What's the right thing for a lawful good female paladin to do if impregnated by a fiend?
What's the right thing for a lawful good female paladin to do if impregnated by a fiend?
Depends on the definition of 'lawful' in the setting.
Depends on the definition of 'good' in the setting.
Depends on the definition of 'paladin' in the setting.
Depends on the definition of 'fiend' in the setting.
I'll be generous and assume that 'female' and 'impregnated' have their usual definitions.
Depart magical realm.
Give you, OP, a good kick in the nuts afterwards IRL.
Raise the child to be a righteous soul.
Prove that blood can be overcome by faith.
Even if it's just to spite the fiend... but surely that's not the reason you're doing it, right? You.... you love your child, right?
.... damn it, now I know what I want to do for my next character.
>Prove that blood can be overcome by faith.
Turns out, in case of cambions? It can't.
Remove Disease on herself.
Impregnate the fiend
What is the backstory for this?
I am actually, yes.
If it's that kind of story then she'll give birth to a half-fiend/demonic tiefling with both holy and demonic powers, and who was prophesied to balance heaven, earth, and hell.
Also known as Dark Horse Comic's new Serialization.
Also referred to as "why we don't allow homebrew classes at the table, Richard."
Find the fiend, marriage and repopulate the planet with it.
The only right answer.
There's a number of plants that'll straighten that problem out.
>Cambions auto-evil.
Well that's boring as fuck. I mean, sure, make it an uphill battle, but that's just.... I don't know, lazy? Not even something like Redemption in Death? one of my favorite tropes.
Suicide. She's tainted forever
If there are no autoevil beings, the entire concept of fiends/demons is pointless. They become just another race like elves or dwarves.
>It's another unless I can toss out established lore and make a super special "no this one is totally good!" it's boring fags
Subversion is one of the worst tropes to have ever been spawned because it has become so over used that it is far more boring at this point, while those that use it continue to claim it's new and interesting. You do you man, but realize you are just as boring as the rest at this point.
FPBP but realistically this is just an attempt to force a /pol/ abortion debate.
Take your fetishes back to
Ehhh more likely an attempt to rile up the Deus Vult fags, not everything is bait for /pol/ nowadays. Also most point out some of the more interesting comments the founder of PP has said about why abortions are good. I'll leave you to find them if you're interested.
Abort the child because it is an abomination unto the world. There's not even a dilemma here since abortion is perfectly moral.
>not everything is bait for /pol/ nowadays
You'd be surprised user.
historically/mythologically, nuns 'impregnated by incubi' would simply be required to baptize the child and ensure they are raised as good christians. It's part of how 'good mages' came about in medieval literature, Merlin is a particular example. (though some versions, likely earlier, claim Merlin was partial or a full blooded Fey)
So a paladin could easily do the same thing.
>sex for the purpose of reproduction
>likely in the missionary position
You sick bastard. I bet you're into hand holding too.
>Creature made of pure EVIL
>Not auto-EVIL
what are you? A fucking moral relativist faggot?
this gives me a weird idea for a cleric spell.
>Freedom of Choice
>Creature loses racial alignment
>If creature possesses an alignment subtype, they lose that as well
>Creature can no longer access abilities which have an alignment or alignment based subtype
>The creature must succeed a wisdom save as it comprehends it's new existential state, creatures with wisdom scores of less than 4 automatically turn to dust, unable to exist without the forces which bound their will together.
Can it regain its powers if it just chooses to continue being a shithead?
sure, why not?
Especially since the spell does have a clear offensive use or at least crippling one.
She casts "fetus deletus"
Shotgun marry the demon.
depends on so many factors it reduces your question to an argument starter
Something always bothered me in D&D.
So, fallen angels are a thing, right? Then shouldn't the reverse be possible? Shouldn't you be able to have a Risen Demon?
A bucket of mead with a spoonful of shit is ruined. It's no longer mead.
A bucket of shit with a spoonful of mead is still a bucket of shit.
Sure, but a bucket of shit treated properly can be useful for all sorts of things, from fertilizer to fuel to the preparation of furs for tanning.
Abort it.
Paladins are immune to disease. Your question makes no sense.
>A bucket of mead with a spoonful of shit is ruined. It's no longer mead.
>A bucket of shit with a spoonful of mead is still a bucket of shit.
You've clearly not tried cheap chinese alcohol, then.
