>A strange time anomaly begins dropping men from other times in the Middle Ages
>You are one such man
What time zone would you pick for your character?
>A strange time anomaly begins dropping men from other times in the Middle Ages
>You are one such man
What time zone would you pick for your character?
Nazi Germany, of course.
I'd get the job done right.
GMT and hope I don't end up in Africa.
GMT+4 and a half. Afganistan is the only possible option, and from there going to Europe isn't that hard.
Any other timezone runs the risk of getting marooned on some remote island.
>middle ages
>nazi germany
you got a fitting IQ for your ideology, at least.
Oh yeah? You're gonna get Hitler to listen to you when he didn't listen qualified, reputable generals? What're you gonna say? "I'm from the future and if you do this you'll gonna lose?" He'd have you shot for defeatism. Turn up with tech and they won't be able to replicate it anyway so that's moot. You'd probably get roasted by the Gestapo before a quick dump in a mass grave along with jews and socialists.
>Middle Ages Africa
If you don't arrive late then you are up to some really good times by the standards of that time period. KANGZ memes aside.
Probably replace the Prohphet Muhammad, and make Islam 99% better, removing the stupid crap in it, and also updating it to incorporate all the stuff Christianity got via assimilation and conquering, and ensure all bitches remain in their fucking place, except musclegirls.
I mean it'd be a bit more difficult because the faith worked because all the people I gave it to were unwashed illiterate bandit savages in a world of blood and sand, but I'd make it work by supplying the rest of the stuff in it's own passages later- so basically, they get the default Quaran, then I leave a hidden message to get the later version from the cave I went to.
Also, kill my bitch wife who tried manipulating me into thinking I'm a prophet when I knew that already and state it to be curing possession from Lilith, then get my loli pussy, but fuck it better because I have the Deep web and details on actual sucessful non-bleed loli-fucking.
Then I'd set in the hatred of jews early with addiitonal laws on the circles of weakness and Cuckoldry, and make boyfucking mandatory, provided (with illustration) of the types of boys you can and cannot fuck, dependent on boyishness androgyny and femininity. As well as preparation techniques, getting shit on the cock is bad, after all. Then I kill all non-pretty Indians, and always ensure the unaesthetic are a part of the lower class in order to exemplify the perfection of Allah, basically ensuring good looking eugenics, fitness and much more for times to come. Lastly, I make it illegal to wipe out whites, but also totally legal to enslave them, and set a manifest destiny for cucking Sweeden to death.
Also, make explosives, proclaim they area holy gift, and ensure suicide bomber hilarity for generations to come. I also proclaim that the conflicting nature of the scripture is spiritual testing the purity of one's flow with the will of Allah in all things, opposed to rigid obedience without true context. Art is allowed, but is not favourable
nazi germany is not a time zone
Why not just keep them christian?
All you would have to do to gain a position of power is fan anti eastern roman sentiment.
OP's clear troll thread aside (i mean really first post proves it) All one would have to do is somehow change dunkirk so that the brits are captured en mass instead of let go. I get big H wanted peace, but such a peace would be better gotten with prisoner exchange.
That's a hot girl (male)
Depending on what time period of the middle ages we're talking about there really wouldn't be any wiggle room when it comes to social advancement. Early middle ages I would probably try to go to Egypt and try to save as much knowledge of possible from the Library of Alexandria before it's burning. It's probably be a futile effort, but one well worth doing.
If it's middle/late period middle ages, I'd be a toss up of trying to just survive as urban centers collapse, muslim and vikings invade, barbarians destroying rome and it's destruction. The whole world is pretty much a shitshow. I guess I could probably go to Finland or something and become a simple fisherman.
Either way I'd probably start a new black death as I accidentally bring modern Influenza or something back to the ancient world and change history just because of that.
Yeah but going back one would still be a nameless nobody. How do you get them to listen to you? Future tech can just be seen as a ruse or fake. How to be taken seriously by a people who are already on edge about misinformation, spies etc?
