Remind me why you pay good money for this trash again?
MTG has gone to hell. There is no saving it after reading this.
Remind me why you pay good money for this trash again?
MTG has gone to hell. There is no saving it after reading this.
>I need to shove gender politics into everything I do
Magic stopped being good after Mirrodin any way, I didn’t even notice they had a new Un-set released.
tell me about it.
pic related.
I don't see the issue here.
.......Fucking what?
Do you work for Wizards or something lol
Faggots like you are why some of us are actually becoming YuGiOh refugees.
He's right though
There's no problem with mentally ill people becoming judges as long as that illness don't impair their judge functions
It's the same as having an ugly judge
funny you say that, I've seen a few threads around here recently, thought about getting back into it myself but god the card text is fucking small.
There's something wrong with someone saying what they want people to refer to them as at a public event? They're literally just introducing themselves.
How much of a Tumblr faggot do you have to be to find someone introducing themselves offensive?
Does anyone even play competitive anymore? My friends and I go to commander night and that's about it, and last we heard, FNM was dead in our area.
I don't think anyone actually cares about that specifically.
They care about entryism.
Hi Jeremy, how goes the crusade?
Fuck off, Jeremy.
How about you use your fucking name?
Only EDH here, sold off everything else asuide from reserve list months ago.
Not Jeremy you limp wristed fucks.
The name's right there though. Max Perlmutter.
>everyone who doesn't like WOTC's direction is Jeremy.
Quit MTG months ago, I was in that Konami shill thread a few days ago, that fucker actually got me to download the game on steam, I have to say I actually do enjoy it.
Probably because it's free.
"shithead" is also a non-gender specific pronoun
Sure thing, Jeremy. Nice porn, by the way.
>YuGiOh refugees
It's cheaper than MTG but god like user said before the text is so small and the art is just to animeish, I looked into it and I would really like to play it but those are really the only two things keeping me away from it.
>Probably because it's free.
And a legitimately good game, if we're talking about the same one
We are, Duel Links right?
I don't understand half the words she's put down.
Yes, there is.
You're imposing your views on other people, by telling them "call me that, or I'll be upset"
Well, my pronouns are My God Emperor/The God Emperor, and you better respect them.
Ok so if this is entryist then which organization is this person trying to recruit you to? The secret cabal of Cultural Marxists?
It's actually been growing on me since that legendary thread the other week.
This is a thread about Magic the Gathering. One of the settings in Magic the Gathering is Kaladesh. Kaladesh has heavy cultural influences taken from India, including its food. So I hope no one minds if I do an on-topic image dump of the sort of food that the people of Kaladesh would eat.
Tell me about it.
As an agendered individual if someone intrerupts me more than once to correct a pronoun I'm using I tell them to shut their cock holster.
>trying to derail the thread to get it deleted,
Sure thing Max,I'll just Make a new one.
lol is this dude actually trying to kill the thread?
Holy shit.
I fucking love curry. You can shit on my street any day of the week as long as you bring me some of that curry, just wash up first thanks.
>this needed a thread
With curry images at that.
Is this what happens when you eat Tide pods?
what the fuck am I witnessing?
Max, you ok?
He thinks posting curry will stop me from making a new thread.
He doesn't know how to internet.
Oh no, we're not
Duel Links is still good but Legacy of the Duelist is better (probably because it cost 20 bucks)
Not if she's American she's not.
Don't bump the thread! Let the culture war die!
What does it cost you to use they/them/their when referring to them?
Oh yea I never got that one.
why is someone spamming the thread with curry?
He can handle opinions.
A new thread will be put up.
He's not even mentally ill. Transgenderism is caused by a genuine physiological condition, but "non-binary"? It's literally make believe.
that article gave me AIDS.
Transgenderism is fine
Agenderism is just stupid and a completely invented "condition"
If someone believes they have it, they need to be cured
The fact that you feel the need to spam the board with your beef is just as immature, friend.
How? It's Veeky Forums related, if some faggot can't handle a thread on the internet he probably should just not go online at all.
>impying OP is spamming
It's the curry poster that's spamming you sperg
Agenderism is usually found in females who are rape victims and blame their feminine appearance for their trauma. The same can be said for most MTFs
He's right you know.
Curry poster is somewhere in this image.
The exact image that made me sell off everything MTG.
Even if we fight sometimes, you're pretty okay Veeky Forums
The "cure" is different between Agenderism and Transgenderism
You "cure" transgender people by helping them having a body reflecting the gender they want/need
But you cure "agender" people by forcing them to reassign themselves a gender (the gender of their sex or the other one)
I get the feeling that a lot of the whiners in this thread are just people who feel incredibly uncomfortable in public events for whatever reason, and now that the other attendees are more diverse, feel threatened by it. I'm seeing a lot of bitching and preciously little explanation for it.
Is there something WRONG with women or gay people attending Magic events? It's not like they ask you to show your genitals before an event. You show up, you look at the brackets or a printout of round info on the thumbtack board, you find your opponent, you play them, you win some cards or certificates, you buy a beer, you buy a booster, you go home. Who cares if the person you played in Bracket 2 has a thing for other men? It didn't affect any part of the game.
A company like WOTC should never do something like march in the Gay pride parade, they're costumer base is 90% neckbearded white dudes.
I knew right then that WOTC was going down this route, it's going to crash and burn by the end of the year.
Truth was told.
You should have get at least quads for this
>A company like WOTC should never do something like march in the Gay pride parade, they're costumer base is 90% neckbearded white dudes.
Why? Because an insignificant amount of them would get butthurt and leave? Most of the customer base don't care about the company, only about the game
>Is there something WRONG with women or gay people attending Magic events?
What does people attending an event have to do with the fucking pride parade that guy was responding to?
>Because an insignificant amount of them would get butthurt and leave
you think 4 million and counting is a insignificant number eh? That's a hell of a lot of money lost.
>Most of the customer base don't care about the company, only about the game
no shit faggot. that's why nobody wants special snowflake fuck ups running it, wait until November, WOTC will be near it's death and I'll be laughing my ass off knowing I was right.
I'll tell you why: Because no event was cancelled for the parade. It impedes no games, it cancels no tournaments, it obstructs no rulings and no launches and no purchases from any websites or FLGSs. So it doesn't matter, period.
>when user is so assblasted she replies to the wrong post by accident
This. Companies love free PR, and if it's not going to directly impede their goings-on they're gonna take it. Especially if they're dumb like Wizards and want to appeal to a demo that doesn't actually play their game.
lmao user...I agree with your post but you replied to the wrong dude,
What hole have you been living under for the last decade that you dont grasp how these virtue signiling spirals work? Of course its going to impact the game. Its inconciveable that the design team could resist being pulled in once PR is that far gone.
Does WotC have proper representation of people with diagnosed autism? I feel attacked because of lgbts getting attention while us with actual problems are being ignored.
WOTC won't be dead by the end of the year but it'll sure as shit be poor as hell if they keep pumping out articles like this.
Dominara will make or break the game's future.
Yeah you have Narset and arguably Jace.
>you think 4 million and counting is a insignificant number eh? That's a hell of a lot of money lost.
I was thinking of a more real number, like 400
>shows visible remorse
These fucking people are like the catholic inquisition, looking for sinners and rejoicing in their moral high ground.