Abortion doesn't exist in a fantasy setting. Abortion is strictly a scientific procedure
>Abortion doesn't exist in a fantasy setting. Abortion is strictly a scientific procedure
You what? Lots of fantasy settings have ways to abort children. The most common is probably mild poisons and herbs to kill the child as a fetus, and often magic also can do the job.
>What is a punch to the a baby maker?
>What is mild brew of poison that only makes the woman ill?
>What is magic?
>What is fantasies settings do not prohibit scientific advancement?
Really nigga?
People have done it with herbs and shit since antiquity. Obviously modern methods are safer and more reliable, but that's true of everything.
Marry the fiend and make an honest outsider out of him.
You shotgun marry a deadbeat, not a rapist, much less a demon
>tfw used to be a greater demon lord of the fifth Hell
>Knocked up some mortal paladin bitch and she drags me into the mortal plane and forces me to marry her
>Now working a nine to five job as a CPA
>come home to a kid who always wants me to spend time helping them with their math homework
>getting fat and out of shape from the meals paladin wife keeps making
>last week some old buddies said they had some cultists who were gonna summon them into the material plane and cause some havoc
>Couldn't muster the energy to join them
>Even reported it to the fucking guards because they would have wrecked my house after I just finished paying off the mortage
>what has this woman done to me?!
You know nothing of justice.
Technically a marriage is a contract. The demon fiemd would have to abide the temrs set forth in it to the letter if not the spirit.
Not him but if you're anything but a moral nihilist you're a faggot and should kill yourself.
>inb4 edgelord
Just accept the truth, brainlet.
Destruction is the only solution for such a thing.
Are fallen angels a thing? I thought when a celestial or fiend change alignment, they become something else. For example, a fiend that becomes good stops being a fiend. I would assume the same applies to angels.
Are marriage contracts magically binding in your setting? Because that would be kinda cool actually.
You could technically use this on any creature with low wisdom to destroy them.
Usually they are if administered by a priest or a mage.
>Cambions auto-evil.
They'll always ping as evil because they have the evil outsider type, but they can have any alignment. If they become a cleric or paladin or reach a certain level as good aligned they will ping as both good and evil.
Except that Nihilism is now a buzzword for anyone who liked Rick and Morty, making you look like even more of a faggot.
>Demon wants a divorce to go back to his evil ways.
>wife wont sign the divorce papers
>she is doing a net good by taking a piece off evils board simply by being a housewife
>Demon wanted the marriage contract magical in hopes of screwing over the paladin chick
>insists on it being written by an fiend-warlock
>The fiend warlock was the sort REBELLING against their master and a friend of the Paladin
>Keikaku doori.jpeg
What's the Paladin's religion?
It seems that it needs to be impressed upon this demon that this is a matter of wife or death.
In fact, back in AD&D, cambions were said to have a 1 in 10 chance of being Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Good because of their mothers, and that was despite the base fluff stating their mothers never survived the birth.
So, yeah, if you dump the idea of cambion birth being automatically fatal, which subsequent editions have done to my recollection, then raising a cambion baby to be non-evil is, whilst difficult, quite valid.
Technically, you do, it's just that they don't get any attention. Fall-From-Grace was a redeemed chaste succubus sensate in Planescape: Torment. 3e had a sample character in a redeemed succubus paladin. Pathfinder has an entire species of celestials, the Peri, who are created when fiends (or maybe just devils?) renounce evil and embrace goodness.
>renounce evil and embrace goodness
I forget were they the ones who dis it completely because they wanted to be a dick to other demons?
>Quaff Acid
>Quaff Holy water
That'll stop the bugger- going by Elona rules which were based on AD&D, meaning that there is *probably* an unwanted pregnancy instance involving abortion via volatile liquids.
Though the problem with human female mortals and fiend kid- is
A: The type of demon the father is (Tannari, Obrityh, Yugoloth, Slaad?, Devil)
B: The actual demon the father is
C: What dick he fuck the female with?
D: That fucking DNA absorption shit that occurs in the womb after pregnancy (this means that the paladins womb is permanently tainted.) Possible 1% chance of a detect alignment spell showing evil on the Female or, taint or vile darkness point
E: What form he took- and if so, through spell-like ability, or spellcasting as X Class at level X condition- supernatural ability also
F: Is the child Subject to evil not via atypical alignment- but rather due to the fact that it has alignment subtypes- which means it can't simply "change"
G: If Ritualism works on foetuses, that cannot consent
H: Baptism doesn't fucking exist in D&D nor the security or proper sanctity of the soul- Asmodeus saw to that in a certain questline in 3.5 and has maintained his supply of atheist baby souls henceforth.
