
There is nothing personnel about this comment.
Because they wield no power, and to get back to people who have wronged them all they can do is lay idle instead of inflicting the pain they wish them to be in.
>Character fro the Metal Gear GURPS Game I'm playing
Getting to go loud in a mission, blowing shit up, using "The Big Guns", arguing with the rest of the party about how we should be going about the mission and why their ideas are stupid.
>Character in the Eberron game I'm playing
Uh... well, seeing as he's permanently encased in Clockwork Armor and constantly in immense pain due to being in Cyre when the mourning happened, and losing all his friends and loved ones in the process, not much...
people who reciprocate when he shouts "Praise Torm" in a crowded building
Working on his theses and coming across magical and ancient beings, even if they're actively attempting to kill him.
Shadow runner: being accepted and praised by her team, specifically her "boss". Snuggling up with a big fluffy animal.
EotE twi'lek: not having to worry about credits, a secure place to rest and chill getting railed hard
The simple things, like getting a little extra food on the same dollar, a fun night with friends, and the knowledge that everything will be okay.
It won't be okay, and he knows it, but he's just dim enough to keep that bit as far back in his mind as he can.
wtf is your problem
>decadent and pointless uses of cantrips
>someone listening to his (objectively wrong) historical theories
>being the tallest in any given room
>a good book
>the rest of the party on a good day
I mean, if they're clerics, they kind of ARE miracle workers...
I'm still not going to heal you if you fuck that wolf.
Architecture and stonework that is unfamiliar to him
Helping others
Drinking, teasing his party members, the hope that he can atone for his sins and hearing/watching the necromancer fail basic tasks because she's blind.
classic meme my friend
Power, gold, obedience from those around him.
The girl we rescued in our first adventure. Nothing sinister, he just likes checking up on her and seeing how she'd doing, and watching her grow up.
Nothing personal kiddo.
>openly and explicitly challenges and criticizes
I wonder what this guy's problem is...
^That is passive-aggressiveness, jackass.
People talking to him. He was a mute, but not deaf. Organically, most PC's and NPC's simply stopped talking to him altogether once they realized he was mute, since the concept of sign language didn't exist in the setting. It was a quaint, refreshing experience for someone to simply continue a conversation and make due with communication.
Money and getting her way
A full night's uninterrupted sleep. A warm meal and a cold drink. When Vladislav plays guitar at the fire. When the brightest light in the sky that hurts your eyes is the sun.