Who would win in an unarmed cage fight, an Ogryn or a space marine?

Who would win in an unarmed cage fight, an Ogryn or a space marine?

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Is the space marine also unarmored?

Flesh Tearers hunt not!dinosaurs naked and unarmed in a Catachan-tier jungle under a constant barrage of acid rain for fun.
Knowing this, I feel like the answer would be up to the writer of the story.

I'm putting my money on the ogryn. The marine might survive his injuries, but that doesn't win him the fight when he's all wrapped up.

Nothing can beat a space marine in single combat per lore. A single space marine can cleanse a whole planet of life. They are apex predators, a peak of genetic engineering. It simply doesn't get better than that.

Ogryns, meanwhile, are just some mutants.

This depends heavily on the Guard regiment and Marine chapter.


Krourk Ogryn, the most brutal of all Ogryns, said to be a crude method of exterminatus when used en masse vs whatever chapter is best in hand to hand combat

marine wins.
Ogryn has the edge in terms of brute strength and reach.
Marine is faster, feels less pain, spits acid, and has all his vital organs shielded by bone plates.
On top of that, the marine is far, far better trained at combat. Their ability to deflect punches and hit vital spots is at a level the ogryn can't really cope with.

Space Marine, because Gary-Stu

This exact thing happens at the end of the Salamanders trilogy. Long story short, the marine wins.

Ogryn's only strong point is retardo strength. I would put my money in a trained marine.

>in lore fucking kids can kill marines in armour
I can't recall if it was a terminator armour or a power armour. Since retarted shit like that happens all the time in the lore.

The SM is at least comparable in raw physical might. Ogryns are not orks, they have a brute strength ceiling so you're not going to run into dreadnought sized monsters. The SM is also signifigantly faster, can tank enough damage naked and enjoys every edge in every other area.

Your ogryn might ignore a shattered arm, might keep going with its jaw broken in 4 places and both eyes put out. But it's not going to win. It's literally too stupid

In the same vein as OPs post, who would win in an unarmed, caged, unarmored, oily, naked fight between a Custodian Shield Captain and a Space Marine Chaoter Master?

I'd imagine a story with a named, but otherwise unremarkable, Orgryn would have it beat a Chaos Marine in single combat.

the custodes, both due to their superiority in everything and the fact that they probably have naked oil wrestling matches every thursday

The fujoshis

Depends on the chapter master and who's writing.
By all rights, the Custodes should win

unnamed chapter master vs unnamed shield captain: shield captain
named chapter master vs unnamed shield captain: chapter master
named chapter master vs named shield captain: depends on the writer

The Ogryn.

Mostly because the Space Marine will underestimate the Ogryn's strength and be torn in fucking half.

Ogryn's are fucking horrifying imagine if Sloth from the goonies could bench press a Abrhams tank.

>Comparable strength

An Ogryn is as strong as a Space Marine as a Space Marine is to a Human.

Unarmed, I'd lean the Ogryn. They are comically tough to a level that makes marines look fragile once the armour is no longer part of the equation.

S4 WS3+ W1 vs S5 WS3+ W3

ogryn, easily

>A chiselled, well oiled Olympian Trajan Valoris
>Wrestling against
>A hairy, wild, burly papa Logan Grimnar

Whatever the outcome, the Sororitas in the audience wins.

The marine. The Ogryn might be stronger and tougher, but the Marine has more skill, agility and training.

>ywn be an ogryn

>enters the cage

It's pretty much impossible to "disarm" an eversor, as I remember, so this would be somewhat unfair.

Not today....

Everyones assuming they somehow just grapple each other to death, wouldnt the marine have tactics and reflex on his side? The Ogryn probably outclasses him in strength and can almost definately survive a worse beatdown but couldnt the marine just be hammering in jabs and dancing around the thing smashing blows into it? Obviously if they grapple the Ogryn has a good chance of just bearhugging him to death.

Even with power armor the space marine would lose. This is canon as both the lore and the game stats make it very obvious that a marine is a human compared to the strength and resilience of an Ogryn.
Lastly to address the "speed" advantage the marine has, nonsense. If the planet they are fighting on has extremely high gravity the Ogryn is in his natural element, if it is comparable to Terra, the Ogryn can prance around like a Muay Thai boxer.

The fujo ones maybe.