There is a confirmed married to Angel Succubus in the Silver Skeleton Questline, as well as Wee Jas's herald being a Succubus.
Anyhow, it's a quick conclusion to abort- but let's not forget that Ritualism is a thing so if the kid is Subtype: (evil) (Chaos), you can literally remove it, and we also have the helm of opposite alignment, and everyone's favorite- Binding a demon to a Circle, keeping it there whilst bad music plays- works every fucking time.
Also, due to memes, Outsiders don't do well against their own offspring, they hold a part of their parentage and technically the kind of means to I.E be a weapon against their heritage/able to forge that one fucking class of weapon forged for specific kills.
>paladin pings good
>her vagina pings evil
What do
No creature is a guaranteed slave to its Monster Manual alignment. D&D has canon examples of Good full-blooded fiends; why wouldn't half-fiends have the chance of being Good?
that's all paladins
Kid ends up with access to Warlock, that one Fiend based heritage class, and the one for bloodline if the kid is an NPC, and the womb has a chance of bestowing a Subtype of Chaos or Evil, or remains a possible subject for those nasty cosmic evil foetuses shown in Heroes of Horror that the Symbol from Cityscape and that other one were.
>Fall-From-Grace was a redeemed chaste succubus sensate in Planescape: Torment.
Grace was not redeemed, if she had been she wouldn't be part of The Nameless One's miserable sphere. She had turned away from evil and was close to being good aligned, but that was a result of her years of slavery in Baator, not a conscious effort to be a better person, and so she suffered for turning away from her nature.
Grace is one that changed alignment, but still had the subtypes.
Now- all It takes is a some gold, and an inhibitor to the energy drain- and she'd be off scott free.
Also, I've not played PS, bu her mother is a prominent figure in the abyss as an information-broker.
I feel it's worth observing that even if the half-fiend kid from OP "only" ends up as Neutral, that's still a desirable end for the paladin mother. And if full-blooded fiend Fall-From-Grace can be Lawful Neutral, I don't see why a cambion couldn't become neutral.
>not everything is bait for /pol/ nowadays
You're a goddamned liar is what you are
>I feel it's worth observing that even if the half-fiend kid from OP "only" ends up as Neutral, that's still a desirable end for the paladin mother. And if full-blooded fiend Fall-From-Grace can be Lawful Neutral, I don't see why a cambion couldn't become neutral.
I agree, Fall-from-Grace is good evidence that the Paladin should try to raise her child to not be evil instead of killing it. I was just pointing out that saying Fall-from-grace is redeemed and everything is great for her is a misunderstanding of her character.
Their marriage counselor is a Kolyarut ensuring that the marriage contract is being fulfilled accordingly.
>Kolyarut marriage counselor
Sir it says here subsection 6 paragraph 2 that should you decide to divorce she will then gain possession of half of all properties bothe physical andnspiritual being of any value both intrinsic or emotional as well as gaining rightful ownership of your ancestral home in which you both reside. Which means should she decide to sign and agree to divorce you shall lose half your domain and your holdings including but not limited to souls, petitioners, gold, jewels, magical items, and outstanding contracts yet to be claimed in full. Are you sure you wish to go through with this?
Damn it Merlin! Stop putting dicks on everyone you damn futamancer
Well thats a new class.
Simply because /pol/tards reee at something doesn't mean the bait was originally designed for them. Reeeing about all bait being /pol/ bait is just plain stupid and almost as delusional as they are. If you stop trying to see /pol/ in everything, you'll realize it's all in your head as to why you see it every where.
Personally I hate both /pol/tards and anti-/pol/tards, you both are a cancer that create a self feeding loop of trolling. Stop giving them attention or turn any topic they try to spin in an opposite direction. If you don't give them what they want you win numbnuts.
it's pretty insidious really.
>give women dicks
>think it's for a futa fetish
>they're futaMANCERS
>Anyone they give a dick too is now under their control
Nah you're thinking of a futaurgis
Futamancers jerk off the futas and see the future in their sperm