Let's find out!
How good is MYFAROG?
Kristian Vikernes, pls go away
Stop playing D&D
We already have scans of the book, so we know it's not good.
but we already did find out.
it's shit.
This is probably one of the only situations in which I'll actually say DnD is the better alternative.
What makes it bad?
Veeky Forumseddit's assblasted because it accurately depicts niggers as having a penalty to intelligence.
It's /pol/ viking circlejerk fantasy. That and its rules are retarded.
And yet it didn't give you an intelligence penalty.
Hahaha, is that it? I read the amazon reviews and most were either Varg sycophants, positive reviews or the opposite, Ledditors complaining about racisme
it's needlessly complicated simulationist wankery for people who hate fun
>Hurr durr this game only has two sexes!
>Hurr durr women have strength penalties!
>Hurr durr it's not autistically detailed enough! How can I calculate wind speed and arrow drop?
>Hurr durr the native populations treat alien races differently!
>Hurr durr the subsaharan equivalents have smaller brain mass from societal pressures, environmental pressures and therefore lower average intelligence
>Hurr durr we wuz Vikangz!
The only criticisms I hear. Anything new Veeky Forums?
Pretty much. Any time you see someone shittalking it, they're almost always a soysmiling r*dditor crying about muh inclusion of non-binary furrykin.
Dude /gurpsgen/ is over there --->
*roleplays as epic sassy bacon amazeballs ladyboy stronger than Conan the Barbarian while struggling to suppress smug tittering and hide erection*
Nod an Argumend :DDD
Nah that's not the real reason. It's that it's a typical angry heartbreaker and not much else. Rules were written without much thought given to how players would interact with them. Hell I don't even think it was designed to be read period given that the fucker decided to use Papyrus font for the whole book, a decision only moderately less stupid than using comic sans or some sort of block letter font.
Like there are so many other RPGs that do the "gritty Germanic tribe" shtick way better. You want historical accuracy racism included then you got HârnMaster. If you want to work on tribal politics and focus on how small communities interact we got Runequest. If you want to be talking about pagan mysticism and playing as pagan heroes well Heroquest is right there. Hell if you want to do all this but have it specifically about the old Norse and generational storytelling Pendragon has a Beowolf supplement for playing as Nords. If you specifically want a European game Dark Eye is still going strong.
All of these games are better mechanically and have better production values than MYFAROG. The only reason you'd want to play MYFAROG is if you subscribe to the same weird specific revisionist history as Varg and want to see that represented. So you know sorta like how Pureflix makes movies that are only really for the particular sort of crazy Christian who subscribes to their same weirdo view of the world.
Oh Jamal, I bet you thought that was witty.
Without having played the game, I'd assume that it's a mess of a system with hamfisted political subtext. Varg is an artist and not a game developer.
It's a bad game like all the heartbreakers before it. It's too detailed to be a good narrative game, too simple to be a good simulation game, and too shit to be a good OSR game.
Whad if - eberybody else is revisionist and varg just honest man tell truth
The only people who like MYFAROG are people how have played nothing but D&D and are blown away by mechanics that haven't been copy and pasted since the 1970s.
What's a heartbreaker? New to tg
What if you Fucking killed yourself
When is Varg/ MYFAROG gonna be auto filtered or banned? every fucking week this thread pops up
>thinks HârnMaster is racist somehow
You sure are straying a long way from your home subreddit.
Now that's interesting, thank you for the recommendations
I treat Varg's lore as some slightly alternate universe, fun to subscribe to, always more romantic and interesting than a lot of modern interpretations, and full of genuinely interesting ideas and philosophy, but not always the most accurate or cited.
But for the sheer amount of content the man puts out and the passion he has for it, I'll happily treat his work with a little levity and suspend my disbelief to try and critically understand the lessons he has
Well that doesn't really change anything. If you believe in his same brand of revisionism then you still have to deal with inferior mechanics to any of the listed game. Which I mean if your view of history in RPGs is that important to you, it's the RPG for you, but basically no one else. Again identical to the bad American Protestant movies that are funded entirely by fundies who really want their specific religious beliefs in their movies. They're shitty media but if reinforcing your religion is that important to you I guess you're free to them.
Though I find it funny that the RPG made by a church burner is something that only a fundamentalist could enjoy.
