>It is a common gesture of goodwill in the kingdom to share one’s spouse or lover sexually with respected friends & guests
What would be some reasons for this custom to exist?
>It is a common gesture of goodwill in the kingdom to share one’s spouse or lover sexually with respected friends & guests
What would be some reasons for this custom to exist?
It's the GM's magical realm.
CNN just posted an article last week about how letting other people fuck your wife is good for you.
Quick question Veeky Forums, how do you incorporate (or sow) romance between players and/or NPCs?
Sex is so causualize that it basically means nothing and they have the best healing magic/techniques.
A storyteller that wants to inject his personal garbage into games.
You should probably make this post it's own thread, this is a /pol/ circlejerk thread.
Soy diet.
Report /pol/ threads, report /pol/ posts, don't reply, and if you have to, make sure to put sage in the options field.
Didn't some inuit tribes do this?
It's unlikely given the alignment of incentives. Marriage exists to establish paternity. Men by default have a small reproduction investment, while for women it's huge. So it makes sense to trade access to sex for a guarantee of shared parenting.
But if you remove the certainty of paternity, then the father has much less incentive to assist with child support, and more incentive to cheat as well. That's even if you explicitly have communal child rearing and no pretence of monogamy. Men are incentivized to spread their genes widely, and not worry about investing effort in childcare.
The dominant system among humans seems to be polygamy for a very few high status men (either explicit, or via formal consorts, or via officially immoral use of mistresses). Then monogamy for most men, and an underclass of unattached men. Different societies have different degrees of polygamy among their elites, usually depending on whether it's officially considered legal/moral. When it's banned, that minimizes the polygamy and also the unattached males and seems best for nearly everybody.
Literal cucks.
And I despise /pol/. But what else is it?
Well, the long and short of it is that men in open relationships are either secure in the knowledge that they're able to satisfy their girl better than anyone else, or emotionally. The latter tends to be more stable than the former, because otherwise you have people like me who has split at least two couples in supposedly open relationships.
Heck if I know, buddy.
Maybe someone decided sacred hospitality should extend that far, or maybe one sex drastically outnumbers the other and the society is more concerned with what happens when a good half or more of the population goes unsatisfied for too long.
/pol/ isn't as homogeneous as you might think, and even they can't be wrong all the time.
You are Tarlan, a young man of sixteen summers who has found himself in the company of an extraordinary band of adventurers gathered together by the aged wizard Starglimmer. The evil Lord Darkthorne sits upon his bloody iron throne, amassing an army with which to sweep the world bare of all those who would stand against him!
"Verily, we must split our attention between the mystery of Rook's Spire," Starglimmer tells you and those who gather around the fireplace to listen to the mage's words. "Tarlan, as the champion of destinies, you must choose from within our ranks those who will accompany you on your quest to retrieve the Amber Veil which may allow us to face Darkthorne and prevail. I must travel in the morning toward the Spire, but you, my lad, need travel a much darker path. Choose among these friends of ours three whom shall aid you in your journey!"
>"It would be foolish to leave the boy to his own in the wilderness. Surely I must accompany him!" rumbles Gormin the fighter as he flexes his muscles.
>"It would be a quick death indeed, were I not there to guide him," warns Glingillithael the elf as he leans upon his sturdy oaken bow.
>"The Amber Veil is a mystery to all, but one that I have begun to pierce- oops!" exclaims Twilla the beautiful young, buxom sage as one of her strange grimoires slips from her delicate hands to impact against the wooden floor of the tavern.
>"You'll never make it through whatever traps have been laid in those dungeons without a hand such as mine," sneers Rabdradan the thief as he balances the tip of his dagger upon the beer-soaked table.
>"I wasn't listening," states that other guy. I forget what his class is.
It commemorates the "dark generations", where it was almost impossible to travel between the various settlements.
The risk of in-breeding became so great that it became tradition for those that managed to make such journeys to have intercourse with as many partners as possible, helping to maintain genetic diversity among the population...
What article is this?
