The more confusing, convoluted and broken - the better.
In order to upgrade the skill at the new level, you roll 1d6 and check the table down below. The result determines what dice is added to your skill's dice-pool.
Initiative is determined by starting with the youngest player in the party
Ian Hill
Having fun is mandatory
Julian Bell
The currency comes in three denominations, Jade, Ruby and Gold in order of value. You cannot convert them for coins of another denomination.
Kevin Martinez
To suceed the fun test you need to be able to quote Monty Python at the beginning of every tussle.
Michael Smith
All persuasion checks are based on giving an IRL speech on your theory as to how they could get that far into the design of a game without realizing it was a huge unworkable turd.
Jack Collins
Taking alcohol is required. Drinking alcohol is not allowed.
Charles Bailey
Tussles are won by rolling your least used skill, the winner is the one who rolls closest to a prime number.
Caleb Adams
Failure to have fun will result in a grapple check
Isaiah Harris
Combat encounters are subclassified based on various conditions. Players have different stats for different types of combat encounters.
>Tusslin' >Scufflin' >Grapplin' >Wrasslin'
Anthony Sanchez
Each time you attack, you must attempt to click a coin into a glass 2metres+ away. If successful, you score a critical hit and gain a damage multiplier equal to the distance in metres that the cup was from the player.
If the glass breaks when struck by the coin, the target is instantly slain.
James Scott
Stats are decided AFTER choosing a class/race combo, by rolling 1d20 down the line. If the dice falls off the table the relevant stat is set to zero. No rerolls under any circumstance.
Jeremiah Adams
At the start of every session, GM is determined by playing musical chairs. Once there is a winner, the game is played again, but the winner is excluded from the participation. Repeat until there are only two people. The loser of the last round is the GM.
Easton Jenkins
>Another player is rolling his stats >smack his dice off the table before it lands >entire session turns into a brawl as players attempt to defend their dice and smack the dice of others
Adam Lee
>game turns into people throwing fastball specials at the glass Beautiful.
Oliver Rogers
Emergent gameplay!
Wyatt Turner
Where's the character sheet from?
Owen Phillips
Eoris: Essence
Mason Hall
Instead of hit points PC's use their money. every time you take dmg you lose that many $ to the DM. When you're out of money you have 10 min to get more or your character dies.
Dominic Martin
>Lombard: the Jewery
Leo Garcia
>he more confusing, convoluted and broken - the better. It really is the system of my dreams. Keep going guys, this has the potential to become my new favourite system
Xavier Richardson
It's a roll under system
David Torres
>The virgin attribute roll >The Chad dice brawl
Parker Hughes
Each time the wizard casts a spell, he must take a shot of vodka. His spells per day is determined by how it takes for him to fall unconcious.
Landon Clark
If two PCs attempt to fight each other, a kitchen knife is placed on the table, the first to grab it and stick it in their pocket after the GM shouts go is the winner.
William Gomez
I need that char shit, the level of detail has got me hard, where can I find the char gen rules?
Connor Powell
I might just steal that for normal play.
Tyler Stewart
The more he drinks, the more he casts. The more he casts, he more he drinks.
>W-what? Me, drunk? Nah, man, I'm f-fine. J-just one more spell, I'm good for it.
Jaxon Long
Magic is freeform. However, success of casting is determined by making "Walk and Turn" test. Player who wants to cast a spell has to take nine steps, heel-to-toe, along a straight line, turn on one foot, and then return in the same manner in the opposite direction. Inability to do so results in failed casting.
Gavin Bennett
My DM told me about a house rule where you can do a shot for roll advantage etc. It gets messy pretty quick apparently.
Liam Parker
The GM always wins
Justin Garcia
How do you play that game? What's it about?
I'm getting magical academy or Final Fantasy-esque vibes from this