*puts on Colovian fur hat*
*throws dart at u*
*points at camera*
*almost drowns in front of children by trying to swim with armor on*
*shows off shield collection made out of genuine cardboard and wooden crate planks*
*uses goofy stock images to prove conspiracy theory*
*mispronounces "Burzum" for the third time in a row*
*badmouthes Oystein out of the blue*
*cashes in welfare check*
*attempts to repair UAZ*
HârnMaster isn't racist sorry if I implied that. It's just that it included in setting racism which I think greatly improves the verisimilitude.
>colovian fur hat
Hahaha, what a reference
I laughed the hearty laugh of a snownigga
Though to go full VIDF, he doesn't collect welfare, this is an unsubstantiated rumour and between merch, donashuns, book sales and his wife's estate, plus his frugality, the guy has no need for dem programmes
Nod an argumend
ffs, is there any other RPG with sexual dimorphism?
Houseruling it every time gets boring
I'm pretty sure HârnMaster does. It accounts for all other elements of backstory as well.
Hang on a moment...
>Back in 2002, Ron Edwards coined the term "fantasy heartbreaker". He used it to refer to all of those games which are the result of their creators believing that they've taken the mousetrap (i.e. D&D) and made it a little bit better. In some cases they may be right and in some cases they may be wrong but, as Edwards pointed out, they were *all* doomed to failure. Why? Well, here Edwards goes off into an ideological rant that I think rather misses the point. But, in my opinion, the primary reason can be boiled down to this:
>If I wanted to be play a game like this, I might as well be playing D&D.
>There are many reasons for that sentiment to hold true, but I think there are two major ones:
>(1) It's much easier to find a group playing D&D than it is to find a group playing any other RPG.
>(2) Most roleplaying gamers are already familiar with D&D -- they've already learned the game.
>So why would you go to the effort of learning a new game and then convincing other people to learn a new game in order to achieve an experience that you can already largely accomplish with a game you know and for which it's easy to find experienced players?
I mean compared to an American he's on welfare. His medical is all paid for, his prison sentence wasn't for life, he didn't have to pay for his prison stay either, and all his kids are educated for free.
And here's the original essay, if you feel like reading something that's right, and knows its right, and so is way too smug about it.
>richest nation on Earth
>its peasant class has it worse than Latvian peasants
I've been playing with a small group of friends for awhile now. It's a lot of fun, and we have been making a lot of silver. Trading in furs and salt is gud muney
Daily Varg: youtube.com
Oh right our internet is also worse than Latvia's. Which is just fucking sad. We would have the worst internet in a real country on Earth, but Canada manages to have worse. Somehow Canada has a worse internet system than "give local monopolies out like candy and just trust the cable companies to be good boys". Not sure how you moose herders do it, but congrats.
>his kids are educated for free
That's one of the benefits of homeschooling, dummy, which you can do in almost every nation
>his medical is all paid for
Wrong, France just has a normal European hospital system
>his prison sentence wasn't for life
This is a hangover from Norwegian rules where you could kill someone who threatened your family and get off scott free, they have relax prison sentences, but conversely their prisons are hells of isolation and have really high suicide rates
>didn't have to pay for prison
I didn't think anyone has to pay to be locked up by the state, is America that bad?
>not paying $500 a month for medical, homeschooling his kids, getting out of prison after 21 years, and not paying the state for the privilege of being locked up in solitary confinement for most of his 20s and 30s = practically being on welfare to an American
Murricah n Freedom
Thanks for that detailed post user! I'll enjoy reading this
It's a good thesis, makes sense
MYFARGO threads would be more entertaining if the shitbumps weren't so formulaic.
>That's one of the benefits of homeschooling, dummy, which you can do in almost every nation
In the US the homeschooled still need to pay to get acredited and you can't home-school for a university level. University in the US costs between 4 and 10 times as much as it does in Europe, if the European country charges for it at all.
>Wrong, France just has a normal European hospital system
70% of the cost is covered by the government and 100% of long term care is covered. That's amazing. My insurance covers 0% up to my deductible for urgent care and literally nothing for long term care.
>This is a hangover from Norwegian rules where you could kill someone who threatened your family and get off scott free, they have relax prison sentences, but conversely their prisons are hells of isolation and have really high suicide rates
Oh look suicide rates less than a third of American prisons. Noice.