>What would be some reasons for this custom to exist?
Instead of a kingdom, it's a cuckdom. Ruled by the ignoble CucKing Cuculid Bullpreppus VIII and his slovenly CuckQueen Rostia. The gesture started as an act to honor the (alleged) originator of the Bullpreppus dynasty, Cuculid and how he saved the land from devastation by the neighboring Kingdom of Chad and their fearless Elite Striders by offering his own wife as part of the terms of peace treaty. The Chadian Striders still strode where they pleased and ravaged the countryside, but everyone is quite sure it would've been worse without the appeasement.
As such, it became tradition to offer up one's own wife to any visiting foreigner, lest they ever forget the bravery of The First Cuck.
It was common in Inuit culture for a man to share his wife with lonely visitors. The gesture was just about being a good host.
They also played a game in the dark months where a group of couples would have sex in a dark room and after the lights came back on each person would have to guess who they had sex with.
Can't remember it and can't access it cause I'm on a work computer, but it was in the latest "This Week in Stupid" of Sargon of Akkad on Youtube.
Lovely. First the cucks at the far left outlets claim that being a cuck is the intellectual thing to do, now the more mainstream leftist news is claiming that being a cuck is good for you.
Actually, it's something that's likely to appear in rather conservative, patriarchal societies. Comes up in the form of sharing one's wife in order to strengthen political ties, etc. It generally involves viewing the women as property, which can be lent, traded, and co-owned as any other property might be.
Which would be worse, this being the GM's magical ream or his /pol/itical realm?
Sexual transmitted dieses are ultra rare or non existent.
There are far far fewer females to males. Making the sharing of them the norm.
Women are beyond just property but nearly below the status of slaves
Fertility is by choice so as to not mess up heretical land passages/titles.
Cuckolding is the most beta of fetishes, you need to respect yourself more if its your thing.
This is actually a real practice in some tribal societies. I think some aborigines do it? Or new guinea tribes, somewhere in that region, where it's customary when two tribes meet for trade to have a big feast followed by no-strings-attached fucking between tribes.
The cucks crying in this thread will never have a gf to share so they can be safely ignored.
A broken clock is right twice a day.
Sounds doubtful
Patriarchal cultures violently defend their bloodlines & paternity to the bitter end
You're literally wrong, especially since the idea behind cuckoldry is the woman has all the power
You turned an already shit thread into an even shittier one
Don't kid yourself. This was a /pol/ thread from the start. Report them and don't respond.
You already knew where this was going when you started it.
This makes me want to stab someone.
I head of something along these lines being practiced among some people along the silk road iirc.
Their system of inheritance would have to be very different. The primary reason for worrying about paternity is who inherits what property, and the idea of marriage started as a way to secure alliances and property between nobles, which then worked down to the lower class. The idea of Love came a while later, with the Romantic art movement.
In this culture, paternity doesn't matter, so they likely either don't have a concept of personal property, or there's a ritual to decide who gets what when someone dies (could be ceremonial drawing of lots, or something supernatural, depending on the setting).
STDs would probably be a great cause for concern, and infecting someone would be a big offense.
I also like 's point, of looking to Bonobos. If two bonobos are about to fight, others will jump in and fuck them, to calm the situation and, in a sapient species, return to the argument with a clear head.
The idea of marriage and couples would probably be more tenuous. There will probably be groups of 2 or 3 that are a unit (couple, triad, whatever), living together and raising children, etc, with others unattached, doing their own thing.
Pol pls leave
Reminder to report /pol/posts
If we do it enough, maybe they'll get banned and go back home
I mean really all they're claiming is that maybe realizing your desires is a healthy thing, and some folks apparently have a desire for cucking. Partners openly communicating about what they want out of a relationship and working together to achieve those goals seems like pretty common sense shit.
Please dont engage them
I remain unconvinced that they can't be wrong all the time.
> If we do it enough, maybe they'll get banned and go back home
You have more hope left than I do.
