Land Destruction Edition
What are you brewing with the new RIX cards? This is what I'm trying to do with Journey to Eternity in Modern.
Land Destruction Edition
What are you brewing with the new RIX cards? This is what I'm trying to do with Journey to Eternity in Modern.
Other urls found in this thread:
I have 2 copies of Ghalta in green Stompy, that's about it. I was thinking of using UG fish, but it doesn't seem worth it to rebuild it for basically two one drops since the UG lord isn't good enough to warrant a spot unless you want to go tribal aggro instead of tempo. You might as well play Allies or Slivers at that point.
Rix sucks and good land destruction is non existent. This whole thread is a lie!
It exists, it's just not up to snuff with most other strategies because WOTC actively handicaps it. Land Destruction, like counterspells, is 'unfun' and generally gimped in most formats.
That said, Fulminator Mage is a really underplayed card for as much play as Tron sees in Modern.
It's a real shame RK Post doesn't want to do art anymore, he was one of my favourites, he has really powerful imagery.
In fact he is probably a big reason why I got into Magic in the first place, thanks to 7th Thorn Elemental.
Merfolk, obviously
I'll probably put in a Ghalta too, biggest merfolk ever
>I'll probably put in a Ghalta too, biggest merfolk ever
I sense a bit of sarcasm in this post. Just a little bit.
Might try Slaughter the Strong in martyr proc
>what are you brewing with draft chaff?
Absolutely nothing.
>wish you had?
Amulet titan, grixis shadow, storm
Tron even if everything I play crushes it the deck is still cancer.
>they don't use T1 accelerants
I’ve still got Affinity put together.
WotC lowering of complexity and cheap removal in the new sets.
Lorwyn cube, and thinking about throwing Burn back together.
>wish you had?
Goyfs and LotV for Jund/Junk. I refuse to pay over $50 for a single card, and I have everything else.
13 days to use Past in Flames, enjoy it.
Only 13 more days until we can fire up those forges!
less than 2 weeks before we can sculpt minds again!
2 MM3 boosters, or 7 Khans?
I thought amulet Titan was Dead?
Buy singles unless you’re drafting.
I’m looking to run kumenas awakening in Mono U Turns. If I ran a creature, I’d still choose lighthouse chronologist over slipstream navigator.
Where’s a decent place to buy cards aside from eBay? Strikezoneonline fucked me out of $100, so buyer beware.
Are Amonkhet cyclelands good in anything? They can be fetched and can be cycled if mana flooded.
I don't have any, so I'm not going to get defensive if any of you say "no it sux, lol". I'm wondering if there are any underrated cards that have a niche.
For what?
MM3 is generally on the rise but we still don't know what MM25 will have.
Why not diversify?
They can be decent as a one or two of, but I wouldn’t use a full playset.
Burn, when I feel like winning, my switch hitter treasure cruise deck when I feel like dicking around.
not being able to play as much, I get every other FNM basically at best because of my work schedual, and nobody even in my county plays(it's a 45 minute drive to the closest lgs)
I really wanted to do mono-black control, but I'm trying my best not to just net-deck something.
>wish you had?
People to play and trade with in my zip code.
>7 Khans
sad to say only the big boys and local shops are really safe to buy from. i got a playset of FoW from strikezone about three years ago and it was kosher, sorry to hear that they fucked you.
I play in a Kitchen Table Modern format where we basically use Modern banlist and rules but our stip is that we try to keep things relatively cheap. I've been trying to find ways to make pic related work other than Emrakul Omniscience combo.
I found this video, LSV's op plays something like it and it's pretty cool.
I've never brewed a deck before so can someone experienced help me out? Stuff I have so far:
>Control Elements until I get Narset out
>Modal cards like Jeskai Charm would let me control, but if I hit it with Narset I could burn
>The guy uses Generator Servant which is a cool idea
>I think SoulfireGM works well
>I think Monastery Mentor might work well
How do I get all these ideas into a deck? It seems really bad but I don't know enough about brewing to do it myself.
Does he really not do MTG art anymore? He's always signing cards at GPs.
Another guy the other day said he doesn't want to do art anymore, just tokens or something.
Maybe he has a condition? Who knows.
He definitely still does art for unofficial tokens and playmats.
They probably just aren’t paying him enough to do it.
>tfw went 0-3
I'm really surprised to have lost to Affinity in the first round, I usually win that. I'd like to say it was my incomplete deck, but I think I just got outplayed.
Second round was a really interesting and fairly balanced matchup, although tilted a little in my opponent's favor. Was fun enough to play an extra game after the match.
