Just reinstalled after like 6 months. Dungeon Runs are amazing; I cleared all 9 with 173 bosses killed total or something, felt good, especially since people kept posting stats with like 140 bosses killed on priest/warrior alone.
Took me forever. Priest has shit in his card pools.
Hunter is easy as fuck. Won Warlock because I got perma stealth and Mal’Ganis and just watched Azari die to fatigue lol
Warlock sucks if you don’t get godtier pools each time.
Dungeon run is the shit if you play it for free. Offers a nice break from grinding quests
Wait holy shit it got nerfed that bad?
Think i did Priest in 17 or something. Oddly enough my two longest runs were Hunter and Warlock with like 23+, but I kept getting insanely unlucky against certain bosses, despite having good decks.
One shot it with Paladin with an insane Justicar's/Stealth and pure healing package.
Raza's also down to costing (1), and Patches lost his charge.
Bonemare's 8 mana now, but still highly playable.
Meanwhile, Cubelock is untouched.
>costing (1)
Your hero power, that is
Warlock was my first class and I cleared it immediately, even though I drafted a zoolock with the spell damage treasure. Meanwhile, I took quite a number of tries for Hunter; so I'd say it really depends on matchups and playstyle (at least more than you'd think).
>leave standard to me
fuck forgot pic
Depends on what you draft. (5) or more costs (5) is top tier in any class.
For Hunter the build a beast power is great and gives you an out against Azari and other dudes who rush you since you can make a lifelink/taunt dude, and poisonous/damage dealer for spot removal or board clears. The aforementioned passive treasure makes it 7 mana max for any dude so you can pick the fattest dudes for your taunt without giving a fuck.
Nerfs make no fucking sense to me.
Like in general, or in this specific case?
Paladin and Mage hates me in dungeon runs. With Mage I've actually gotten a couple of sweet decks, but when I do always end up running into a boss that steamrolls whatever type of deck I have. And Paladin has a shit deck to start with and barely any good options to pick from during the run. What ends up happening is that I either get a pile of do nothing cards or cards that don't interact well together and sort of just fizzle out near the end bosses or I get an aggressive deck that just can't kill the end bosses fast enough. Seriously, fuck Paladin.
By comparisson, the class everyone else seems to be complaining about, Warrior, only took me two or three attempts to complete.
>Cubelock is untouched.
Cubelock isn't even that good though.
>Patches is broken for entire duration if his existence
>Gets nerfed shortly before rotation
>Gotta nerf those Commons and Epics ASAP tho
Cubelock is currently the strongest deck in standart. Patches and Creeper are going to hit the aggro decks and Raza-priest gets nerfed pretty hard too.
Nerfing of Patches and Creeper allows for slower aggro decks that got crushed by them to thrive. Quest Rogue and stuff like that, which shits on Cubelock.
So when is this patch going to hit?
I'm probably going to reinstall this on my phone, dust Patches and all of my shit and see if I can make that funposting millrogue deck.
Dungeon runs are fun, until you finish it and you get no rewards then they're pretty "meh"
>Rogue quest
>"Shits on lock!!!1!"
>poops 7 spaces worth of taunt
dies to removal
Rotates in a month.
I'm honestly going to miss the Rat.
There's so little interaction in Hearthstone and the Rat is basically the only hand disruption at all.
Man, I am so glad I dusted my collection for the cubelock shell
The downfall of priest means you no longer get bursted as hard, so the giants aren't that needed anymore. Rin wins, here we go!
Holy shit, there is no reason to use it now. Ever.
Evolve Shaman can still easily use it for a free 8 drop