>I didn't think anyone has to pay to be locked up by the state, is America that bad?
Yes private prisons in the US charge your family for your room and board.
America fucking sucks.
Are that type of club any good? Is holding them like that useful or is it as bad at actually placing weight behind the head of the club as it looks like it is?
it's pure larping shit as you'd expect from a faggot like vaaaarrrggghhhh
"Is no epic D&D of epic wins. Also author is poo-poo head racist!"
-Average Veeky Forums goer """Opinion""" on non D&D games. By not being D&D it is better than what 80% of so of Veeky Forums plays.
See it's this sort of opinion that can only be held by someone who has only played two games. D&D and MYFAROG. Like have you actually played any real RPGs?
Honestly this is just as feasible an would take less time to make.
mate i just wish you weren't so obviously autistic. It's a picture from 20 years ago when he was in a death metal band and tried to be edgy.
>Varg is an artist and not a game developer.
he's neither
>Yes private prisons in the US charge your family for your room and board.
this is the fucked-updest thing i've ever heard.
>It's a picture from 20 years ago when he was in a death metal band and tried to be edgy.
and this somehow doesn't make him a larper and make me autistic, nice argument, dude.
It's a heartbreaker riffing off of european systems like DSA and Dr&De, so no it's not good. Varg really doesn't bring much to the table you couldn't get elsewhere
>death metal
oh god...
just because you dont like his art, it doesnt mean he isnt an artist
>if someone shits on a plate it becomes food and he is a cook
It's because average internet speed and cost has little to do with economic policy compared to simple geographic scale. What three developed countries has the worst internet? US, Canada, Australia. Cable takes time and money to lay and maintain. The more spread out people and cities are, the longer it takes, and the less relative value is gained for every mile of work.
It's not true though.
The game is 7/10 IMO
and I am literally a third world subhuman who fantasizes about raping Varg
Imagine DND but even more broken, contrived and autistic. You wouldn't think it was possible but it is.
you mean someone lied on the internet?
Yeah it is bro. They do it thorugh company town style shit, but you definitely get charged for your prison stay if you're in the private system. State rune prisons might be different, I wouldn't know.
It varies by state. Some only allow the prisons to charge for healthcare, some only charge for food, some only charge for room/board. Some charge for all of the above.The federal law is supposed to keep these charges below 50% of your pre-prison salary each year, but the enforcement on such limits is very bad.
Varg is a waste of a human. I dearly hope his family manages to escape his cultish nonsense and reintegrates into the real world once he's dead
Say what you will about myfarog but vargs a talented musician and is living my dream lifestyle right now.
black metal ain't that hard to make, it's the least demanding style of metal talentwise.
anyone have scans of the game?
nu metal, metalcore, post hardcore, there are many more examples. sure black metal aint the best, but its certainly not the worst
>if someone wins multiple awards, has merch that resells for thousands, is loved by hardcore lefties and rightists and is considered one of the most important, seminal founders of a genre and one of the most famous/infamous exports of Norway, he's not an artist because an user doesn't like his music or opinions
So much bitter hate in this thread, it's depressing we can't get along.
i didn't say that his music sucks (in fact i really like burzum, even if varg is a dumb nazi larper), i just said black metal isn't THAT hard to make compared to other styles of metal. also post-hardcore isn't metal.
>Planes aren't that hard to make, it's the least demanding style of engineering, it's just some panels attached to wood
>I could have been the Wright Brothers if I'd wanted
>a shitty analogy will surely prove my point
Stupid frogposters.
fair enough, i agree.
if music is planes, then black metal is a paper airplane, albeit a good paper airplane, but still paper
With your flatulence you could be a jet if you attached some wings to yourself
>anyone have scans of the game?
That's how everyone knows it's a terrible system.
yeah but i meant for me to download so i can have them :)
I'm still impressed by the guy who helped invent paper planes
he murdered the inventor of paper planes
take this to /mu/ or something, this is getting out of hand
>not perpetuating the self defence meme
>yeah but i meant for me to download so i can have them :)
Here you go
Include a reference to basques and I buy your game varg.
>go to Norwegian prison, get a time-out
>go to American prison, get raped
>tfw no one will play myfarog with me
desu no one will play mythic Russia or BESM either
Mike Mearls you are fired.