I'm working on a future campaign that is more survival horror themed. I'm hoping for to make players feel legitimately stressed to complete their objective on time. I need feedback on the story so far:
>Players arrive in a town that's infamous for it's terrible luck, this year's crisis has been the most horrific and disturbing. Normally it's just werewolves or bandits or a serial killer, this year it's a curse
>Everyone remembers having a visible red mark painfully burned into their foreheads in their last night of sleep, since then, they have been completely unable to sleep. Everyone has suffered from this insomnia for 3 days now.
>On top of this, people who die with this mark are raised from the dead shortly after.
>people have tried to prevent this by burning the bodies of the dead, but this practice ended as the corpses screamed and writhed in pain, only to be risen as something much worse.
>By day, the streets are some what safe, though as time goes on, the residents of this town will lose their sanity and things will start to get a little more random. Windows are boarded up and doors are barricaded towards the end of the day.
>By night, the dead walk the streets. Zombies, phantoms, "cinders" and "the decapitated" wander around, looking for new victims. They are becoming more and more aggressive and will eventually attempt to knock down civilian barricades for prey.
The players will have to find the source of the curse and break it.
So far, what I have in mind is a serial killer from years back, who's murders went unsolved had finally been tracked down by a paladin. The serial killer had long since ended his rampage after the birth of his son and decided to become a family man.
The paladin had been the sole survivor of an adventuring party that set out to solve these murders, and as such, was willing to go through any lengths to see this man die once he found out who he was.