>Go to England
>Say I was a saint
>Become king
>Advance the shit out of it by teaching sanitation and healthy living,
none of that "give them guns" shit
>Make a map of the Earth, tell the unenlightened masses to make peace with the people beyond Europe, for they're God's children too, no matter what they look like, no matter how they act
>Leave an heir and teach him to respect all people, no matter the social class
>Die proud, knowing that /pol/ will never exist now
Ummm... to clarify, exactly what years/centuries do you consider to be the 'middle ages'?
>Nazi Germany
>Middle Ages
The absolute state of nu/pol/ transplants
>This fucking post
I can tell you aren't a Christian nor do you know the middle ages. Saints don't have divine right. The royalty would find a way to have you get into an accident if you tried to play politics. Sanitation was relatively known outside of disease knowledge as walking in shit was liked by no one but the infrastructure in the form of plumbing was the problem. Guns destroyed the feudal structure over time and gave birth to constitutional monarchies, so denying gunpowder would keep Europe in an oppressive power structure for longer. Christians also wanted to spread their religion to others, as we saw in South America, but its funny how people don't like others taking over their culture and belief system. Your utopia would only exist if you destroyed free will and thought of everyone on earth, as making Europe into a pacifist and tolerant state would only encourage the Muslims who had no problems using gunpowder to invade it. Once they take over you and your line would be swept under the rug by the conquerors and people would hate you for handing them over to the Caliphates of Islam.
> He'd have you shot for defeatism. Turn up with tech and they won't be able to replicate it anyway so that's moot. You'd probably get roasted by the Gestapo before a quick dump in a mass grave along with jews and socialists.
t. (((history channel))) & assorted (((documentaries)))
>Say I was a saint
First of all, you're an idiot. Sainthood is practically never declared while someone is still alive.
Secondly, the Vatican has had to deal with fake claims of sainthood for century and carefully investigates them.
Thirdly, just look at the example of Jeanne d'Arc. She was roasted (figuratively) for weeks for the tiniest, smallest, itty-bittiest little loophole they could find to declare her a heretic, demon possessed or whatever. When she dodged all their pitfalls she was just accused of crossdressing and roasted (literally). You're not as smart as Jeanne, you wouldn't last long as half as she would.
>Become king
Also, Jeanne didn't and couldn't declare herself king, at best she could win the trust of the king of France until he no longer needed her and left her to die. The only saintly kings weren't saints who became kings, but kings who became saints (Saint Louis, Alfred the Great, that one Norwegian guy et cetera). Kings took lines of succession very seriously and tried to legitimize themselves by being descended from this or that legendary king, not just some random village saint.
>Make a map of the Earth, tell the unenlightened masses to make peace with the people beyond Europe, for they're God's children too, no matter what they look like, no matter how they act
What do you think the Spaniards did? You do know the natives were declared "children of the king", right? It wasn't like they were all rounded up and thrown into a shallow ditch to die. plague blankets were a different thing.
Your best chances of changing anything is sanitation. Especially teaching them about pasteurization would help a lot (it's insane how long it took us to realize how that works when it's such a simple process).
tl;dr: Ur a fegit and probably a heretic too
>A strange time anomaly begins dropping men from other times in the Middle Ages
So Gurps Banestorm.
>You are one such man
>What time zone would you pick for your character?
90's USA: Pic related.
>Come from 2018
>Sent to the Middle Ages
>Cannot communicate with anyone
>No one speaks any of my modern languages
>I am a carrier of advanced diseases
>Natives become infected
>Start dying in the millions
>I am now Disease Incarnate
>People think I am the Devil
What would the point be?
>t. low self-esteem fag looking for easy solutions
become a playwright and dazzle folk with modern movies set to the stage.
"ye olde wars of the stars" will be my magnus opus.
England, mid 1400s. I'd make a fortune by introducing citrus fruits to maritime vessels as a cure for scurvy. And I'd discover America before Columbus.
Literal brainlets