Recreate scenes from your D&D sessions

Recreate scenes from your D&D/Pathfinder or really any game sessions and post them.!/

Pic related is our fool hardy attempt to break into an orc guard tower by breaking down the trapdoor at the top.


One player wanted the magic stone in the volcano

No better way than to brutally murder the paladin-king smiting down your party members than to hide underground and hit him with a whole lot of magic straight up the butt.


A Kenku watches as the cleric is discovered by the chancellor he polymorphed into. A group of chancellors watch as the paladin jumps out of a second story window.

Forgot file

With text



Holy shit my man, that's funny.

Breddy good

I have no reaction image, yet I must laugh.


>hark villain I shitteth on thy bed

I'm stealing this line as punishment for what you have done to my sides

All female bandit company attacking a village, which my party helped train and defend. My Helmish Paladin stood on top of the earthworks after blessing the militia with a prayer. The wizard and ranger fired arrows and sling stones while our knight charged their line and the elf skirmished.

Resident weeb injures horse by running over barb, asks magic salesman to help it move. Barb takes over, hilarity ensues.

Bump for incredible potential


Starfinder campaign. We were sent to an asteroid to slay a character known as the Pitch Knight, who was raiding nearby space settlements when his asteroid fortress came into alignment with them. He had a small army of zombies and a pet dragon.

One of our players was absent for the session and is very much so anti-murder, our resident cyborg made an easy jump check to reach the top of the fortress near effortlessly. I play an elven mystic, and forgot that I had no athletics score so went floating off into space while the party cleaned house. Then I returned, landed a slick hold person on the Pitch Knight and our cyborg operative managed to cuff him and shot him in the head. We were all upset on behalf of our mutually held moral code, then he revealed his weapon mod that let him switch to nonlethal damage. We KO-d the dragon but he was none too pleased when we all thought his master was dead.

Typical session.


My gnome PC is tossed by a friend into a throng of goblins, as I cast thunderwave.



A pretty traumatic experience that lead to me getting a headache whenever a player wants the negative trait bloodlust for a character.

the party
the setting is sci-fi

>Playing DND
>We find the villian/mayor/rude inkeep's quarters
>"I shit in his pillow case"

Every. Single. Time.

Well... what else were we supposed to do with the pillow case?

OP here, it was one Orc with a bow and arrow vs the whole party and a garrison of soldiers.

Accurate Depiction of Murder Hobos

This was from my very first session. I'm the Fighter up front, and the Ranger, while attempting to fire his bow, rolled a 1 and shot me in the back.

>SPACE ships



adepicted being the party

>Run into bandits
>Hatch a plan
>Get the ranger, cleric, and second fighter to go into the woods to strike on our call
>Go up to the toll gate, weapons undrawn
>"What's the toll?"
>"What do you got? Hand it over. All of it."
>"All of it? Certainly. Take this gold-" I empty the coinpurse into his hands rather than give him the coinpurse in full "-And here's my knife, my wine, my heavy crossbow, my bolts, my rope," and then I axe kick him
>Two seconds later



This happened in a JJBA campaign. I've posted the story earlier, but this image should explain everything important.

We went into a dragon's den after finding a note that we thought meant the dragon was absent. Turned out the note referred to the dragon tamer instead, and the dragon was sound asleep behind the vast pile of gold. However, upon entering, we all hilariously failed out spot checks.

Fortunately, and unbeknownst to us, so did the dragon. So we stuffed our pockets, quickly walked out, and weren't confronted by an angry dragon roaming the countryside looking for thieves until a while later. But that's another story.

>Hark villain I sitteth on they bed

I'm in stiches


>Hark a doppel


Our Barbarian, a steppe woman from the Plains withnessed a horse, with screaming rider running headlong towards a cliff. She very literally, sprung into action, grabbing onto the horse, which turned out to be a bad idea, because the horse is some kind of goofy cliff kelpie. Whereas Kelpies drown their victims, this one runs them off cliffs.
To Jun's dismay, she found the horse to have a very similar sticking mechanism which glued her hands to the rider, forcing her to use brute strength to lift the creature off the ground.
Our party gnome watched from a safe distance up a tree, as the druid stared agog.