Last match was literally unwinnable. I don't like to say that because it's usually not true and just a way shit players comfort themselves, but I'm confident that any other two players could play the same matchup and my deck would lose every game. It was a really niche deck but I loved it and I'm happy the guy got to win once with it.
sorry for the blog
TCGPlayer is the best, most of the others sell through them as well as their own sites. Channel Fireball isn't terrible. SCG will always have what you need, but is usually expensive.
8 Rack
Enchantments and Tron
>wish you had?
I would think so, but which kinds of decks? Control decks might benefit so that they can gain virtual card advantage, but then there's opportunity cost to take into account.
Control would get the most use out of it, since they usually care the least about lands entering untapped(granted in Modern you still care quite a lot), midrange might take one to help smooth a draw on very rare occasions. Aggro will never want them, because playing threats on curve is what they have to do to compete. Combo might take a few if they’re more controlling.
Yeah... in Modern control decks absolutely need to hit land drops every turn and having a tapland on a critical early turn would be devastating.
When is the best time to start buying lands? Should i just start buying them now?
Thoughts on pic related?
Card is damn fine, the main reason this memedeck works
That's an interesting one, dodging Inquisition and Abrupt Decay is kinda neat.
You should look into this guy instead (assuming you run 4 Temporal). Turn 4 you jam him, hopefully untapping for a Miracle + Dictate to get you going, might be cool and potentially even good
Is Spell Piece normal in Affinity sideboards?
This card single-handedly made U/W Miracles playable in Modern.
It's about 50/50. If you have blue in your sideboard chances are you'll have 1-2 Spell Pierce or Stubborn Denial, but a lot of Affinity players cut blue entirely and just use pure R/B/W sideboards with only Master of Etherium as their blue.
I'd run Spell Pierce to do the same jobs as Thoughtseize, trying to hit things like Stony Silence before they land. It's just that Thoughtseize can be used at any time and gives hand information so I don't have room for Spell Pierce.
Dumb question and nearly impossible to Google the answer due to the common search terms, but how do I get a pic of a deck arranged nicely like this, without having to do it myself in Paint or Photoshop, or doing it in real life with real cards?
I'm just asking because I got BTFO by it today because I didn't even consider the possibility of him playing it.
No it didn't.
it would have been alright if you had said what you are playing.
what the fuck am I looking at user
What the fug am I looking at
It's going 5-0 and 4-1 and PT pros are trying it out now scrub get with the times
Sorry, I meant to. I'm on 8rack right now.
How many games would you play before deciding whether a deck has an advantage over another?
>opponent sees 3 of his 4 paths in the first 15 cards with no draw power to get them
MtgGoldfish has a Deck Pricer and you can click the visual view tab to see it like so, there's another good site (forget the site) but the guy takes a bit to add in newer cards (google mtg deck visualizer there should be a link to it). Goldfish arranges it kinda randomly and sometimes it looks nice sometimes it's a pile.
i dunno what to tell you friend.
It just works™
The best Land Destruction card in Modern coming through.
Wrong image
I play burn and tron. Can confirm
They may decide to chump block less thinking that they can get you on the backswing, then Psionic Blast!
It's a two-of since it's such a rogue card, but it loses its potency after the opponent sees it.
It's not just that, the list is also packing white in the sideboard, look at thalia.
What's the win con? Ballista or agent of bolas would make this meme spicy
Normal but not compulsory.
What do you mean by "work"?
Jester Cap.
There was 2 Ballista as a wincon previously, it kills at a snail's pace but the utility of shooting things down with it was some sick upside.
Might have to squeeze Ballista back in, trimming either a Ratchet Bomb or a Map (or both for 2 Ballistae? Not certain, thoughts?)
The deck does what you'd want it to do, feels unique and reasonably powerful.
Building soulflayer with this boi
>orgy of the best keywords for flayer all on a single monstrosity
>"okay sure, you're R/G Tron right?"
>"sounds fun"
>guy working at FLGS comes and sits down so autismo can watch us
>Turn two and dude fucking walks off
>not even 5 minutes later, he's playing Standard at a different table
This man is in his 30s with 2 kids. He's a really good friend of mine too. I don't even know what to do because after the game, I called him a fucking faggot for just walking off like that after asking if I could play against someone else while he watched. We're dicks to each other all the time, but this triggered me for some reason.
I would need to know the context. If he asked about it out of nowhere, then yeah, pretty dick move although you still got to play Magic. If he asked because you lead the conversation to it, then not so much.
