Does anyone know of a good cyberpunk system?
I'm kinda new to tabletop RPGs, only played 5ed. I know I could make something up using 5ed but I'd really love to have a true cyberpunk system packed with lore/flavor and mechanics
>inb4 shadowrun
Does anyone know of a good cyberpunk system?
I'm kinda new to tabletop RPGs, only played 5ed. I know I could make something up using 5ed but I'd really love to have a true cyberpunk system packed with lore/flavor and mechanics
>inb4 shadowrun
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If Genesys system ever has a good sourcebook for Android as a setting, I'd be all over it.
Could anyone recommend some good cyberpunk books?
The Sprawl (action-y) or the Veil (philosopical). Headspace seems interesting on paper but kinda convoluted.
Bought the core book to Cyberpunk 2020. Looks neat and i cant wait to run it but i have a few questions.
1) What kinda game is the system meant to run? If in D&D the party is suppose to go on a Tolkien style adventure or dungeon crawl and in Shadowrun you are a bunch of mercs for hire what are you in 2020?
2) What are the best splat books? used book store has all of the Chromebooks and idk if they are worth.
Neuromancer is a must read.
Interface Zero (for savage worlds) is not bad, from what I hear.
Seconding Sprawl
Maybe Ex Machina. Supposedly there's a d20 version, although I don't even know if that's true.
Confirmed 100% as one of the splats, but not the first one.
And ofc we have no idea if it'll be good
>What kinda game is the system meant to run?
The great thing about Cyberpunk 2020 is that you can play anything. Often characters are freelance or corporate operatives like in Shadowrun. But they could also be a team of cops, or a gang, or members of a nomad caravan. Heck, you could even have them be a scientific team or a rock band.
>What are the best splat books?
No splatbook convinced me 100% so far, neither did the expanded background and timeline (Stormfront/Shockwave). I ran CP2020 for years using only the rulebook and stuff I had found on internet (mainly from the Black Hammer Cyberpunk Project).
Chromebooks and Blackhand's Street Weapons are just equipment lists. Your players might be lost by all the options they have. The country guides range from ok (Home of the Brave, Rough Guide to the UK), to an accumulation of clichés and info you'd find in a travel brochure (Pacific Rim, Eurosource Plus). Deep Space is pretty good if you want to set the game in space and space colonies. To Protect and to Serve isn't bad, but personally, I didn't need a splat book to make a cyberpunk police force. Wildside is about the same but for fixers. Maximum Metal is about military vehicles and heavy weapons. Unless you want to turn your game into mecha action, it isn't really required. Night's Edge is about vampires and werewolves. Not really useful, unless you want to incorporate those in your setting. Dark Metropolis is pretty good and details life in cyberpunk cities. Night City is the biggest splat book, sadly it's super dated and it doesn't transmit the feel of a gigantic and tentacular urban sprawl. The city feels fairly small.