Cultural practice loosely based on books.google.com
>says it
And it's not the only culture that did it. You may say that any rural area had this practice for some time in history, because it's really effective and there aren't any reasons (under their circumstances) not to do this.
It's kinda funny how poorly educated our internet-warriors ITT are. THEY are who should really think about sharing their wife with someone else - it may increase the chance of their kid to not be born a retard, like his parent is.
the problem is we don't have a draft or giant wars anymore, which is what kept the population of unemployable incels at a manageable level in the past.
Because it's an expression of goodwill. The fuck you talking about.
>reddit spacing
The orc cuck fag realized that if he makes his thread about orcs, then the mods will recognize it and delete it, so he didn't put orcs in the title
Well fuck you orc fag, I'm going to make an entire system dedicated to killing orcs. It's going to make 40k and goblin slayer look like a fucking joke.
Reddit spacing came from Veeky Forums you tard
Oh, i don't really care about our day and age. The thing is - we are here to talk about fantasy stuff, and it's a piece of cake to insert the practice mentioned in the OP in your story, would you have a need to do so. Because human history can give us countless examples of various kinds of wife-sharing, you just need to actually read a book or two.
So, no, there is no problem here. Except for buffoons, screeching unrelated nonsense ITT.
>Some dumb snow natives let other men fuck their wives, so you should to, and also put it in your games
No thank you.
I'm so glad I saved this picture on my computer, because it has never been more appropriate than today.
Can we report fetishposters? I don't know if it's technically against site rules but this shit has been going on way too much lately and it has to stop.
i'm saying if it were the case all the people shitting the thread up would be dead in iran instead of shitting up threads
>If you don't think cuckolding is good, you're a worthless neet incel who should be killed in war
Stop projecting.
The GM has a shitty fetish
Extremely low male fertility rates
Now i got it. I should sleep for a while, i guess.
It's still somewhat harsh, in my opinion. All those people need to do in order to stop embarrassing themselves is to consume more information instead of rejecting it because this particular information doesn't fit their political agenda.
>Some dumb snow natives
Well them to, yes
IP author is a sexually frustrated autist or panders to them for financial reasons.
Just because I feel like procrastinating, let's see what can be come up with.
First the "Share one's spouse" line makes me think of things like "Your a good friend, you can come over and fuck my sister" so I'd assume it a textbook patriarchal society where no one cares what the woman thinks. She comes in, cooks food, and gets DPed when your bro comes over to shoot the breeze or get spitroasted during dinner conversations.
It'd probably socially base itself off the idea that by sharing a mere woman two men could become closer without actually engaging in homo fucking.
Something like this
Basically a society where who cares about mere woman? Bromance is what matters. These aren't foreign ideas among male dominated societies. The greeks and japanese both had them, they just went the homofucking route. This'd probably be an alternative.
Leave Iran alone, we don't need your retards here
After the society has fallen into decline, the dwarven controled media pushes the notion while also potmpting the men of the society to intake large amounts of soy and plastic for their nourishment.
The mods only ban people for posting ponies.
They just like sex in general. They have access to healing magic and birth control, their inheritance system is semi-matrilineal (children belong to the mother and the man she was married to at the time, if any, regardless of genetic parentage) and sex is fun. So 90% of their etiquette/culture/hobbies is just various forms of sex.
What we ought to be asking is how have card games survived in this culture. The answer, of course, is Strip Poker, but good on us for asking.
It coukd be as simple as a a society considers mans wifes children his and only his. You inherit stuff from the man who raises you. Without knowledge of genetics maybe they consider the man raising the child as giving it its soul, sex just makes the body.
Yeah, I was thinking about something like this too. Women are regarded somewhere between slaves, pets and chattel. Allowing a valued guest to ride on one of your horses, play with one of your dogs or fuck one of your women is just good manners. Of course, it's expected of the guest to be careful with the animal in return.
Very cold weather.
Spartans did it. Older men gave their (young) wives for younger men to use, because younger men were stronger.
Strength worship leads to irony.