Can't image the dykes being too amused that they have to attend.

Could an Ogryn become a Space Marine? A Space Marine Ogryn?

>the most fervent worshipers of the Emperor
>not amused to see one of his angels and one of his protectors duking it out
yeah no i call bulshit on that.

I meant amused in the sense that they're unhappy that it seems like their fujo superiors are making them attend because said superiors are fujos, regardless of the quality of the actual bout.

In the crunch the SM gets its shit kicked in, in fluff? Dunno, writer's choice

then gather anything else other than fujo, observe their prowess in close combat, bask in what a centuries old warrior and a milena old warior can teach about fighting.
also get increasingly hot and bothered to try that with that cute sister you have your eyes on

jesus christ how heretical

Ogryn Primaris when?

The Dark Angels

Why not an ogryn primarch while we're at it?

Oh god, that's why those two were struck from records.

My money is on the Space Marine, because Ogryns are drop-dead stupid, but against something that can at least compare to the brute strength of the Ogyn, I think the Space Marines training wins out.

Ogryn's are stupid.

But they have instincts.

Primitive Ogryn literally just grab clubs and smash apart Ork Nobs like they're fucking children.

That fact is ludicrous by the by, it's fucking nuts to think about.
I'll admit, I'm big on 40k but I'm still missing bits and pieces of lore like that. For context, could a space marine, unarmed and unarmored, 1v1 a Nob, unarmed and unarmored?

>Primitive Ogryn literally just grab clubs and smash apart Ork Nobs like they're fucking children.
that's just impossible

Ogryn are fucking Strength 5 W 3 base.

That's literally above the Nob

Not a chance, a Nob will skullfuck a normal marine unarmed and unarmored.

Jesus man people in this thread forget Nork Deddog.

Nork isn't a stronger Ogryn, he's just Smarter.

Who wins in a lingerie pillow fight, a cannoness or a farseer?

Space marine, because plot armour and avoiding fanboy tears

Absurd. Salamanders can operate under heavy gravity as well. And speed vs strength isn't even an argument here since marines have both.

Then I change my stance, the Ogryn wins, leaving the local Guard regiment cheering and losing their mo'fuckin' minds.
Thanks for educating me.

Ogryn's are fucking hilarious in context.

Nork Deddog an Ogryn famous for being smart ( he can count to 4. ) not strong, Killed charging Warboss with a single headbutt.

An Angry Ogryn is very fucking dangerous.

Yeah we all understand marines are not statted like they should be according to lore. Ogryn being stronger and tougher than Terminator armor and equivalent to a custodes is silly. If you try to think of it according to the lore.

But you have to remember that the lore is kind of fucked up because of Codex Wank.

>Ogryn are fucking Strength 5 W 3 base.
>That's literally above the Nob

there is a difference between being stronger than someone and being able to smash them to death like they are children when you have a club and they have advanced war gear. The difference also is there when the war gear is taken out of the equation.

No it's not.

Ogryn's in every representation, Fluff and Crunch are always a literal Slab of Retard brand megamuscle.

If anything, it's the exact same issue with Ogryns.

I mean Nork pulled a fucking wrecked Chimera across the battlefield with Sharpnel in his gut like it was nothing.

Ogryn Charonites were a terror weapon against enemy astartes during the Horus heresy.

>Ogryn is strength 5 W 5 base with no special weapons or armor

>Ork nob is blow that drastically.

Ogryn's fuck everyone up. If they could be given Thunder Hammers they'd be fucking weapons of mass destruction.

>all of these astartes autists unable to accept that something may be better than their Spastic Marines
Let me guess, you'd also argue for a standard issue SM bolter being superior to Vindicator rifles and any fusion blasters the Tau can come up with?

As a Mechanicus fan, the fact that Siccarians can cheap-shot termie armor gives me life.

It's because we're arguing two heavy weights.

If you put a black bear vs a grizzly, the grizzly wins. But a grizzly vs a polar bear, the grizzly still has a chance because of its sheer size

And in one of the gaunts ghosts books a marine ripped open a basilisk, and in kingsblade you had one leap into the foot of an imperial knight and destroy it. The fluff has all sorts of hilarious inconsistencies, there was a grey knight book where feudal peasants killed two armored grey knights and destroyed a thunderhawk.

