So what can the personality of an average sentient member of the Mechanicus be described as? Are there lower members in the Skitarii that have higher or lower brain functions of their own and if so, what kind of personality, if any, can they be described to have as opposed to the techpriests and other higher members of the organization? Also whats the "Sentient" Being to straight up Servitor ratio in their military?
Adeptus Mechanicus
The Mechanicus hierarchy is Priesthood > Skitarii > Servitors & Tech-Thralls
Tech-Priests are fully sentient, though emotionally cold. There's at least tens of millions of them across the galaxy.
Skitarii are fully sentient & cognitive, just emotionless and ultra-obedient. Are probably billions of them.
Servitors are completely braindead, Tech-Thralls are almost as braindead. These classes are the overwhelming majority of AdMec "Citizens", numbering in the Trillions, and do all the hard work.
The mechanicus arn't robots. They are and can be every bit as manical, scheming assholes as anyone else and they are very capable of feeling all the ranges of emotion anyone else can. The ones who have stunted emotional reactions do so because they made themselves that way because they feel their emotions get in the way of the Quest for Knowledge. Then again, if you've been alive for thousands of years you kind of stop being human in any regular sense after a while but still the fact remains they are human
Other than the servitors I imagine most have the same splay of emotions n such as regular humans, just weird and culty. The older ones grow cold and callous.
Priests are at the top. Fully sentient, with various colleges of study and ranks to climb.
Skitarii are also fully sentient. They too have ranks to climb and roles to fill,but their very obedient and their emotions can be suppressed by the priests via s imply protocol. Any commands they get from a priest seem like direct inspiration from the Omnisiaah to them. They think its literally god speaking to them.
The highest rank a Skitarri can achieve is Alpha Primus, which is the equivalent of a general. An alpha Primus usually command his own forces,independently and rarely need oversight from a priest. But even an the highest ranking Alpha Primus is a lower caste than a basic priest.
Servitors are brain-dead, nonsentient drones.
sharing skitarii art. my favorite faction in the setting.
>Tfw no skitarii hqs
It baffles me that GW were so lazy they didn't give us an Alpha as an HQ option. make him focus on buffing infantry and being closer than the gunline that the priests focus so much on.
Is the center person wearing armor or is it a mutant?
He's an Electro-priest. They channel and harness bio-electric fields. they can literally drain the electricity out of you,then shoot your life-force at your buddy.
I want to start up an AdMech side army because AESTHETICS. I only have one problem Kastellans are fucking hideous yet everyone keeps recommending them to me. Is it possible to make 'successful' army without them?
Robots are really fucking good, and you'd be doing yourself a disservice not using them.
Also, I find AdMech don't have THAT many option in their lists. You're pretty much running a gunline/platform list most of the time.
Yes, but it's much easier to just convert them slightly
It's really just the heads that ruin everything
If they had just gone with a plain dome to begin with
>Robots are really fucking good, and you'd be doing yourself a disservice not using them.
Yep that's what I keep hearing. I guess if I keep the army small and just use them for 1000 point games I'll be fine without them.
Thanks for the inspiration I mean those heads are clearly better but the rounded torso and shoulders still looks terrible IMO. If I compare them to almost anything else in the line-up they seem out of place.
I actually love the default helmets, buts its really easy to convert them.
Check out forge world 30k robots. Mechanicum and the thousands sons one.
That guy has replaced his veins with conduits. Electricity courses through his body. So rad
Matter of opinion, I suppose. I personally think that they look x1000 better if you convert the faceplate into a dome.
Why do the admech get all of the aesthetic in the Imperium? Isn't that unfair to all the lesser branches?
Fuck the Imperium. If we didn't need the manpower we'd have broke the Treaty long ago!
Oh shit, that is awesome. Not sure how I haven't seen them before.
I like how they either have thick rubber blindfolds, or have their eyes stitched shut, to prevent their eyeballs from being blown out when they ZZzzap a bitch. GW sculptors really did their research.
>Deus Volt!
Decided im gonna run an Admech/Skitarii army as my main. Was working out the fluff and I decided that my army is from a Subsector containing two forgeworlds. The Space Marines dont recruit from this sector and due to a small error on the part of the Imperiums High Command, all non PDF Guard Regiments from the sector were sent away, leaving the only powerful military force in the area to be the Skitarii. Over the centuries this has led the populace to look on the Skitarii and their overseers as their protectors and guardians, partially helped by the Skitarii partaking in plenty of evacuation and defense campaigns in the interest of protecting its "Human Resources" Just wondering if any of this doesnt work with Fluff?
you know, im sure that a good chunk of the AdMech would side with the imperium than all of them turning
just like how there was a schism when Horus turned, there would be one if some of the AdMech turned
Seems fine, though you don't need to worry about the Imperium or Marines recruiting from Forge Worlds. Forge Worlds are free of the Imperial tithe, per the treaty of Mars.
Well there would likely be other planets in the subsector as well. I forget how many planets a typical subsector has, but theres no other military presence in any of it.
Then yea, seems great. You could even have humans form the other planets in the sector hoping to become Skitarii one day.
No brother,
This is the way; Start with a Dominus, and make your FW Graia. Take the Reignment of the Technomartyr as your Relic, and Emotionless Clarity.
Now take as many Vanguard and Rangers as you possibly can. For 400 points, you can get 50 Vanguard Skitarii. You can also get 50 Ranger Skitarii for 350 points. Take a few Plasma guns and Snipers to help plink away enemy Snipers that could hurt your Dominus and blow up tanks and such.
Now blob your rangers around your Dominus. Now march your Vanguard up the field. Now laugh because you can now shoot into CC with your Rangers and Vanguard. And now laugh some more, because the Vanguard makes the enemy loose 1 toughness, which makes your bolters wound MEQs on 3s and GEQs on 2s.
Oh, and everything gets FNP. Don't forget that.
Was thinking that because of all of this, the Cult Mechanicus would actually be the dominating religion over the Imperial Cult. Service into the Skitarii would be seen as an honor and a privilege, to show ones dedication, repay the Mechanicus for maintaining order and security, and to protect and serve both the Order and their homes.
Skitarii out of combat still have the same emotional range as any other human, but when they get into combat, the Tech-Priests overseeing them turn their emotions off.
The enginseer Cain dicked seemed human enough. Amberley did remark in the footnotes that some of what Cain described her doing was indicative of a common Mechanicum procedure where they remove parts of their brain that experience and allow empathy, but she was probably also jealous.
Well the ecclesiarchy has them beaten in the gothic department (organ missile launcher ftw), but yeah they look damn good
Anyone got any Dark Mechanicum to show off?
Erm... All Electro-priests actually do melt their eyeballs when they first harness The Motive Force. It's ok though; the electricity coursing through them let's them perceive the world by magnetic fields and electrical currents
If you could choose one 30k model to be given 40k rules today what would you choose?
Pic related.
Triaros is my vote. Mechanicus REALLY needs a transport
If I choose for utility then yeah but the Krios Venerator is my favourite version of 'gun on treads'.
The ribcage gets me every time. Makes me feel so damn vulnerable