They don't know or belive in paternity. As in they think that women getting pregnant is something completely unrelated to sex. In this sense there is no need to worry about bastard children and would obviously develop into a very matriarchal society.
>if you don’t share your wife you’re a cuck.
A society in which, contrary to Judeo-Christian religious tradition, sex has no connotations of impurity, defilement or the like, and in which social structures don't need to be defined by ownership of this commodity.
It likely wouldn't be a dream society of free sex - it would likely develop in a small society where communal justice prevails, everyone knows each other and STDs are rare, for example a chilly mountain country (in which the need for warmth would likely reduce taboos on physical intimacy too), and beauty likely wouldn't be valued as highly as it is in this society, due to beautiful, "pure" brides not being a status tool.
You could even imagine that marriage was a lot different - it might only happen when the child is actually born, the wife might choose a live-in husband when she finds out she's pregnant (possibly with some kind of highly ritualized scuffle to decide the "true" father), or children might be considered to belong to the tribe as a whole and thus invalidating the idea of personally "owning" children.
It naturally ends up being rural Pennsylvania.
He's kinda right in a round about way if you go the cuck=beta angle. There's something to be said for having confidence and security in your relationship that it can handle the sharing of something merely physical like shared boring.
Alas, we live in a world where STDs are prevalent, parenthood is related to great expenses and passing of the property goes along the biological line, on top of studies that confirm that virgin partners are the most faithful ones.
Your Rousseau-like view of the world is what creates societal problems that need to be curbed by the Sword, the Word and the Rod.
what if men of this region weren't very potent? make the reason environmental? forcing more open sexual relationships as breeding is difficult. best attempt.
You're in a remote community, and this allows for new blood to be added into the tribe/village. Inbreeding is no joke.
Any environmental reason will hit the women as well.
Just deal with it that this is a Magical Realm and move on.
>What would be some reasons for this custom to exist?
cause of some goddess, I guess
Polygamy. Different views of marriage and sex in marriage than under Judeo-Christian morals. Inbreeding that is considered a curse you can cure by having your women fuck with strangers from far away.
I'd rather fuck strange women and bring them home as loot.
How to spot illiterate hateful faggot.
Good luck finding one in an uninhabited wilderness infested by dangerous fae that lies many miles outside the walls of your city.
That will happen faster than a random stranger passing by all the nasties on the way just to say hi to my town.
Not necessarily. A hypothetical food born toxin that partially inhibits gamete production wouldn't effect women, they dont produce new gametes through their life already.
t. proud cuck
Something like this is the case with the Trobriand people. The yams that form a staple of their diet are a natural contraceptive making fertility low, so their tradtional beliefs don't link sex and babies. Instead they're very casual and free with sex, for them its just something fun. A woman gets pregnant when an ancestor spirit visits her in her sleep and decides to give her a baby.
>I'm so alpha I let people fuck my wife
That's not how it works you retard
In the culture familiar ties are seen as more important than blood ties. Henceforth it doesn't matter who your son's biological father really is because he's still gonna grow up as your son and help you work your fields.
Plus very low fertility rates make it so giant orgies are the best way to produce offspring
It does when you're also fucking other women and it doesn't negatively effect your marriage.
>Whoh is worse, /pol/ or X?
/pol/ is worse than everything. This isn't even a question.
Because of low fertility rates.
Imagine a society where men generally have trouble fertilizing a woman. In order to keep any sizeable population (read: maintain, not expand) you need the women to have multiple partners if you want any hope of having a child.
On the other side, a country which just got out of a devastating war, where they lost so many male soldiers, that the gender split is 10/90 (or another wildly off centre split), there is simply not enough men to have a monogamous setting. You need these man to fertilize as many as possible, and hogging one male will be devastating to the birth rates. The difference between a guy getting a child with 1 woman, or a child with 10, is the difference between a potential decline and death of a civilization, and a population growth which will eventually even out the gender split of the population.
What a mentally stimulating thread. Here is something relevant
Because the ruler is a disgusting cuck who forces his degenerate fetishes on others.