As a Khorne Daemon player I feel boltguns are pretty much garbage and should probably reroll wounds vs 4+ saves.

I was going to comment, but I see you have it handled.

Ogryn 4 Life

is it just me or does Ogryn backstory not really match up with their powerlevel?

Like "they're from icy high gravity worlds, so they're basically very large people with the strength of five brontosauri"

>a creature with worst stats and abilities than a troll can fuck up spess muhrines
Cool toy soldiers

A custode would dookie on a marine.


Too stupid. They'll end up touching someone they shouldn't with the thunder weapons on.

The universe

all these smarter/stupider comments make no sense...
i bet conor mcgregor is somewhat smarter and has more skills/training then a gorilla, but i would put my money on a gorilla....

He already lost to one :^)

my point exactly...

Depends on how oiled up both sides are.

T-T-T-Triple Samefag

look who's talking.... quadruple samefag....

It really depends on who you ask.

If you ask someone new to 40K, they'll say the SM.

If you ask an IG/SM fan, they'll say the Ogryn/SM.

If you ask someone who plays the tabletop, their money will be on the Ogryn but not for certain.

If you ask someone who read all the shit Black Library pushed out, they'll say it depends on the writer, what drugs they're on, and how much of the established lore are they disregarding completely.

If you ask someone who knows their lore AND is trying to be impartial, they'll tell you that an Ogryn is as big as an Astartes in Terminator Armour and can put unarmoured Astartes to shame in terms of strength and toughness, while the Astartes has better close combat training and mobility, so it can go either way.

Personally, I'd say only that a smaller cage benefits the Ogryn, while a bigger one the Astartes, since the former is relying on raw strength, while the other is relying on avoiding getting hit or grappled.

Wow excellent form on that spud.

Yeah this I don't think Ogryns can make maximum use of a thunder hammer.

They already have automatic 1/2 gauge (or you know whatever, some coarse pellets) shotguns that double as clubs.

Silas Alberec is the size of an ogryn and can probabbly can Alpharius a manlet.

Yfw 6m tall strength 10 toughness 10 primarch that can defeat a titan in hand to hand combat

Primarchs have defeated titans one v one in fluff.

>Mechanicus puts Guardsman brain inside Ogryn head
>Ogryn with the minds of average joes instead of particularly dumb dogs

That'd be a force to not fuck with.

"Unleash the Krourk? I might as well orderExterminatus!"
-CaptainHobart-Gibbling,Pyran Dragoons

In close quarters fighting they are brutal even for Ogryns and considered little better thanOrks. Because of their feral, indiscriminate savagery, they are only rarely used in large formations and always with devastating consequences. Though little can stand against the destructive fury of several thousand berserk Ogryns, their inability to distinguish between friend and foe results in collateral damage often outweighing the advantages of large formations. Many officers in the Imperial Guard consider the Ogryns of Krourk to be a primitive weapon of mass destruction when deployeden-masse.[1]

On the downside the number of Commisar fatalities while of duty rises significantly.

Read about the planet of catachan

Catachans are considered baby ogryns

*that can defeat an imperial battleship on hand to hand combat

Primarch wins easily given that battleships don't have hands.

what about an imperial/crimson fist or Iron Hands ship? that'd be covered in them

Those hands are icons and cannot be used as limbs.

The ogryn is stronger but the marine has what it takes and is infinitely smarter and more technical.

If it's a small cage and the ogryn is used to cage fighting while the marine is just average, the ogryn will win.

so you need limbs not just hands to fight now? way to move the goalposts

Before everything went tits up with the age of Strife, it's said that future Ogryn worlds were already penal colonies. Since Ogryns later appeared on multiple planets independently it could have been some human experimentation gone wrong.

This retarded shit is why I love warhammer.

>ships don't have hands
It's like you've never heard the expression "all hands on deck".

>He can count to four

underrated fucking post.

>they probably have naked oil wrestling matches every thursday

>cage fight

Marine tricks the Ogryn into charging the cage, and wins by ring out.

Several thousand die in the ensuing collapse of the arena, parking garage, and 6 neighboring buildings.


No doubt.

An Ogryn is way too fucking dumb to be able to use Muay Thai or any other form of H2H. They can just about understand how to shoot a gun, sometimes, kinda.

Marine wins via not being retarded.