Psi Blast is stronk man, also a dope card in monoblue Delver
4 damage for 3 mana is at rate in RED. Char isn't bad, just outclassed. You get Flames of the Bloodhand, Flame Javelin, Exquisite Firecraft... and Char. (not to mention offbeats like Ball Lightning or Browbeat).
Now suddenly blue gets lightning action!
Eldrazi Tron
I think the meta is pretty good over all, though I'm not a fan of lantern control but I wouldn't ban anything from it.
Working of Abzan, though I may switch to Jund since I'm only missing the expensive cards that go in both.
>wish you had?
Unlimited money.
so i played white weenies at the shop weekly today and went 3-0-split with my homie who was on TurboGriz. MBC was fine. i got under his lilianas with go-wide g1 and beat face with mirran crusaders g2. AdNaus is pretty free given my arsenal of 'can't let you do that, starfox' guys. i didn't think i was going to win against Jeskai after dropping G1 so hard but i fairly well locked him out of having fun with tocatli, dryad militant, flipped gideon and selfless spirit in-hand with vial on two while i beat face with serra avengers. i still think it shouldn't have worked but i'll take the $20 ISC and be on my way.
>2-0 MBC
>2-0 Ad Nauseam
>2-1 Jeskai Control
>ID TurboGriz
I'm playing a BR deck, that's kind of like Jund except with Blood Moon instead of green.
I'm clawing my eyes out at the variance in my deck, and want to shore it up a bit, so I'm trialing Faithless Looting+Bloodghast
Is there a better card engine? And don't say Dark Confidant, my curve is way too high
Mono U Fish.
I really enjoy the format right now. Still not a huge fan of Chalice of the Void, but I either want them to reprint it or ban it.
Martyr proc, D&T/E&T, Bant Spirits, ETron, 8-Rack
>wish you had?
5c Humans, missing pieces to Grixis DS, Jeskai Spirits because why not
Probably going to build 8-Rack next since it will be the cheapest aside from Urborgs/LotV/Voids.
I really want to own a Tier 1 deck though, and ETron looks REALLY fun.
glint-sleeve siphoner, ire shaman, abbot of keral keep, read the bones, underworld connections, phyrexian arena off the top of my head
Variance you say?
Don't talk to me or collective brutality ever again
This looks awful my dude.
Doesn't prevent "oh, 2 lands on the draw, 24 in the deck, three chances to get it, this is fine... it's turn 6 and I still haven't seen land 3"
beat a mardu pyromancer meme, a green toolbox druid rhonas deck, RBGx deaths shadow, and lost to a time warp deck (whiffed my spyglass then he drew mister beleren)
the deck is a real treat to play, monobrown control wootwoot!!!
whispers of night is an underrated midrange card, its kinda like casting faithless but you keep the cards maybe? idk a few copy might be cool, could be a good 'glue' card
*should mention, time walks anhililated the deck, the absolute nightmare matchup, as it should be
you could take a page out of Mardu Pyromancer's book and run bedlam revelers for your draw engines if you're already playing with bloodghast and faithless. That's what i've done for my br moon deck because I was tired of dark confidant eating removal all the time.
ayo Veeky Forums this isn't exactly modern related but someone please help?
I wanna play xmage, apprentice, MWS or some equivalent that supports old sets anyone have a preferred or recommended free client? Thanks bros (intention is to play 1v1 legacy, modern with my buddy for playtesting)
cockatrice is good
XMage has rules enforcement.
You know we need her back
cockatrice is great for testing with friends
For playtesting legacy where weird rules interactions come up it's better to have rules enforcement so you actually learn how things interact.
i still have no idea why anyone would use cuckatrice
Doubt they'd even be good.
Jund isn't bad because the cards in it are bad, it's just too slow for the format.
What's the scariest a turn 4 BBE can really do? Cascade into Lili?
Burning Tree Emissary or Brutality could give folks headaches.
No we don't.
Game engine in cool, but cockatrice plays like paper where managing your shit is part of the game.
Yeah but XMage means that you learn your deck better, as well as exactly how obscure sideboard cards operate, without any chance to learn it wrong and get fucked in a real tournament. I'd rather just print proxies and test with paper than use cockatrice personally.
If any of the waifus should be unbanned, it should be SFM. BBE actually had a chance in the format while SFM was preemptively banned from the start. Just saying.
I watched Jund fuck up Elves last night.
Felt good seeing a match with no Tron or Shadow.
Yeah, her ban carrying over from Extended(or was it Standard?) was a bit shit. Still, considering that she's played in Legacy decks that can be considered stronger versions of certain Modern decks, she's probably still too strong.
What are the odds of finding No-Ban Modern events at a GP? Should I get my playset of Mental Misstep before going?